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We have to go home :(


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Hi Guys,


Its been a while since I have posted, but I am back and with a heavy heart.


Australia just isn't working out for us and we are tired of fighting. We have been here for 1.5 years and love it...my kids have settled so well, there is so much to see and do, the weather is amazing...our problem...work!


I am a Quantity Surveyor and haven't been able to get a job due to lack of Australia experience. I have worked for a company since May last year doing admin and a bit of contracts administration, but I had to leave due to bad management affecting me personally. My hubby works in Oil and gas and has pretty much had work constantly apart from over the Christmas period, he cant get a contract so has been working for all different companies. Its not great and we are not financially secure and cat see that changing in the future.


So due to the above we have decided to go back.


Can people recommend shipping companies?


Thank you in advance

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Sorry to hear that Debbio, its hard enough for those of us who want to go back to make the move so can't imagine how difficult it must be for you.


I am in Perth so removal companies will quote differently but we are going with Pickfords who came out to be the best quote and most flexible, the other company that came in with a similar price was Keys Bros.


Good luck with it all xx

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Hi Guys,


Its been a while since I have posted, but I am back and with a heavy heart.


Australia just isn't working out for us and we are tired of fighting. We have been here for 1.5 years and love it...my kids have settled so well, there is so much to see and do, the weather is amazing...our problem...work!


I am a Quantity Surveyor and haven't been able to get a job due to lack of Australia experience. I have worked for a company since May last year doing admin and a bit of contracts administration, but I had to leave due to bad management affecting me personally. My hubby works in Oil and gas and has pretty much had work constantly apart from over the Christmas period, he cant get a contract so has been working for all different companies. Its not great and we are not financially secure and cat see that changing in the future.


So due to the above we have decided to go back.


Can people recommend shipping companies?


Thank you in advance


Can't help withyour question but just wanted to extend my sympathies with your plight. Hope your return goes well.

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Quite a few members move back, so you should get some good advice on shipping companys. We used Crown to ship to Aus and they have a base here too so should ship back without much issues. Wridgeways is another company ive heard of and of course there are the 'Pod's people are using if they dont have a houseful to shift.


Lots of luck with everything and sorry things didnt work out, at least you gave it a good shot


Cal x

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Hi Guys,


Its been a while since I have posted, but I am back and with a heavy heart.


Australia just isn't working out for us and we are tired of fighting. We have been here for 1.5 years and love it...my kids have settled so well, there is so much to see and do, the weather is amazing...our problem...work!


I am a Quantity Surveyor and haven't been able to get a job due to lack of Australia experience. I have worked for a company since May last year doing admin and a bit of contracts administration, but I had to leave due to bad management affecting me personally. My hubby works in Oil and gas and has pretty much had work constantly apart from over the Christmas period, he cant get a contract so has been working for all different companies. Its not great and we are not financially secure and cat see that changing in the future.


So due to the above we have decided to go back.


Can people recommend shipping companies?


Thank you in advance


Sorry to hear your flight. More are returning though due to obvious reasons. Your comment on bad management affecting your personality did I admit catch my attention. Again not alone. An all out shocker here in the main and we have experienced and been part of a few. I can only imagine your experience. Hope you move on from the experience with ease when home.

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Sorry to hear of your experience. Personal question but are you RICS Chartered? I work with a QS who is having the absolute reverse problem, he is working here but can't secure work in UK due to his lack of Chartered status.


I am am amazed how little supervision takes place of the contractors here in Aus, no wonder work is so expensive and takes as long as it takes. Also amazed how many contractors fail here, guess it's the attitude that if you have a licence then you can have a go! It should be a warning to construction managers of all description coming from the UK, it can be hard to find work in Aus as the construction industry is very insular, run by builders for the benefit of themselves.



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I am sorry to hear of your situation. Are you sure that, after being away for 18 months, that you would be able to secure employment in the UK? It would be a shame to leave the place you want to be just to find that you have become foreign back home.

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Hi Guys,


Its been a while since I have posted, but I am back and with a heavy heart.


Australia just isn't working out for us and we are tired of fighting. We have been here for 1.5 years and love it...my kids have settled so well, there is so much to see and do, the weather is amazing...our problem...work!


I am a Quantity Surveyor and haven't been able to get a job due to lack of Australia experience. I have worked for a company since May last year doing admin and a bit of contracts administration, but I had to leave due to bad management affecting me personally. My hubby works in Oil and gas and has pretty much had work constantly apart from over the Christmas period, he cant get a contract so has been working for all different companies. Its not great and we are not financially secure and cat see that changing in the future.


So due to the above we have decided to go back.


Can people recommend shipping companies?


Thank you in advance


I know your question is about removers but wanted to show some empathy too as we moved back recently, "with a heavy heart" if you like. On shippers, I have moved four times with different ones and would vote for Pickfords.


We moved back in January due to the work situation, previous five years we had both been in full time work and just one employer each and earning well. But things were changing with the job situation and we were renting in Sydney, not exactly insecure but I could see that we were likely to start haemorrhaging financially and it did not make sense to stay.


Like you we were perfectly happy in Sydney. Both of us settled in more or less straight away, never experienced any homesickness whatsoever and loving life. Once we made the decisions though, we started to focus on the positives of moving back of which there are many. Family obviously, being in our own house and not renting anymore, planning holidays to Europe and US .We started to get excited about the next chapter. I landed a job in London from Sydney after two telephone interviews and the OH has agreed to work for his Austrlian company for seven months back in the UK and has something lined up for after that, so a soft landing.


London and the UK is looking fabulous. I cannot believe how pleasant the weather is and I have been enjoying light evenings for a couple of months now, I have always said I hate the dark evenings in Australia but I don't think I remembered how much of a difference it is! We have been catching up with family (and yes it will continue, it is not a novelty thing) and we live in a small hamlet population of 125 and it is friendly and everybody knows each other and we are starting to get involved.


We are mortgage free here and I am planning to give up work to start my own business working from home, something I could never have done in Australia. I am excited about the future and feel like life is moving forward for us now. I didn't feel it at the time, but we were just treading water in Sydney.


I am waffling now so will leave it here, I guess my message is to remember the good things about Australia and your happy times, but focus on the positives of moving back now and look forward to it. Things are good here too.

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Sorry to hear of your experience. Personal question but are you RICS Chartered? I work with a QS who is having the absolute reverse problem, he is working here but can't secure work in UK due to his lack of Chartered status.


I am am amazed how little supervision takes place of the contractors here in Aus, no wonder work is so expensive and takes as long as it takes. Also amazed how many contractors fail here, guess it's the attitude that if you have a licence then you can have a go! It should be a warning to construction managers of all description coming from the UK, it can be hard to find work in Aus as the construction industry is very insular, run by builders for the benefit of themselves.





Your experience of construction in Oz is very different to mine, as is the requirement to be chartered in the UK, but I'm not about to hijack this thread to debate.

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Hi Guys,


Its been a while since I have posted, but I am back and with a heavy heart.


Australia just isn't working out for us and we are tired of fighting. We have been here for 1.5 years and love it...my kids have settled so well, there is so much to see and do, the weather is amazing...our problem...work!


I am a Quantity Surveyor and haven't been able to get a job due to lack of Australia experience. I have worked for a company since May last year doing admin and a bit of contracts administration, but I had to leave due to bad management affecting me personally. My hubby works in Oil and gas and has pretty much had work constantly apart from over the Christmas period, he cant get a contract so has been working for all different companies. Its not great and we are not financially secure and cat see that changing in the future.


So due to the above we have decided to go back.


Can people recommend shipping companies?


Thank you in advance

Try Kent, they moved us back and i thought they did a reasonable job and were the best on price and were hlpful, we insured thro the company that are on pio and that was cheaper than the removals company.

Sorry to hear about your job woes but i'm a rics gp surveuor and had similar experience even with low level jobs so it's not about you, it's just protectionism and insularity, i would say tho that fro what i saw with contractors they did not seem to build up prices from any recognisable base but seem to aim to get the job and then make it pay thro extras and cutting corners.

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Oh dear that is a shame that you find yourself in this position and that you have to leave. Will you have the option of being able to come back later down the like (passport granted) or will this be it? Always believe that thing happen for a reason and you might not be able to see that now, but it will become clear later down the line. The good thing is that you will be able to go back to your old life and your family and friends.


We were thinking of shipping and what we would take with us. Do you think you will be taking less back with you, or are you looking at more than what you came over with?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Guys,


Its been a while since I have posted, but I am back and with a heavy heart.


Australia just isn't working out for us and we are tired of fighting. We have been here for 1.5 years and love it...my kids have settled so well, there is so much to see and do, the weather is amazing...our problem...work!


I am a Quantity Surveyor and haven't been able to get a job due to lack of Australia experience. I have worked for a company since May last year doing admin and a bit of contracts administration, but I had to leave due to bad management affecting me personally. My hubby works in Oil and gas and has pretty much had work constantly apart from over the Christmas period, he cant get a contract so has been working for all different companies. Its not great and we are not financially secure and cat see that changing in the future.


So due to the above we have decided to go back.


Can people recommend shipping companies?


Thank you in advance

i absolutely agree with your post. I've done everything but real estate development management since arriving 2 years ago. Though I have had some cracking jobs, one better than the other, even ended up the sales manager for Mercedes Benz lol. I've just returned from Scotland and realised home is where the heart is!! You are probably a RICs surveyor and being told constantly about is experience is in time just too much!!! What I loved about being home , was that I knew what to do and everyone got me follow your instincts, I'm soon going to be behind you!!

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Try Kent, they moved us back and i thought they did a reasonable job and were the best on price and were hlpful, we insured thro the company that are on pio and that was cheaper than the removals company.

Sorry to hear about your job woes but i'm a rics gp surveuor and had similar experience even with low level jobs so it's not about you, it's just protectionism and insularity, i would say tho that fro what i saw with contractors they did not seem to build up prices from any recognisable base but seem to aim to get the job and then make it pay thro extras and cutting corners.

This quote is on the money, I never realised how important ethics is until I witnessed some shocking contractual strategies during tender stage here!! RICS goes for nothing here, and that's a shame because the organisations has so much to offer.

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Please explain to me what the RICS has to offer other than initials which are only recognised in the UK. I hate to say that as I was part way through sitting my APC however received feedback that in order to be considered I should reconsider my chartered status with IOB. The IOB is recognised and respected in AUS and especially QLD allowing me to apply for a supervisors license and full chartered membership of AIB without further assessment. RICS does not allow any of these advantages.S

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