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What made you bite the bullet to move to Australia?

Major Tom

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So why did you move here?

Only previously pointing out that this was a positive thread, get so fed up with threads being hijacked by the misery brigade.


I came hear too get away from all the immigrunts, in particle all the Misloms and Sharon law what is taking over the UK

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...........moved here for the second time in 1992.....

...........initially for OH's work.....

...........and to give our children a lifestyle we wanted.....

...........Australia has been kind to us....

............we live a life we were unable to afford before....

............my children have done well here.....

............it's about needs and wants IMO.....

............Australia fulfills most for us....

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My OH is an Aussie and I'm pretty happy wherever I live.Our first child was born this week, and can't think of a better place for young kids seeing them all loving it down south bank splashing around at the beach/pools. Think we will be here a while...

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My OH is an Aussie and I'm pretty happy wherever I live.Our first child was born this week, and can't think of a better place for young kids seeing them all loving it down south bank splashing around at the beach/pools. Think we will be here a while...

Congratulations ! What a lovely time for you all.:jiggy:

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I don't think anyone has ever asked me in 20 odd years.


Perhaps times have changed and I'm not knocking it. All our new neighbours asked us, as well as anyone we strike up a conversation with in the shops etc. It tends to be the first thing that the locals here seem to ask when they know you are newly arrived. I doubt that it will get asked so often once we are fully settled.

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Thanks all! It's like being back in England with the amount of British midwives about. Got to be thankful for that nhs training they are all great. Can't wait to get out and push her around this great city (sorry bashers)

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My OH is an Aussie and I'm pretty happy wherever I live.Our first child was born this week, and can't think of a better place for young kids seeing them all loving it down south bank splashing around at the beach/pools. Think we will be here a while...


Congratulations on the new arrival :)

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Why did we move...


My Dad was born in Australia so had an easy way in


We had a great life in the UK but things changed overs the years even though we had no mortgage and great holidays to europe something was missing


After caring for my Dad until he passed away there was nothing to stop us


Came to see my brother who was already here and booked our flights to return for good in 9 months


House took and age to sell and we lost about 60,000 pounds on house and poor exchange rate


Some might say a gamble


But for us it has worked out great


Financilly we went backwards


Now have a mortage again


But lifestyle we went forwards for sure


We are so happy we made the move

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Why did we move here?


Husband is an Aussie. He moved to the UK a fair few years ago now to be with me (we met in the UK, I came to Aus, he did trips to the UK for a couple of years before he moved over) and after 8 or so years in England, we decided to up sticks and to settle in Aus for a while.


The turning point for us was the winter before we moved over. It was the second long cold hard winter in a row and was incredibly wet again. He cycles a lot and the daily commute to the city each day for work was horrible. He came home late one day, soaked, freezing cold and said 'Thats it, I'm never doing another English winter'. And that was it. Admittedly we had discussed on and off for years that we would make the move at some point but always thought it would be when our child was older, nearing high school age. As it was, we decided to move overseas, considered the Netherlands, France, Spain and also New Zealand as possible places to go. But Aus won out. We are all happy with that :)

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My OH is an Aussie and I'm pretty happy wherever I live.Our first child was born this week, and can't think of a better place for young kids seeing them all loving it down south bank splashing around at the beach/pools. Think we will be here a while...


Congatulations, xM

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Came here because my Australian husband wanted to return after living in the UK for a few years. Never regretted it. I go back to the UK for holidays and I've seen all of Europe several times - I've never been a pub going person so don't miss that at all. Australia is now home and I'm happy and content here.

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hmmm...due to land in Perth in 5 1/2 weeks! Me, OH and 2 children aged 7 and 11 years. We have never been to Oz, have no relatives there either. Leap of Faith...


Our reasons .....


Fed up of UK weather and rain;


on deciding on Perth I looked up where has the most sun,and most family friendly places in Australia, and also flying time back to UK; - google has the answers haha,


Thinking we work full time, own our house (need a bigger one though), have annual holidays, two beautiful children but thought is this same old routine for another 34 years until we can retire - ready for an adventure and something new when i'm a little younger rather than 68! :-);


Want a more family friendly property with some space;


Want my children to experience new things and try new things that they would not be able to in UK;


OH wants a complete change of job/direction - this will give him the opportunity to have a good think;


Looking forward to having a month or so off work to explore - would never be allowed that much annual leave in one go;


Thinking ahead for career opportunities for my children - limited in UK at moment, many going to Uni and not getting a job after years of hard work;


Worries about risks for children playing out (although I'm sure these are everywhere),


Worries about venturing in some areas - we have had gang shootings in the next city (some 5 miles away) with adult gang/organised crime groups with fatalities including a 8 year old boy being shot in the leg! Obviously avoid these areas but not good - feels unsafe;


Limited outdoor activities - children won't do certain outdoor/water activities as its so cold - thinking this would be much more pleasant in the sun where they wont get hypothermia;


Thinking if its not for us - we always have an option of returning to the UK...and we would have had an adventure to spice things up :-)


Thinking positive :-)

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Sorry, had to laugh at the very first "tipping point" - you're going to find that particular blight as bad, if not worse in Australia (there's lots of sh!t swept under carpets there) but That will become obvious to you in good time no doubt.


We moved to Aus because DH is an Aussie and back in 1979 he got a quicker, better offer from Aus than he did from UK. If the academic years were in line I'm guessing that the best offer might have come from UK but Aus was 8 months ahead. No burning desires to escape anything and no intention that it would be "forever" just grab the best opportunity at the time.

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I left Sth Aust several years ago,to return to the UK.(Parents emigrated to SA when I was very young).Im returning to reside in SA soon,and tbh?I'm leaving with mixed feelings.(long story why Im leaving the UK so I won't bore you all to tears lol) I know where ever you happen to move to,whether that be Australia,Spain,France,where ever,that place and life will become predictable. Anywhere you move to always seems exciting,and fresh to begin with doesn't it?That's the reality! Its nothing against Australia or anywhere else,thats just life! I've returned to Sth Aust many times,during my time in the UK,and apart from seeing my family/friends,I honestly don't feel when I get off that flight,excited and overly happy about being back in Australia.Its just somewhere my family are,and its all too familiar.

I'd have to say though,if and when I return to the UK for a visit,I would get the same feeling.Its just a country!Thats all.Both places have the good,the bad and the ugly,same issues,so for me I guess people are more important than places.

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Several reasons why I bite the bullet and made the move:



When I was 20, I spent a year backpacking on a WHV, and fell head over heels in love with the place.



Met an Aussie guy and fell in love with him.



The weather was a massive draw card – I love sunshine.



Happiest day of my life was the day I got my permanent resident visa. I got it when I was 26 and now 47.



Been here for over 20 years now and still have to pinch myself sometimes – still often stop and think how lucky I am.


what at a truly lovely uplifting post! Giving me the motivation to get my EOI paperwork together today and submitted! Thank you! X

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Good guess.


a timely warning for those with close ties to family and friends to think long and hard about coming here. Having family in both countries (for me) means that I am likely never to be fully "settled". Even though my 3 sons back in the UK were in the forces from the age of 16, and I hardly gave them a 2nd thought unless they were in Ulster or the first Gulf war, I find that as I've got older, the yearning to be closer to them has got stronger..............nothing at all to with my heart (subconscioulsy or consciously) being in my birthplace, and more to do with my heart wanting to be with my kids and grandkids. When you've got 'em in both countries, you're between a rock and a hard place.


The feelings that I have are, I guess, nothing at all like the feelings that many who want to return quote, ie "I miss the support of family and friends". I miss the fact, not that I have no support, but that I can't give support.

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...........moved here for the second time in 1992.....

...........initially for OH's work.....

...........and to give our children a lifestyle we wanted.....

...........Australia has been kind to us....

............we live a life we were unable to afford before....

............my children have done well here.....

............it's about needs and wants IMO.....

............Australia fulfills most for us....


love this too!! Paperwork today it is! EOI to submit! Thanks x

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Good guess.


a timely warning for those with close ties to family and friends to think long and hard about coming here. Having family in both countries (for me) means that I am likely never to be fully "settled". Even though my 3 sons back in the UK were in the forces from the age of 16, and I hardly gave them a 2nd thought unless they were in Ulster or the first Gulf war, I find that as I've got older, the yearning to be closer to them has got stronger..............nothing at all to with my heart (subconscioulsy or consciously) being in my birthplace, and more to do with my heart wanting to be with my kids and grandkids. When you've got 'em in both countries, you're between a rock and a hard place.


The feelings that I have are, I guess, nothing at all like the feelings that many who want to return quote, ie "I miss the support of family and friends". I miss the fact, not that I have no support, but that I can't give support.

Yes agree with that 100% Kev.Last year,was awful for me.My siblings were in constant contact,telling me my Mum was going on a fast decline. I had been ringing my Mum quite a lot,but due to her hearing problems,our phone calls were becoming quite difficult. I decided to take a career break for 3 mths and headed back to SA. I hadn't seen Mum for a year,and when I arrived,it became apparent to me,that she was getting to the point of not being able to cope alone in her own place.She died unexpectedly whilst I was there. I am feeling quite upset right now at the thought of leaving my kids (aussies)and grandkids in the UK,and I know I am going to feel exactly the same,being 10,000 miles away from them,as I was with my Mum.I can only hope and pray that some time in the future,they follow me.

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