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Mozzie bites


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Ok, it may be some other winged bug biting me but given I've squished 2 of them whilst in the act of feasting on my blood, I'm thinking mozzie. Those squished mozzies were followed by swollen sore areas is also a hint :biggrin:


Anyways, I seem to be rather allergic to the blighters. Well, to their bites. I don't just get an annoying bite and a bit of an itch. I get a usually large swelling (we are talking about 15-20cm across usually) that hardens or becomes really firm to the touch, sticks out and is very very sore and hot to touch. It also causes me pain when I put weight on it if its on my lower leg.


The worst one was on my thigh and was a large swelling well over 20cm in length and about 20cm wide. Bigger than my hand. And it was painful. And the ones on my feet hurt as there is little flesh and it is painful to put pressure onto my feet.


Point of post, wondering if anyone has any tips as to helping reduce swelling and pain? I use antiseptic cream and anti histamines but I kid you not, the actual soreness isn't itch like annoying, its painful and when I have more than a couple of bites on one limb its a bit miserable. I can't put pressure on the area so even lying in bed to sleep, if it is pressed on, it causes me to stir. Feels like someone has a hot poker on my leg and its about to burst.


I am heading to the docs this week about it but was wanting to see if anyone had any suggestions in the meantime.


Thanks in advance :)

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Sorry to hear that you react so violently to bites. 6 months ago i was bitten and ended up unable to move because of painful joints (hips, ankles and shoulders) Went to see my GP who informed me that it was probably a mozzie bite and treated accordingly.

He did explain that Mozzies bite do not normally swell. Sandflies /midges bite and leave a hard red swollen lump that can be painful and itch. When I get the red itchy bites I normally take an anti histamine. I have tried all types of treatment to ease the itching, including chemist medication and home made sprays, i have never found anything that i could say really helped with the itchy bites. If you find something please share I am sure a lot of us get these itchy bites.

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I used to react like that...seems to have lessened the longer Im here..not sure if that's down to better prevention though. I use the strongest spray I can find..bushmans at the minute..daily and reapply in eve pre walk. I carry antihistamines to take asap once bitten and burn coils if outdoors at night. Minimal bites so far this season. Pawpaw cream is effective at soothing. Have you tried icepacks? Take the swelling down..also make sure you use best antihistamines for you...trial and error

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Thanks for the replies.


I use ice packs but can't wear them all the time lol. And if its more than one area, its hard to keep them all on at the same time :P


Midge or mozzie? Is there actually a difference? Hubby tells me midges don't bite and if it bites, its a mozzie. I think mozzie and that I react to their saliva. It is documented some people react badly to mozzie bites and the reactions listed are like mine. And I've swatted the blighters in the act.


It might be back to porridge oats poultice also to reduce swelling.

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Hubs always gets bitten by the mozzies! They leave me alone for some reason? Bad blood I guess lol!


Lucky you :biggrin:


I did read somewhere they can go by smell and prefer a certain type of whatever. Some of us are more attractive to the things than others. :unsure: They obviously love me :realmad:

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As you know I work in areas where they are a serious issue - I have zipped up the body bags of wayyyy to many people from malaria.


So I take them serious.


First. Clothing. Wear long sleeves and long trousers and closed shoes. I know not ideal, but this is the ideal.


Next. Repellent. Use a DEET based repellent with at least 25% DEET. I personally use Bushmans 80% when in high malaria areas an feel safe.


Third. A lot of bites actually happen when you are in bed - they just appear later. So consider a moz net over your bed. It's also kinda romantic ;)

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Guest Guest40285
You could try tea tree oil. It helps with inflammation and itch as well as being an effective antiseptic.


Yep Tea Tree oil, one of mother natures best antiseptic, Its the best. I live up the road from Thursday plantation, It works on everything from bites to tinea, try it.

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l hope u take malaria tablets when you are in these area's

As you know I work in areas where they are a serious issue - I have zipped up the body bags of wayyyy to many people from malaria.


So I take them serious.


First. Clothing. Wear long sleeves and long trousers and closed shoes. I know not ideal, but this is the ideal.


Next. Repellent. Use a DEET based repellent with at least 25% DEET. I personally use Bushmans 80% when in high malaria areas an feel safe.


Third. A lot of bites actually happen when you are in bed - they just appear later. So consider a moz net over your bed. It's also kinda romantic ;)

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If its any help, your body should slowly build up an immunity and that will calm it down. l never believed it until l saw it happen to OH and son. Swelled up with like they had been playing with bees. Now they don't. Then stepson came over last year and you guessed it.... he swells up. l come from Africa and l think as kids you get chomped to death and l have built an immunity to flaring ups... Just don't find a river ross or dengue mozzie, apparently that sucks... literally lol

Thanks for the replies.


I use ice packs but can't wear them all the time lol. And if its more than one area, its hard to keep them all on at the same time :P


Midge or mozzie? Is there actually a difference? Hubby tells me midges don't bite and if it bites, its a mozzie. I think mozzie and that I react to their saliva. It is documented some people react badly to mozzie bites and the reactions listed are like mine. And I've swatted the blighters in the act.


It might be back to porridge oats poultice also to reduce swelling.

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Was just about to mention a few tips when I read Verystormy's post.Yes I think Snifter you have to act like you are in a tropical country(although Adelaide would'nt be classed as tropical lol)Having been to India several times and Sri Lanka,we always take sprays/creams with high percentage deet.Also use mossie nets over beds,and...burn incense with citronella!Have also used the plug in versions of mossie deterrant which also works well.

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An excellent herbal remedy to try is one called Apis. It is specifically for allergic reactions and works wonders for us when we have been bitten by mozzies. We use a 30cc dose of it, 3 times a day for 3 days. Very often the bite will clear up after a couple of doses.


Disclaimer: Please note, I am not a trained herbalist or homeopath. This is only how we treat it ourselves and if you want professional advice you should consult a registered homeopath. We use http://www.helios.co.uk for all our remedies and we call them (via skype) when we need free advice from qualified homeopaths.

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The other one we use to protect against bits is lemon juice in a plain base moisturising lotion. While I would not dream of using it where there is malaria, we used to use it in Canada and it was very effective. We stopped at the point I read in a book on bears, that they are attracted by the smell of lemon. However, while using it, we never got bitten (and nor did we attract bears but I was not about to take the chance after that!).


I would only use this in Perth (and other none risky areas) and it can make the bed sheets pong of lemon if you wear it in bed. I would also point out that after a couple of days your partner may suggest that you, or they, sleep in the spare bedroom!

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Guest Guest16631

.......we use aloe Vera........

........just snap off a piece.....easy to grow

.........and let the juice...( bit slimey )

..........land on the itch ......rub it in a bit.....

..........a good plant to have in the garden or a pot....ime....

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.......we use aloe Vera........

........just snap off a piece.....easy to grow

.........and let the juice...( bit slimey )

..........land on the itch ......rub it in a bit.....

..........a good plant to have in the garden or a pot....ime....


Said in jest!!!

We call it "eh up Vera" but we did live in the Midlands last time we were in UK, and no one would say hallo (aloe) Vera

Also on a serious note really good for sunburn.

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Guest Guest16631
Said in jest!!!

We call it "eh up Vera" but we did live in the Midlands last time we were in UK, and no one would say hallo (aloe) Vera

Also on a serious note really good for sunburn.



......lol.....my OH says that.....

.......Derbyshire born and Derbyshire bred.......and all that....he is...

......and yes great for sunburn......

.......I have loads growing here and it's well used in the summer......

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I have tried many things


Mozzies love me. I think it is the Irish skin / blood. They reckon half the world is Irish and the other half wants to be so maybe that includes mozzies.:laugh:


I like Aloe vera but it is a little too sticky for me. I find 'Stingose' to be pretty crap. Paw paw is okay.


The only thing I find that instantly takes the irritation away and works overnight is good old fashioned calamine lotion. It does stop me the scratching / scarring for me. I keep it in the fridge. I take antihistamines if they have really had a go.



If anyone has any recommendations for spider bites that would be good. They seem to like me too. Had three in a year.


Millie x

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Aussie mozzies love me and never go near my DH. Pommie mozzies absolutely love him and don't bother with me at all! My reactions got worse over the years rather than better unfortunately and DS2 has been known to spend time in hospital on iv antibiotics as a result of mozzie bites. They do say that an Avon product (Sure soft???) is a good repellant and taking large doses of Vitamin B is also supposed to keep the little devils at bay. The biggest problem with Aussie mozzies of course is what they may be carrying - Ross River virus springs to mind.

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