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Grass is Greener Syndrome?


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Hope I can keep on with this thread, rather than start a new one! I believe the "sleepy" more rural places better than any, because that what I know and like.


I still hate Australia. After 7 years. Not starting an argument, just my "truth". In NZ, great but don't get me wrong , still problems, but at least I can drive. Here the Bruce Highway tackle scares the hell out of me!


If your heart belongs in England go back. Don't think it will get better, because it most probably won't. To those who make it work in Australia, great. Go for it.


I belong in the basket off, Australia not good. Have always hated it here. My eldest born in England, insists only English University. Not even my influence. Why would I put more guilt or blame or any emotion on me

as a mum trying to do the best by my children??? We are going back in July next year to England, suits me and my two girls. Hope hubby will join us, but wait and see.


End of day, sometimes all your family not fit the "plan", but there is a time limit. Sometimes strong to just move forward no matter what.

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I moved to Australia about 20 years ago. Did school here and so forth. Thought it was great. Great weather, made some good friends, learnt how to drive. Seemed like a really free, laidback life. Stuff was cheap. Fast forward 20 years and I am counting the days until I can return back to the UK. As other posters have said, aussies are very money orientated people, with little culture to boot - you only have to look at the TV ads to see this. I miss the intelligent UK ads! People here are tooo laidback and lack often calibre. Most of the countryside is all eucalypt trees and a dirty, yellowy shade of green. Local councils (esp. in regional cities) seem to find it hard to create diversity in their streetscapes and invest little money in such improvements. A lot of stuff can injure you in Australia too - just going for a walk down the beach can have you eaten alive by sandflies etc - not to mention the sun....aussies overseas tend to stand out by the amount of wrinkles and pigmentation on their skin (even in their mid-30's) due to the extreme UV from the sun downunder. I like small towns and villages in the UK but the ones in Australia tend to be filled with bogans. Gah...so many things I'd like to leave behind....pretty much has all been mentioned before.


Will see whether the grass is greener one day next year for a trip....

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you only have to look at the TV ads to see this. I miss the intelligent UK ads! .


How long is it since you've been back? I too was looking forward to better TV - I always thought the few British shows we saw in Oz were just a sample of the good stuff I would see in the UK. Not so! I've been extremely disappointed by UK television - it's no better than Australian TV. As for the ads, some of them are exactly the same as Australian ads, word for word, and some even ARE the same. I don't find any of the ads more intelligent.

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How long is it since you've been back? I too was looking forward to better TV - I always thought the few British shows we saw in Oz were just a sample of the good stuff I would see in the UK. Not so! I've been extremely disappointed by UK television - it's no better than Australian TV. As for the ads, some of them are exactly the same as Australian ads, word for word, and some even ARE the same. I don't find any of the ads more intelligent.


Haha, the TV here is infinitely better than aussie TV. Not just the programming but the fact that we don't get 4 minutes of show and then ads. They ad's do tend to be funnier here. It was the sheer number of ads in Australia that did it for me.

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Not to mention pretty much every ad in Oz mentions "Australia"?in it?lol I don't mind some of the shows in Oz,its very Americanised though tbh.Always manage to find something worthwhile to watch on tv in the UK,but maybe its because I don't watch THAT much tv in the UK!Radio's pretty good too!Radio 6 & 4 particularly good imho!

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I've been thinking about it and I'm considering retraining as a nurse when my little girl starts nursery. I would qualify when I'm 30 so providing Australia still wants nurses then I would have until I'm 32 to get a bit of experience and start the ball rolling. I'd be more than happy being a nurse wherever I am. I know it's not the most family friendly in terms of jobs but what job is?!


I don't know. I'll have to see.


I am a Nurse and have just moved back to the UK. I myself retrained in my late 20's and then worked in the NHS for 3 years before moving to Australia. Before I moved out I was offered 3 permanent jobs and numerous agencies offered work too. Many Nurses in Australia prefer the agency route when having young children. Good luck with your decision.

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Haha, the TV here is infinitely better than aussie TV. Not just the programming but the fact that we don't get 4 minutes of show and then ads. They ad's do tend to be funnier here. It was the sheer number of ads in Australia that did it for me.


Are you for real? Have been here a couple of weeks and TV is absolute rubbish. I actually thought there might be a few good new programs but it's tired repeat after tired repeat.

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Are you for real? Have been here a couple of weeks and TV is absolute rubbish. I actually thought there might be a few good new programs but it's tired repeat after tired repeat.


To be fair Ramot, UK tv is at its worst in July/August as TV executives expect their audiences to be out and about and on holiday. Most new shows/seasons start from September onwards. TV is not a major consideration for us however there is no doubt in my mind that British TV is much better than here in Oz.

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I hadn't thought about TV too much since we moved back this year. I was also under the impression that it is far better than Australian and indeed we have nearly 80 free channels now versus 5 free in Australia (we did have Foxtel there we don't have paid TV here). Nevertheless, there really isn't that much we have wanted to watch. We sometimes watch the soaps and some other fairly mindless TV in the background like Come Dine with Me or Monkey Life. But definitely no award winning TV going on here!

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To be fair Ramot, UK tv is at its worst in July/August as TV executives expect their audiences to be out and about and on holiday. Most new shows/seasons start from September onwards. TV is not a major consideration for us however there is no doubt in my mind that British TV is much better than here in Oz.


Yes we are the same, TV isn't a huge part of our life but I agree it is just so much better here.

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Yes we are the same, TV isn't a huge part of our life but I agree it is just so much better here.


Give us some examples of these superior programs? I know it's the equivalent of Australia's non-ratings period but so far, I don't see anything better than Oz - and we have been here since May, and surely the summer season doesn't go all the way from May to September? Maybe we have different tastes.


The funny thing is, I find the ad breaks interminable here. I haven't actually timed how often they occur - maybe they are less frequent than in Oz - but when they do happen, they break into the program at some random point, and then the ads go on and on and on.

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I don't usually have a problem finding something to watch,but I don't have the tv on every night (and never during the day,not even in winter).I might struggle though if it were my main source of entertainment.

Not TV related,but did anyone listen to "The Magic Bus"last wed night at 10pm,Radio 2?Wow great stories of the late 60's/early 70's when people headed east!Can listen to it online.

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Are you for real? Have been here a couple of weeks and TV is absolute rubbish. I actually thought there might be a few good new programs but it's tired repeat after tired repeat.



this time of year TV is crap in the UK but from September to April my sky box is full of recorded programmes. When I go to Australia I'll probably get a sling box and stick it on a sky subscription at my parents house because Australian tele was crap and we had foxtel when I was there. You still get the same big American programmes though I suppose

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Are you for real? Have been here a couple of weeks and TV is absolute rubbish. I actually thought there might be a few good new programs but it's tired repeat after tired repeat.

Are you for real...name thpe repeats please fir last week, you can't can you

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When I went back to the UK for 5 months a while ago, my social life meant not too much time for telly. I don't watch ads so am restricted to UK TV on Foxtel and recording everything to fast forward ads on other channels. It is annoying that Foxtel has so many ads to be honest - makes me wonder why I'm paying for it but UKTV makes it worthwhile. I should consider alternatives but can't be bothered as hoping to head home soonish. I find terrestrial TV in Oz pretty much un-watchable (towards the end of films, ads coming every couple of minutes). In the UK the BBC, catch up and radio 4 meet all my needs so don't need to pay to view.

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When I went back to the UK for 5 months a while ago, my social life meant not too much time for telly. I don't watch ads so am restricted to UK TV on Foxtel and recording everything to fast forward ads on other channels. It is annoying that Foxtel has so many ads to be honest - makes me wonder why I'm paying for it but UKTV makes it worthwhile. I should consider alternatives but can't be bothered as hoping to head home soonish. I find terrestrial TV in Oz pretty much un-watchable (towards the end of films, ads coming every couple of minutes). In the UK the BBC, catch up and radio 4 meet all my needs so don't need to pay to view.




Mm to be fair some channels have started doing that here now, you watch the first 45 mins with no ads and then the last 45 you have one every 5 minutes

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I spent time in oz in 2012 on a WHV and fell in love with the place but seem to remember feeling extemely lonely at times



If you fell in love with it on a WHV then chances are you will love living here permanently.


Most people who have problems here, seem to be people who have never ever set foot in the country before emigrating.


We all get lonely at times. But the good thing about having a child is having access to other mums. For example, Northern Beaches Mums Facebook page has over 8,000 members who are always getting together for coffee gossip groups. You are also bound to meet other mums at child care or at schools.


The best way to emigrate without the qualifications is to get married to an Australian. Or get married to an New Zealander, as they can come and go to Australia freely for work/living.

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Are you for real? Have been here a couple of weeks and TV is absolute rubbish. I actually thought there might be a few good new programs but it's tired repeat after tired repeat.


Apart from following my footy team and the odd thing that interests me, I rarely watch TV. Never have done really. Lots of other stuff to do besides staring at the goggle box :cute:

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Apart from following my footy team and the odd thing that interests me, I rarely watch TV. Never have done really. Lots of other stuff to do besides staring at the goggle box :cute:


You could even make the case for saying that crap TV is a positive thing because it means you all look for better things to spend your time on. :wink:

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You here now GGS? Winter weather is pretty good at the moment!

Been here a week now LOA. It really could not have been better. Bit cooler now that the August breezes have arrived. Have had more sunshine hours in the past week than you see in the whole 3 months of the winter back in England. Absolutely loving it so far!

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