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Kidney stones anyone?


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A month ago I had kidney pain and a little bleeding after urinating. The dr said it would be a bladder infection and have me some antibiotics. All was fine, until today.



I woke up yesterday just a bit uncomfortable feeling, which then turned into a bit of back ache. Very soon I realised it was kidney pain again. The dr had given me a repeat script, so as soon as the chemist opened I got the antibiotics. Also took paracetamol.

Throughout the day it got worse. I drive for work and was a couple of hours from home. The closer I got the worse pain I was in.

I pulled over at one point to lay on the side of the road. A lovely lady stopped to see if I was ok.



So I called work, said I was heading to the drs. When I was nearly there the pain was so bad that I chucked up all over myself and my steering wheel, dashboard etc (of my work van!) :-/



Once at the drs there was a bit of a queue. After a bit I felt like I needed to be sick again so went to the loo. While in there the pain got so bad I couldn't get off the floor. I ended up having to phone the reception to tell them I couldn't move.

They bought me in a wheel chair and took me out to a dr. It seems there was lots of blood in my urine and he thinks I actually have kidney stones.

He's given me stronger pain killers (which have dulled the pain) and a referral for a scan to look for stones.



I have never felt pain like it. An old woman who came in the toilets said 'it sounds like kidney stones, I've had those, it's worse than child birth'. So hopefully she's right as it KILLED. I'm far more nervous about child birth now. :-(


Has anyone else had kidney stones? The dr couldn't give me much detail on what to expect or how long. He did say I couldn't take the normal stronger pain killers as I'm pregnant. :-/

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My oh had them and yep they are very very painful. The first lot he had removed surgically, the second lot got blasted and the third did not get attended to before he died. Just have to head to Emergency when an attack happens and get some strong pain relief.


Not nice but some people are prone to them.

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Yes - it is the worst pain imaginable. The stones are in the tube from the kidneys to the bladder. They are the size of a pea and are made up of small grains like ground glass. The operation is simple and recovery is fast. They put an instrument up through the urinary tract with which they pull out the stones. It's unpleasant but relief is instant. Good luck.

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My oh had them and yep they are very very painful. The first lot he had removed surgically, the second lot got blasted and the third did not get attended to before he died. Just have to head to Emergency when an attack happens and get some strong pain relief.


Not nice but some people are prone to them.

Yes, the dr did say I should have gone straight to the emergency room. Oups. It's hard to know when it is serious enough to count as an emergency though. That and I was driving a big van which I'd never have found parking for at the hospital (their car park has a low roof, my car won't even fit).

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You poor thing. Years ago I had them when I lived in Africa, and recently my son and daughter in law were staying with us, and we had to take him to hospital as he had one.

luckily in his case it sorted itself, so really hope yours does.

Take lots of care, and let us know how you are.

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Hiya I've had them twice , once when I was 23 , and second time 6 months before moving to oz first time got stuck in me wee tube lol , was in hospital a week , couldn't pass it ended up going theatre and having them removed felt has fresh as a daisy after they were removed , I feel for you the pain is worse than child birth , I lost a stone in weight in a week the first time , the second time before I came to oz I had been suffering for a while with pain in my groin and back they sent me for every test going said I had some kidney stones in my kidney one was 5mm said I will av to av electric shock thingie carnt remember the name anyway I went lay on a table for about 45 mins .



It's like a hammer tapping ya kidney area , hurt me lol , anyway after that they did another scan it had broke it up but not small enough to pass , so made me another appointment to go back and have this shock treatment ( forgot the name ) but in the night I ended up phono ing ambulance because I was on me hands and knees passing blood throwing up , it had got stuck again , kept me in 2 days gave me a tablet what they give a bloke for a mans prostrate , well I laughed I said I won't grow facial hair will I , the doc laughed said no not just from one haha ....



Anyway way the first one didn't work so they give me a second the next day within a hr of taking it I passed it , right has reign went home did my washing mopped me floors haha ... The doc said Australia climate is not the best place if you suffer from kidney stones make sure you drink plenty of water with lemon in it ... But I do feel for you I would not wish them on my worse enemy very painful :biggrin:

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Not had them Blossom, but our friend has been in agony, went into hospital a couple of weeks ago but they couldn't get them all (apparently very large) and he has to go back in next week to go through it all again. I do feel for you as seeing our friends pain and discomfort has been awful.

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Ouch.....I've had them since I was 18 years old. I currently have two in my left kidney and am

under the consultant at the hospital here in Oz I'm now waiting for a CT scan. Over here they use laser or Lithotripsy. In both my pregnancies I was admitted to hospital with kidney stones. The doctor told me the tubes that come from your kidney to your bladder inlarge slightly so your more likely to pass them. I passed several stones whilst pregnant so I've

never had to have any treatment. Mine were agony and you'll know if you pass them. Hope you get it sorted.

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I've had a kidney stone/stones a few years ago. Major pain for a few hours but then it passed itself, luckily. Childbirth was much, much worse though (imo), sorry. But at least you can get a lot stronger pain relief for that, if you want to.

Hope yours is sorted soon

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I've had a kidney stone/stones a few years ago. Major pain for a few hours but then it passed itself, luckily. Childbirth was much, much worse though (imo), sorry. But at least you can get a lot stronger pain relief for that, if you want to.

Hope yours is sorted soon


Luckily plenty of us have survived both!!!!

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Ha ha. No horror stories please. I had no worries at all about child birth until yesterday. Odd as it's always scared the hell out of me, but as soon as I got pregnant those worries vanished. After hours of agony yesterday I'm back to worrying.

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Ha ha. No horror stories please. I had no worries at all about child birth until yesterday. Odd as it's always scared the hell out of me, but as soon as I got pregnant those worries vanished. After hours of agony yesterday I'm back to worrying.


I've not had kidney stones thankfully, but laboured/given birth 3 times. I think the pain of labour is 'bareable' because you get this gorgeous squishy newborn creation at the end of it.

Kidney stones, well I suppose some get to keep them in a jar but not quite the same lol.

Honestly once you're 'in the zone' you have a job to do, once it's done you forget all that pain pretty quickly and cuddle, stare at, kiss etc your new baby. :-)

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Guest Guest66881

No thanks, and i really sympathise with anyone who as them, my mate has them and suffers terrible at times, he's had no end of surgeries.

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I had a kidney stone and it is incredibly painful but lithotripsy treatment usually breaks them up. My doctor had no idea what caused it but it is becoming more common for people in their late 20s early 30s and the medical profession doesn't know why. I was told to drink as much as you can to flush out your kidneys - at least 3 litres a day. I don't always manage it but I have tried and not gad a problem since. Cranberry juice s very good for them so I gave a couple of glasses a week. The Australian climate does not help and it is easy to dehydrate, even in winter or when it's not hot.

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I had them a couple of years ago. Incredible pain - my doctor at the hospital had had them and had also given birth and saif she would rather give birth.


The treatment can also be "unpleasent". I had to have a tube inserted all the way along the ureatha (i nearly died when i saw it). This goes up to the kidney and they first partly break them up, then it has a little graple hook thing that grabs them and pulls them out. You are under general for this. It is pretty sore for a while and they may have to leave a stent in for a while - basically a tube running down the legnth of where no tube should have to go!

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I had a kidney stone and it is incredibly painful but lithotripsy treatment usually breaks them up. My doctor had no idea what caused it but it is becoming more common for people in their late 20s early 30s and the medical profession doesn't know why. I was told to drink as much as you can to flush out your kidneys - at least 3 litres a day. I don't always manage it but I have tried and not gad a problem since. Cranberry juice s very good for them so I gave a couple of glasses a week. The Australian climate does not help and it is easy to dehydrate, even in winter or when it's not hot.

Apparently they are more common when you are pregnant too. Something to do with calcium or something.

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