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Everything posted by Ferrets

  1. Not on an 804, but same bridging conditions. Their expenses are significant due to private medical, and frankly senior discount / travel discount are so irrelevant that we have not discussed. Is it worth it? I am sat here at my parent's with all the grandkids and they are clear the benefits outweigh the costs. But this also dependent on your own circumstances. Personal view? If you are here I would not be leaving.
  2. If you live in the house 365 my understanding is that there is no annual charge. My parents have no knowledge of this charge.
  3. As a question, land tax is only applicable as temporary resident of an onshore property. Are you planning to stay permanently or to move 6 months / 6 months between Aus and UK?
  4. Taxation is unique to circumstances and couldn't comment. Best advice would be to align strategies with a MARA agent, @Alan Collett would be my first port of call for parent/tax but all of the agents who regularly post here would be equally recommended.
  5. My understanding: Land tax surcharge is applicable if you are not resident in the property for 183 days a year. FIRB charge is what it is. Alongside the above it is designed to prevent foreign investors buying property and leaving vacant. My parents are on bridging visa and it works for them at the moment. It is however not a "cheap" option and shouldn't be treated as such; FIRB and private medical, alongside reciprocal mount up. However you need to balance where you want to be, and importantly when you may be able to come back given current circumstances.
  6. Likewise I found that experience prior to completion of CIMA was not counted. Accounting is odd in that it is one of the few profoessions (last time I checked) where technically you don't need experience just the positive skills assessment. That means that unless you have studeid in Australia & done a Professional Year (both tuition fee rorts) it is very difficult to get the required points, with recent invites north of 85 points as highlighted above. You need a strategy, and as flagged one of the MARA agents here will be able to support. In the overall scheme of moving to Australia the cost (if any over inial consultation) is immaterial. Good luck!
  7. Think the best route would be a skilled visa for PR, then come and go. Being out of the country might impact citizenship timelines and in the future you might need an RRV if the travel component expires. There are also potential tax implications from gaining PR and working overseas. I got around that by going via an onshore agency so I got paid in AUD, but it was messy from the agency end. Might be worth an initial consult with one of the MARA agents who post on your potential strategy. Good luck!
  8. Totally agree it's unrealistic to continue in current form, but on the face.of it the 864 is potentially much cheaper to the tax payer than other streams which is why they might pull that lever to get the second vac, particularly as onshore at this time. But hey just speculation. Hope your health is doing as well as possible at this time!!
  9. My gut was to disagree, but with little else to do during lockdown curiousity led me to the Productivity Commission's 2016 report. It stood out that the costs associated with the parent visa seemed to be based upon the 143 / 103, with a footnote to confirm this. A surprise for me was that 90% of the 103 visa holders and 73% of 143 holders at the time, had a weekly personal income of less than $300; meaning that on average most would never pay tax and as such be net receiviers from the state through the balance of their working lives and into retirement, including entitlement to the full aged care pension assuming no other international or domestic income. On that basis the calculated cost of $335k - $410k per parent stacks up. However, if you think of an 864 / 804 (assumed arriving with full UK state and personal super), would only be eligible for the pension after 10 years, and in many cases for the UK example potentially never eligible. Whilst there are of course associated healthcare costs, I suspect that if the same analysis was applied to 864/804 visa holders the cost to the tax payer would be significantly reduced vs the headline cost above, and potentially even covered by the 2nd Vac payment of the 864. Dependant upon income and tax status you may even see a surplus from these visa holders, and that's why I think it's a lever the government have to pull. There may be some better data on this but I couldn't find. In respect of easing the overall burden on social services, I suspect that this will simply return to some of the recommenations that have not been implemented prior; namely a virtual removal of the 804/103 streams, and doubling at least in first pass the 2nd Vac for the 846/143 streams. No talk of that in the media but I am sure it will be on the agenda in the coming months (along with franking credits, etc). Jeez I really was bored. Better get Netflix!! Good luck to all those waiting for visas, hope they come through soon!
  10. I am not sure that it requires a change of law. Historically the CPVs onshore were processed quicker, and whilst the department has now made clear that will be rectified, I am unsure if that was a law change or realising that they were non compliant that led to the change. Test email from Friday has revealed finalisation of many parent visas is on temporary hold, and that they are still seeking to nromalise timing between the 864 and 143. That said, I'm sure if they opened the gates on the existing 864 applications (note international travel ban means the list is likely static), then there would likely be a cash income to the government. We live in strage times and I wouldn't be surprised if that was a tap that was turned, especially given what will be a collapse in the education sector this year. Keep safe all!
  11. What about double Working Holiday Visas back to back and then a 4 year Australian Master's degree? No guarantees the 143 would be through in 6 years, and unsure if WHV "breaks" dependancy or whether it's treated like a gap year?
  12. From my experience don't delay. Under my occupation I would no longer get an invite. Get the EOI in and then work out how to deal with the timings if you get an early invite rather than delay your place in the queue Good luck!
  13. For the 190 I think there are also state residency (NSW) / job offer (NT)requirements as well, so another potential impact.
  14. I suspect your degree will cover requirements to allow work post 2015 to be allowed. Best way to check is submit a migration assessment / work experience assesment to one of the bodies here, I used CPA. I haven't found issues with getting work here, but anecdotally I have had uber drivers who studied accounting here and can't get work. Overall your experience should count you in good stead. Maximise points, especially in English tests and go for the 190, language and experience will give you a better chance with the states vs the 189. Good luck!
  15. I went through the MRA to get CPA, and for first two years was irrelevant as I contracted back to former employer. I ended up being approached by an Australian company via LinkedIn, and I would hope that the CPA helped get my profile in the target range. It really depends on your field, for me it feels more box ticking than value added
  16. We see family every couple of weeks. My parents managed 9 months of all children / grandchildren being in Australia and followed us over
  17. Hi Fabian, Your case may be less straightforward than others so it would be best to have a consultation with one of the mentioned agents to identify the best strategy for you. Mine was a relatively simple apply / grant offshore but I still found considerable value in having my documents reviewed by a MARA agent prior to submission. Good luck!
  18. A key point is your age & circumstances. We moved over mid thirties 3 years ago with a 3 & 2 year old. We headed Bayside and love it here in Wynnum, but that took a couple of rentals on the way. If we didn't have the kids would have gone to Kangaroo Point for our rentals and gotten to know the city and work out what works for us with commutes and work. On wildlife we have seen nothing untoward other than Cane Toads. When we first arrived we tried to catch the geckos in the house and release them ..last night we watch one crawl over that wall and laughed how we used to worry about them. Congratulations, September is a great time to arrive
  19. Best advice is through a MARA agent, I do not believe that in most cases there is any need for a lawyer. Out of curiosity why do you have both? My thought would be to follow agent's advice and deal with consequences of medical onshore. Good luck!
  20. Ferrets

    UK car insurance

    You should still have renewal docs on email from Allianz that show the level they would insure you at becuase of no claims, they can't take those back
  21. Has the automated email address changed? Realised my last update was in August! Thanks
  22. I'm curious, prior to EOI submission was there a positive skills assessment by relevant body? My work experience was assessed prior to point of submission as a part of that (note not compulsory). Which body had completed the skills assessment?
  23. If it's a recent grant I assume you front loaded either medicals or police checks. We front loaded medicals a bit so only had 10 months from grant to first entry. Had planned an activation trip but decided easier to accelerate the process. Unfortunately it sounds like you need an activation trip quickly, I would not be risking it after getting through the 189 process. I think this covers all family members on the same application, but worth checking with your agent! Your trip can be an in and out so an extremely long weekend at a push, good luck!!
  24. Specific day wasn't required for me and I went with months. Bigger thing would be transcript which shows academic years, assume that is all in order and if so shouldn't be an issue.
  25. In response to the original question at the risk of the thread going all Brexit, not really given it a thought to be honest - very much focusing on making home in Australia. That said you'd be hard pressed to beat 2012; TDF, Olympics, Diamond Jubilee, etc ?
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