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Dreamworld fatalaties

Gbye grey sky

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We are also big fans of theme parks, have visited them the world over and was in the Gold Coast a few months ago and had a great time. We generally consider the major theme parks as a place where you can get the adrenaline pumping in a safe and secure environment, so when accidents like these happen it reminds you that none of the technology is infallible.

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Its one of the tamest rides there and sounds like a conveyer belt the ride runs on malfunctioned. It must have been horrific, especially as reports are saying a child was pulled from the tyre just as it flipped, killing the other 4 occupants. Tragic for all involved.




Cal x

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Terrible tragedy - that would have been one of my favourites. The police "jargon" was astonishing though - "4 people sustained injuries which were incompatible with life" (or something like that) sheesh, what happened to "4 people died".


Yes. I heard them say that too, ridiculous.

Also the overused word "alleged" on main channel news bulletins. Even when someone is found dead to rights, it is still "alleged'.

It seems everyone is afraid to sound direct or state the fact for fear of being sued for misrepresentation or something similar.


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Yes. I heard them say that too, ridiculous.

Also the overused word "alleged" on main channel news bulletins. Even when someone is found dead to rights, it is still "alleged'.

It seems everyone is afraid to sound direct or state the fact for fear of being sued for misrepresentation or something similar.



This is off-topic but the legal system requires a presumption of innocence until 'proven' guilty. This is why the word 'alleged' is used and is appropriate. Heaven help all of us if the media is permitted to determine guilt before any trial takes place.

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Having been on that ride many times with grandchildren I can only imagine how horrific it must have been. Even the paramedics and police require counselling because of the state of the bodies. The times we have been on it ( maybe 5 or 6 or more) we did notice that sometimes it went very,very fast and was very jerky and scary but on another day it could be really tame which we all thought was a bit odd.

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One thing can be almost certain. That being the amount of ducking and diving in an attempt to negate responsibility.



Alton towers was a classic example of what can go wrong. Penalties were woefully inadequate in my view. Maybe this was blameless. Hopefully they run these things better in Australia and this was just a freak accident.

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Alton towers was a classic example of what can go wrong. Penalties were woefully inadequate in my view. Maybe this was blameless. Hopefully they run these things better in Australia and this was just a freak accident.


I agree inadequate penalties. Hopefully a freak. Last big one with considerable loss of life was the Luna Park one back in 79, I believe it was.

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I have to say that the last time we were there the adjacent log flume broke down twice. Once when we were near the front of the queue and the second time when we were on it. Some people were stuck at the top of the drop for about 20 minutes. In all we were stuck for the best part of an hour. The infrastructure seemed somewhat tired and poorly maintained on that ride.

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I have to say that the last time we were there the adjacent log flume broke down twice. Once when we were near the front of the queue and the second time when we were on it. Some people were stuck at the top of the drop for about 20 minutes. In all we were stuck for the best part of an hour. The infrastructure seemed somewhat tired and poorly maintained on that ride.



it has been several years since we went there, but I remember thinking even then that Dreamworld seemed really tired and badly maintained compared to the rest of the themeparks there.

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Be fair. Her compensation would have been worked out on a formula and agreed by the board a year ago and based partly on performance over the year, across the whole company of course and not just the one park. The calculation would have been made in advance of the AGM. You can't just apply an arbitrary reduction for a tragedy that occurs after the calculation and remuneration has been endorsed. That's like Joe Blow being paid $100K a year over the course of the year and if he f*cks up on Dec 31, his employer demanding half the money back.


You can apply a performance reduction for the next year, and ultimately the bum's rush and maybe even a criminal prosecution, if an investigation reveals negligence at executive level. This sort of tragedy is investigated in great detail by WHS and it's very rare for prosecutions of the company at least not to be instigated. The directors if they have wilfully ignored an unsafe situation they knew about, or failed to put any system in place to try to identify safety risks in advance


CEOs get sacked or removed a lot, or at least the ones that aren't themselves major shareholders do......

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