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And the UK election result is.......


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Except that the SNP claimed throughout the campaign and since that the GE was not a referendum on leaving the Union. Were they lying about that in your view?


No the SNP were not lying. They have the trust of the Scots because they do what they say. They will fight to get everything that was promised by the 3 other parties just before the referendum. If this is not delivered by Cameron it will simply mean the Scots will become more anti Westminster and your guess is as good as mine what will happen. However, I expect the SNP's manifesto, for the 2016 Scots election, will contain their preference for independence. When that will happen depends on the feelings of the people. I know many wish it sooner rather than later but only time will tell. The SNP will not act until they are sure that there is a good majority.

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Actually most Scots voted yes, voters born outwith Scotland voted no in far higher proportions.


And how could you possibly know that.

Obviously you cannot know and have made it up.


Those stats were not recorded in the referendum.

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Guest Guest66881

I am amazed the Scots got out the pubs to vote, and those that did get out the pubs found a polling station while blind drunk:wink:

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No the SNP were not lying. They have the trust of the Scots because they do what they say. They will fight to get everything that was promised by the 3 other parties just before the referendum. If this is not delivered by Cameron it will simply mean the Scots will become more anti Westminster and your guess is as good as mine what will happen. However, I expect the SNP's manifesto, for the 2016 Scots election, will contain their preference for independence. When that will happen depends on the feelings of the people. I know many wish it sooner rather than later but only time will tell. The SNP will not act until they are sure that there is a good majority.


I must say that it is hard to see how they could become more anti-Westminster.


The SNP are riding high on creating a bogeyman that is an easy target really. Have the Scots considered a post-independence landscape or do you feel that they would become effectively a one-party state like the ANC in South Africa without a credible opposition. I have a feeling that Independence would be the worst thing that could actually happen to the SNP and to the Scots though I know that its supporters believe that Scotland would then proceed as a unified socialist utopia ruled by Brussels (sorry, Holyrood).

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Guest Guest66881
The UK needs to change. People are fed up with westminster holding all the power. I can sense more protests this year



You mean Jocks right?:wink:

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Guest Guest66881
Err.. No. Are you from Birmingham or somewhere near there? Are there many tory supporters there? Just wondering


Loads mate, we are all home owning business leaders where i come from:wink:

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Can't be bothered to vote but can be bothered to protest!!!:wacko:. Well I would hope that most of the population would prefer to vote rather than protest, far easier that way surely a point well proven last week I believe.

But on your way of thinking, and referring to your earlier post, then we could ignore the pointless vote of a whole country as it means nothing! You seem to pick and choose as to when, if and how the vote is useful or not to you:confused:


Tell that to the Irish and the Dutch people who, 16 months after rejecting the Lisbon Treaty on further EU integration in a 2008 Referendum, were forced to try again because they didn't give the EU and the Govts the right answer first time around. Is this not what Cameron et al are being critical towards the SNP should they decide they'd like another Referendum? As was said earlier, it is only democracy if your side wins.


None of the political hypocrites deserve my vote nor will I give them credence from giving it to them. In not voting, I am protesting at the disenchantment I feel towards the candidates and credible polices offered to me. Also, when I say I don't vote, I would like to point out that its not through laziness or apathy. I actually do go to the ballot box and spoil my voting paper.

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And how could you possibly know that.

Obviously you cannot know and have made it up.


Those stats were not recorded in the referendum.


If you think that how can you justify your original statement; obviously you just made it up as you cannot know!!!


Anyway http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/independence-referendum-figures-revealed-majority-5408163

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Ooohhh....hark at everyone getting all bitchy. Quite pathetic to be honest.


I have no shame in admitting that I voted for conservatives. I am glad they got in. I have my reasons for voting for them just like the scots for voting SNP and others voting Labour or UKIP.

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I like being a Tory! If there was a democratic socialist party like Germany's SPD I would prob vote for them,.but never Labour/Labor.

Don't worry you are not alone in that respect and their is millions more who think like us.who won again:wink:

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