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What made you bite the bullet to move to Australia?

Major Tom

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Hi MaryRose, I have just signed up on that link you gave me, unfortunately there are no meet ups within a 25 mile radius yet, but hopefully there will be !!!! Like you i am very sociable & will talk to anyone, i always talk to people in cafe's, or even in the street, in the shops, everywhere i go. Yes many know my name, but trouble is those i do get friendly with are all married & still have their husbands & families !!!! Its so hard to find someone who is single, both female & male, i have always had a mixed bag of friends, males & females. It was so easy in the uk, you could walk into any pub anywhere & make friends within minutes, but over here its so much harder, they are very clicky, & even though i have tried going into a couple of pubs with a view to meeting people, within 40 minutes i am on my way home again more fed up than before. The women are always in groups & don't seem to want to include anyone else / an outsider !!! & most men seem afraid to talk to a female on their own !!!! & the one's that do are clearly usually after one thing !!!!! Not my type of "friend" !!!! But i'll keep persevering & hopefully something might come up on that link i joined for meet ups etc.

Hahahaha like me, i usually stay up at weekends to watch the West Ham game !!!!! hahaha somethings are too hard to give up hey !!!!!

I think maybe Sydney is easier to make friends in than here, its more diverse, many more people & not all would be in relationships.

So strange you mention Clovelly, I remember going to Clovelly in Devon back in the UK. Such a pretty place, one road up & down, houses built into the cliffs & the one & only road is all cobble stones hahaha It's very steep too, i remember walking back up a little way behind a Donkey, first & only time i wished i was a Donkey !!! hahahaha But it was so beautiful & quaint, a rare old part of the OLD England.


Thank you for your help honey, & its been really nice corresponding with you.

Take good care


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Oh my, Sorry Johndoe, i honestly thought Parleycross was being whitty/sarcastic in a nice way. I didnt know there was someone on here with that name. Apologies. Everybody needs friends John, sooner or later, otherwise we become too insular & isolated. I don't know what happened to you, what your circumstances are, but i lost the love of my life to cancer. He was my world. Broken hearted doesn't even come close to describing how i felt & wheat i went through. But after 6 months i got a full time job, it bought me back to the land of the living, & each day i gradually began to find myself smiling, even laughing, but often i would cry afterwards, because i felt guilty, how could i laugh when my beloved hubby couldnt anymore or ever again.

But gradually i have moved forward, discovered i do want a life, i do want to live again, which is what my hubby wanted me to do, & i do not want to taint his memory by giving up on life myself when its not my time. I don't want relationships, just friends, people with a common ground, similar interests. After 18 months weekends are becoming increasingly boring & nothing to look forward to after a hard weeks work.

So whatever you have been through, /still going through, i wish you peace John. I am a bit confused though, if you don't want friends, why did you join this website ???


Anyway i wish you well.


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Hi MaryRose, I have just signed up on that link you gave me, unfortunately there are no meet ups within a 25 mile radius yet, but hopefully there will be !!!! Like you i am very sociable & will talk to anyone, i always talk to people in cafe's, or even in the street, in the shops, everywhere i go. Yes many know my name, but trouble is those i do get friendly with are all married & still have their husbands & families !!!! Its so hard to find someone who is single, both female & male, i have always had a mixed bag of friends, males & females. It was so easy in the uk, you could walk into any pub anywhere & make friends within minutes, but over here its so much harder, they are very clicky, & even though i have tried going into a couple of pubs with a view to meeting people, within 40 minutes i am on my way home again more fed up than before. The women are always in groups & don't seem to want to include anyone else / an outsider !!! & most men seem afraid to talk to a female on their own !!!! & the one's that do are clearly usually after one thing !!!!! Not my type of "friend" !!!! But i'll keep persevering & hopefully something might come up on that link i joined for meet ups etc.

Hahahaha like me, i usually stay up at weekends to watch the West Ham game !!!!! hahaha somethings are too hard to give up hey !!!!!

I think maybe Sydney is easier to make friends in than here, its more diverse, many more people & not all would be in relationships.

So strange you mention Clovelly, I remember going to Clovelly in Devon back in the UK. Such a pretty place, one road up & down, houses built into the cliffs & the one & only road is all cobble stones hahaha It's very steep too, i remember walking back up a little way behind a Donkey, first & only time i wished i was a Donkey !!! hahahaha But it was so beautiful & quaint, a rare old part of the OLD England.


Thank you for your help honey, & its been really nice corresponding with you.

Take good care



I'm good friends with the West Ham guys at the Royal Exhibition hotel in Surry Hills - it's one of my locals - but the Spurs guys are suspicious of my allegiances. Maybe in inner city Sydney where I live, with a plethora of pubs, bars and cafes, it's easier to connect with people. I don't know what the Gold Coast is like now but I had a feeling that pubs were wide apart, and big, suburban places, nothing wrong with that, but harder to fit in as a stranger? Maybe go to the pubs when there is something specific on like the meat raffle or a trivia quiz - ask a team if you can join them?


I did not mean to go out today, but my friend asked me for a coffee, then we went to the pub, and now at home post three schooners, I'm tired again.


I've been to Clovelly in Devon - but you have to pay to get in there now I think?

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Wow, sounds like maybe i should have lived in Sydney, or even Melbourne, i've heard thats pretty similar in atmosphere etc to Sydney & London. Thats a good idea about going when there is something specific on. I'll try that. I've joined a meet up for a Halloween party at a pub/club not far from me, from hat site you gave me a link to, so its a start !!!!

Oh wow, can't believe you have to pay to get into Clovelly now !!!! My how things change hey !!! Everything is about money !!!! sad !!

Hahaha sounds like you had a nice time today. I will be meeting up with my married friends for coffee tomorrow, early afternoon when i get back from work. We usually meet up 2 sometimes 3 times week, & i love our time together & our chats, but still having their husbands, they don't like to go out without them at night time, which hasn't helped me to be able to meet other people, obviously & they are quite happy with our little group & not looking to expand !!!! But hey ho, never mind, i'm on a roll now, at least i'l be out & hopefully having some fun on halloween !!!!

Cant thank you enough for that link, bless you.


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Oh my, Sorry Johndoe, i honestly thought Parleycross was being whitty/sarcastic in a nice way. I didnt know there was someone on here with that name. Apologies. Everybody needs friends John, sooner or later, otherwise we become too insular & isolated. I don't know what happened to you, what your circumstances are, but i lost the love of my life to cancer. He was my world. Broken hearted doesn't even come close to describing how i felt & wheat i went through. But after 6 months i got a full time job, it bought me back to the land of the living, & each day i gradually began to find myself smiling, even laughing, but often i would cry afterwards, because i felt guilty, how could i laugh when my beloved hubby couldnt anymore or ever again.

But gradually i have moved forward, discovered i do want a life, i do want to live again, which is what my hubby wanted me to do, & i do not want to taint his memory by giving up on life myself when its not my time. I don't want relationships, just friends, people with a common ground, similar interests. After 18 months weekends are becoming increasingly boring & nothing to look forward to after a hard weeks work.

So whatever you have been through, /still going through, i wish you peace John. I am a bit confused though, if you don't want friends, why did you join this website ???


Anyway i wish you well.



No worries chook and I wish you all the best too. What I've been through pales in comparison to your sad loss.


I've been on the site longer than my profile suggests and have made quite a few friends through it.


What I meant was that I wasn't ready for "face to face" atm. I'm still getting used to being a single parent and my boys have been through enough without me introducing anyone else into the equation just yet. I'm not being "snotty" or "withdrawn" I'm just simply "feeling my way" atm.


All the best hun. You have a very positive attitude so that will serve you well.



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Aaw Kev, i can relate to your dilemma too. Before i met my wonderful husband, i was married before, my son's were from my first marriage, which was a train wreck. Married too young i guess at 20, first baby at 21, 2nd baby at 25 left my verbal, emotional & eventually physically abusive (not to mention constantly unfaithful) husband at 28. When i finally got away from him, & eventually divorced him, i too was a single parent, for 4 years before i met my wonderful Dave.

Haha you would not believe the crap i have gone through in my lifetime, but i have no regrets, everything thats happened has been for a reason, its the lessons we take from things that count, Its what makes us who we are, & when we've been through hell, & come out the other side, then we realise just how strong we really are. We have to stay positive, what else is there ??? wallow in self pity & misery ?? thats not living. My glass is always half full, life always has promise.


Like you as well i was also very weary of introducing anyone into my boys lives & of course it needed to be the right person when i did. Its not easy, trying to be so strong all the time, sometimes we wish we could just stop having to be strong !!! But we can't, not when raising children, we have to do whats right & best for them.


I wish you so much good luck with everything John, you sound an amazing person, lovely to hear how dedicated you are to your son's, we don't often hear that from fathers, & i don't mean that in a typical feminist way, (i'm far from that !!!!) but usually its the mother left raising the kids & often i think the dads get a bum deal, they have nowhere near as many rights, which is so wrong. I'm sure you will be rewarded with the same kind of wonderful relationship with your boys when they grow into men as i do with mine. I firmly believe with children, we get back what we put in, if you put all you love into it, then you'l receive it back doubly when they are grown.


Good luck honey, face to face will come when the time is right, & you'll know when it is. I wish you well. All the very best.


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Hahaha i remember the bubbles & foam !!! we don't get it often but when we do, Wow, its a spectacle !!! hahaha The best New Years Eve i have ever had was on the beach at Palm Beach, we had contained fire going in an ancient big oil drum sawn in half, & had Pizzas delivered to us on the beach !!! hahaha how good's that !!! A friend of mine lives in Melbourne, also a pom, decided to come out to live after visiting us & seeing the life style we had here. He's lived all over, started off in Melbourne, went to Mackay up at Whit sunday's, went to Perth, Geraldstown, then back to Melbourne, he loves it there & is settled now.

You didnt say what your son was treated for ??? but i sincerely hope all is good now for him. It sounds like you have a truly lovely family, & i'd say you are blessed. They don't stay young very long, but i also enjoy my relationship with mine now they are grown men, its wonderful to have some really deep meaningful conversations with them.

I know you'll make it here, like us, you have no rose tints on & are prepared to work to achieve what you want. Its the best country for kids to grow up in & its safe, compared to most other countries, a major attraction !!!!!

I really do wish you & your beautiful family all the luck in the world, not that you'll need it, maybe instead i should say i wish you every happiness !!!!!

Take care



Hi @Lainey,

When we returned from our 2 month holiday in the January, my eldest was taken ill playing football for his local side, he was being constantly sick over the next couple weeks, Dr thought it was labrinthitis, but it got quite bad, so we took him to A&E, he was diagnosed with a Brain Tumour the next day, and was transferred to Bristol For operation. He had 2 weeks in ICT, then 8 weeks of Radiotherapy, then 18 months of Chemotherapy, plus all the blood and platelet transfusions, all in all, we were in and out of hospital for 2yrs, and with a 1yr old and my OH pregnant with our next, and keeping focused on work also, so very stressful, but we gave our boy and ourselves goals, when we achieved them, we had a party with family and friends. It helped break the treatment down into manageable chunks, so it didn't seem that daunting!


Now, we are 100% fit, back at school, playing football for his local side again, out chatting up girls, we just have to do the 6 month checks, we've had the thumbs up from all Dr's to move to Australia, his top consultant did a few yrs in Melbourne training others to his standards, so we know there are people that will make sure we are taken care of.


All the other kids, except youngest have grown up in hospitals, they ask for their temps and checks with eldest!! :-)


We would have been over in Australia possible 2013, but obviously we couldn't once we found out, we had to put everything on hold, and hope one day it would happen again, so now is the time, nothing will stop us know!!


Good luck and happiness also.


Cheers MT

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Oh MT, bless all of you, you've been through so much. While yes it is a terrible tragedy that i went through, he was my husband, my soul mate, my everything, but to have that awful nightmare constantly hanging over you that you may lose your CHILD !!! I cannot begin to imagine the horrors that brings. Mercifully, Thankfully, it never happened, thank goodness. But the nightmare was still very real at the time, & you must have all been on tender hooks praying he'd get through it & get the all clear. I think the closest i came to having that nightmare was first when my eldest son smashed his head open coming off his bike & severed an artery in the head, it exploded like a fountain, the amount of blood loss was incredible & i seriously saw his little life ( he was 7) flash before my eyes. The next & last time ( i hope !!) was when he had an operation on a hernia in his groin, he had a reaction to the anaesthetic, & went into anaphylactic shock, stopped breathing, heart stopped, lips went blue, lost all colour completely & they had to bring him back. Again it was the same son, the eldest, he was 16 then. I was sobbing, thinking my worse nightmare had come true !!!! So although its nowhere near on the scale of what you all went through, i can remember that feeling of horror & heartache that i might lose my son.

Australia has recently been voted one of the TOP country for cancer treatments, tumours, leukaemia etc. We do get the best treatment over here & our doctors, surgeons, & scientists are leading the way in breakthroughs in treating cancer. While Britain i hear has since been voted one of the worse now !!!

So nice to hear he is now 100% fit & well again & back at school playing footy etc, good on him. Must be such a huge relief for you all & for your other children too.

Wonderful to know that your lives & ambitions/goals are back on target & are now reachable for you. Moving to Oz being the first of many i'm sure.


Thats a great attitude, Nothing will stop you now. Congratulations & i'm sure you'll soon be Oz, enjoying all this beautiful & diverse country has to offer.


Take good care of each other


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Hi MT.


I assume you have done a full comparison of the health service in the two countries? My sil in Australia has cancer and spends many thousands a year on prescription. I in the UK pay nothing.


Something to consider if you have ongoing health issues.


Yes, done our homework, he is cancer free, back to full fitness, he just has to have hormone injections every day, as the Chemo zapped everything out of him, his Consultant is in touch with Melbourne hospital, he has links there from the time he worked there, plus he helps other consultants with diagnosis's of this type of tumour. He has given the all clear to move, so it's all go!!


Cheers MT

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Oh MT, bless all of you, you've been through so much. While yes it is a terrible tragedy that i went through, he was my husband, my soul mate, my everything, but to have that awful nightmare constantly hanging over you that you may lose your CHILD !!! I cannot begin to imagine the horrors that brings. Mercifully, Thankfully, it never happened, thank goodness. But the nightmare was still very real at the time, & you must have all been on tender hooks praying he'd get through it & get the all clear. I think the closest i came to having that nightmare was first when my eldest son smashed his head open coming off his bike & severed an artery in the head, it exploded like a fountain, the amount of blood loss was incredible & i seriously saw his little life ( he was 7) flash before my eyes. The next & last time ( i hope !!) was when he had an operation on a hernia in his groin, he had a reaction to the anaesthetic, & went into anaphylactic shock, stopped breathing, heart stopped, lips went blue, lost all colour completely & they had to bring him back. Again it was the same son, the eldest, he was 16 then. I was sobbing, thinking my worse nightmare had come true !!!! So although its nowhere near on the scale of what you all went through, i can remember that feeling of horror & heartache that i might lose my son.

Australia has recently been voted one of the TOP country for cancer treatments, tumours, leukaemia etc. We do get the best treatment over here & our doctors, surgeons, & scientists are leading the way in breakthroughs in treating cancer. While Britain i hear has since been voted one of the worse now !!!

So nice to hear he is now 100% fit & well again & back at school playing footy etc, good on him. Must be such a huge relief for you all & for your other children too.

Wonderful to know that your lives & ambitions/goals are back on target & are now reachable for you. Moving to Oz being the first of many i'm sure.


Thats a great attitude, Nothing will stop you now. Congratulations & i'm sure you'll soon be Oz, enjoying all this beautiful & diverse country has to offer.


Take good care of each other



My OH is Australian, she is as strong as an Ox, she will not be beaten, stronger than me tbh, she's the one that pulled me through my tough experience in my previous marriage when my step daughter died of a drug abuse, I was her Dad for 16yrs, I felt she was my blood, it knocked me for six, and then everything fell apart, but my friend and now OH picked me up, physically took me to speak to a professional, and the rest is history, before that, I couldn't talk about it, but now I could stand in front of a class of School children and give my experience of how much damage it does, the knowing it's taking place, dealing with the aftermath and what it can do, and has done.................one of the worse roller coast rides I've ever been on, but miles stronger now, and thanks to an lovely Australian.


Cheers MT

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Yes, done our homework, he is cancer free, back to full fitness, he just has to have hormone injections every day, as the Chemo zapped everything out of him, his Consultant is in touch with Melbourne hospital, he has links there from the time he worked there, plus he helps other consultants with diagnosis's of this type of tumour. He has given the all clear to move, so it's all go!!


Health care is just as good in Australia as in the UK so no concerns there, newjez is just making the point that his treatment will probably not be free so just need to budget for that.

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Health care is just as good in Australia as in the UK so no concerns there, newjez is just making the point that his treatment will probably not be free so just need to budget for that.


Thank you, yes I realise we will have to make sure we are covered for Health Care over and above Medicare.


Cheers MT

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Wow, sounds like maybe i should have lived in Sydney, or even Melbourne, i've heard thats pretty similar in atmosphere etc to Sydney & London. Thats a good idea about going when there is something specific on. I'll try that. I've joined a meet up for a Halloween party at a pub/club not far from me, from hat site you gave me a link to, so its a start !!!!

Oh wow, can't believe you have to pay to get into Clovelly now !!!! My how things change hey !!! Everything is about money !!!! sad !!

Hahaha sounds like you had a nice time today. I will be meeting up with my married friends for coffee tomorrow, early afternoon when i get back from work. We usually meet up 2 sometimes 3 times week, & i love our time together & our chats, but still having their husbands, they don't like to go out without them at night time, which hasn't helped me to be able to meet other people, obviously & they are quite happy with our little group & not looking to expand !!!! But hey ho, never mind, i'm on a roll now, at least i'l be out & hopefully having some fun on halloween !!!!

Cant thank you enough for that link, bless you.


Google "Meet Ups Gold Coast' becsuse that link was just one of the groups that came up. There may be others. You could also try to start your own group up, say "people who like to walk their dogs on the beach?"


I do a quiz night on Wed at the pub I'm in tonight, or rather this morning, now it is past midnight. This was all unplanned as mate invited me for coffee at 4 then we went to pub. I went home for a nap and came out again because this pub does pizza all night till 6 am.


Glad you have signed up for the Halloween party. Why not organise Guy Fawkes party for homesick Pommies?!


This year I enrolled with Open Uni which has given me a new focus. It's all on line so I don't get face to face social contact but I get that here in pub or Cafe where I am known "face".


I used to look around my flat and think "I am only living thing here " but now I have Panda!


There is pub in Brisbane where WHU Fans go to watch games, Pig and Whistle? Something like that. It's a good way to meet some people. I make effort to go to see all the Spurs games here to see familiar faces.

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Yes, done our homework, he is cancer free, back to full fitness, he just has to have hormone injections every day, as the Chemo zapped everything out of him, his Consultant is in touch with Melbourne hospital, he has links there from the time he worked there, plus he helps other consultants with diagnosis's of this type of tumour. He has given the all clear to move, so it's all go!!


Cheers MT



Do you know how much the hormone injections will cost?

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No, do you?



No, but my sister in law had breast cancer, and takes hormone replacement medication and it costs her several thousand dollars a year as I stated in my first post. I thought you had looked into this? Prescriptions are free on the NHS in the UK for cancer patients. But they are not in Australia. It's just that you cited your sons health as a reason for moving, but financially it may make you worse off. I'm assuming your son has citizenship by descent, so there shouldn't be any visa issues.

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Thank you, yes I realise we will have to make sure we are covered for Health Care over and above Medicare.


Cheers MT


Private cover will not cover pre existing illness. So be careful of that.


Treatment in hospital is just as good as the UK, but waiting times can be long which is one of the main reasons so many people have private. Also with private, be aware of the excess that can occur. Surgery can result in a gap payment of thousands.


The benefits of private vary a bit by state and by earnings as if you earn a higher income, then it is tax advantageous to have private

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No, but my sister in law had breast cancer, and takes hormone replacement medication and it costs her several thousand dollars a year as I stated in my first post. I thought you had looked into this? Prescriptions are free on the NHS in the UK for cancer patients. But they are not in Australia. It's just that you cited your sons health as a reason for moving, but financially it may make you worse off. I'm assuming your son has citizenship by descent, so there shouldn't be any visa issues.


Tbh, I'm not bothered what it cost, he's still here after a huge roller coaster ride, and will be enjoying a great life in Australia. I didn't cite his health as reason for moving, I said it got postponed because of his health, but it's now back on course.

All my children are citizens of Australia and the U.K as their mother is Australian.


Cheers MT

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