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Poor poor Tories you couldn't make it up!!

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They borrowed £300bn, because they had a deficit....when the deficit is gone, the borrowing will stop


13% cut in the deficit for an increase in debt of 300 billion tho,not good is it?esecially when you consider osboune is OUT by 250 billion in his forecast for borrowing,any opinion on him being so far out?

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This might help you out.....every year, that there is a number below the line, means borrowing was needed...




Seen it before,thanks anyway tho,still changes nothing ive said,anyway,early one for me,take it up with yer again after work tomoz

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So every year the chart is below the line, borrowing took place...



Look at from when Labour went into deficit in 2002; they borrowed £19bn, the year after £34bn, the year after £37bn, then £42bn, then £32bn, £36bn, £69bn then £156bn...total borrowing, just to pay the deficit of £425bn



Same thing the Tories did 1990-96



and borrowing will continue every year until we are back into surplus again


The only way to get rid of it is to stop spending more than is coming in.

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Been doing some research I see...


So you invested in your business, why didn't you just invest more then, surely if you borrowed more and invested more you would be even more better off?


As for the tax break for the rich comment, that's why Labour put the top rate of tax up to 50p in 1997 was it?



Didnt have to research anything!! What makes you think you're so intelligent when in actual fact the very notion that you think understanding about defecit is a sign of some sort of knowledge.. It's a very very simple concept and if you take the slightest interest in politics or even bussiness you'll understand what it is. I'm an electrician now but I actually used to be a regional projects manager..


also there's another very very simple concept you don't understand, labour didn't NEED to raise the tax rate, there was plenty coming in, now there is a problem the tax rate NEEDS to be 50p, why do Tory voters think everyone just wants to tax the rich because they're rich?? In times when we are all prospering there is no need for higher tax rates, we are talking about a fair society, one where even if you're rich you are treated fairly, this means not taxing people for the sake of it just as much as taxing the rich more rather than taking from the poor in times of need.

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You cant just 'forget the deficit'.....I'll try and explain it once again....





The debt will continue to go up as long as there is a deficit, once the deficit is gone, then the debt can start to be paid off



You cannot pay off the debt, until you clear the deficit.






You won't pay of the defecit if the countries main earner TAX isn't coming in, how do you earn more tax? Well that's no mysterious mathematical equation either, more people working more tax coming in, how do we get more people paying in? By creating more jobs, how do we create more jobs?? Borrow and invest!! Not rocket science although you probably think it is.

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Guest chris955
They borrowed £300bn, because they had a deficit....when the deficit is gone, the borrowing will stop


It really isnt rocket science and Im not sure why some seem not to be able to grasp the concept.

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Borrowing is far higher than it ever was under labour as they are having to pay out more benefits tomore people out of work ....reason.....no investment fir growth but just cuts...inept government that dies not ave a clue.


Where would you get the money from to invest? Would you just invest in a government schemes? The way I see it is that the government will spend the money but only get a portion of it back in taxes. We need to be selling more stuff overseas to get other countries money rather than just spending our money going round in circles here.

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Where would you get the money from to invest? Would you just invest in a government schemes? The way I see it is that the government will spend the money but only get a portion of it back in taxes. We need to be selling more stuff overseas to get other countries money rather than just spending our money going round in circles here.

The UK’s problems are all related to slow growth. Unemployment means weaker tax revenues due to unemployment, low wages and higher benifit payments, the USA decided to invest heavily in road building infrastructure schools, houses, energy farms, small business, big business ...they are well out f recession and doing well, we ave no investment no work, no jobs.....investment is key to growth...it ain't rocket science.

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Guest chris955

Its lucky unemployment is trending down here, as you yourself posted 880,000 jobs have been created which is great news and we all thank you for letting us know about it.

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Its lucky unemployment is trending down here, as you yourself posted 880,000 jobs have been created which is great news and we all thank you for letting us know about it.

But I was wrong, it is actually higher than when labour was in power and is growing, they have also decided to include part time work of 2 hours a week to count to the employed, the actual figure without this inept government manipulating the figures is far far higher.

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The UK’s problems are all related to slow growth. Unemployment means weaker tax revenues due to unemployment, low wages and higher benifit payments, the USA decided to invest heavily in road building infrastructure schools, houses, energy farms, small business, big business ...they are well out f recession and doing well, we ave no investment no work, no jobs.....investment is key to growth...it ain't rocket science.


Are they doing well are they? I thought it was only a few months ago that they were only a few hours away from going under?

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they have also decided to include part time work of 2 hours a week to count to the employed, the actual figure without this inept government manipulating the figures is far far higher.


Jeeez, they must be desperate....................nicked it from the manipulation of Aussie unemployment fisgures only they doubled it from 1 hr to 2.....................still?.....................the upside is that it's one less stick for the Ozbashers to use.............used it yourself in the past if I remember correctly?

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Guest chris955
PIO roadtrip to the whacky warehouse lol im sure PB would set us up with a few free drinks and food!



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