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Poor poor Tories you couldn't make it up!!

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Are you having a laugh, those two are the two muppets ever to have been in power, and now having stuffed the country good and proper have ridden off into the sunset with big bloated bank balances, how ironic :eek:

Yep they wer sht, much like cameron and Osborne

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The private sector already provides some care for NHS patients. Under Labour it was used to provide extra capacity for non urgent operations, allowing patients faster access and shorter waiting times




But this was ok?


you need to educate yourself in the vast difference in what's happening, under labour patients would and still can get treated at private hospitals to shorten hospital waiting lists. The Tories want to do the opposite, they want to open the nhs to private patients so they can cash in meaning that someone could sit waiting for an op on the NHS for weeks and then get the date, all of a sudden someone comes and pays for the same op extending that persons wait further.


anyone who doubts that the nhs is being geared up for privatisation just needs to have a look at the new "nhs" hospitals being built, I have just worked on one in Bristol, southmead hospital, 75% of the hospitals beds are single rooms with en-suites, pretty posh for a hospital which will be used for the nhs If you ask me.

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Are you having a laugh, those two are the two biggest muppets ever to have been in power, and now having stuffed the country good and proper have ridden off into the sunset with big bloated bank balances, how ironic :eek:



Are you taking the piss, thatcher single handedly set about bringing back Victorian values, she destroyed the working man, sold off much needed council properties to pay for votes and planned to cut off parts of the uk because she didn't like their values. In the world of scumbags you have dictators and the likes of hitler, then next to them you have thatcher, and soon Cameron, Osbourne and their puppet clegg. David Cameron aspires to be like that evil cow.


Blaire and brown made some mistakes but they are saints compared to those lot. Also do you Tory lovers forget that it was brown that stopped us from joining the euro, And it was the Tories who started the ball rolling?? I was thatcher who de-regulated the banks who caused the crash and its Cameron who's allowing them to still pocket a ridiculous bonus for failure. On budget day 4 of the banks top men pocketed £70m between them whilst the banks recorded huge losses!!! You honestly believe this lot have the countries best interest at heart?? Get real.

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Just bumping it up in case anyone has an opinion,thats all.........



Lol, it will be ignored with all the other real actual facts posted on this thread, and that link just proves what I said earlier, the Tories rely on dumb voters who vote without any real understanding of who they are voting for and just put out a few punch lines they think people want to hear and hope they don't look into it.


Tories said they'd sort out immigration: it went up not only did it go up but they basicay opened the boarders for as many illegal immigrants to come in as they liked, and Teresa may still kept her job!!!

tories said they'd sort out the debt: it's gone up

tories said they'd get us out of the recession: we had aanother

tories said they'd ensure the private sector re-employed the public sector workers sacked: did they? No




Everything they have claimed they would do has failed so anyone who actually voted for them on policy can surely see that those policies aren't working as its all there in the facts. If the Tories had actually achieved anything some people who support them would have a basis for their argument, fact is all they've achieved is more poverty whilst managing to get more money in the pockets of the rich.

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Are you taking the piss, thatcher single handedly set about bringing back Victorian values, she destroyed the working man, sold off much needed council properties to pay for votes and planned to cut off parts of the uk because she didn't like their values. In the world of scumbags you have dictators and the likes of hitler, then next to them you have thatcher, and soon Cameron, Osbourne and their puppet clegg. David Cameron aspires to be like that evil cow.


Blaire and brown made some mistakes but they are saints compared to those lot. Also do you Tory lovers forget that it was brown that stopped us from joining the euro, And it was the Tories who started the ball rolling?? I was thatcher who de-regulated the banks who caused the crash and its Cameron who's allowing them to still pocket a ridiculous bonus for failure. On budget day 4 of the banks top men pocketed £70m between them whilst the banks recorded huge losses!!! You honestly believe this lot have the countries best interest at heart?? Get real.


Yeah they are saints, after 13 years they made the country what it is today, not Thatcher, Osborne or Cameron. Osbourne and Cameron are trying to get the country out of the shi7 your mates got us in, they may be making a mess of it in your opinion but maybe in a couple of years we will be in a better position.


And again you lefties really cannot help adding in the " get real " comments or the you are " stupid " or " slow " for having another opinion that is different than yours, pathetic.

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Yeah they are saints, after 13 years they made the country what it is today, not Thatcher, Osborne or Cameron. Osbourne and Cameron are trying to get the country out of the shi7 your mates got us in, they may be making a mess of it in your opinion but maybe in a couple of years we will be in a better position.



And again you lefties really cannot help adding in the " get real " comments or the you are " stupid " or " slow " for having another opinion that is different than yours, pathetic.





Haha and comments like this which take other comments such as wake up as being soo offensive just to drive an opinion that anyone who wants a fair society where the poor or unfortunate people who have fallen foul of this governments plan and found themselves jobless is some sort of asbo warrior are what exactly??







Also find it highly amusing how you say this yet your buddy above is basically calling anyone who feels things should be fair a communist!!



Big difference between a fair society where the rich aren't allowed to run riot at the expense of the poor to communism!! That's like calling all you Cameron lovers the SS!


the idea that someone who feels the rich should do more means they're against anyone being well off is a joke, I'm happy for anyone to become as rich as they like, I have no problem with that, it's when innocent people who have far less have to pay what they don't have when the rich get back stupid amounts in a tax break, that's when I get annoyed.



lso your idea it might get better in a couple years, well that's not going to happen, it's already been stated that nothing will get any better for the next couple of years, no movement in the right direction at all!!! Top job mr Cameron, top job!!!

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Lol, it will be ignored with all the other real actual facts posted on this thread, and that link just proves what I said earlier, the Tories rely on dumb voters who vote without any real understanding of who they are voting for and just put out a few punch lines they think people want to hear and hope they don't look into it.


Tories said they'd sort out immigration: it went up not only did it go up but they basicay opened the boarders for as many illegal immigrants to come in as they liked, and Teresa may still kept her job!!!

tories said they'd sort out the debt: it's gone up

tories said they'd get us out of the recession: we had aanother

tories said they'd ensure the private sector re-employed the public sector workers sacked: did they? No




Everything they have claimed they would do has failed so anyone who actually voted for them on policy can surely see that those policies aren't working as its all there in the facts. If the Tories had actually achieved anything some people who support them would have a basis for their argument, fact is all they've achieved is more poverty whilst managing to get more money in the pockets of the rich.



You have no concept of basic economics....



The debt has gone up because of the deficit, something that you and the other die-hard Labour supporters on here conveniently keep overlooking....most probably because you don't understand the difference between deficit and debt (If I get my work finished today I'll try and write a little Deficit 101 so you might learn something)



and who was it that left the UK with a deficit?, but let’s not let those facts get in the way of your argument



oh and Newsflash....the debt will go up next year and the year after, and the year after that as well, so you can come back and bang on about it then....and it will continue to go up, until the deficit has been eliminated...but hey, let’s not worry about that, shall we.


Let’s just keep investing money we don't have, increasing the deficit further and worry about paying it off never.....You should try running your house in the same way, see how long it will take before you’re living under a bridge in a cardboard box.

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You have no concept of basic economics....



The debt has gone up because of the deficit, something that you and the other die-hard Labour supporters on here conveniently keep overlooking....most probably because you don't understand the difference between deficit and debt (If I get my work finished today I'll try and write a little Deficit 101 so you might learn something)



and who was it that left the UK with a deficit?, but let’s not let those facts get in the way of your argument



oh and Newsflash....the debt will go up next year and the year after, and the year after that as well, so you can come back and bang on about it then....and it will continue to go up, until the deficit has been eliminated...but hey, let’s not worry about that, shall we.


Let’s just keep investing money we don't have, increasing the deficit further and worry about paying it off never.....You should try running your house in the same way, see how long it will take before you’re living under a bridge in a cardboard box.

What a load of horseshite.

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Why is it horseshlt PB? What doesn't make sense about the post?

Because investment is needed to get the country moving again, when you start a business you borrow money to get the business and work going, it is exactly the same as running the UK, we need investment which will create work and people paying taxes instead of claiming benefits...this inept government is borrowing more the the Labour Party ever did because no one is working because there are no jobs....they are a useless stupid party with leaders that have never lived in the real world bit have smashed up restaurants.

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Because investment is needed to get the country moving again, when you start a business you borrow money to get the business and work going, it is exactly the same as running the UK, we need investment which will create work and people paying taxes instead of claiming benefits...this inept government is borrowing more the the Labour Party ever did because no one is working because there are no jobs....they are a useless stupid party with leaders that have never lived in the real world bit have smashed up restaurants.

You been on the turps again pb?:unsure:

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You have no concept of basic economics....





The debt has gone up because of the deficit, something that you and the other die-hard Labour supporters on here conveniently keep overlooking....most probably because you don't understand the difference between deficit and debt (If I get my work finished today I'll try and write a little Deficit 101 so you might learn something)





and who was it that left the UK with a deficit?, but let’s not let those facts get in the way of your argument





oh and Newsflash....the debt will go up next year and the year after, and the year after that as well, so you can come back and bang on about it then....and it will continue to go up, until the deficit has been eliminated...but hey, let’s not worry about that, shall we.



Let’s just keep investing money we don't have, increasing the deficit further and worry about paying it off never.....You should try running your house in the same way, see how long it will take before you’re living under a bridge in a cardboard box.



see typical Tory presuming everyone else is stupid!!! The debt is going up and so is borrowing which is the problem.





Hows this for some "basic economics" in relation to your "running a household" comment.





I am a self employed electrician, I mainly work as a subby for big companies doing industrial work, a few months ago I realised that work through these companies wasn't going to be as plentiful and found myself having long periods out of work, what did I do??

I borrowed some money from my bank and INVESTED in a multifunctional tester, I also INVESTED in a membership to a part P scheme, some advertising etc, this in turn allowed me to work on domestic properties for myself as we'll as doing work as a subby.



This ACTION gave me more earning potential meaning after spending a little money which I didn't have I increased my earnings therefore leaving me with more money in the end. Thats basic economics or as I like to call it, common sense!!





What would have happened if I had refused to borrow and say back and waited for work?? I would have been in bigger trouble as I would have eventually ran out of money.



The amount I had to borrow as a % of my income compared to my earnings is far far more than the government would need to borrow and spend to get things moving again.

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Because investment is needed to get the country moving again, when you start a business you borrow money to get the business and work going, it is exactly the same as running the UK, we need investment which will create work and people paying taxes instead of claiming benefits...this inept government is borrowing more the the Labour Party ever did because no one is working because there are no jobs....they are a useless stupid party with leaders that have never lived in the real world bit have smashed up restaurants.


The uk is not a business starting out though. It's a very old business with massive debts

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Brilliant, good for you...so you know about debt



Still didn't see the word deficit in you little story....thats why I said you have no concept of basic economics...



Now im still in the middle of writing a report, so if I get done later I'll try and write up that little Deficit 101 lesson I mentioned, stay tuned, you might learn something.

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Guest chris955
Because investment is needed to get the country moving again, when you start a business you borrow money to get the business and work going, it is exactly the same as running the UK, we need investment which will create work and people paying taxes instead of claiming benefits...this inept government is borrowing more the the Labour Party ever did because no one is working because there are no jobs....they are a useless stupid party with leaders that have never lived in the real world bit have smashed up restaurants.


Everyone I know is working and there are actually jobs, what goes on in the head of yours ? :)

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You have no concept of basic economics....



The debt has gone up because of the deficit, something that you and the other die-hard Labour supporters on here conveniently keep overlooking....most probably because you don't understand the difference between deficit and debt (If I get my work finished today I'll try and write a little Deficit 101 so you might learn something)



and who was it that left the UK with a deficit?, but let’s not let those facts get in the way of your argument



oh and Newsflash....the debt will go up next year and the year after, and the year after that as well, so you can come back and bang on about it then....and it will continue to go up, until the deficit has been eliminated...but hey, let’s not worry about that, shall we.


Let’s just keep investing money we don't have, increasing the deficit further and worry about paying it off never.....You should try running your house in the same way, see how long it will take before you’re living under a bridge in a cardboard box.


I think it will be a lot harder to achieve a deficit thats in balance if we are paying back the 1.5 trillion debt expected at term end tho dont you?

Lets not mention the tories nearly doubling the debt in 5 yrs tho,and without a GFC to deal with as well

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Brilliant, good for you...so you know about debt



Still didn't see the word deficit in you little story....thats why I said you have no concept of basic economics...



Now im still in the middle of writing a report, so if I get done later I'll try and write up that little Deficit 101 lesson I mentioned, stay tuned, you might learn something.


i'm well aware of the difference between debt and deficit, there's no need to write a little report on it.


Also noticed you just skimmed over the response I gave you because you know that this is the only REAL way to fix the problem, thing is this may mean the rich will have to shoulder a little more responsibility for a bit and might not get their lovely tax break they all cherish so much.



Also you said I hadn't acknowledged defecit?


i thought it was fairly obvious, I stated that if i hadnt acted in the way I did the money would have run out, this obviously means that more money was leaving my household than coming in, I solved that defecit problem by investing!!!


there are people much much much more clued up than you who agree with me, economists all over agree, the only ones who don't are the right wing supporters. And guess what, the proof that cuts don't work are there for all to see.

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Because investment is needed to get the country moving again, when you start a business you borrow money to get the business and work going, it is exactly the same as running the UK, we need investment which will create work and people paying taxes instead of claiming benefits...this inept government is borrowing more the the Labour Party ever did because no one is working because there are no jobs....they are a useless stupid party with leaders that have never lived in the real world bit have smashed up restaurants.


And I thought I was the one who was gloating about bad news sTories from the UK!


PS - can you pull out the stats that confirm that Britain has only done well at certain times in her history i.e. 1945-51, 1964-70, 1974-79, 1996-2008.

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Everyone I know is working and there are actually jobs, what goes on in the head of yours ? :)


I remember going back in 1983, after less than five years away, and having seen all the bad news out of the UK - riots, unemployment, queues of desperate people outside the Australian embassy hoping to 'escape', - and when I arrived, I got a job within a couple of weeks, and everything was just as nice as it was when I left.


I still prefer 'Sun-land' to 'Ice-land' though!

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I remember going back in 1983, after less than five years away, and having seen all the bad news out of the UK - riots, unemployment, queues of desperate people outside the Australian embassy hoping to 'escape', - and when I arrived, I got a job within a couple of weeks, and everything was just as nice as it was when I left.


I still prefer 'Sun-land' to 'Ice-land' though!



Alright jack??

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