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is this real.?


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There was a little lad riding on the back of his dad's bike when I came home from the gym - shorts and t shirt (as did my DH riding his bike home but that's nothing new!). Betting it'll snow on 30/12 because we have to be at the airport quite early to head off to Aus (aargh the heat!)

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Just had a few drinks with my lovely wife ,with a few other couples at my local .

Outside as we walked home ,there are about 50 people drinking outside .

Some in shirts ,some in shirts and jackets ....


Its almost bloody warm

What's going on ?


In 1965, I believe, there was snow 40 km from Mackay...Tropics??


Cheers, Bobj.

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Ridiculously warm where I am.I had my work Xmas "do"last night and I was wearing trousers with a thin type long sleeved top.I was going to leave the house without a coat or cardi or whatever but decided people would think I was weirdo in Dec going out at night like it was mid summer lol As it was most people at the venue were dressed as if it were summer.As I was coming home,I passed a couple of guys (10pm)heading into town wearing shorts and t shirts!Abit surreal for December!Mild today too.Sat in bed right now with both windows open,can hear the wind howling but its not at all cold.Very strange.

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Ridiculously warm where I am.I had my work Xmas "do"last night and I was wearing trousers with a thin type long sleeved top.I was going to leave the house without a coat or cardi or whatever but decided people would think I was weirdo in Dec going out at night like it was mid summer lol As it was most people at the venue were dressed as if it were summer.As I was coming home,I passed a couple of guys (10pm)heading into town wearing shorts and t shirts!Abit surreal for December!Mild today too.Sat in bed right now with both windows open,can hear the wind howling but its not at all cold.Very strange.


Where I used to live it would be like this even if it was -10C outside. I'm in the UK on holiday at the moment and I think I must have acclimatised because I'm finding it a bit cold. 14 may be mild for winter but it's still not warm as far as I'm concerned. Especially when it's partnered with a cold wind and/or drizzling rain. I'm still wearing a warm cardigan and my heavy wool coat whenever I go anywhere.

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41C here today and not much cooler now it is night- they think it will be about 30 overnight, most uncomfortable. Tomorrow will also be hot, 37 or so- flying off to Sydney for some cool weather hehe


35c plus ....sod that .....BUT we have just had a weather expert on sky news ...he reckons the cold sting in the tail MAY come late in February .

Although temp records are being broken globally.

Marry that with the fighting Atlantic and pacific currents he couldn't make an accurate prediction

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Where I used to live it would be like this even if it was -10C outside. I'm in the UK on holiday at the moment and I think I must have acclimatised because I'm finding it a bit cold. 14 may be mild for winter but it's still not warm as far as I'm concerned. Especially when it's partnered with a cold wind and/or drizzling rain. I'm still wearing a warm cardigan and my heavy wool coat whenever I go anywhere.

But 15c ...7 days from Xmas in the northern hemisphere ..


I can remember Xmas as a kid in brum ....always bloody freezing ...bitterly cold .....and bloody ice and snow .

It makes for great pictures if there is a clear sky .....but I cant stand it .

15c will do me

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Came in late last night and I heard the Birdsong you get on evenings in late Spring. I've seen Dafs starting to shoot, and at 1pm had 17c on my Car temp display.

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Yes Bunbury,growing up in Wilts before we emigrated in 1970,I can well remember snow at Xmas........Dad shovelling snow away from outside doors so we could go outside,and that went on for a long time back then too!I think that's what spurned my parents to emigrate,5 kids housebound drove them crazy!lol JUst not how it used to be these days.I actually love snow myself,and miss it. lol

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But 15c ...7 days from Xmas in the northern hemisphere ..


I can remember Xmas as a kid in brum ....always bloody freezing ...bitterly cold .....and bloody ice and snow .

It makes for great pictures if there is a clear sky .....but I cant stand it .

15c will do me


Oh I know it's mild, and I'm not complaining really as if it was properly cold we would freeze outside. The main issue I have with th weather right now is it is just so cloudy and grey. We have had two days since we arrived 8 days ago where we have seen blue skies and they only lasted an hour or so. I think I would prefer it if it was clear and cold right now. Still, it's still more Christmassy than the 40C heat in Adelaide at the moment.

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Just had a few drinks with my lovely wife ,with a few other couples at my local .

Outside as we walked home ,there are about 50 people drinking outside .

Some in shirts ,some in shirts and jackets ....


Its almost bloody warm

What's going on ?


Are you Perthbum in disguise............?

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Are you Perthbum in disguise............?


No froth on the cappuccino here ...tbose are the facts iam afraid ....its bloody warm for december and windy now ...saturday 7.30pm

Windows wide open


Where is Perthbum anyway ....he will be insisting its snowing in Stratford ...like a scene from a dickens novel

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Global warming


Yeah ,I said on another post ,that I watched a weather expert from oxford uni talking about the mild weather .

They will not commit to say That its climate change or global warming ,but records at being broken all over the planet .

He did Sa there may be a sting in the tail for the u.k in February ....

Also the competing Atlantic and pacific currrents are being messed around ....plus you have to throw in el Nino .....no wonder the experts wont commit to a definitive answer

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