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ETA and hope for a 457 or wait 2 years and have 189


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Currently my partner has to wait 2 years until he can apply for a skills assessment TRA assesment (hoping that he is still on the SOL) we can go to Oz on permanent residency.


My other option is go on a ETA (we have children so cant do working holiday) and hope for a 457 sponsor he is a Technical Cable Jointer 342212. If we go ahead with this option can get his skills assessed whilst were out there or will we still hit the 3 year post qualification barrier? and is it a good idea to go out hoping for a sponsor or is it unrealistic?

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I think it's been explained to you before - if you arrive on a ETA and Immigration suspects you're coming to look for work, they'll put you all straight back on the plane and send you back to the UK. You will also probably all get a ban on applying for future visas, so that will be the end of your Aussie dream.


If you want to avoid getting found out, then you need to buy return tickets (even though you're hoping to waste the return), and you need to make sure you don't have all your certificates, CV's etc. with you, in case they search your baggage. You'd need evidence of enough funds for accommodation and living costs in Australia for your whole stay - as you would if you were coming on holiday.


I think it's also been explained to you that while a 457 is a great option if you want an adventure, it's a risky prospect for a family unless you've got plenty of money. You will be tied to your oh's employer even if he hates the job, because if he leaves, you'll all have 90 days to leave the country. You'll also have 90 days to leave the country if he loses his job for any other reason - e.g. if the company restructures or goes out of business. That's a heartbreaking thing to happen if you've invested all your savings in a move to Australia, only to find that you've been chucked out, and you're back where you started minus all your savings.


Honestly, whatever you think Australia has to offer you, it's not worth the risks you're proposing to take. Have a bit of patience and stop trying to find ways around the visa regulations - they are there for a reason, because Australia doesn't want people coming to the country and ending up unemployed.

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Really if your husband has to wait 2 years to meet requirements to be deemed skilled and experienced then why would you think coming on a Tourist visa looking to be sponsored make him any more experienced? Would he still not need a skills assessment to get a licence to work? Why would an employer sponsor an unqualified candidate from overseas when they could just employ an unqualified local candidate.


Since there is no apparent skills advantage and these days there is no advantage by offering to work for a pittance or reduced conditions in order to secure sponsorship as the government has stamped that out, as Marisawright has already explained above there is definitely more risk in failure than years gone by.

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I had always assumed that incoming migrants were quite easy to spot at the border. They would have different kinds of luggage (volume, contents), wear different clothes, have a different demeanour, have different plans, have different kinds of tickets. If you want to get in without being spotted, you'd need to come with only what you would bring on a family holiday to Australia, come on a cheapie non-changeable return ticket and have pre-booked holiday accommodation. You would have to leave most stuff at home (at cost) and bring it later (at cost) if you got a visa. If you had a proper visa, at least you'd be able to bring your stuff, look for longer term rental properties and have flexible tickets. And staying in holiday accommodation for an indefinite period of time would be expensive and stressful.


Plus, as others have said, it is hard enough to get employment as a tradie if you have Australian qualifications, experience and licences. Pitching up without these is not going to attract many employers, especially if they have to go through a paperchase to sponsor you.


Truly, the ETA route is not only illegal, it is also almost certain to fail. It is a bad option.

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I reckon the only people that can do it this way without huge risk are single people on WHV's who are open minded about staying or going, happy to stay if it all works that way, but with a return ticket home if not... and no one to support or worry about except for themselves, and the back up of being able to pick up bar work etc., stay in a hostel (shared dorm, cheaply) if some extra cash is needed.


A family, with a couple of kids, on a tourist visa, with no rights to work and without the necessary experience to even be eligible to apply for a PR visa, unlikely to currently pass skills assessment? Crazy...

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We will be going on the ETA Business visa, so nothing illegal there.


We will have enough funds for us for 3 months out there and yes we will be booking a return ticket. Our children are 1 and 2 so they are pretty easy and are not missing out on schooling. He would take a sabbatical at work, so whilst we are out there we are still classed as employed so we would be earning the months needed to add to our qualification.


He is qualified with 3 years but only 1 year post qualification, so companies can either see him as young and fresh or inexperienced.


We would leave everything in the UK with no intention to return so we wouldn't have any extra costs left in the UK.


I am aware it a risky plan, we are now looking into contracting as they have more sponsorship options, I weren't sure if vetassess would assess us if we got our Skills Assesment in OZ as Vetassess only requires 2 years post qualification and TRA need 3 years hence why we have to wait another 2 years.

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You may still need a restricted electrical licence depending on which state and you can't get that without an ostr so he won't be able to work anyway. How do you know you will have enough to survive 3 months here? Temporary accommodation costs a lot of money, it can take s lot longer than 3 months to get work especially if you do not have the licences and tickets required. If you are talking about the 601 visa that is just the normal tourist visa

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You asked this question: 'is it a good idea to go out hoping for a sponsor or is it unrealistic'?


Quite a few have given a response... but to be honest, it sounds as though your minds are made up... won't matter what anyone says... 5 of the 7 are currently living in Australia so know how things are here at the moment, Very Stormy gives regular updates to people on lots of threads here regarding the economy.

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If you want to avoid getting found out, then you need to buy return tickets (even though you're hoping to waste the return), and you need to make sure you don't have all your certificates, CV's etc.


A return flight tickets is not really necessary, you just need to have to proof to show you can pay for a return flight. I traveled to Australia a good 10 times over the years before i decided to reside here, not once did I have return tickets as I had staff travel and could get standby within 24 hours notice and not once did i get questioned and that was on tourist visa's. That being i completely agree with the CV's and Qualifications. If they find you with them, you'll be sent on the next flight back. Bags are searched more thoroughly and randomly than in the UK on arrival.


At the end of the day. This stinks of a bad idea regardless.


We will be going on the ETA Business visa, so nothing illegal there.


We will have enough funds for us for 3 months out there and yes we will be booking a return ticket. Our children are 1 and 2 so they are pretty easy and are not missing out on schooling. He would take a sabbatical at work, so whilst we are out there we are still classed as employed so we would be earning the months needed to add to our qualification.


He is qualified with 3 years but only 1 year post qualification, so companies can either see him as young and fresh or inexperienced.


We would leave everything in the UK with no intention to return so we wouldn't have any extra costs left in the UK.


I am aware it a risky plan, we are now looking into contracting as they have more sponsorship options, I weren't sure if vetassess would assess us if we got our Skills Assesment in OZ as Vetassess only requires 2 years post qualification and TRA need 3 years hence why we have to wait another 2 years.


I don't think an ETA business visa is eligible to your circumstances, you should really do your research before applying. You'll be entering Australia as a family on this visa which in itself is peculiar.


So lets just say your husband gets a job interview. How will he prove his qualifications? His track record? His references? You realize if you get found out you'll be banned from Australia? This would have an everlasting effect on ever getting into Australia. There is nothing stopping your husband from going online and trying to sell himself to companies. You walk through customs with overly excessive baggage you'll be searched and questioned. Before you leave the flight you'll be given a form to fill out asking if you intend to leave and what date. This is a legal document, if you lie you could get into a lot of trouble.


Listen to the people on this forum, they know what they are talking about.

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A return flight tickets is not really necessary, you just need to have to proof to show you can pay for a return flight. I traveled to Australia a good 10 times over the years before i decided to reside here, not once did I have return tickets as I had staff travel and could get standby within 24 hours notice and not once did i get questioned and that was on tourist visa's.

If you arrive on an ID90 then maybe the Immigration people would just assume you had a job to go back to and would get another ID90 when you wanted to leave. But for most people, rocking up on a one way regular fare ticket would at least make the Immigration people curious. I have been pulled over for arriving on a one way ticket routed TAS-ICN-BKK-MEL.

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I don't think you would be eligible for the ETA Business visitor as you don't have a business. It's for business activities such as conferences/meetings, not to find work. Check this link. https://www.eta.immi.gov.au/ETAS3/etas


also, don't you have to have a skills assessment for 457? The 457 says you do for trades occupations so I'm not sure if a cable jointer would count as a trade? See pg.38 of this doco. https://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/1154.pdf


becci, why is it that you so badly want to come to Australia? What do you think it holds that you're prepared to spend all this money trying to get here with no guarantee of being able to stay? Maybe if we can get to the bottom of that for you we can give you a perspective that will help you see that you're better off waiting to do it the usual way?

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We will be going on the ETA Business visa, so nothing illegal there.


We will have enough funds for us for 3 months out there and yes we will be booking a return ticket. Our children are 1 and 2 so they are pretty easy and are not missing out on schooling. He would take a sabbatical at work, so whilst we are out there we are still classed as employed so we would be earning the months needed to add to our qualification.


He is qualified with 3 years but only 1 year post qualification, so companies can either see him as young and fresh or inexperienced.


We would leave everything in the UK with no intention to return so we wouldn't have any extra costs left in the UK.


I am aware it a risky plan, we are now looking into contracting as they have more sponsorship options, I weren't sure if vetassess would assess us if we got our Skills Assesment in OZ as Vetassess only requires 2 years post qualification and TRA need 3 years hence why we have to wait another 2 years.


He can't do contracting on a 457.


Did is you read my above post? Are you aware there have been massive redundancies due to the resources slow down? I know of 2000 people in resources projects let go this week alone. A huge amount of these are tradies who are now looking for work.


I am one of a number of people who post on here or Perth Poms who are returning to the UK due to lack of work.

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Also, do you fully understand what a 457 is?


Even if he were to get one, he would be working in a very shaky economy in a position that if he lost his job, he would have 90 days to find another company willing and able to sponsor. It is important you understand that many companies can not sponsor and immi are clamping down on this and refusals for 457's increasing. If he didn't find another sponsor in 90 days, you would all have to leave the country. I have seen many people, including friends, have to leave because of this.

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The ETA for business would not cover it. We used one a while back as we were looking at a business proposal. To get the visa we had to prove we still had a good reason to return to the UK ( house, jobs etc) and needed an invitation letter from Australia outlining the reason for travel.


In your shoes I would not risk it. Also I'm not convinced it is the utopia you think it will be..............

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He would take a sabbatical at work, so whilst we are out there we are still classed as employed so we would be earning the months needed to add to our qualification.



I'm not sure on this one but if the employers actually state that he took a 3 month sabbatical if asked to confirm dates i.e. "although A was employed from XX/XX date to XX/XX date, this included a 3 month sabbatical" wouldn't that reduce the amount of work experience he could claim? I'm not an expert but although employed, he technically hasn't been working for that period? I don't know how it's accounted for with others who say have taken maternity leave etc

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