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How have you found the Aussies?


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I have read and heard Aussies can be very rude... How have you found them? Welcoming to 'Poms'? Arrogant etc? Is it just because us Brits are too nice :wink: so we interpret it the wrong way? What areas were bad/nice to be welcomed to? Or was it just a general dislike to any foreigner entering the Country?


All thoughts welcome... Thanks

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I have found them just the same as the people of any other country - some are really nice, some are not so great.


What is important is the attitude of the migrant/tourist, a willingness to be open, to learn new things and to accept that their new country will potentially be very different from their home country.

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They are no different to Brits. I have been here for over 30 years and have no 'Brit' friends. The ones I did have went back to the UK :wink: I have always found Australians to be friendly and welcoming. On the other hand I have in my time, met a lot of overbearing, loud mouthed Brits here.

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It isn't the ozzies u have to worry about here , I promise you that :) I have a couple of Ozzie friends , I speak to them regular in wa over fb , nice to me , my hubby works in a Ozzie owned company treat him well ,don't be scared of the ozzies :) I did come across a rude one though but u will get that anywhere ,I was having a natter to the shop assistant in Coles and the Ozzie behind was huffing and puffing pmsl I'm like sorry mate haha he didn't look best pleased , I didn't realise he was behind me I was just rattling away lol :)

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I have read and heard Aussies can be very rude... How have you found them? Welcoming to 'Poms'? Arrogant etc? Is it just because us Brits are too nice :wink: so we interpret it the wrong way? What areas were bad/nice to be welcomed to? Or was it just a general dislike to any foreigner entering the Country?


All thoughts welcome... Thanks


I don't think that Aussies are rude. They can be very blunt, direct and crude!

I think that they are really friendly and welcoming. Their humour is the same as the Brit humour. They are so accepting of us whinging poms that it still amazes me.

Australia is the most culturally diverse society in the world and they accept and welcome all. There are exceptions like anywhere with fringes on the left and right of all political views.

I live in Port Noarlunga and in the suburbs around me.....ones like Christies Beach and Hallett Cove 25% of the residents were born in the UK.

Before I moved here i thought that they were arrogant but with the occasional exception I see them as easy going and down to earth.

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Cheers everyone, you have put my mind at rest!! To be honest they have always sounded just like my kind of people:yes:

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Cheers everyone, you have put my mind at rest!! To be honest they have always sounded just like my kind of people:yes:


They are not all the same you know. They are individuals, same as anywhere else. It is therefore a bit silly to say they are your kind of people. Some Aussies you will get along with, others you won't. Same as with Brits.

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The ones I've met so far have all been very friendly. Some of the ones I met in London hostel were very loud and a bit crude but still friendly. They were big drinkers too same as a lot of young people I guess! Ones I've met seem to be quite well travelled. Aussies will just be the same as any other group. Im sure they will be friendly enough to you. Tbh if you're staying in hostels and backpacker flat shares then you're probably more likely to be spending your time with people from other countries

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They are not all the same you know. They are individuals, same as anywhere else. It is therefore a bit silly to say they are your kind of people. Some Aussies you will get along with, others you won't. Same as with Brits.


It is absolutely not silly.. I know exactly what I mean when I say that!!

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I found them by lifting up a rock and there they were, scuttling around to get out of the sunlight.


Generally, Australians have a lot less of the class distinctions that you get in workplaces; the CEO of a multinational is more than happy to come and have a beer with the grunts (well, mine does anyway. I also asked him if he was a "proper engineer or a bean counter" and didn't get fired).


Australians, on the other hand really suffer from tall poppy syndrome and lionise the Aussie battler, as if struggling to pay bills was something to aspire to.


Australians can be the most open and down to earth people available, but they can also be arrogant and unfeeling, I particularly notice the "we are the best on the planet" coming out around Anzac day, which seems to me to be a Festival of Xenophobia.


You'll get ones who never plan to leave the country as it's God's Own and we-have-everything-here-why-would-you-want-to-leave? and you'll get ones who have been everywhere and done everything.


If you believe some of the people here as soon as you go north of the NSW border you'll be held up with a shotgun and be forced to squeal like a piggy, and go south people will be completely inbred.


Australians are people and you'll find every variation of attitude under the sun here.

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They are no different to people you will find in the UK...some shy..some bogans/chavs..some full of their own self importance..some nice..on it goes..however I find the major difference is their humour..many don't get sarcasm..if went to the cinema with an English friend I met...it was about a woman suffering from dementia and ended up hitting somebody as she didn't know what she was doing..we were nearly crying..the rest of the cinema laughed...that happened on two separate occasions in reverse too..we laughed hysterically..the others were silent...I met very few people had had a similar sense of humour to myself and fellow poms.

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As others have said, you will come across people you like and people you don't irrespective of their nationality. I have a couple of Aussie mates who just say things as they are, don't dress it up in anyway, which was a bit confronting at first but also refreshing. When I started work after a few weeks and Aussie colleague told me that she was surprised that unlike some other migrants I hadn't yet mentioned how so much bigger, better, up to date everything was in the UK she said her reply to them was "then why did you leave". If fairness we'd have been the same if someone came into our work place as a newbie and started to tell us how rubbish everything was.

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Generally, Aussies are far more appreciative of the fact that there are still some people moving here from Anglo countries. As such, any reference to pom this and pom that is just a front. My nickname with the lads I ride bikes with is 'pommy <real name>'. There is a slow colonization from Asia happening right in front of people's eyes.... A few working class British that rock up and have a chat in the pub is the very least of people's worries here......

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I find most of them down to earth and helpful, as with any country you will come across the muppets/ idiots but the majority i have found very welcoming. A lot are not as PC as you would probably expect coming from the UK but that is just the way they are.


As for those saying its silly to ask about a nation , i don't think it is when you consider how many times on here its stated Aussies are rude, Aussies are racists etc, if i wasnt already here to know they are not all that way, i would be asking too.


Cal x

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As for those saying its silly to ask about a nation , i don't think it is when you consider how many times on here its stated Aussies are rude, Aussies are racists etc, if i wasnt already here to know they are not all that way, i would be asking too.


Cal x


Of course, this is where racism comes from. Thinking you can ascribe a common characteristic to a whole nation of people, and then have a prejudice against them.


I am surprised that any intelligent person today would think that way.

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I'd say the big difference is not unfriendliness, although that is very different have having Aussie friends, but the difficulty getting a connection, beyond the very shallow. Not the most emotionally outgoing people but hardly anti Pom. I haven't heard anything like that for a very long time. A few beers they can be loud, at times obnoxious but seldom around those types these days.

I'm afraid I don't see the egalitarianism as an ongoing feature in recent times. We are moving with a rate of knots the other direction IMV.

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I don't find any difference to people at home. Actually I would say the "average" Aussie I speak to is better traveled than people I knew back home. All having done the year in Europe/UK at some point, very easy to speak to.

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