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Having debt in the UK but living in Aus


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I was wondering if someone can help me please.


I am living in Australia and waiting for my PR to come through. I have over £20'000 debt in the UK. I stopped paying my debt in the UK as I couldn't afford it as I was out of work and had a baby. It then went to a collections company which I managed to set up a payment plan, everything was fine. It's now been passed to another collections agency, don't know why, so I am dealing with them. I still cant afford to pay this debt back.


I'm being told now by several people not to bother paying it back at all! They are saying that as the debt is in the UK and I'm over here there is nothing that they can do and to stop paying it. The debt is un my mums address so if debt collectors do come they cant take anything because nothing is mine. The collections company don't know I'm here and still think I'm in the UK.


Do I tell the collections company I'm living over here? Do I stop paying? What do I do?


Thank you

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I was wondering if someone can help me please.


I am living in Australia and waiting for my PR to come through. I have over £20'000 debt in the UK. I stopped paying my debt in the UK as I couldn't afford it as I was out of work and had a baby. It then went to a collections company which I managed to set up a payment plan, everything was fine. It's now been passed to another collections agency, don't know why, so I am dealing with them. I still cant afford to pay this debt back.


I'm being told now by several people not to bother paying it back at all! They are saying that as the debt is in the UK and I'm over here there is nothing that they can do and to stop paying it. The debt is un my mums address so if debt collectors do come they cant take anything because nothing is mine. The collections company don't know I'm here and still think I'm in the UK.


Do I tell the collections company I'm living over here? Do I stop paying? What do I do?


Thank you


Was it 'unsecured debt' or 'secured debt'? (ie: a Credit Card would be unsecured)



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Was it 'unsecured debt' or 'secured debt'? (ie: a Credit Card would be unsecured)





It it was a car finance but when I spoke to the garage when I asked if I could give the car back they said it was a personal loan

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I really wouldn't be bothered about the ethics of repaying a financial institution, just align your morals with theirs and make your judgement from there. If it's un secured debt there's nothing they can do to you in Australia but if you go back to the UK it's a different story. Well it's not, there's still nothing they can do to you, it's what they won't do for you. You'll seriously struggle to get any form credit.

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I was wondering if someone can help me please.


I am living in Australia and waiting for my PR to come through. I have over £20'000 debt in the UK. I stopped paying my debt in the UK as I couldn't afford it as I was out of work and had a baby. It then went to a collections company which I managed to set up a payment plan, everything was fine. It's now been passed to another collections agency, don't know why, so I am dealing with them. I still cant afford to pay this debt back.


I'm being told now by several people not to bother paying it back at all! They are saying that as the debt is in the UK and I'm over here there is nothing that they can do and to stop paying it. The debt is un my mums address so if debt collectors do come they cant take anything because nothing is mine. The collections company don't know I'm here and still think I'm in the UK.


Do I tell the collections company I'm living over here? Do I stop paying? What do I do?


Thank you


At least contact them, so that your poor Mum does not have to put up with the horrible experience/stress of debt collectors turning up at her door!


It is then up to you whether you pay it or not.

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I was wondering if someone can help me please.


I am living in Australia and waiting for my PR to come through. I have over £20'000 debt in the UK. I stopped paying my debt in the UK as I couldn't afford it as I was out of work and had a baby. It then went to a collections company which I managed to set up a payment plan, everything was fine. It's now been passed to another collections agency, don't know why, so I am dealing with them. I still cant afford to pay this debt back.


I'm being told now by several people not to bother paying it back at all! They are saying that as the debt is in the UK and I'm over here there is nothing that they can do and to stop paying it. The debt is un my mums address so if debt collectors do come they cant take anything because nothing is mine. The collections company don't know I'm here and still think I'm in the UK.


Do I tell the collections company I'm living over here? Do I stop paying? What do I do?


Thank you


We came to OZ very unexpectedly, we didn't plan it, it happened so quickly, we had quite a few loans and stuff, we continued to pay them from OZ, we actually paid off all out debts, exactly the same as we would have in the UK, we just continued to send the monthly repayments, exactly as we would have done if we lived in the UK, we paid them all off. i don't get your problem, just keep paying your debts, you will sleep better, trust me xxx

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Yes def tell them you have moved...I had electric company say I owed them hundreds of pounds when I didn't and they kept sending threatening letters to my parents and emails but then when I told them I now lived in Aus they stopped contacting me and a year later when I was back in uk I phoned them and they said I didn't owe anything! I'm back in Aus now and have a small bank loan to repay which I was till recently n then couldn't afford the repayments and they were fine about it and I am now paying what I can when I can...I plan to pay it off but I think contacting them with intention to pay they are happy with that as otherwise they can't do much...I wish I could just not pay it as I don't think they will come out to aus after me but my conscience won't let me! People tell me not to pay it and apparently after no payments or contact from you the debt is cleared after six years or something? I would get in touch with them and renegotiate repayments or ask for a break till your able to start repaying...they would rather that than the expense of chasing you..also you don't want them going to your parents, that's not fair on them

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Flatpack, that's a rather poor statement. Financial institutions follow very strict guidelines in the UK. Whether you like them or not they follow the law and when they don't it's all over the news and they get huge fines.

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Here is my advicce:


1) Find the car, it should be worth close to the outstanding debt


2) Sell the car, pay off the loan, of close to it


3) Set up manageable repayments over a manageable period to clear debt


If there is:


A) No car




B) A 'sold' car


...let me know, I can advise further.



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Some debt collectors operate in more than one country and therefore potentially could chase you I guess. What an awful stress you're placing your mum under though, waiting for people to knock on the door or having to lie for you.

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Here is my advicce:


1) Find the car, it should be worth close to the outstanding debt


2) Sell the car, pay off the loan, of close to it


3) Set up manageable repayments over a manageable period to clear debt


If there is:


A) No car




B) A 'sold' car


...let me know, I can advise further.




Is there any chance she could have committed fraud?

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Ok.......what did you do with the car?




I sold the car and paid off some off my other debts, a debt charity told me to do that and to offer them money for the loan but they wouldn't take anything off me they wanted it all

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We came to OZ very unexpectedly, we didn't plan it, it happened so quickly, we had quite a few loans and stuff, we continued to pay them from OZ, we actually paid off all out debts, exactly the same as we would have in the UK, we just continued to send the monthly repayments, exactly as we would have done if we lived in the UK, we paid them all off. i don't get your problem, just keep paying your debts, you will sleep better, trust me xxx


I cant afford to I have no money and don't work so I cant pay anything to them xx

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Here is my advicce:


1) Find the car, it should be worth close to the outstanding debt


2) Sell the car, pay off the loan, of close to it


3) Set up manageable repayments over a manageable period to clear debt


If there is:


A) No car




B) A 'sold' car


...let me know, I can advise further.




I sold the car as I was working with a company and they told me to do it. I checked my agreement for the loan and everything was fine to do, I haven't committed fraud as it was all checked, thanks

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Some debt collectors operate in more than one country and therefore potentially could chase you I guess. What an awful stress you're placing your mum under though, waiting for people to knock on the door or having to lie for you.


She knows all about it and is fine with it, she isn't lying to anyone

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