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Can't believe im saying this....


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...but i think im going to miss Australia!!going back to uk in January/feb time,and im beginning to get worried that im going to miss this place,waking up to sunshine,beaches being only half hour away,the breathtaking sunsets,etc.dont get me wrong i still want to go home because theres so much i miss about uk but theres this niggling feeling that i have that what if i find it difficult to adjust in uk now,what if im too used to the ozzie lifestyle??i dont want to be a ping ponger.i've been here a year now and i think im beginning to get used to it,but then when my hubby says we'll stick to oz then,i cant do that either.are these feelings normal for those that have already returned to uk?maybe im feeling like this because it's finally beginning to feel real that im defo going home.i thought the time would never come but now its round the corner im beginning to get cold feet.but i still want to go back if that makes sense.

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I'm not in your situation but surely it's always going to be a bit of a gamble? Unless you have been the UK recently, have set reasons why you need/want to go back, there's always a chance it may not be what you want it to be, or remember it being. You're making a considered throw of the dice on whether you'll be happy when you get back and was it worth the hassle, etc.


I think the saying about rose tinted glasses is very appropriate in these kinds of circumstances!


I would have thought if you haven't been in Australia for very long (1-3 years for example) then going back to the UK shouldn't hold too many surprises.


But I daresay you'll get the usual stirrers, posting their responses to you!

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I am really keen to go back to UK, but will certainly miss some aspects of Australia - nothing strange about thinking that! I love the flora and fauna, the wonderful spring, autumn, winters (you can keep the summers), the markets, local food etc..... We will probably go back to UK just for a year now (due to work issues and the fact that my kids are here) but will pong (or ping?) back for retirement - I need to grow old amongst my mates and family...Good standard of living can be found in both countries and just 'cos you love the UK doesn't mean that you can't love Oz too - a conundrum some on this forum struggle with. The UK is a changed country from 10 years ago (when we came over) but so is Australia - things move on... I did pop back two years ago for 5 months a couple of years ago, got a short term job and living there was like popping on an old pair of shoes, filled myself up with familiarity, friendship, great countryside and then headed back ..... Personally IF you can afford it (and that's the big IF), nothing wrong with ping/ponging or even frequent visits - I do envy those that are able to pop back each year....

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@Chortlepuss - would love to be able to spend 1-2 years here and another couple in the UK and so on... but sadly can't really see it working for us at the moment, and the tax returns would be a nightmare! A mix of both would be just lovely though. I like it here but I do miss being able to have a weekend break to other parts of Europe, for a fairly good price, etc...

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@Chortlepuss - would love to be able to spend 1-2 years here and another couple in the UK and so on... but sadly can't really see it working for us at the moment, and the tax returns would be a nightmare! A mix of both would be just lovely though. I like it here but I do miss being able to have a weekend break to other parts of Europe, for a fairly good price, etc...


Get yourself on the Easyjet mailing list - that's enough incentive for anyone - costs of mini breaks to amazing places are ridiculous - going to fill my boots with travel once I'm back!

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Get yourself on the Easyjet mailing list - that's enough incentive for anyone - costs of mini breaks to amazing places are ridiculous - going to fill my boots with travel once I'm back!


oh I know! I've only been here since May 2015, so imagine my stay will be a little longer yet... Although I'm going back for a visit in May 2016 and have booked a very cheap flight to Oporto for a few days! Always wanted to go but didn't manage it before I left.

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...but i think im going to miss Australia!!going back to uk in January/feb time,and im beginning to get worried that im going to miss this place,waking up to sunshine,beaches being only half hour away,the breathtaking sunsets,etc.dont get me wrong i still want to go home because theres so much i miss about uk but theres this niggling feeling that i have that what if i find it difficult to adjust in uk now,what if im too used to the ozzie lifestyle??


Definitely sounds like a Ping-Pong-Pom in the making to me! :laugh:

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That's Life!


I have met quite a few couples who spend six months in the UK and six months in Australia.


Nice if you can afford it. :smile:


They spend the Australian winter in the UK and the UK winter in Australia.


One of the couples had been doing this every year for the past fifteen years.


If you can afford it and don't mind the travel - that would be a good balance maybe - get the best of both worlds without too much yearning for the other.

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...but i think im going to miss Australia!!going back to uk in January/feb time,and im beginning to get worried that im going to miss this place,waking up to sunshine,beaches being only half hour away,the breathtaking sunsets,etc.dont get me wrong i still want to go home because theres so much i miss about uk but theres this niggling feeling that i have that what if i find it difficult to adjust in uk now,what if im too used to the ozzie lifestyle??i dont want to be a ping ponger.i've been here a year now and i think im beginning to get used to it,but then when my hubby says we'll stick to oz then,i cant do that either.are these feelings normal for those that have already returned to uk?maybe im feeling like this because it's finally beginning to feel real that im defo going home.i thought the time would never come but now its round the corner im beginning to get cold feet.but i still want to go back if that makes sense.


Of there are things you will miss. That is natural. But, you can just find things that are different. For example, the best sky's I have ever seen was at Whitby during a storm. The lightning was lighting up the abbey in huge flashed of light and it just felt so incredibly eerie!


You will wake up less to the blue sky, but you will sometimes wake up to them magical mornings when fresh snow has laid and the entire world feels so clean and fresh and magical

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That's Life!


I have met quite a few couples who spend six months in the UK and six months in Australia.


Nice if you can afford it. :smile:


They spend the Australian winter in the UK and the UK winter in Australia.


One of the couples had been doing this every year for the past fifteen years.


If you can afford it and don't mind the travel - that would be a good balance maybe - get the best of both worlds without too much yearning for the other.


Although confining it to UK- Australia would surely get a little tedious over the years. So much more on offer out there.

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There are bound to be a few things you will miss when you go back Shack but you know that is where you really want to be so I bet you settle back in the UK really quickly. I hope you will keep in touch once you are there and let us know how you are getting on. :smile:

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I dont really want to ping pong as i feel that quite unsettling, plus it would disrupt my little girl's education.so ping ponging is out of question,although my husband said he wouldnt mind if i wanted to.

Jockintas-i'll defo try giving an update on how things are going :)

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...but i think im going to miss Australia!!going back to uk in January/feb time,and im beginning to get worried that im going to miss this place,waking up to sunshine,beaches being only half hour away,the breathtaking sunsets,etc.dont get me wrong i still want to go home because theres so much i miss about uk but theres this niggling feeling that i have that what if i find it difficult to adjust in uk now,what if im too used to the ozzie lifestyle??i dont want to be a ping ponger.i've been here a year now and i think im beginning to get used to it,but then when my hubby says we'll stick to oz then,i cant do that either.are these feelings normal for those that have already returned to uk?maybe im feeling like this because it's finally beginning to feel real that im defo going home.i thought the time would never come but now its round the corner im beginning to get cold feet.but i still want to go back if that makes sense.


I know that many people need a couple of years before they really settle so perhaps you are sensing that you may have not given yourself enough time. However we can only act as seems right at the time and it was evident that you feel much better suited to life in Yorkshire. If you ever have doubts read back on your past posts and you will then realise you are making the right decision to return.

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I think after a year here you should settle back into life in the UK pretty easily. Aus will have had some differences etc that you've gotten used to but you've not been away that long for life in the UK to really jar for you when you move back. It may seem strange to begin with being back and once the novelty wears off and its the usual day to day life you'll either feel its the right move or its not. Cross those bridges and all that. With regards to education, so long as its a primary level I can't see ping ponging is going to be too much of an issue. Its when its the high school years I'd be picking one or the other and staying put.


I think its natural to wonder about things, think of what you might miss but if someone has spent most of their life in the UK and a year of it in Aus then the pull to the UK is going to be normal I think. For many anyways. I think it can take longer than a year to fully settle and adapt to life in Aus but if you've been struggling from the off then chances are Aus isn't a long term place for you. Not if its been really bad missing people and stuff. Some people cope better than others with that, some love life in Aus and don't miss the UK life and the missing loved ones is then an accepted part of the trade off.

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I think you will always miss just a little bit of what you had no matter where you go - heck, there are days when even I have a little bit of missing Australia but can honestly say that for 99% of the time I don't give it a single thought - so much more to see/do/enjoy where I am. It will be very tempting for you though, if things don't go quite right to compare the bad of the now with the good of the then (always try and compare the bad of both times with the good of both times!) and that can be uncomfortable.


Those feelings of angst are perfectly normal for someone about to move - especially once you know you're going - the stress of not belonging has been lifted and you have a kind of freedom that you didn't have before. I'm fortunate I guess that many of my moves have been spur of the moment and not given me any time for self doubt. In many ways it's so much easier to say shall we? Yes! And go tomorrow - can imagine that the agonies of having to wait could be very unsettling. Good luck! It'll be fine!

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Shack did you get over that horrible constant nausea you were suffering from?


Its much better then last summer.but its left me traumatised,cant watch anyone being sick otherwise it kicks in again.bit of a bummer as i have a little one lol...thanks for asking :)

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Thanks guys.its good to have reassurance.was getting worried i may be making a mistake.had family over recently too who think we're completely mad to leave such a beautiful country.but a holiday is so different to living in a place.people back home think i sit on the beach sipping cocktails all day lol

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Be not afraid, you are not alone. Once you've experienced living in Australia and then moving back to the UK, you will never be the same. While living in either country from now on something will remind you of the other country from time to time and may unsettle you or make you feel good. It's a natural thing so don't worry about it.

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That's Life!


I have met quite a few couples who spend six months in the UK and six months in Australia.


Nice if you can afford it. :smile:


They spend the Australian winter in the UK and the UK winter in Australia.


One of the couples had been doing this every year for the past fifteen years.


If you can afford it and don't mind the travel - that would be a good balance maybe - get the best of both worlds without too much yearning for the other.


I would love to do this - but British summer and Australian winter are my favourite times in each country!

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...but i think im going to miss Australia!!going back to uk in January/feb time,and im beginning to get worried that im going to miss this place,waking up to sunshine,beaches being only half hour away,the breathtaking sunsets,etc.dont get me wrong i still want to go home because theres so much i miss about uk but theres this niggling feeling that i have that what if i find it difficult to adjust in uk now,what if im too used to the ozzie lifestyle??i dont want to be a ping ponger.i've been here a year now and i think im beginning to get used to it,but then when my hubby says we'll stick to oz then,i cant do that either.are these feelings normal for those that have already returned to uk?maybe im feeling like this because it's finally beginning to feel real that im defo going home.i thought the time would never come but now its round the corner im beginning to get cold feet.but i still want to go back if that makes sense.



I think that it's really great that you're going home with what sounds like a lot of positive memories of your time in Australia. That's got to be the best way to leave a place I'd say, rather than regretting that you moved out here in the first place. Plus, if you do ever decide to live here again then you know that there are definitely aspects of the place that you love and that you can reconnect with upon returning. :smile:

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You're bound to miss some things but you've made the decision to return to the UK because it's the right decision for you ... just because you're going back doesn't mean you've hated Aus. Wherever you live you will take a little piece of it to wherever you go to next time - be it a town, a house, new city etc.,


Rather than giving you wobbles, I think it's great that you're able to take some happy memories whilst looking towards a new adventure.

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I know that many people need a couple of years before they really settle so perhaps you are sensing that you may have not given yourself enough time. However we can only act as seems right at the time and it was evident that you feel much better suited to life in Yorkshire. If you ever have doubts read back on your past posts and you will then realise you are making the right decision to return.


I agree that actually, a year is not enough time to know whether you could live in Australia or not. There's a thing called "culture shock" which many immigrants go through - it's like a kind of depression where everything seems much, much worse than it really is at first. If you manage to get through it, you look back on yourself a couple of years later and wonder what on earth you were thinking. You really need more than a year to get over it, and that's why people recommend giving it two years before making up your mind.


However, I don't know your background or your past posts, so I can't judge whether you've got culture shock or whether Australia just isn't right for you. Lots of people don't like Australia, it's allowed! Just like lots of people don't like Britain, that's also allowed. We're all different.

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...but i think im going to miss Australia!!going back to uk in January/feb time,and im beginning to get worried that im going to miss this place,waking up to sunshine,beaches being only half hour away,the breathtaking sunsets,etc.dont get me wrong i still want to go home because theres so much i miss about uk but theres this niggling feeling that i have that what if i find it difficult to adjust in uk now,what if im too used to the ozzie lifestyle??i dont want to be a ping ponger.i've been here a year now and i think im beginning to get used to it,but then when my hubby says we'll stick to oz then,i cant do that either.are these feelings normal for those that have already returned to uk?maybe im feeling like this because it's finally beginning to feel real that im defo going home.i thought the time would never come but now its round the corner im beginning to get cold feet.but i still want to go back if that makes sense.


I certainly miss aspects of Australian life just as I missed aspects of English life when in Australia. I don't miss beaches and we get breathtaking sunsets here as well we also often wake up to sunshine. There is no way any of us at this present time yearn to be back in Australia. I only need to think of the things that really annoyed me about living in Australia.

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