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eu referendum update


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I am not sure as to why the out supporters/voters are getting all this stick when the blame lays with the EU itself, it should have and now will have to listen to the people.


This is all the EU's fault, for insisting that everyone is treated equally? They didn't make you join. Christ they must be feeling pissed off. It's like having a recalcitrant child who keeps throwing tantrums and has now decided to lay down in the middle of the road.

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Not read the article yet but stripped of our rating? My pounds back home will be as good as chocolate coins soon haha


You'll be rich with all your fruit picking dollars. Are you sending money home to support the family like the Polish ?

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If I were a Leave voter, I would be concerned that the campaign leaders no longer seemed to support leaving; are dragging their heels in actually triggering the withdrawal; and have already disowned the promises about re-investing the "saved" money.


If I were a Leave voter, I would be beginning to realise I had been played like a fiddle.

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Don't worry.

A pound will still be worth a pound when you get home.

This is a fallacious argument. It didn't work for Harold Wilson and it won't work now.


A pound has no intrinsic value. Its value is only in terms of being legal tender in exchange for goods and services. As the pound devalues against other currencies, it will be exchangeable for fewer goods and services.

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If I were a Leave voter, I would be concerned that the campaign leaders no longer seemed to support leaving; are dragging their heels in actually triggering the withdrawal; and have already disowned the promises about re-investing the "saved" money.


If I were a Leave voter, I would be beginning to realise I had been played like a fiddle.




For Gods sake Quinkla, anyone would think that you are the only person on here who knows anything about anything.


Usually those are the people who know nowt.

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Some of us are in the process of miving our lifesaving and house sales to Oz. Glad you find it so funny.


And some like me have only some two weeks ago sent a not insubstantial amount of money from life savings and sale of house, over to the UK and I could have being some 15,000 pounds better off if I had waited and transferred today. Life sucks sometimes but I sure as hell I am not going to let it get me down.

You could always wait for it to improve again.

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There really should have had to be a resounding victory eg 70% wanted change. I don't think a 52/48% split is good enough to make such an enormous change in everyone's future.

I really hope the work shy amongst us are happy to pick fruit & veg and do cleaning jobs once all these immigrants 'go home '!

The fruit got picked and everything else got done before they came, I'm sure it will all be OK. There aren't as many workshy as people think but there are lots of people out of work who would love a decently paid job. There may be opportunities then do you think? So everything's not doom and gloom.

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And some like me have only some two weeks ago sent a not insubstantial amount of money from life savings and sale of house, over to the UK and I could have being some 15,000 pounds better off if I had waited and transferred today. Life sucks sometimes but I sure as hell I am not going to let it get me down.

You could always wait for it to improve again.

Knowone knows what the markets are going to do, people should stop pretending they know. I will transfer my money when I need it in Oz. Thats my plan.

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It was just a joke. Nothing personal against you.


Can you delay your move to Australia ?

No.airfares booked, airbnb booked for a month. house in middle of sale, Cats airfares booked and quartatine paid for. I seriously want out now too. The vibe here is horrible. Especially since I am not british (my husband is I Australian) Many people here are worried about their futures. Its very stressful. My work mates are all from the EU and very stressed. Expect to see protests and possible riots emerging in the next few months.
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For Gods sake Quinkla, anyone would think that you are the only person on here who knows anything about anything.


Usually those are the people who know nowt.


I would love to know how qualified some of the posters are who spend so much time giving out their 'expert' economic etc. advice.

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If you could imagine Australia becoming independant and saying it will have to rethink the Visas of British people in Australia. That is how EU people are feeling now. Plus the racist attacks that have been happening in the streets. Try and put yourself in other peoples shoes and see how it feels.

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Knowone knows what the markets are going to do, people should stop pretending they know. I will transfer my money when I need it in Oz. Thats my plan.


That's exactly right and one really has to be content with the rate at the time of transfer. However in this particular instance all knew what the pound would do what we did not know was which direction!

good luck with your move anyhow.

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The fruit got picked and everything else got done before they came, I'm sure it will all be OK. There aren't as many workshy as people think but there are lots of people out of work who would love a decently paid job. There may be opportunities then do you think? So everything's not doom and gloom.



How many times do you people have to be told that this wasn't about immigration, and immigration won't change. It was about federalization and sovereignty.


But - just supposing you were right - then farmers would need to change to less manual intensive farming or go bust. We would get a lot more rape seed fields, which are very pretty. The quality of our food would be lower as it wouldn't be fresh, and it would be a little more expensive as you add on shipping costs, and less environmentally friendly, plus you may not get the range. But hey not a biggie.


Funny thing is - everyone thinks Australia's points system is so great. I remember being in Perth in 2002 out of work, and they were still importing IT workers. They aren't that great at adapting to needs. Take Perth for instance. You get a building boom - you get a shortage of brickies - the price of labor sky rockets. By the time the govt gets round to importing them, the building boom is over and brickies are out of work and competing for crumbs with all the new blood arriving.


The thing that really bugs me is that most people who are complaining about immigration are also champions of free markets. Free labor markets are an important component of that. A controlled system can never work as well as a free market. There are always inefficiencies. But equally - maybe we should have put some restrictions on movement. Maybe we should have kept a closer eye on who was coming in, where they were going, and made sure they were working. Benefits should have been controlled. Not because it is a significant amount of money, but because it's a very emotive subject.


The EU should also have slowed the rate of membership. There was too much happening too fast.


But people seem to be forgetting that they are huge advantages of having a labor pool that you can call upon in times of growth.

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I would love to know how qualified some of the posters are who spend so much time giving out their 'expert' economic etc. advice.


I have a degree in economics and commerce and a BSC in IT. But I've always worked in IT - so I would class myself as an informed amateur.

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You'll be rich with all your fruit picking dollars. Are you sending money home to support the family like the Polish ?


Haha did you not see my post.. im not doing it anymore which is why ive got a new found respect for people who do it. Its so bad paid unless your like on speed. If i have any australian money left then ill have to see what im doing with it but probably wont have any. Not sure wether to transfer uk money over or not

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Of course it is about Immigration and Trade that is what the EU is!

We are not sovereign by the EU! that is ridiculous. We have to follow a Eu rules regarding Trade and immigration that is it!

The freedom of movement will be gone.

Imports from the EU will now have duty on them meaning food prices will go up.

Best you watch this video if you do not understand was it means leaving the EU



Also to let you all know the UK does already have a points based system, just not for EU residences. I know I am Australian and had to add up my points every two years for the last 12.

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