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Findings so far of being in the UK


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OMG the aussies are even worse at driving tan the Spanish!!!


Spain......forget Spain....have you ever been to Turkey?......I honestly find it hard to believe that they are worse drivers than the Turks....I worked out there for a while and getting in a car there was like doing a couple of laps in a banger race.

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I'm surprised italy is as low as that. Each time I've been I've thought I was going to die. Last time was by a taxi driver. There's cars there just parked up as normal with massive dents and occasionally a big bit of tape on the exhaust pipe etc lol

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1.. I wasn't commenting on butchers and supermarkets...you need to understand relevance.


2. I did think.....I thought "Only a person with no knowledge of agricultural production could make this statement".




Shooters understand very well how different conditions affect meat quality.

It wouldn't be noteworthy except that you have claimed in previous posts that you shoot your own meat.

yes rabbits, i really cannot tell what they have been fed on and if they are force fed or battery rabbits.

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Why should I detract from the amazing contradictions of our local amnesiac who clearly is confused regarding his oft repeated blather regarding meat and veg. If he needs a thread of mine to illustrate how important ego boosting is to him, by way of blowing his own trumpet, then I'm happy to oblige



It's a shame that every thread get clogged up with the usual kindergarten bickering though.


I'm really enjoying your observations. It's refreshing to get the perspectives of someone with no axe to grind.

I'm glad you're having a good time here.

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Can all you guys that see these crashes please let me know when you will, in the future, be driving in UK so as I can arrange my visit not to be there:laugh: 5.5 weeks, almost 4000miles and not see one crash, however in the local town early one morning a motorcyclist died when he drove straight into some signs at a roundabout (yes roundabout simmo), no other vehicles involved.


I can beat that, 3 years plus and can count the accidents on one hand.

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There's been some funny responses to be sure. Your thread is about how you find it but still they argue :laugh:


Isn't it always the case? :-) I've lost count of the number of postings in the past, by the usual suspects, that attempted to belittle someone's positive experiences of Oz, but despite my genuine observations/experiences of the UK, I knew that sooner or later, the thread would be used as a vehicle for those very same people to do EXACTLY the same in their defence of what they seem to see as undeserved criticism of the UK. Unlike last time, I haven't yet been called a liar.


Back to subject matter. I had forgotten what a wonderful range of Pates existed in the UK at reasonable prices, as opposed to the small offerings (weight wise) at ridiculous prices in Oz. Breakfast this morning consisted of hot buttered farmhouse toast adorned with half an inch thick Coarse Brussels and Ardennes Pates. Josh, as usual, started his day with a melton mowbray pork pie and branston pickle ! :-)


Raining at the moment with more forecast but nevertheless, we're Just about to drive out to Lacock Abbey the "birthplace" of modern photography, and it's current "travel photographer of the year" exhibition

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It's a shame that every thread get clogged up with the usual kindergarten bickering though.


I'm really enjoying your observations. It's refreshing to get the perspectives of someone with no axe to grind.

I'm glad you're having a good time here.


Thank you, and it's true, I don't have an axe to grind and never have. It's just a shame that any positive voiced experiences of Oz are somehow always seen as a criticism of the UK by the usual suspects I sometimes think the staunch defenders of the UK have a deeper rose tint to their glasses, than those they accuse others of having.


I have never once knocked the UK but am viewed by some as having a dislike of the place simply because I like Oz.

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Isn't it always the case? :-) I've lost count of the number of postings in the past, by the usual suspects, that attempted to belittle someone's positive experiences of Oz, but despite my genuine observations/experiences of the UK, I knew that sooner or later, the thread would be used as a vehicle for those very same people to do EXACTLY the same in their defence of what they seem to see as undeserved criticism of the UK. Unlike last time, I haven't yet been called a liar.


Back to subject matter. I had forgotten what a wonderful range of Pates existed in the UK at reasonable prices, as opposed to the small offerings (weight wise) at ridiculous prices in Oz. Breakfast this morning consisted of hot buttered farmhouse toast adorned with half an inch thick Coarse Brussels and Ardennes Pates. Josh, as usual, started his day with a melton mowbray pork pie and branston pickle ! :-)


Raining at the moment with more forecast but nevertheless, we're Just about to drive out to Lacock Abbey the "birthplace" of modern photography, and it's current "travel photographer of the year" exhibition



Something right up your alley Kev:yes: Enjoy.

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Thank you, and it's true, I don't have an axe to grind and never have. It's just a shame that any positive voiced experiences of Oz are somehow always seen as a criticism of the UK by the usual suspects I sometimes think the staunch defenders of the UK have a deeper rose tint to their glasses, than those they accuse others of having.


I have never once knocked the UK but am viewed by some as having a dislike of the place simply because I like Oz.



There are many of us who feel the same.

Enjoy your day out - rain or no rain! England is beautiful in the summer.

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The supermarkets do fresh fish and fresh chicken as good as any butcher or fishmonger...they both buy from the same source.

@Perthbum, I've got no complaint about fish and chicken in the supermarket, personally I've never been able to pick the difference between the quality of fish/chicken between the small independent shops and the supermarkets, in Australia or here.


I'm talking about steak. In Australia, I always found Woollies had cr@p steak. Coles' scotch fillet was pretty good. Steak from a good butcher was better (and of course, steak from a rubbish butcher was worse).


In the UK, I have tried all the supermarket steak now (even Waitrose and M&S) and it isn't even as good as Woollies! But right now I have no way of telling whether independent butchers might be better, because I haven't been able to get to one yet - they're like hen's teeth.

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A cow is a cow, a chicken is a chicken, a lamb is a lamb...can there really be a great difference in the taste from a supermarket to a butcher?


I suppose you'd say a beer is a beer, because they're all made from the same basic ingredient, so it doesn't matter what temperature it's kept at, whether it's allowed to go flat or stale, how it's poured etc?


I lived in Africa for three years and learned the hard way that "preparation" of meat starts long before you start heating up the pan. There's what age the animal is killed at, what it's fed on and how long it's hung. The butchers in Africa have little or no refrigeration so the cow used to walk in the back door and the meat would be sold that afternoon - even the fillet steak was as tough as old boots.


I'm sure you know all that really, you're just stirring!

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@Perthbum, I've got no complaint about fish and chicken in the supermarket, personally I've never been able to pick the difference between the quality of fish/chicken between the small independent shops and the supermarkets, in Australia or here.


I'm talking about steak. In Australia, I always found Woollies had cr@p steak. Coles' scotch fillet was pretty good. Steak from a good butcher was better (and of course, steak from a rubbish butcher was worse).


In the UK, supermarket steak (even Waitrose and M&S) isn't even as good as Woollies! That's why I'd like to find a butcher, to see whether they are any better.


One of the best steaks I have ever had was a few weeks ago and it came from Asda, beautiful and tender and wonderful flavour.

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There are many of us who feel the same.

Enjoy your day out - rain or no rain! England is beautiful in the summer.


Yes, I am disappointed about many things in England but the weather is not one of them. I had to smile at everyone in Southampton city centre yesterday, moaning about how "muggy" it was. It was a glorious day and by Sydney standards, hardly humid at all. And I'm relishing the cool days where I can go out walking for hours without worrying about sunburn.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Ok I've tidied the thread and given one person an evening off for personal attacks, now please let Kev continue with his updates and start your own threads to bicker

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Spain......forget Spain....have you ever been to Turkey?......I honestly find it hard to believe that they are worse drivers than the Turks....I worked out there for a while and getting in a car there was like doing a couple of laps in a banger race.


OMG worse that Turkey!!!!!!

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Love Lacock OH used to do motorcycle races near there. Some gorgeous pubs out that way. Last time we saw the Abbey it was surrounded in flood water. It escaped by just a few feet thankfully. Enjoy.


Had a late 3.15pm lunch in The Red lion. Shin beef cooked in stout gravy with parsnip mash spuds and veggies, Just wonderful, as was the ale

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Something right up your alley Kev:yes: Enjoy.


Really did although it didn't help my photography due to the rain. As was expected, as soon as we headed home the sun came out :-) Managed to do the interior of the manor though and Jake entertained the tourists, (as he did previously at Stourhead Manor) with his rendition of Fleur de Lys on the piano. It's nice that they invite you to play on such treasured instruments

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