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Perth Boom Fades, Not High Prices

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So you go out and view menus and move on until you find one with the right prices for you


I guess the empty ones must be the cheapest and lowest standard of food


I look for what food I want to eat


The price is secondary surely


I try as many restaurants or (did do so in the past) as possible. I curtailed my extravagance in dining out several years ago when 'boom' prices took off. I look for the entire experience. Prices is but one thing. I have already pointed out ambiance, substance, and other things go towards a pleasant dining experience. But this is not about me. This is about the cost to live in Perth.

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And to throw in, the $2.25 train ride was comparable to to one stop I used to do in the UK when going out for drinks.


I've just looked that up, and it's now £2.30. But my train on Friday was on-time, clean, air conditioned, and patrolled. Unlike the UK.


And a pint is £4.65 in the local pub that I used to drink in (actually the same drink).


Perth seems quite cheap now.


What train ride costs $2.25? Unless you are on New Start or a Student or some other form of pension. One Zone stops cost more than $2. 25. If you actually took a train you'd know that. As I said $2 now buys at most a two section stop, which is one station.

You are passing on misleading information (at best) that has no reality at all with regards the situation on the ground.


An $8 pint in inner City limits?? I won't deny it can't be found but besides Happy Hour would be clueless as to where. Can you tell me the name of the ale house and I'll check it out?

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What train ride costs $2.25?

I'll provide the link again ..




One zone, $2.25 .. I take the train several times a week. I also use the CAT buses several times a week.




As an example, on the last page - $8 Kilkenny in Durty Nellies. All week. I've read they alternate the offer between Kilkenny, Guinness and Bulmers.

That's the one is Shafto Lane that's always full. Seems a little feral, but then it's an Irish Bar, they attract a certain type.


I've plenty of gripes with Perth, but affordability isn't one.

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I'll provide the link again ..




One zone, $2.25 .. I take the train several times a week. I also use the CAT buses several times a week.




As an example, on the last page - $8 Kilkenny in Durty Nellies. All week. I think they alternate the offer between Kilkenny, Guinness and Bulmers.


I think that's the one is Shafto Lane that's always full.


With A smart Rider which amounts to a concession. Fair enough I'll accept that but not on a normal ticket. But apologies for doubting the price as a perfectly valid transport option.


Yes there is one in Shafto Lane, if that price, perhaps that's why it gets so crowded and tend to avoid that place. I shall give it a try next time (tomorrow) in the city.

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With A smart Rider which amounts to a concession. Fair enough I'll accept that but not on a normal ticket. But apologies for doubting the price as a perfectly valid transport option.


Yes there is one in Shafto Lane, if that price, perhaps that's why it gets so crowded and tend to avoid that place. I shall give it a try next time (tomorrow) in the city.


Consessions are in the table under "standard fares". If you use Transperth even semi frequently, you'd have a smart card to save the hassle.


Who knows, a cheap pint and you may see, it's not all bad.

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Well you appear to butt in without taking own advice. Free to do so of course even if clueless as to Perth. How can relating international comparisons as well as those from here somehow be but reality? Doesn't matter you want be able to offer an answer, so needed bother.


The response was not to do with Perth but your constant negativity about Oz in general. If it's not the politics, then it''s the prices. if it's not the prices, it's the lack of "diversity". It's constant, and although you're well entitled to your opinion, I think you need to check out that non-diversity here, once in a while, to give your constant negativity here a rest.


One minute you're going on about exorbitant prices and the next the low wages in the service sector. Somebody must be making a huge killing? But wait a minute? Didn't you say businesses were in decline?


Merely responding to allow you to be even more negative. Your life must be really miserable as I rarely hear you post one positive experience about your life here. Is it really all bad? If not, cheer yourself up and post something positive...........you know it'll do you good.

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Consessions are in the table under "standard fares". If you use Transperth even semi frequently, you'd have a smart card to save the hassle.


Who knows, a cheap pint and you may see, it's not all bad.


No one, especially me has ever said it is all bad. Perth was at one time a very 'easy' place to live and to return to. The cheap costs made this so when compared to most First World Cities. Obviously never compared to Near North, Asian localities. That is no longer the case now, nor has it been for a good decade. Australia in general is an expensive country. That is fact. I do not take much heed people taking up residence here in the last several years, or not long out of school to oppose this view and expect a ringing endorsement on being wrong.


These days I don't take the train much beyond two sectors (one stop) which is $2. Hence, although I certainly should don't top up my Smart Card, in recent years. When using it on a five day basis certainly did use it and it did save money. Train travel, in Perth, remains cheaper than over East as far as I'm aware, even with yearly Barnett rises to the price.

$8 beers are hardly the norm what ones pays in Perth, but nice to know there are such places about apparently.

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I have no idea why you live in a place that is so expensive if all you can do is complain about it


I'm quite sure you'd tell others to do that for sure


I have no idea why you wouldn't check the price of a restaurant tariff before entering so check mate. Instead of pondering the very valid reasons, , why an inhabitant of a City may complain the place they live in is top of world pricing measurement, you may wonder why you are so nonchalant about not wondering the reasons why.

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The response was not to do with Perth but your constant negativity about Oz in general. If it's not the politics, then it''s the prices. if it's not the prices, it's the lack of "diversity". It's constant, and although you're well entitled to your opinion, I think you need to check out that non-diversity here, once in a while, to give your constant negativity here a rest.


One minute you're going on about exorbitant prices and the next the low wages in the service sector. Somebody must be making a huge killing? But wait a minute? Didn't you say businesses were in decline?


Merely responding to allow you to be even more negative. Your life must be really miserable as I rarely hear you post one positive experience about your life here. Is it really all bad? If not, cheer yourself up and post something positive...........you know it'll do you good.


I merely point out injustices and rip off scenarios regardless of location or subject matter. Guess what no better place to do than the place one lives. This thread is to do with Perth, something you know nothing about, but I do, and believe me there is a lot to complain about the direction Australia has taken in recent times. Whether you are compliant enough, to not see or care is entirely your concern. No need to comment then on things you have little awareness on outside of saying you disagree. I will respond as I see fit, and certainly do not require a 'guide' as how to go about that. You are free to disregard or take measures to avoid my posts upsetting you and your worldly take on things , which may well save you a degree of anguish.


Meanwhile I shall carry on as normal, seeking to point out the realities and if my posts come over as negative and not Disneyesque enough for many so be it. There are plenty on here to relay the more 'positive' side of living realities. Feel free to contribute towards that and I will do what I'm good at.


Oh as for the service area, don't try and cloud the waters. I have said with clarity, the hospitality side of the service industry is poorly payed and poorly protected. As are generally shop workers and the like. Skilled labourers on the other, a big part of the service industry can for now, in many areas practically name their price. People like Real Estate agents only survive in such numbers in times of housing 'booms'. A downturn will see thousands out on their ear.

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I merely point out injustices and rip off scenarios regardless of location or subject matter. Guess what no better place to do than the place one lives. This thread is to do with Perth, something you know nothing about, but I do, and believe me there is a lot to complain about the direction Australia has taken in recent times.



I'm not denying that, but it may well serve your credibility well, if just once in a while you post something positive about Australia's direction. I'm guessing that you'd even find a negative in Kevin Rudd' apology to the Indigenous. I doubt very much if I'm the only one on this forum that is weary of your negativity towards Australia and Australians. Like I said previously, if it's not one thing it's another with you, politics, landscape, urbanisation, economy, culture, people, and on and on you go. It's constant and tiresome. You seem to revel in negativity. I'm still waiting for you to post that little bit of positive or are you actually living in hell as you so often portray <rhetorical>


If it wasn't for seeing your posts in others' answers you'd be honoured with only my 2nd ignore on this forum. Not that I doubt that you are a passionate and well-meaning person but reading your take on all things Oz, day in day out, is actually depressing. I thiunk I;ll just leave it there and go take something to lift my spirits

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I have no idea why you wouldn't check the price of a restaurant tariff before entering so check mate. Instead of pondering the very valid reasons, , why an inhabitant of a City may complain the place they live in is top of world pricing measurement, you may wonder why you are so nonchalant about not wondering the reasons why.

I'm from Yorkshire and a true Yorkshireman at that


I watch my money for sure


I eat out a lot in cafe's and the such for lunches


But when I go out for a nice meal with Pam which might be once or twice a month why would I worry about the bill as long as its reasonable and good food


We had a great meal in Brisbane the other week at Viet de lites South Bank its Vietnamese with great food and very good value at about $40


We went out for a steak meal recently and spent closer to $100 on some steaks that are just to die for at Cav's Steak House


Both so different but I loved them both


Price doesn't matter if your with the right person which for me is Pam


Love is all you need - singing

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So what exactly is more expensive in Perth? Apart from a coffee or a meal (we all know those comparison things are not helpful as you can find cheap anything anywhere) there'll be places things are cheap places things are not. Are house prices and rents that much more, utilities?? I'm prepared to believe it just haven't seen any reliable objective data

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Australia Day in Freo, we Didnt arrive to late arvo.


called in at Rydges on the esplanade, cappacino still $3.50, same price as every other day.


lovely table outside overlooking the esplanade, watching all the comings and goings


Lots of offers on cocktails etc $10, they did look yum:smile:


thats cheaper than I could ever get in the UK four years ago.

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I'm not denying that, but it may well serve your credibility well, if just once in a while you post something positive about Australia's direction. I'm guessing that you'd even find a negative in Kevin Rudd' apology to the Indigenous. I doubt very much if I'm the only one on this forum that is weary of your negativity towards Australia and Australians. Like I said previously, if it's not one thing it's another with you, politics, landscape, urbanisation, economy, culture, people, and on and on you go. It's constant and tiresome. You seem to revel in negativity. I'm still waiting for you to post that little bit of positive or are you actually living in hell as you so often portray <rhetorical>


If it wasn't for seeing your posts in others' answers you'd be honoured with only my 2nd ignore on this forum. Not that I doubt that you are a passionate and well-meaning person but reading your take on all things Oz, day in day out, is actually depressing. I thiunk I;ll just leave it there and go take something to lift my spirits


I think you and your little fan club have it entirely wrong. Actually know, not think. This forum is full of views akin to each other, with the result diversion from the rose tinted norms are generally shredded to pieces. Interesting as to the reasons behind this. But has long being the case. Many it has been noted with conflicting views have at best been patronised at worst ridiculed for the views held and expressed.

Now I am not one to be cowered for views from in the main, lets face it, generally not long of the boat incomers, that have issues with views not akin to their own, while entitled fully to repute what they don't agree with tread on very thin ground attempting to validate their take on the matter by asserting the poster making has certain issues or in the case of one poster from the Shire of York, (whom can that be?? It'll come to me)mental illness being involved. (although a case of going mental, could be imagined in the presence of some on here, I suppose)


OK, I could write a lot on this matter in answer to your post, but to conclude, I haven't the faintest interest in what some posters consider negative and/or that voicing dissent on any matter connected with Australia, cost of living or related matters to be anything but giving another voice to what a lot of Australians are thinking. Now if that doesn't fit into the picture of a heavily mortgaged, working class Pom, living beyond their wildest dreams in a possibly non descript outer suburb, then I can only apologise, more on behalf of them, for not comprehending the concept of free speech and the obvious considerations of most, that a lot more is going on, a lot not with necessary the best intentions of the people living here , while at the same time in cases calling themselves Australian.

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Perth doesn't fare too badly here....


That is based on ex pat's. And I mean real expats not migrants. As such housing is usually (always) part of the deal. Can you inform be if this, the usual highest cost is calculated here? Perth is very high, Sydney far more in expat living. (ie companies paying housing/ flights/ kids education etc)

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Australia Day at the Perth foreshore. Best one yet though hardly bother with the firework display. A good indigenous music festival from 3 pm onwards, and a great trio of Japanese guys, eight/nine years on the international road, playing instruments and creating great sounds.

Even indigenous fellows joined in doing traditional dance, to which a swag of people from African, Middle East , Sub Continent, UK/Irish and European backpackers, as well as local joined in to a great final which continued a little over an hour after the main entertainment had finished.


This year the entire parkland beside the river was open and alive with stalls and plenty of kids events. On Friday there are more events at this location with the opening of the Queen Elisabeth Quay, though a long way from finishing. Will be held over three days/nights.

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I'm from Yorkshire and a true Yorkshireman at that


I watch my money for sure


I eat out a lot in cafe's and the such for lunches


But when I go out for a nice meal with Pam which might be once or twice a month why would I worry about the bill as long as its reasonable and good food


We had a great meal in Brisbane the other week at Viet de lites South Bank its Vietnamese with great food and very good value at about $40


We went out for a steak meal recently and spent closer to $100 on some steaks that are just to die for at Cav's Steak House


Both so different but I loved them both


Price doesn't matter if your with the right person which for me is Pam


Love is all you need - singing


While I'm in full endorsement love can conquer all, it would not mean I would not check prices as a matter of course. It would be beside checking the menu for the nosh on offer. I would and certainly am not contained to the eating out experience by price alone. A recommendation regardless from a respected source would entice me to sample once. much our food.

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Australia Day at the Perth foreshore. Best one yet though hardly bother with the firework display. A good indigenous music festival from 3 pm onwards, and a great trio of Japanese guys, eight/nine years on the international road, playing instruments and creating great sounds.

Even indigenous fellows joined in doing traditional dance, to which a swag of people from African, Middle East , Sub Continent, UK/Irish and European backpackers, as well as local joined in to a great final which continued a little over an hour after the main entertainment had finished.


This year the entire parkland beside the river was open and alive with stalls and plenty of kids events. On Friday there are more events at this location with the opening of the Queen Elisabeth Quay, though a long way from finishing. Will be held over three days/nights.


You been smoking something flag? Wheres's the doom and gloom? sounds like *gasp* you may have had a nice time.


Get yourself a steak and Beer for $60 to bring you back down to reality :wink:

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