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Do you think shes guilty?

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

She has cut her hair short, like any self-respecting penitent would. Her saucer eyes are a-brim with tears, which forever threaten to spill down her pale and pretty face.

Under a discreet slick of pink gloss, which perfectly matches her sensible sweater, her lips tremble when she speaks. And every word she says is a plea for sympathy, for understanding, for clemency and support. ‘It was only on my way here,’ she says, stifling a sob, ‘that I had my first cry.’

This was the Amanda Knox that America woke up to yesterday, this was the pastel vision of noble suffering that the 26-year-old convicted killer is determined to present to the world. Over and over again. Mere hours after being found guilty for the second time of the murder of her friend Meredith Kercher, Knox was back in the television studios winsomely proclaiming her innocence.


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I'm really not sure, but I don't like the way she's tried to make money out of the whole situation.


I read somewhere that all the money from her book went towards her massive legal debts. Not sure if she's personally made much. This situation reminds me a bit of Lindy Chamberlain and Joanne Lees. Women who aren't very soft or feminine in their appearance or speech, or not very forthcoming in general, tend to get a raw deal in the media. I don't really know the truth of her involvement.

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I don't think that there is an awful lot of evidence to link her to it. It seems to be more about her demeanor afterwards, but let's face it, who can say how they would react in the same situation. Had she been involved in some way, surely there would have been more DNA found? It is interesting that the two of them were implicated in the crime by the guy who is in jail for the murder, but only when his sentence was reduced.


I dont think that she did it. She does come across as being cold/uncaring, but I can see that that may be in part due to the way that she has been treated. I think the Italian prosecutors are only persuing this so as to save face.

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No opinion as look at Lindy Chamberlain and they said the same about her demeanor at the time. I would have the same demeanor as she has because I am one that does not fall about crying, or looking miserable as I like to keep that sort of stuff very private and show a strong face to the world. If she has been found innocent I see no reason to try again, I agree with the American system.

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I saw that interview yesterday. It was a brilliant performance. Confirmed my belief she is a psychopath.


You have some expertise in the psychopath spotting on TV field?

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You could see she had been coached. Probably rehearsed everything she said. No real empathy for the victim or her family.


I expect she was, very common for a US legal team to coach & mock interview/cross examine their clients.

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Guest Guest66881

It was supposedly over an argument about cleaning the house and a bit of jealousy rolled in a joint while shagging each other, not a good mix at any party is it?

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She's been through 2 trials and they both found her guilty. It's just a sad state of affairs. If they lock her up again it's not going to bring Meredith Kercher back and I don't think she's a danger to anyone else.


I guess you would have to see all the evidence that the Jury got to see to make a decision. Looks more like a case of some young persons sex games gone wrong. 99% of the time nothing would have happened and they would have put it down to experience.


Was it Angelina Jolie who came out with the statement "your young, your in bed, you have knives, **** happens" when someone asked about a couple of scars she has. Now she's the darling of the media.

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She's been through 2 trials and they both found her guilty. It's just a sad state of affairs. If they lock her up again it's not going to bring Meredith Kercher back and I don't think she's a danger to anyone else.


I guess you would have to see all the evidence that the Jury got to see to make a decision. Looks more like a case of some young persons sex games gone wrong. 99% of the time nothing would have happened and they would have put it down to experience.


Was it Angelina Jolie who came out with the statement "your young, your in bed, you have knives, **** happens" when someone asked about a couple of scars she has. Now she's the darling of the media.


Now there's a good argument to just say to any murderer.

That was naughty but don't do it again and we'll say no more about it.

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