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How do you all find where you want to move??


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Hii all may sound like a silly question but how did you all come to the decision on where you wanted to move to as Australia is a BIG country? Did you all travel around and see where you liked the most? Have family/friends already out there? Find a job and go where ever that is?? I'm in the process of getting my husband to want to move but not sure how to start where to start looking, even if we was to book a holiday where would we go lol xx

All advice welcomed thanks xx

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Thanks for getting back to me!! how do you know what the skills are in each area I have looked on skills list but thought at was for all of Australia lol!! As you can see I'm new to this lol I'm not 100% what my husbands job is classified as either I'm sure it will be one of the ones on there!xx

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Narrowed down on the basis of job opportunity for us. Of course some people are lucky in that their occupations are very mobile or are required everywhere, but for us the market was really limited to Sydney. So we started there and then started to research the different regions of Sydney.

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Most people go where there occupation is in most demand by checking out job sites such as seek.com.au


the he skills list does not mean very much as to the actual availability of jobs in that occupation.


The he fact you are trying to persuade your husband concerns me a bit as this is a very stressful journey that has claimed many a marriage. It is important that both of you are 100% wanting to do it.

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Hii all may sound like a silly question but how did you all come to the decision on where you wanted to move to as Australia is a BIG country? Did you all travel around and see where you liked the most? Have family/friends already out there? Find a job and go where ever that is?? I'm in the process of getting my husband to want to move but not sure how to start where to start looking, even if we was to book a holiday where would we go lol xx

All advice welcomed thanks xx


My OH is from Adelaide and all his family is here. As we were moving to be near his family there was no point in moving anywhere else. We just had to hope that we could find work once here.

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Guest AltyMatt

Job or visa would probably be the main influences on where you move to...if you can persuade your other half to move.

Some visas require you to live in a certain state or regional area, others are unrestricted.

I came here on an employee sponsored visa & transferred from UK office to Sydney office so obviously had no choice, and only once I got Perm Residency was I free from my employer's visa and able to move around.


I would suggest you research your current job/s and see whether they are in demand:



Then perhaps come over for a look around (not just a holiday) in the areas you are interested in.

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As others have said, you'll probably find as you start looking that your skills aren't in demand over the whole of Australia, so that will narrow things down for you. I don't envy people trying to make the decision today - once upon a time I'd have said, come to Sydney, because for me it's got the best of what Australia has to offer - but it's so expensive there now, most migrants find themselves financially worse off, unless they've moved from London.


You've got a lot of research to do! As you say, Australia is a big country and the different states have quite different characters and weather.

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As others have said, you'll probably find as you start looking that your skills aren't in demand over the whole of Australia, so that will narrow things down for you. I don't envy people trying to make the decision today - once upon a time I'd have said, come to Sydney, because for me it's got the best of what Australia has to offer - but it's so expensive there now, most migrants find themselves financially worse off, unless they've moved from London.


You've got a lot of research to do! As you say, Australia is a big country and the different states have quite different characters and weather.


So true .............. and we had to move states a couple of times to find work. We started in Sydney - moved to Perth then back to Sydney ......... thankfully before our kids started school. I never felt truly settled until we moved back to Sydney. Perth was lovely but after two years there was a slump in construction. You have to be able to move where there is work.

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As a Fly in/Fly Out worker to North West Australia I could live anywhere, we presently live on the border of Greater Sydney/Lower Blue Mountains and whilst happy still have thoughts of moving elsewhere. It's like a child in a candy shop with so many amazing places. We are on holiday in Port Macquarie and have ended up looking through real estate agents windows....

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I'm having this exact dilemma now. I have the visa, and will move next May / June.


But where we will move is still up in the air.


Job wise... I'd be best off in Sydney or Melbourne, but I'm worried Melbourne is too cold, and whilst I love Sydney it's so expensive.


So then we looked at Perth, it has the weather, the affordable housing and beautiful places, but less jobs, still jobs mind you - however, we visited and found it so quiet.


So then there's Brisbane - but we need to fly to Indonesia regularly and that was double the price and take double the time from Brisbane than anywhere else :-/


It's all too bloody confusing lol.

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drawn to melbourne as i used to live there (plus it's likely to have more job opportunities for me), however i'd also consider brisbane :) tbh i'll go pretty much anywhere to begin with if i can get a job there!

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You have explained our dilemma too without the Indonesia link.


We have been in Brisbane for over 3 years and we are looking for a change. Sydney is an option for us but it's too expensive. Melbourne is a little more affordable but job opportunities not quite as good. Perth for me would be best as I work in oil and gas but my partner works in regulatory compliance so not so good for him.


We are quickly coming to the conclusion that maybe moving back will be best for our careers...

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Hii all may sound like a silly question but how did you all come to the decision on where you wanted to move to as Australia is a BIG country? Did you all travel around and see where you liked the most? Have family/friends already out there? Find a job and go where ever that is?? I'm in the process of getting my husband to want to move but not sure how to start where to start looking, even if we was to book a holiday where would we go lol xx

All advice welcomed thanks xx


Hi Brooke22


There isn't one answer to your questions that applies to everyone, it's very dependant on the people you are, your likes and dislikes and where you can get jobs or start a business. To put things in perspective, Australia is twice the size of the whole of Europe, although the majority live relatively close to the coast in Oz. It has varying climates depending on the latitude. Some places have seasons, including snow, others never see temperatures anywhere near freezing and have only a wet and a dry season and energy sapping humidity. Do your research, both the internet and travel guides such as The Lonely Planet. You've already made a great start by asking on here! Some states are keen to attract skilled or wanted professions and will sponsor you and do so due to their location being less attractive than other places. If that was an option you took you'd be tied into that state for a period of time on your visa conditions. NT (Northern Territory) is one such state. Another source of information are Aussie expos that are held in the UK in various major cities throughout the year, Google it. They have representatives from various states, removal agents, shipping agents, visa agents, banking, schooling, etc etc. There is usually an entrance fee but it's not massive.


A recce trip first would not do any harm. I've been here a dozen times on holiday and my OH is an Aussie. I've visited every state and they are all surprisingly different in their own unique ways. We only arrived in October 2014 for a permanent move to QLD and whilst she is very settled, being close to family, I'm not. So be prepared for a roller coaster of mixed emotions, you may feel very isolated being so far way from family. Skype and FaceTime help keeping in touch but IMHO I think my social life was and always will be better in the UK. We don't have kids but I do believe it is a better place to bring up kids than in the UK. The weather can be better but seasons can also be something that you miss. My friend since school, who is in Perth WA and has been in Oz 12 years sums it up as 'Oz is not necessarily better, just different'. Another consideration is the economy and cost of living. If you believe everything in the news the UK economy is on the easy up whilst in Oz it's the reverse. If you are going to struggle to find work this can be very tough on top of everything else you have with moving over.


There are far more informed people than myself on here and this is only MHO. Others may disagree with what I have told you and everyone has different advice to give, so it's important that you gather a lot of information from different sources to be able to make an informed decision.


Good luck


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I did a project in Geography at school in late 1960's and had to compare two ports. I chose Fremantle and Hull for some reason. I got a massive pack of information from Fremantle Port Authority and nothing from Hull. I was impressed with the climate, the coastline etc etc. Just about everything that was in the info they sent me led to me really liking the look of Perth, Fremantle and WA. For a 16 year old, never been out of the UK, living in Derbyshire, about as far away from any coastline you can possibly be, it was a real eye opener that there was somewhere beyond the shores of the UK.


Not in my wildest dreams did I think I would be able to live here one day.


Years later I saw the Americas cup on TV and thought the place looked just as good, if not better, live on TV. Fast forward another few years. Married, first child, first house, living near Stockport and we started talking about emigrating. My wife had lived in Canada for a few years and done most of her schooling there. So knew there were different options. I didn't fancy the cold and suggested Perth. My wife thought it looked nice, we both loved the sun and beaches and fancied a lifestyle where we could live near a beach in good weather.


That was about as much as we thought about it. Emigrated in 92, rented for a year while we found a suburb near a great beach that we liked and could afford. Bought a house and moved there at the end of 92 and been there ever since. Love it.:cool:

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Hii all thanks for all your great replies! By trying to convince my husband it's not that he's dead against it he would love to go if it wSnt as far from all our families!! I'll have a look around on jobs and things like that! :) thanks again everyone xx

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i originally moved to the sunshine coast and really loved the place, only problem i had was work or lack of, worked there as a labourer for a year or so and then a landscape labourer but things went tits up when the landscaping company dissolved. Couldn't find another job quick enough and the funds were running low so ended up going further a field and getting into the farmhand/machinery operating game in more rural areas.

Have given up these days at getting work where i'd ideally like to live and have settled for the rural lifestyle, also find i earn a lot more by living in a less popular area, latest job gives a reasonable salary but the real plus is i get a house rent and bill free, free 4wd ute and free fuel. definitely worth the trade and i'm only 6 hours from Brisbane for holidays :)

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