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I'm gutted too!


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I cant believe how they are getting away with this kind of behaviour ? That is what I call sick and its happening on some of your doorsteps, but on another thread we have a few people ranting and raving about some guy telling a few sick jokes that we see and here all the time via text ,email ,pub and in the work place ! Where do our priorities lie these days ?

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I personally don't like religions, any of them.


I don't like the fact that people commit violence in the name of religion.


People say the Catholic religion is a peaceful religion, it is now but they had the crusades many years ago.


Others make a vest with explosives in it and make themselves a martyr.


Don't all religions say to forgive and vive in peace ? So why are there so many wars and so much hate in the world in the name of religion?



I personally believe that nothing happens when you die, the lights go out, you turn to dust.

So why waste time hating or even why waste time in church or your specific place of worship. Why not go for a walk in the sunshine or the rain for that matter? Why not smile and be kind and courteous to the world, that humans animals and plants should all be treated with respect.

So don't throw your garbage out of your car window into the bush.

Give your dog a scratch and a walk don't kick him.

Smile and be polite to people.


Ghandi once said "Be the change you want to see in the world."


Let the others hate, let them waste their time. Your life is too short, so be the changes you want to see in the world and live a happier life.

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Its not about muslims, its about extremist nutters, who occur in all branches of organised religeon, thankfully they seem to be the minority. As for Australia - ahem, dont I remember some uproar three or four years ago when an Australian muslim talked about women in western dress being like 'uncovered meat?' So its a world wide problem and I dont know what the answer is.

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Its not about muslims, its about extremist nutters, who occur in all branches of organised religeon, thankfully they seem to be the minority. As for Australia - ahem, dont I remember some uproar three or four years ago when an Australian muslim talked about women in western dress being like 'uncovered meat?' So its a world wide problem and I dont know what the answer is.


The answer, to my mind, is being very very aware who we vote for over the next generations to come. I have spent a fair amount of time in the Middle East, and yes, there is an extreme Islamist plan of gaining power through democracy over the coming generations. Every Muslim male is allowed 4 wives, how many children does that make, potentially, born in Non-Islamic countries, with a nationality of the chosen country, and honed to feel very strongly about doing their utmost to spread Islam. All voters. Add another generation... I have close friends of all religions and extreme evangelism as seen in parts of America is just as insane, but not as dangerous in my opinion as there is no organised plan to convert the whole world to their way of thinking. There are many moderate Muslims who will feel uneasy about all this, but when there is a power shift towards something familiar it will be more difficult for them to remain neutral and open minded, as many devout but moderate Christians find it easier to forgive the attitudes of extreme Evangelists.


Looking at Egypt, once a tolerant country towards a multitude of religions, and turning over the last decades more and more Islamic - is a really good example as a warning. I have seen college photos of graduates from 25 years ago, now in their 50's and you would not be able to tell they were not European, modern dress, no heads or faces covered, free and easy smiles. Today's graduate photos are so very different. And it's the design of that Islamic plan coming to fruition, despite Mubarak's resistance, and let's face it, he was a bad enough leader. As our leadership is more and more ignoring the people's wishes there will be a call for strong leadership to sort it all out, it's always the same story. And in will come extreme thinkers, in impoverished Germany it was Hitler in his day, who will it be here? Extreme Muslims are waiting in the wings, with education, determination, patience, conviction and the democratic process in their favour. Worse news for women, and sadly, a lot of men won't quite care enough. We have to be careful as a society not to be passive in making this society work WELL, independently from any government, so extremism is less attractive to our youngsters growing up alongside honed Islamic youngsters, who are victims in all this, too. Can you imagine growing up with extremist parents... nightmare.

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Yes but also imagine being a moderate adult with extremist children? We only have to look back on Adolf to realise that voting is so so important - and we need to outvote people before they seem anything more than a minor threat. Once they are in power it is too late - look at the havoc wrought by Mugabe (who once seemed harmless) or the recent goings on in Russia where it seems that if you disagree with the government you suddenly find yourself arrested on unconvincing charges of embezzlement. Democracy is a precious thing and we need to guard it well.

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or the recent goings on in Russia where it seems that if you disagree with the government you suddenly find yourself arrested on unconvincing charges of embezzlement.


Or shot...like several journalists.

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I find this video very disturbing. It is not about race, it is about religion and hatred.


We have friends for many years who are black and Indian and feel exactly the same way as us about the radical muslims. When our friends' parents first went to the UK they intregrated into society and lived by the laws of the UK, why should this be any different now for any new migrant to the UK? I am moving to Oz, I have signed the Values Statement to say I will live by their laws.


We all joke about us Brits moving to countries and trying to "take over". You only have to visit the Spanish Costas to see evidence of that:smile:, but we we are not trying to incite hatred, radicalise people and demonstrate and say that everyone who does not agree with us should be dammed.


Personally, if I felt that unhappy about where I was living, I would be off.

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This is a sad sign of how things are going in the UK im afraid.


Going slightly off topic, I work in London now and then and the last time I was there I parked at the tube station and went to put a ticket on my car. I didn't have any cash on me so went to use the card ticket machine but unfortunately it was out of order. I then went to the ticket office to be met by a black/coloured (no offence if I got it wrong) chap who didnt speak a word of english. I tried to tell him 4-5 times that the ticket machine wasn't working but all to no avail.


So, I then wrote a note on my car and went to work.......


When i returned I had been given a £75 parking ticket for failure to display a valid ticket....................................!


When I called the parking company I was told that there were 'other options when machines are out of order and that I cant just not pay'


So I then calmly (as i could) explained how the guy at the car park didn't understand what I was saying OR tell me there were 'other options' to which the person on the phone (also not english) told me, and i quote, "its not very nice for you to discriminate against him and be racist like that (it gets better) she then went on to tell me "i doubt you speak the language of his home country either" True.....but I don't live in his country!!!!!!!!!


I was speechless and if we hadn't been having our police checks processed for our visas at that time I would have told her straight AND not paid the £75 parking fee but I am only a white english born citizen, what hope would I have had in complaining!


GRRRRRR rant over and onto happier times, moving to the gold coast next wednesday!!

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Just one of those things here now im afraid and I know things like that happen everywhere, even Australia but at least I wont know any different in Australia.


It breaks my heart more to see how bad the UK is changing/getting where as in Aus I wont be comparing it to anything.

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The answer, to my mind, is being very very aware who we vote for over the next generations to come. I have spent a fair amount of time in the Middle East, and yes, there is an extreme Islamist plan of gaining power through democracy over the coming generations. Every Muslim male is allowed 4 wives, how many children does that make, potentially, born in Non-Islamic countries, with a nationality of the chosen country, and honed to feel very strongly about doing their utmost to spread Islam. All voters. Add another generation... I have close friends of all religions and extreme evangelism as seen in parts of America is just as insane, but not as dangerous in my opinion as there is no organised plan to convert the whole world to their way of thinking. There are many moderate Muslims who will feel uneasy about all this, but when there is a power shift towards something familiar it will be more difficult for them to remain neutral and open minded, as many devout but moderate Christians find it easier to forgive the attitudes of extreme Evangelists.


Looking at Egypt, once a tolerant country towards a multitude of religions, and turning over the last decades more and more Islamic - is a really good example as a warning. I have seen college photos of graduates from 25 years ago, now in their 50's and you would not be able to tell they were not European, modern dress, no heads or faces covered, free and easy smiles. Today's graduate photos are so very different. And it's the design of that Islamic plan coming to fruition, despite Mubarak's resistance, and let's face it, he was a bad enough leader. As our leadership is more and more ignoring the people's wishes there will be a call for strong leadership to sort it all out, it's always the same story. And in will come extreme thinkers, in impoverished Germany it was Hitler in his day, who will it be here? Extreme Muslims are waiting in the wings, with education, determination, patience, conviction and the democratic process in their favour. Worse news for women, and sadly, a lot of men won't quite care enough. We have to be careful as a society not to be passive in making this society work WELL, independently from any government, so extremism is less attractive to our youngsters growing up alongside honed Islamic youngsters, who are victims in all this, too. Can you imagine growing up with extremist parents... nightmare.


What you say is very interesting. I believe this issue raised it's head in Canada over the last couple of years. It was something to do (I think - please correct me if I am wrong) about Sharia Law being accepted in the courts. Under Sharia Law women do not have equal rights when it comes to divorce. A group of well educated, Muslim women campaigned hard enough and persuasively enough that Sharia Law was not legally allowed to take precedent over Canadian Law when it came to Islamic Divorces. Good for them! Let's hope that Muslim women elsewhere in the world follow their example and stand up for their right to have equality before the law.

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Yes but also imagine being a moderate adult with extremist children? We only have to look back on Adolf to realise that voting is so so important - and we need to outvote people before they seem anything more than a minor threat. Once they are in power it is too late - look at the havoc wrought by Mugabe (who once seemed harmless) or the recent goings on in Russia where it seems that if you disagree with the government you suddenly find yourself arrested on unconvincing charges of embezzlement. Democracy is a precious thing and we need to guard it well.


Democracy - where all citizens are supposed to participate equally. Being that politicians (in the UK, limited experience of Australia) ignore the will of the people (eg Iraq War, Poll Tax etc etc), could you in all honesty say that the UK is a democracy? I would say that it is more of a Plutocracy where power is in the hands of a small minority of rich people who have no interest in listening to the views of the majority.

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This is a sad sign of how things are going in the UK im afraid.


Going slightly off topic, I work in London now and then and the last time I was there I parked at the tube station and went to put a ticket on my car. I didn't have any cash on me so went to use the card ticket machine but unfortunately it was out of order. I then went to the ticket office to be met by a black/coloured (no offence if I got it wrong) chap who didnt speak a word of english. I tried to tell him 4-5 times that the ticket machine wasn't working but all to no avail.


So, I then wrote a note on my car and went to work.......


When i returned I had been given a £75 parking ticket for failure to display a valid ticket....................................!


When I called the parking company I was told that there were 'other options when machines are out of order and that I cant just not pay'


So I then calmly (as i could) explained how the guy at the car park didn't understand what I was saying OR tell me there were 'other options' to which the person on the phone (also not english) told me, and i quote, "its not very nice for you to discriminate against him and be racist like that (it gets better) she then went on to tell me "i doubt you speak the language of his home country either" True.....but I don't live in his country!!!!!!!!!


I was speechless and if we hadn't been having our police checks processed for our visas at that time I would have told her straight AND not paid the £75 parking fee but I am only a white english born citizen, what hope would I have had in complaining!


GRRRRRR rant over and onto happier times, moving to the gold coast next wednesday!!


We had the same sort of experience when we emigrated. My wife rang up to try and get her income tax return sorted out. She had to ring the local Council offices in Hyde, just down the road from where we lived. She had so much trouble trying to make the lady she was talking to understand that she asked to be put through to someone who could speak English, the lady on the other end let off a tirade of abuse and hung up. My wife followed up by going down to the offices to get it sorted out and had about as much trouble face to face as she did over the phone. Gets a bit wearing after a while.

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Had a similar experience on the tube. Didn't know which line to use so asked the tube employee who was stood around offering help to people. Unfortunately, he didn't speak 1 word of English, not 1 word. All he could do was shrug and smile as if to say "dunno".

But he was stood round in case anyone needed help! Amazing, how do you get a job like that?

At least my episode didn't cost me money.

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When I see scenes like that I am deeply saddened. What I think about is that all those people were born into this world with pure, unpolluted minds.

Brainwashing and destroying the intellect and reason of children with primitive, barbaric fairy-tales is simply child abuse. This goes for all religions.

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When I see scenes like that I am deeply saddened. What I think about is that all those people were born into this world with pure, unpolluted minds.

Brainwashing and destroying the intellect and reason of children with primitive, barbaric fairy-tales is simply child abuse. This goes for all religions.


So so well put. It really puzzles me, that those who have access to computers and TV and therefore can see all sorts of cultures and ways of life just by pressing a few buttons can still believe in any one way to live and sticking to this illusion that anyone else would burn in some hell ... Little children don't care about any of that, race, skin colour, what people wear, they just want to have fun, -why should that be changed? It's really a beautiful world, just seeing it and simply appreciating the differences with natural tolerance and curiousity could be so easy.

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