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Can't believe im saying this....


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...but i think im going to miss Australia!!going back to uk in January/feb time,and im beginning to get worried that im going to miss this place,waking up to sunshine,beaches being only half hour away,the breathtaking sunsets,etc.dont get me wrong i still want to go home because theres so much i miss about uk but theres this niggling feeling that i have that what if i find it difficult to adjust in uk now,what if im too used to the ozzie lifestyle??i dont want to be a ping ponger.i've been here a year now and i think im beginning to get used to it,but then when my hubby says we'll stick to oz then,i cant do that either.are these feelings normal for those that have already returned to uk?maybe im feeling like this because it's finally beginning to feel real that im defo going home.i thought the time would never come but now its round the corner im beginning to get cold feet.but i still want to go back if that makes sense.

Yep, recognise that feeling, my OH is going thro all of that at the moment, even after being back 2 years and despite admitting that oz was not for us for a load of reasons including lack of career prospects for her and lots of tall poppy syndrome and sexism as well, we still miss the warmth, the sunshine, the wildlife and its exoticism but she is slowly letting go and recognising that the hard realities are just that and she is seeing it less and less thro rose specs, we have both both missed the giant house and the swimming pool and despite what others say on here the numbers of people is a shock to the system, 60,000,000 people on an island that will fit into Qlnd 3 times over with a pop. of 4,000,000 is always going to present a shock and the cost of housing per sq m is a bit of a shock

You have to be sure that there is enough back here to make up for what you are giving up there and that it will be long lasting here.

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Yep, recognise that feeling, my OH is going thro all of that at the moment, even after being back 2 years and despite admitting that oz was not for us for a load of reasons including lack of career prospects for her and lots of tall poppy syndrome and sexism as well, we still miss the warmth, the sunshine, the wildlife and its exoticism but she is slowly letting go and recognising that the hard realities are just that and she is seeing it less and less thro rose specs, we have both both missed the giant house and the swimming pool and despite what others say on here the numbers of people is a shock to the system, 60,000,000 people on an island that will fit into Qlnd 3 times over with a pop. of 4,000,000 is always going to present a shock and the cost of housing per sq m is a bit of a shock

You have to be sure that there is enough back here to make up for what you are giving up there and that it will be long lasting here.


I agree there, the cost of housing even in Brisbane was just crazy, I can't imagine what it's like in Sydney.

I also agree with your last sentence, as long as there is more for you here than there is/was in Australia then you will be ahead. For us the difference was huge so any decision.

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Guest Guest109139
...but i think im going to miss Australia!!going back to uk in January/feb time,and im beginning to get worried that im going to miss this place,waking up to sunshine,beaches being only half hour away,the breathtaking sunsets,etc.dont get me wrong i still want to go home because theres so much i miss about uk but theres this niggling feeling that i have that what if i find it difficult to adjust in uk now,what if im too used to the ozzie lifestyle??i dont want to be a ping ponger.i've been here a year now and i think im beginning to get used to it,but then when my hubby says we'll stick to oz then,i cant do that either.are these feelings normal for those that have already returned to uk?maybe im feeling like this because it's finally beginning to feel real that im defo going home.i thought the time would never come but now its round the corner im beginning to get cold feet.but i still want to go back if that makes sense.




We moved back to the UK after six years in Australia.

Although it was quite emotional saying goodbye to Oz after all those years, I thought once I'm back I wouldn't even give it a second thought. How wrong I was. I think of it every single day and I miss many aspects of the country, however I wouldn't want to move back. It's strange because I would be at work or going on my usual day and suddenly a thought of the beach, or eucalyptus trees, the sunshine, our old house or anything would pop into my head.. almost as if wanting to remind me of our time there, niggling in the back of my mind.


We moved back in July and have no regrets, for us it feels right at this stage in our life, we live in a beautiful part of the UK, I'm loving the seasons, even though the cold and dark days are upon us, we are fully embracing every moment here. Looking forward to Christmas and Christmas markets, carols in the church, I even bought a sledge ready for the snow! I'm also very much looking forward to spring and the beautiful English summer ,and I can't wait to explore Exmoor and the coast as we live nearby.


I do miss Australia, but I love it here too, if I could live two parallel lives in both countries I would live in both at the same time. And although we are happy here, never say never, who knows in 10 -15 years time, we might move back again, the world is our oyster.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tbh Shak,its much better to leave a country with fond memories.Some people have to conjour up all kinds of crap to justify their reasons for leaving (either country),usually negative stuff.Not necessary and its kinder to yourself to have nice memories of either place.Life moves forwards.If finances permit,you could always buy a property within Europe or futher afield,like a holiday home with view to later retire there.

I think people have to come to some form of acceptance of where they are.Otherwise they would be continually moving.I think you're moving at the right time of year myself.Spring will be around the corner,and it always looks so beautiful at that time of year.As for population.Ok Australia is a huge country compared to the UK.Pop is one third of the UK's...but......most of the pop live near or within the cities of Australia,so can also feel crowded.The UK however,for me doesn't feel crowded,but I don't live in a city or near one.I can go for a walk,and not meet a soul for miles across countryside.My town doesn't feel crowded when I go shopping.Best wishes and relax into your decision hon,Im sure all will be fine!

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Tbh Shak,its much better to leave a country with fond memories.Some people have to conjour up all kinds of crap to justify their reasons for leaving (either country),usually negative stuff.Not necessary and its kinder to yourself to have nice memories of either place.Life moves forwards.If finances permit,you could always buy a property within Europe or futher afield,like a holiday home with view to later retire there.

I think people have to come to some form of acceptance of where they are.Otherwise they would be continually moving.I think you're moving at the right time of year myself.Spring will be around the corner,and it always looks so beautiful at that time of year.As for population.Ok Australia is a huge country compared to the UK.Pop is one third of the UK's...but......most of the pop live near or within the cities of Australia,so can also feel crowded.The UK however,for me doesn't feel crowded,but I don't live in a city or near one.I can go for a walk,and not meet a soul for miles across countryside.My town doesn't feel crowded when I go shopping.Best wishes and relax into your decision hon,Im sure all will be fine!


I always laugh when people make the comparison size wise, 95% of the country is virtually uninhabitable for 95% of people. We ae the same, we certainly don't feel crowded here, it's no busier than were we lived in Brisbane and actually at peak times a lot less busy. If we lived in London or Birmingham of course that would very much be reversed which is why we don't live in those places.

We have 30 plus years of very fond memories of Australia, that's not to say there aren't a huge number of things that really annoy us about the country of course.

I agree about Spring as well, a beautiful time to make the move.

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...but i think im going to miss Australia!!going back to uk in January/feb time,and im beginning to get worried that im going to miss this place,waking up to sunshine,beaches being only half hour away,the breathtaking sunsets,etc.dont get me wrong i still want to go home because theres so much i miss about uk but theres this niggling feeling that i have that what if i find it difficult to adjust in uk now,what if im too used to the ozzie lifestyle??i dont want to be a ping ponger.i've been here a year now and i think im beginning to get used to it,but then when my hubby says we'll stick to oz then,i cant do that either.are these feelings normal for those that have already returned to uk?maybe im feeling like this because it's finally beginning to feel real that im defo going home.i thought the time would never come but now its round the corner im beginning to get cold feet.but i still want to go back if that makes sense.


You maybe thinking positive thoughts about Australia now, as a result of making your decision to come home, and that the date is getting nearer? I experienced excactly the same thing, where I wondered if I was making the right decision after deciding to return and plans were put in place, but that was only because I felt enormously relieved to be returning home and that there was an end to my own personal experience. At that point I actually started to enjoy it. This was a telling signal to me that I was doing the right thing as those feelings should be the other way around. I would imagine it will flip when you actually arrive home, where the concerns you feel now, wont even surface.


If you know you cant stay there, then you are clearly making the right decision, IMHO.

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