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ASDA!!!!! Arghhhhhh...


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Don't go in there very often but went in today.... Bloody Nora. I'm not being a snob or anything but I felt like I was on the set of old Jezza Kyle!!!! Prams, push chairs, Ugg boots (fakes with backs squashed down, tom sauce and chips fat splashed on them), and then- the 'creme de la creme'- PYJAMAS!!!!!!! FFS, whatever happened to at least getting dressed before going out???? I think people eat their dinner walking round there too literally off the shelfs.... If I was a psychologist, a dissertation on this may be quite an interesting subject...? Bold advertising, bright lights and screaming kids- In the words of Clarissa (the two fat ladies cook) 'PALACES OF PAIN'!:biglaugh:

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Wow I think we might have been at the same store! Young couple parked in a disabled space (even though it was browsing time so literally hundreds of spaces in the car park!), no blue badge and neither looked physically disabled. The female got out in what looked like pjs.


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I used to work in Asda as a Christmas temp before I started Uni to make some extra money and it was mad what you would see in there. We used to get transvestites coming in about 4 am I always thought it was sad that they felt they had to come in there because they felt so judged by people and didn't want to come in when it was busy. Got a lot of chavs but it was a store in a chavvy area... so expected ;) lol x

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Don't go in there very often but went in today.... Bloody Nora. I'm not being a snob or anything but I felt like I was on the set of old Jezza Kyle!!!! Prams, push chairs, Ugg boots (fakes with backs squashed down, tom sauce and chips fat splashed on them), and then- the 'creme de la creme'- PYJAMAS!!!!!!! FFS, whatever happened to at least getting dressed before going out???? I think people eat their dinner walking round there too literally off the shelfs.... If I was a psychologist, a dissertation on this may be quite an interesting subject...? Bold advertising, bright lights and screaming kids- In the words of Clarissa (the two fat ladies cook) 'PALACES OF PAIN'!:biglaugh:



litter and lazy b.stards , two of my biggest gripes ....never mind pyjamas.......and my pet hate , blokes wearing unpolished shoes .....most things iam very easy going ......but wheres the self respect

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I know, it beggers belief that some peeps can't even be arsed to get dressed. That's got to be the height of laziness. Skankville or what, the dirty munters. Mind you, if you think ASDA is bad, check out 'People of Walmart'. Makes ASDA look like Paris fashion week... Lol.

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Just went down the tip and saw a guy in PJs. But he was probably decorating.


I stopped going to asda when I realized not all the milk bottles were full. Yuck!

Yep, I can believe that. I saw a bloke eating a pork pie today. He put the whole thing in his mouth (bit like a snake when they swallow something whole), only this wasn't so Interesting to look at.... I can't work out what's worse, having your ankles ripped to shreds by all the push chairs and prams or having to watch people like Mr Pork Pie do his impression of a snake...

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Our local branch tends to be filled with the towns Eastern European work force. And they don't go anywhere near the soap or deodorant aisles!!! There is an element of chavs with screaming kids and the general dross of society mixed in as well.


I never cease to wonder though if any other supermarket chain has as many taxis outside?? I think along with the free sky tv vouchers, you get Asda taxi vouchers when you sign on at the dole office.

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Without wanting to start a whole debate on the benefits system,

based on one tongue in cheek comment on a thread already singling out different sections of society, the point is benefits shouldn't be a party.


They should be there to help those in need to have a reasonable standard of living while they get back on their feet. I've been there a couple of times over my 20-odd year working life for short bursts and I was grateful for what I got. But it shouldn't be a way of life, almost a career for some. £71 a week for a single person in a flat? Well I'm not an expert by any means but I'd imagine there's rent assistance on top of that, unless there's some extremely cheap flats out there, as well as council tax relief and a few other extras payable directly to whatever relevant agency.


I appreciate that there's probably not a lot left to live on but some members of society seem to manage quite nicely, but tbh I don't think they're the single people trying to survive day to day.

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Don't go in there very often but went in today.... Bloody Nora. I'm not being a snob or anything but I felt like I was on the set of old Jezza Kyle!!!! Prams, push chairs, Ugg boots (fakes with backs squashed down, tom sauce and chips fat splashed on them), and then- the 'creme de la creme'- PYJAMAS!!!!!!! FFS, whatever happened to at least getting dressed before going out???? I think people eat their dinner walking round there too literally off the shelfs.... If I was a psychologist, a dissertation on this may be quite an interesting subject...? Bold advertising, bright lights and screaming kids- In the words of Clarissa (the two fat ladies cook) 'PALACES OF PAIN'!:biglaugh:



Hahahaha, I too had the ASDA experience today! I was thinking the exact same thing and even txt my hubby while I was battling the aisles cos I had to off load and share the trauma. Think it must be a pre requisite that you have to wear filthy, baggy trackie bottoms and in the case of The Roehampton branch, flip flops or trodden down Ugg rip offs and massive, trashy looking gold earrings that your lobes can manage. You must also yell & scream expletives at your kids as you fill up your trolly with the frozen ready meals on offer! Then when they get to the cashier it's obviously acceptable in their social circles to abuse them too! hello...might not be the most glamorous job but they are working for a living!

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... Yeah but the difference is you were probably in your house. This mob wear their jim jams in the shop! Lol.


Yeah I would b too embarrassed to do that incase I saw someone I knew (or even just seeing strangers in your pjs is bit weird)

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