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How bad are the snakes and spiders


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Oh you will find millions of spiders in the house particularly in the bed. Watch out for snakes hiding in your car too.

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We are looking to hopefully make the move but really would like to know how bad the snakes and spiders are ?


Is there a way of keeping the spiders out of the house ?




You can of course of spray the house and thresholds which do a very good job.


We dealt with loads of Red-Backs, White Tails (one ran out from behind the Bathroom Mirror when my Wife was brushing her teeth late at night once...she was then convinced there was family of them in our Bed!) and of course Huntsmans that can be huge in size but usually dosile and relatively harmless. If you just get on with life you'll get along just fine.....with a big can of Mortein.




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We are looking to hopefully make the move but really would like to know how bad the snakes and spiders are ?


Is there a way of keeping the spiders out of the house ?




It depends hugely on where you go. The more tropical you get, or the more country you get, the worse the spiders will be. Same with snakes. I've never seen a snake in Sydney (I've lived here 30 years) but I saw several snakes in country Victoria, and I've seen a couple in Queensland cities (not Brisbane).


You can get the house treated for pests and that will reduce the spiders, but you will still get a lot in the backyard almost anywhere. I have to clear the spider webs off the clothes line before I hang out the clothes. It's simply not safe to do gardening without gloves anywhere, as spiders will be lurking under stones - you need to teach your children not to go poking around in the garden.

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Never seen a snake..had one huuuge spider in house once n it jumped from one wall to the other..was scary lol but got a container n put it outside n that was that. .aussie neighbour said it was harmless....get loads of geckos in house though..they r very cute :) im surprised at how little I have seen all these snakes n spiders everyone goes on abt but ive always lived in residential areas..my friend has a farm in mid of nowhere n gets a few snakes coming onto their land but not in the house

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We are looking to hopefully make the move but really would like to know how bad the snakes and spiders are ?


Is there a way of keeping the spiders out of the house ?




Which state are you planning on moving to?


I haven't seen a snake in Melbourne in 8 years of living here. We get spiders in the garden but I have not seen a harmful one in a long time. We get the odd huntsman in the house when it is very hot but we like them as they eat other flies and spiders.


My wife spider sprays the perimeter of the house but I'm not sure how much difference it makes.



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Really depends on where you're going as others have said. If you're going to be essentially urban you'll never see a snake and spiders probably won't venture near you. If you're going more rural then you are more likely to see spiders, especially if you keep a wood shed. Snakes are really a bush thing - even living in the Bush Capital for over 30 years I'd only have seen a dozen and none in the garden. You're more likely to be annoyed by mozzies, flies, ants and cockroaches generally.

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I've lived here for over 35 years and I've never seen a snake in an urban area.


I've only ever seen 3 snakes in that time and all were out in the bush.


I can count the number of redbacks I've seen on one hand and I've never, ever (and neither has anyone I know) ever set eyes on a funnel-web.

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Guest guest30085

I've been here a few months, in WA, I've already had two huntsman running around the house, one in a bedroom and I met another one wandering off down to the kitchen for snack :shocked:


I was bringing in the washing last night and something fell on me as I took a top of the line, in the brief flash in front of my eyes, I looked like a spider, I didn't hang around to find out for definite :swoon:


Ive also seen two snakes but both were unfortunately squished on a main road near to me, although if I found one ion or around the house I may not be as sympathetic :no:


I dont like anything that has more than four legs (I don't like some of those either!) but after cringing for a few hours at discovering a huge spider in your bed ..... you recover. You'll get used to it honestly ;-)

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If you're living in an urban area you won't see snakes. Very few spiders in Vic as far as I can see, maybe our cats get them if they venture in our house.


I used to see more house spiders in the UK than here. We did have a white tip spider (poisonous) on the outside of our house in Geelong, but I clobbered it...

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I've seen 4 snakes in 4 years in Brisbane, and another 3 in more rural locations. None were dangerous, although 1 was venomous (red belly black). Most people I've spoken to haven't seen anything like as many snakes in that time period. I was just lucky, or unlucky dpeneding on your viewpoint!


Never seen a red back spider, but there are lots of harmless spiders in the garden. None in the house since we had it sprayed.


The media loves to report on snakes/sharks/crocs/etc. but you won't be affected by them unless you've been watching too many Arachnaphobia/Jaws/Anaconda type movies and get scared at the slightest rustle of leaves in the dark (usually a cane toad or possum).

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We are looking to hopefully make the move but really would like to know how bad the snakes and spiders are ?


Is there a way of keeping the spiders out of the house ?




Been here 8 years, seen one Redback. Went to the UK with my Australian wife in September, she'd never seen as many spiders as then in her life! She was terrified!!

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We are looking to hopefully make the move but really would like to know how bad the snakes and spiders are ?


Is there a way of keeping the spiders out of the house ?




G'day mate, I see that you are looking at Brisbane suburbs to live in.


Here are a few of the snakes commonly encountered;




Having seen and handled more snakes than the average bloke, my advice to you and your family is not to worry about them too much around the house unless you choose acreage that is well grassed. In parklands, be aware; around swampy/wet areas, yes. It pays to tread heavily around these types of places; snakes are deaf, but extremely sensitive to movement and vibration, which will act in your favour; (ie) try not to be secretive in bushland but to be purposeful in movements and stamping feet helps enormously...


And, truly, snakes will move away, rather than confront you, unless they feel trapped.


Spiders, just spray around the house.


Cheers, Bobj.

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These posts just show how different the different areas are. Here in Adelaide I see loads of red backs. Only ever outside, but they tend to just stay in one spot. We have them living under our outdoor chairs and one in the drain cover at the moment.


I've had two huntsmen spiders in my works van, and seen lots at work, but that's about an hours drive from my house, and I've only ever seen one at mine (thank God).


I did get bitten a year ago by a little jumpy spider while driving, on the neck. I was quite hoping that as I was pregnant at the time my baby would have spidey powers, but no sign yet. :-D


And unlike most people doing home gardening on here, at my work, in a production plant nursery most of us don't wear gloves. One person was bitten by a red back many years ago. The rest of us have managed spider bite free. Mozzies is what gets us!

I did once pull on what I thought was a leaf in some potting mix, and it pulled back! Just a nice big spider leg! Ewwwwww. We have bird poo spiders too which as their name implys, they look like bird poo. They are pretty cool.

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I've seen a few snakes in the dunes at the beach and in Rotto. They won't bother you usually and you would just about have to run over one on your bike to get bitten. Spiders are everywhere but again they are more frightened of you and the light than you should be of them. We have lots of spider webs round our clothes line. Most are redback webs that are really messy. I had a close call once when I grabbed my bike shorts off the clothesline and went to put them on when a redback fell out of them and went scampering up the wall.:laugh:


We sprayed the eaves and around the clothesline with mortein a few months ago and there were big redbacks coming out everywhere. So they are there but you would have to be really unlucky to get bitten by one. We've been here 23 years and none of us have been bitten or bothered by them.

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How odd. We have a fair few redbacks but never on the washing line. Ours like to hide in the dark.

Back when I had chickens they would eat them all. Infact, best thing for keeping pests down lol.


They aren't exactly on the washing line. I didn't explain that very well. It's one of those fold out from the wall things with hollow tubing. The spiders love the hollow tube but you never see them in the day. The one that fell out of my shorts must have been hiding in a dark corner.

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