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When I lived regionally, I had a neighbour that played his music( pop,rock etc) loudly well into the night - most nights. I assumed he was a young guy, until one day he popped his head over the fence and introduced himself. The funniest,coolest 80 year old I have ever met. He was awesome.


Now I live in a neighbourhood where everyone drives into their remote controlled garages at night and disappears. It's quiet, very quiet...

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Yes, there's a FB page originally started for the mums at the primary school - become rather extended and reflective of the community spirit really. Our neighbours are great, mix of ages, some with babies, toddlers, teens and older teens/20's we have a street party every Christmas.

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Our immediate neighbours on both sides are lovely and we know them quite well. Often have the odd drink together.


Others surrounding us are perfectly nice and friendly and we've been to quite a few Christmas Neighbourhood parties over the 20 years we've lived in this house.


It's not a transient area, though. A lot of people around here have lived here for just a long as we have, our part of the street is full of family houses which are rarely sold.


I imagine its a bit different if you live in an apartment with people coming and going frequently.

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Standoffish. Pretty normal from previous experience.


What......I don't believe it........I thought your neighbours would have really warmed to your positive, "little ray of sunshine" outlook on life......really thought you would be the first person they would invite to a BBQ or dinner party so they could be enthralled by your riveting repartee. :wink:

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Guest littlesarah

I live in a small suburb & find people here friendly. Our street has only 8 houses, & we know everyone who lives here. We don't all hang out together, but we've had a few Christmas gatherings & stop for a chat when we can. I love living here :)

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Depends on your area and state I think, I've lived both east and west and although people were generally friendlier in Sydney it extended only as far as a hello that was it. People are so wrapped up in their own lives they just don't seem to want to bother..from my experience anyway and I'm born and bred here.

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Our neighbours are pleasant enough but we don't visit each other's houses. Where we used to live the neighbour popped in all the time and it became annoying. I used to hide! He was pretty nosy, too.- and used to watch our girls on the trampoline from his back verandah- bit creepy really. Having said that, he wasn't THAT bad and would help you if you needed help.

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Guest The Pom Queen

We live at the top of a steep hill so the rest of the neighbourhood never venture up, we have rainforest to the side and behind us and two neighbours to the left both are lovely. We don't get involved in living in each others pockets, there was a pom who lived down the street who always held BBq's but to be honest we prefer our own company, nothing wrong with them we are just quiet people.

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I live in suburbia, none of the convenience and fun of the city, none of the peace and quiet of the country side.


The house which is a rental is rubbish. Nothing straight and everything done to the lowest quote.


Cannot wait till we move out, problem is we have just moved in!

Oh well only 11months to go.

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