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Bin shocker outrage


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If you put stuff in the bin late at night and it is collected early morning then how did she even know? And if it was not collected early, then I don't know why you wouldn't just ask. I can't imagine why anyone would say no if you asked. You seem to be assuming that because you knew someone previously that didn't mind you using their bin that you should not have to ask anyone you ever live next door to again?


So I think it was a bit discourteous to be honest, just moved in and filling up the neighbours bin without speaking to them, perhaps she has had people causing problems in past if they over filled her bin and collection was refused. Or maybe she had more stuff to come later. Or maybe she was just surprised that someone moved in and did this, to be honest I would be a bit surprised too. I think you need to apologise.

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Shes probably had problems wth ppl doing this and you got the brunt of it...u may have been the straw that broke the camels bak. I'd assume that n try to get along wth her..we all hav hysterical days lol I have dun it to neigbours n them to me n never really thought about it..but I guess if evryone was to do it to one person their would be a problem..

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See I think the histrionics was certainly over the top, but maybe she's been burned in the past and old ladies alone can get worked up....I would expect to be asked if someone put things in my bin and I certainly wouldn't put anything in anyone elses without asking.


My brother is always demolising walls a digging god knows what out of his garden to put in his bin, he fills his and goes around filling his neighbours bins, I'd be going mental if he lived near me - and I have told him he should ask, but his response is "nah, they've space".

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I'm stunned that some people are so precious about a bin. :shocked:


My perspective is...

It's actually not MY bin...it's the Council's bin

I'm not obliged to pay per item collected

I'm not obliged to pay per weight collected

My lifestyle isn't judged by what's in the bin ...so....


if neighbours need extra space to keep the neighbourhood free of rubbish....please help yourself to any spare space in the Council's bin outside my address.


But please, don't abscond with it. It was once found a couple of kilometres down the road after some kids had gone for a joyride in it...it was downhill all the way. :rolleyes:

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I'm stunned that some people are so precious about a bin. :shocked:


My perspective is...

It's actually not MY bin...it's the Council's bin

I'm not obliged to pay per item collected

I'm not obliged to pay per weight collected

My lifestyle isn't judged by what's in the bin ...so....


if neighbours need extra space to keep the neighbourhood free of rubbish....please help yourself to any spare space in the Council's bin outside my address.


But please, don't abscond with it. It was once found a couple of kilometres down the road after some kids had gone for a joyride in it...it was downhill all the way. :rolleyes:


I'm not precious about my bin. I do like good manners though.

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We hate it when people put stuff in our bins.


We do the correct re-cycling thing. Our recycling is weighed, checked and we get points - and vouchers - the more we put in it. (The Coogee Bay Hotel gives us half-price lunches for doing the right thing..)


The bins are also photographed to check what's in them is correct. Bad people (those who don't stick to the rules) get a naughty warning sticker put on their bins by the garbage collectors. I'd be very pissed off if I got one of them because someone else had put their rubbish in mine.


If someone doesn't have room for their own rubbish in their own bins, they probably aren't recycling correctly and need a bit of educating. :wink:

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We hate it when people put stuff in our bins.


We do the correct re-cycling thing. Our recycling is weighed, checked and we get points - and vouchers - the more we put in it. (The Coogee Bay Hotel gives us half-price lunches for doing the right thing..)


The bins are also photographed to check what's in them is correct. Bad people (those who don't stick to the rules) get a naughty warning sticker put on their bins by the garbage collectors. I'd be very pissed off if I got one of them because someone else had put their rubbish in mine.


If someone doesn't have room for their own rubbish in their own bins, they probably aren't recycling correctly and need a bit of educating. :wink:


I`ve always done the correct recycling too, but our recycling bin only gets emptied once a fortnight and everything gets flattened and as I said with 7 off us its hard not to fill it and tbh I find its the Aussies and foreigners who have been here for many many yrs that are ignorant to recycling and also saving water . Our family were put on a water wise programme and came up best in the area , if we can do it then they can........we used to have a cleaner and I walked in one day finding the hoover "running" in a different room while she was stood talking somewhere else !!! I was furious .......:mad:it is the ignorant lazy people who are set in there ways that need educating......

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Surely it would have been polite to ask first?


I would think a lot depends on where you live as well.


We live in a small town on the outer edge of Melbourne and none of our neighbours would give a hoot if you used their bins without asking. everybody knows everybody else, and are prepared to help each other in any way they can.


a bonus that we have on our street as well, is that it used to be 2 shires at one time and the rubbish gets collected on the opposite side of the road on a Friday and our side on a Monday. We can actually wheel our bins over the road, and the shire MUST empty them. (we pay for 2 sets of bins because of our rental unit, so don't need to do so BTW)

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I would think a lot depends on where you live as well.


We live in a small town on the outer edge of Melbourne and none of our neighbours would give a hoot if you used their bins without asking. everybody knows everybody else, and are prepared to help each other in any way they can.




You are probably correct...we live in a "fringe" area and the attitude is the same. Neighbours will often also bring in your empty bin. I better not move to deepest, darkest suburbia...I'd get the rules all wrong. :rolleyes:

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If someone doesn't have room for their own rubbish in their own bins, they probably aren't recycling correctly and need a bit of educating. :wink:


I've only ever known it to happen with recycling, rather than rubbish...with "empties" after a party, or when something large has been delivered in a box and there is a large amount of cardboard to dispose of.

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You are probably correct...we live in a "fringe" area and the attitude is the same. Neighbours will often also bring in your empty bin. I better not move to deepest, darkest suburbia...I'd get the rules all wrong. :rolleyes:


Let me explain them to you. When you first move into an area, don't use your neighbours bin before asking. If you have surplus rubbish, knock on the door and say something along the lines of:


"hello I am Skani, I have just moved in next door. I am terribly sorry to bother you, but with the move I have a lot of excess rubbish this week and I wondered if I could put some of it in your bin if you have room".


And if you are lucky they might say by all means and you don't have to ask around here, just use it. If they don't well ask them again next time and maybe they will say it then. There, it is not so hard.


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Personally, I think it is a bit rude to stick your rubbish in someone else's bin.

I don't really like it when my neighbour has done it to me, only recycling but still.


Of course, I wouldn't go over and complain or anything, but it is best not to do it.

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A neighbour in Scotland asked if she could use our non-recycling bin on one occasion as she noticed ours was always nearly empty, and she always had loads of rubbish with having a family. That was fine. But then she took liberties, filling ours right up every fortnight with recyclable stuff before we even had a chance to put our rubbish in! I ended up removing her stuff as best I could and putting it on top of her bin, think she got the message although she and another neighbour then started using the bin belonging to an old lady who was in hospital long term - all bins still overflowing with recyclable stuff!

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I wouldn't mind someone else putting their rubbish in our bin, although it is usually full so I am not sure how they'd do it! Better in my bin than being fly-tipped somewhere.


Some councils will provide a second recycling bin if you ask them. We phoned our council, and they provided a second bin free of charge, delivered within about two weeks. Definitely worth asking if you have lots of recycling (I work from home so there is extra cardboard and paper). I think they do the same with the green bins too.

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I'm not so keen on it when I'm not asked and it's still during the week when I am still using it.

Maybe when it's out at the kerb for emptying then it's fair game, but while I've not finished putting my own rubbish in it, it bugs me!

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