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Just would like to know why and the course of you moving back to uk from oz . And some pros and cons about the both in ur eyes ? I'm living in uk and hoping to be in oz very soon ( never been) is it the right choice ? Who knows u only live once ay

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After a number of years on the forum I would say the most common reasons are:

Missing family and friends

Home sickness

Unable to find work - an increasing number

Related is running out of cash while unable to find work. Given your other posts. This is the one I would be worried about. You need to have a MINIMUM of cash to last you 3 months with no work and no income. Ideally 6 months. You need to factor in that the Australian economy is not doing well at the moment and jobs becoming hard to find.

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Try it if you can; you'll never know until you try. I"m moving back because on the whole I think the UK is better. More generally though I miss the people (general public/interactions) more than anything else. I've found Australia bland and superficial and sort of feel like I"m drifting along. I want to feel more alive again. So I'm moving back!

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Hi there Lissie0309, this is an issue I am really grappling with at the moment. I was born in the UK and lived there the age of 28 when I came out to OZ (1993). I used to really enjoy it here but in the last few years long to go home to the UK. I personally miss my family (who up until 2010 used to be able to come over to visit). I don't wan't to turn this into some kind of whinge. I really miss the history of the UK, old houses, pubs with character, the British sense of humour and 'real' people, British countryside and the proximity to Europe and the diversity that has to offer. I am not sure if it just that I am getting older or whether so may people nowadays here seem fake and superficial (I seriously do not care that you drive a flash car or live in a pretentious characterless mansion). The sun over here is Brutal !!!, and xmas day getting fried on the beach eating prawns (I do like prawns by the way) does absolutely nothing for me - give me a roaring fire and home cooked roast anyday.


Give it a go you might well love it as I did. Different people enjoy different things (the world would be very boring otherwise), as you get older your outlook on life/priorities will change.


Good luck with your decision.

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A lot of people on here move back (and forth) for very practical reasons, but for me personally it's a whole bunch of emotional reasons.....

No matter how beautiful this part of the world is and it really is beautiful, or safer, or clean or sunnier, or great for families etc etc....I find it soulless, lacking in any culture and I miss the sense of belonging I had in the UK (Wales originally).

I do also miss good old British manners, polite drivers, people with depth of character, different interests, intelligence, sense of humour and friendliness. I miss the countryside, hills, forests, freedom for dog walking, Sunday roasts, old friends, variety (of everything), good TV, Christmas in winter and the build up, forward thinking companies, better working environment and culture, close proximity and access to so many other countries that offer so much that's so contrasting.

There is plenty I will miss about Perth, but I was always going to end up back in Wales one day, it's just come sooner than I thought because Perth is just not the place for me. We did consider giving Sydney a go for 6-12 months, but knowing that we are going to end up back in Wales in the end, I'd just rather not the waste any more money moving interstate.

There is Welsh word 'hiraeth' that sums up perfectly why I'm returning. There are lots like me, but there are lots unlike me who have very different priorities and interests.

You have to go with your heart at the end of the day...

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Just would like to know why and the course of you moving back to uk from oz . And some pros and cons about the both in ur eyes ? I'm living in uk and hoping to be in oz very soon ( never been) is it the right choice ? Who knows u only live once ay

I must be honest I'd be very concerned that you are already in the moving back to the UK section asking questions before you've even gone! There's being prepared and there's being pessimistic which can be self fulfilling.

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I don't agree with Que Sera Sera, I think it's good that you're weighing up the options carefully.


Migrating is a very expensive business. It can easily cost you £10,000 by the time you're settled and working, and for some people it costs much more. Then if you don't like it, you'll need that much money again to go home - otherwise you'll be stuck in Australia until you've saved up enough to leave. So it is a big decision and you need to weigh up the risk.


I agree, judging by this forum, the biggest reason most people give up and go home is family and friends. Only you can judge how much you'll miss them. Are you the kind of person who sees the parents/grandparents once a month (in which case you'll probablyy be fine), or are you all in each other's pockets (in which case you'll feel terribly isolated in Australia)?


The other reason, which is the one I'd be most worried about in your case, is not finding work. I've seen quite a few people - especially tradies - come to Australia, be unable to find work, and then after 9 months or so they end up flying home and moving in with the parents because all their money is gone.

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I have posted this here before, but worth a re-post. I love traveling and have been so lucky to spend the time i have had here. Why not try a working holiday visa for a year to get a taste of life before you commit to anything long term?


My reasons for returning;


* Family - Skype and phone just not the same as a family gathering around for Sunday lunch! I guess I value family very highly and want my children to as well


* Christmas - Its just not Christmas in the sun! -mulled wine, turkey with frosty mornings beats Christmas on the beach


* Belonging - To me, old friends are so important to have around - the ones you grew up with who really know you!


* Distance - Part of my family when I was growing up, were in New Zealand, I guess to me it was always a bit sad that I didnt really know that side of my family that well.


* Upbringing - I want my kids to have the upbringing I had - I had an awesome childhood! What seemed like endless summers playing with my cousins in the garden, walks with the family and dog in the New Forest, grandma knitting me jumpers and having to wear them when she visited, digging veggies in the garden with dad - the list is endless!


Nice weather and better wages are great and I have (really) enjoyed having both, but long term, I see myself with everything listed above!

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We didn't miss family on a day to day basis as we were both quite independent and didn't live near them in UK anyway, but there was just an awareness that we were drifting apart, missing out on things and felt it was something we would regret in the future.


But more practically, we moved back because it made sense to do so and we had far fewer financial worries in the UK. In Australia we were still renting after five years, depending upon dual income and a mortgage would mean both of us working hard for another twenty years to pay it off - and being in big trouble if one of us were to lose our jobs too. In the UK much less financial pressure and also better work opportunities. We were in Sydney, other parts of Australia would not have the same crippling housing costs.

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Belonging, pure and simple really. Despite trying for over 3 decades I will never 'belong' in Australia. I will live there again because I've promised to do so but I doubt I will "belong" just live there. No rational rhyme nor reason just that life is so much better in UK

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My reasons for returning;


* Family - Skype and phone just not the same as a family gathering around for Sunday lunch! I guess I value family very highly and want my children to as well


* Christmas - Its just not Christmas in the sun! -mulled wine, turkey with frosty mornings beats Christmas on the beach


* Belonging - To me, old friends are so important to have around - the ones you grew up with who really know you!


* Upbringing - I want my kids to have the upbringing I had - I had an awesome childhood! What seemed like endless summers playing with my cousins in the garden, walks with the family and dog in the New Forest, grandma knitting me jumpers and having to wear them when she visited, digging veggies in the garden with dad - the list is endless!


Nice weather and better wages are great and I have (really) enjoyed having both, but long term, I see myself with everything listed above!


I had to double check I hadn't written this!

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Moving back for the following, Scottish lochs, the cold clean crisp air, pint of Tenants, camping holidays in the alps, family, proper friends and ability to afford a well built insulated house.


Having said that I will miss, good coffee + attitude of the Ozzies, warm summer evenings. After 8 years I have enjoyed every day but time for the next chapter and now a citizen so all good - thanks Oz

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I grew up in Australia and lived there over 30 years and by and large really enjoyed my time there. We decided about 4 years ago to sell up and move back to the UK because we thought it was the best thing for our family, as it turns out we were right. Australia does not fix things, if your life is going nowhere then there is no reason being in Australia will give you direction. It's just another 1st world country with all the same problems. We have a fuller life here and for us there is much more to do.

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I grew up in Australia and lived there over 30 years and by and large really enjoyed my time there. We decided about 4 years ago to sell up and move back to the UK because we thought it was the best thing for our family, as it turns out we were right. Australia does not fix things, if your life is going nowhere then there is no reason being in Australia will give you direction. It's just another 1st world country with all the same problems. We have a fuller life here and for us there is much more to do.


This is so true - it DOESN'T fix anything just by going to Australia. We moved back to UK almost 10 years ago now, and it was the best decision ever and still is. Coming home felt right from the moment the plane hit the tarmac at Heathrow and it still feels great to be back. I appreciate living in the UK now way more than I ever did before I migrated. Life is indeed "fuller" and far better in so many ways here. If you are missing that warm homey UK feeling, and you can afford to, then just do it. There's nothing would make me give up my life in UK now to go back to living that dull isolated life I had in a concrete suburb in Perth.

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So many likes! despite bigger house, better money, better weather (debatable) in Oz, UK just offers more for some folk ....Often hard to articulate without sounding romantic but things like Sunday lunch and newspapers are missed after a while....

I would say that for people in some professions or in different circumstances (my daughter is a nurse, has local friends and has spent formative years here), standard of living can be much higher so I can understand why she wants to stay.....


It doesn't help you when you come from a really lovely area of the UK - I'm from Sussex, biased - but it's hard to beat (and when you're bored, lots of excellent alternatives are just a stone's throw away....)

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It doesn't help you when you come from a really lovely area of the UK - I'm from Sussex, biased - but it's hard to beat (and when you're bored, lots of excellent alternatives are just a stone's throw away....)


Same here, we are from Suffolk, near Cambridge, no place like it.


I now appreciate it a lot more than I did 2 years ago, hence why I want to/we are planning to move back in the future.


Such variety in everything, food, clothes, scenary, weather, activities etc the kids never get bored as every 3 ish months the next proper season is here....here just seems....boring, de ja vu, groundhog day I guess.


Worse places to sit tight though while we decide, save etc.

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I have no family in aus. .All in UK. ...but aus feels like home to me...I feel like I belong there more than I do in UK. .I never expected to feel like that. ..everyone is different


Yes, I'm the same now. Love going over the UK to visit rellies and friends but am well and truly settled here and it's my home. There is nothing much I miss now. As far as 4 four seasons and scenery, we have that in Tasmania.

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I have no family in aus. .All in UK. ...but aus feels like home to me...I feel like I belong there more than I do in UK. .I never expected to feel like that. ..everyone is different


I was exactly the same. Not at first - we started out in country Victoria which I didn't like at all - but for some reason, the minute I arrived in Sydney to suss it out for a possible move, I felt as if I'd come home.


However, Sydney's far too expensive now and besides, my oh can't live in a high UV climate, so it's not an option any more.

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So many likes! despite bigger house, better money, better weather (debatable) in Oz, UK just offers more for some folk ....Often hard to articulate without sounding romantic but things like Sunday lunch and newspapers are missed after a while....

I would say that for people in some professions or in different circumstances (my daughter is a nurse, has local friends and has spent formative years here), standard of living can be much higher so I can understand why she wants to stay.....


It doesn't help you when you come from a really lovely area of the UK - I'm from Sussex, biased - but it's hard to beat (and when you're bored, lots of excellent alternatives are just a stone's throw away....)


Ironically we have a bigger house here in the UK and a bigger garden lol. I agree with what you are saying though.

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It's my home and where I belong. It's not better than Australia, but it's where my Dad and my siblings are. Where all bar one of my mates are (Hi Harpo!), where I'm accustomed to the weather, where I get what people are talking about, where I can switch on the telly and understand what people are talking about, where I can watch my football team and moan about the result, where my heart lies.

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