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Any one else sick of the doom& gloomers?


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But you are one of the worst doom and gloom mongerers about Australia on PIO are you saying its ok to post negatives about Australia, but not about the UK?


Nope not at all, just saying that there isnt much difference between them but that it isnt OK to say negative things about Aus but it is apparently OK to say such stuff about UK (here we go again, get out the popcorn).


There is an inbuilt negativity about UK people (which I think is the self effacement I referred to, it isnt PC to spruik your positives, people will think you are up yourself) which blurs the reality in the same way there is an inbuilt rah rah about the Aussies which blur the reality. The reality is little different between the two.

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Is it British people you bump into in Oz who are saying these things or other posters on Poms In Oz?


At the moment it seems to be from every angle! Friends, family people on PIO and of course in the media. Its just everywhere and it just gets to you after a while. Like I said I know that there are a lot of issues and that its not going be a bed of roses but I also have personal reasons for wanting to leave Australia. When you have sadness in your heart sunshine in the sky doesnt always make it better but a hug from a good friend does and that's what I personally need at the moment! Its not always about money!



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Is it British people you bump into in Oz who are saying these things or other posters on Poms In Oz?


I can verify the whole of Australia says it. That includes Aussies who cant wait to put one over the 'old enemy' as they describe it and of course British expats who want more and more Brits out here to settle their own conscience with justification. I have to say i havent bumped into anyone out here in 5 years with a good word to say about the UK. Whether or not they are right is open to debate, but i can tell you it will drive some of you nuts when you eventually arrive here.

Pome bashing is just part of the culture out here. To get by,you either join in or at least pretend to.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Nope not at all, just saying that there isnt much difference between them but that it isnt OK to say negative things about Aus but it is apparently OK to say such stuff about the UK (here we go again, get out the popcorn).


There is an inbuilt negativity about UK people (which I think is the self effacement I referred to, it isnt PC to spruik your positives, people will think you are up yourself) which blurs the reality in the same way there is an inbuilt rah rah about the Aussies which blur the reality. The reality is little different between the two.



Are you saying that the site is run in a biased fashion in favour of the UK?

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At the moment it seems to be from every angle! Friends, family people on PIO and of course in the media. Its just everywhere and it just gets to you after a while. Like I said I know that there are a lot of issues and that its not going be a bed of roses but I also have personal reasons for wanting to leave Australia. When you have sadness in your heart sunshine in the sky doesnt always make it better but a hug from a good friend does and that's what I personally need at the moment! Its not always about money!




I know exactly what you mean. You can shut out some of those voices - like this website and the news outlets - but it's not possible to turn a deaf ear to every negative voice. I've been here for over three years now and the yearning for home is as strong right now as it's ever been. It'd be financial suicide for us as a family to go back any time soon due to our particular circumstances, but it doesn't stop the wanting on my part. So I totally get your reflection about the importance of close friends. Personally I've never felt so disconnected from my family and friends as I do now and I fear that there's now irreparable damage being done to those ties with every month that passes.

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Guest HighlanderHeather

I went back to the UK in 2010 and attempted to get a job. I registered with 10 office agencies in Bristol and didn't get one offer of work in six months. I ended up doing waitressing and catering work for an agency for 5.95 per hour, just to have a job. But I couldn't survive on it, even working full time. I had to borrow the money to get out of the UK and get to OZ. This was a REAL experience, not something you read about in the Daily Mail. Most of the people working with me in catering were young graduates (not immigrants or Poles) with no hope.Yet when I got to Australia I got an office job within three days of being there which paid $30 an hour AND a bar job which paid $25 per hour. It's a sad fact that life in the UK isn't as easier as in places like Australia, but it IS a fact. I know from experience.


As for the weather...well it's always been rainy and cold in Scotland. I come from the Highlands. If you grew up there, you won't be expecting much!!


Good luck going home and hope you have better luck than me. There ARE jobs out there. I took anything which was going, and you can do the same. Just stay positive.

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I can verify the whole of Australia says it. That includes Aussies who cant wait to put one over the 'old enemy' as they describe it and of course British expats who want more and more Brits out here to settle their own conscience with justification. I have to say i havent bumped into anyone out here in 5 years with a good word to say about the UK. Whether or not they are right is open to debate, but i can tell you it will drive some of you nuts when you eventually arrive here.

Pome bashing is just part of the culture out here. To get by,you either join in or at least pretend to.

See this I dont get. The only real negative attitudes towards the UK I've come across lately have been either from poms on here or in the case of Australians, from bogans who have never even been there. The vast majority Ive met seem to have a very positive impression re the UK.

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I wonder sometimes if age is a factor in some of the UK doom and gloom posts, as some posters have possibly little experience of high unemployment, and tougher economic times? Not that long ago in the the 1980‘s, mortgage interest rates hit 15% and banks would only lend three times your salary, house repossessions were frequent and happened to people you knew. If you wanted a loan you had to prove to the bank or building society the purpose of it and that you could repay, otherwise you saved up for whatever you wanted to buy. UB40 had a hit with ‘One in Ten’ based on the unemployment rates at the time. I know I sound a really old codger (and feel like one now), but economic change goes in cycles and the UK has come through tough times before.


Emma, I really hope that your return to the UK provides all that you need and hope for. I am pretty positive about life in the UK as I am happy here, and that isn’t because I have settled for what I have, or haven’t the courage to try anything else. We are reasonably well travelled, have been through the normal ups and downs of life, but were lucky enough to find a life style that suits us just 200 miles down the road from where we were brought up.


All the very best with your move. Stay positive and keep focused on why you are doing it, and what you plan to achieve. Tx

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At the moment it seems to be from every angle! Friends, family people on PIO and of course in the media. Its just everywhere and it just gets to you after a while. Like I said I know that there are a lot of issues and that its not going be a bed of roses but I also have personal reasons for wanting to leave Australia. When you have sadness in your heart sunshine in the sky doesnt always make it better but a hug from a good friend does and that's what I personally need at the moment! Its not always about money!




:hug: Well said ^^

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I can verify the whole of Australia says it. That includes Aussies who cant wait to put one over the 'old enemy' as they describe it and of course British expats who want more and more Brits out here to settle their own conscience with justification. I have to say i havent bumped into anyone out here in 5 years with a good word to say about the UK. Whether or not they are right is open to debate, but i can tell you it will drive some of you nuts when you eventually arrive here.

Pome bashing is just part of the culture out here. To get by,you either join in or at least pretend to.


What a complete load of horsesh!t

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Pome bashing is just part of the culture out here. To get by,you either join in or at least pretend to.


Nah. Give as good as you get. Do it with a smile on your face and have a laugh with it. Piece of cake.


EDIT: Posted this before seeing the posts above and generally agree with them, I haven't come across hardly anyone who says this sort of stuff and means it

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Really? The Aussies I know never mention the UK.


The only time I've known Aussies talk about the UK is if they've been and worked there for a while and know it a bit or they have never been and are asking genuine questions about it. The ones that have been and worked there generally have enjoyed there time there. The ones that haven't been have been just interested in what it's like where I came from, where it is, that sort of stuff. Not really known anyone who's never been there slag it off.


The majority of people who slag of the UK are other poms. The more recent the arrival the more they tend to have a real moan about it and how bad it was when they left. I've lost track of what it's really like as I've not been back for a long time, so try to listen to people more than comment myself.

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I am getting fed up of people telling me what a s**t hole the UK is and how there are no jobs and that I am an idiot for going back. I know that the UK is in a recession I do read the papers & news. I know that the unemployment rate is higher than it is here but for gods sakes GIVE IT A REST!!!:arghh: I am an adult who has the right to chose where I live and I have chosen to live in the UK (Scotland to be more precise).


Anyone else returning sick of all the negativity?


Rant over!!







Probably best to press 'start' and 'shut down'........then all the whinging and advise goes away...... until you switch it back on again!Remarkably, that works as effectively well for those in Scotland and in Sydney.......and isnt affected by the moon or sun.

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See this I dont get. The only real negative attitudes towards the UK I've come across lately have been either from poms on here or in the case of Australians, from bogans who have never even been there. The vast majority Ive met seem to have a very positive impression re the UK.


And so they should.

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All the ausi's I've met that have been to the uk loved it , wether they lived in London or travelled the countryside . Only ever one complaint and that was the weather . And the ones I meet who haven't been would live to go .

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I can't say I have heard much against poms over my lifetime. Certain other races, for sure, usually the most recent group to arrive ( and sometimes with some justification , too) I have an Aussie accent and I think the only time I have come across this prejudice was years ago when someone in our group said something on the lines of-'you know, one of THOSE poms, you know what I mean'- they were talking about someone pissing and moaning. That was the one and only time. A lot of poms in England make nasty comments about Aussies being ignorant and ill educated, come to that. C'est la vie.

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All the ausi's I've met that have been to the uk loved it , wether they lived in London or travelled the countryside . Only ever one complaint and that was the weather . And the ones I meet who haven't been would live to go .

Thats pretty much my experience too

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Hi Emma


I'm not going back at the moment, but I too am fed up with all the doom and gloom about the Uk.


I think we are all aware of the bigger picture and all the national problems that the Uk is experiencing at the moment. However, I think on an individual basis, if you are happy with where you are living, have a job, and contact with family and friends (if that's what you want) you just tend to live with the bigger issues. We were living down south, with good access to countryside and coast, good friends, good social life, grown up children close by and happy in our world! I don't think Shangri-la exists anywhere, we just make the best of it.

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When you have sadness in your heart sunshine in the sky doesnt always make it better but a hug from a good friend does and that's what I personally need at the moment! Its not always about money!




Hi Emma,


I just want to say something to you on a personal level, ignoring Australia vs UK debate. If you are having problems settling somewhere you naturally look to where you have come from. Imagine for a moment, that you didn't have the choice to go back to UK. You would have to work through those problems, which could mean meeting new people or changing jobs.


What I'm saying is just don't do something drastic without first weighing up the options.

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Since we have been back in the UK (6months), my partner has the best job he has ever had (I am not exagerating), I have had 4 interviews and got offered all the jobs (I'm a nurse) and now have a very well paid job. We are in the process of buying a house, have brought a car and the best bit of all, am SO HAPPY to be around our friends and family again.

Living proof it can be done!!!!!

As for the doom and gloom, well I just only read what I want to read in the papers, and generally spend time with people of a more positive nature who enjoy a good laugh. As for the weather, well one could argue that Oz has weather which also dictates if you can spend time outside due to the sometimes extreme heat. For me that last subject is it bit of a no brainer really, people just find it easier to moan about the rain than the sun I think. Also, when people start 'offering' their advice re why you shouldn't return, I do believe this is just to to simply validate their own reasons for going in the first place. Madness, but I do think there is an element of truth in this at times????

Good luck anyway. Happiness has bugger all to do with the economy and the weather, well that's my opinion anyway for what it's worth. :biggrin:

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Guest guest17301

At the end of the day Emma, thete wont be many surprises awaiting you on your return, its going to be no worse than it ever was and probably better due to your perspective, you want to return and you will be looking on it with fresh, appreciative eyes...nothing need be forever, who knows where your adventurous spirit will lead next. Enjoy the homecoming x

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Guest Guest66881

Doom gloomy doom doom and more doom and some gloom to add into the doom - must try harder to loose my Scottish accent :wink:

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