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Everything posted by FOL

  1. You're right... should have said "in Perth"
  2. I wish we had pythons in the wild over here...the only snakes we have in WA are the ones that actually kills you (albeit after being some kind of threat to them)
  3. Sure you don't need a car. You can work from home, have groceries delivered and just watch TV when you have time off.
  4. That is a very specific niche occupation. I wonder if you get many replies, but all the best
  5. FOL

    This is disgraceful

    It's a 20 year study. Has some specific action been taken last few years?
  6. I do it the other way around, I am in Australia and invoice clients pretty much all over the world. AFAIK, but seek professional advice from an accountant in the UK, assuming it's entirely B2B - you kill your ABN/aussie business, set up a business in the UK and you can invoice Australian clients in AUD. You have to look into charging GST (I don't think so but not sure). If you keep having an Australian bank account, they can send they money to that account and use transferwise/ofx/moneycorp to move money from your AU bank account to your UK account once every period. In my case: I have an aussie business, send an invoice in Euro's without VAT. Receive it in Euro's on a Dutch bank account and use OFX to transfer every 6 - 8 weeks to my AU account. I am only taxed in Australia.
  7. FOL

    Having kids

    Just a recap of our worries back then and how we are experiencing it ourselves now
  8. FOL

    Having kids

    Alright, we'll we've got a 1.5 yo daughter and we still manage fine Sure we aren't saving as much as before (2.4k a month paycut is quite significant), but we still manage alright. edit: Just read the intro post. We do make signficantly more than the original full time wages we had. So compared to the original post I reckon we make even a bit more. That probably explains.
  9. It is a hard question to answer. For example, do you assemble in the UK? Or do you assemble here qnd then ship the end product to the UK? Both have pros and cons. Do you know anything about importing into the UK? There are some default importing regulations that you have to consider and depending on your product there may be specific regulations. Then there is personel, will you have a storefront? Or just manufacturing/warehousing and online sales? There are too many variables to just answer your question. Hiring someone is definitely a good idea, WHEN you do it with the right expectations at the right moment. How well is your business doing? What is your time worth and what do they cost? Outsourcing is THE way to go when you want to scale. But you don't want to do out of uncertainty and you need to have funds.
  10. On a business forum I am e member ofd the same question came forward. One member mentioned Toastmaster not being that great, because you are criticised for your performance by others (in order to make you better, but still). He liked Carnegie's puhlic speaking better. But it costs you.
  11. Rode a honda CBR600RR and husqvarna Supermoto back in Europe. Just a dirtbike over here in Perth. Never ridden one before except for a 4hour course yeeears ago :)
  12. With over a million people in Perth, there surely should be enough people (to make friends) don't you reckon? i personally would never wait acquiring a visum (if you go for a skilled one). Too much legislative changes going on, that would worry me. It takes some months to get it anyway and then you have year to validate tour visum and then you have another 4 years to actually make the move. But if you can keep it cool, go for it! Good luck.
  13. Love this thread! HAhahaha We actually only did it for 70% and just waited for the CO to request it, which he didn't I heard it before that the CO doesn't ask about form 80. Saved us heaps of trouble.
  14. I love the beach! Went surfing 3 days a week, strolling along the beach another 1 or 2 times. I wouldn't pay the price to live "on" the beach. I don't mind driving in my car for 10 minutes. But certainly not longer than 30.
  15. It's not just about the fees, but also about the rate. We used Ozforex (EUR <-> AUD). Best rates for us at that time and no fees (over 10k)
  16. I was wondering if anyone knows an independent contractor who can install pool fences at other's people houses. The person also needs to know (a bit) about regulations, suppliers etc. I get requests from prospects and want to work together with someone who delivers quality services. I need people for both SOR and NOR. Or do you know where I could find someone like that? (I don't think this is really a job offer, so I posted it here :-))
  17. FOL

    Having kids

    Holy crap...28 pages to read... I must be ready for it when I'm done reading haha. Cheers for all the replies people
  18. Must be a pain in the ass to be a first time home owner. Sure interest rates are lower, but that may only be for the first few years depending on the economy. In the meantime most will need a huge mortgage on a possibly overrated house price. If the market crashes and houses lose value up to 30% or even more, you may have lost your entire deposit and more. On the other hand, people have been talking about a propery bubble for many years, but it hasn't happened. So what should first time home buyers do? Wait? Buy?
  19. One time, leaving to AU for the second time in June. I'm pretty confident we'll stay there this time On one hand regrets that we did it (mostly for my wife and other people), on the other hand no regrets for myself as I learned a lot about myself.
  20. FOL

    Having kids

    Lol I don't want kids yet! But in a few years time... I am a numbers guy, so it got me thinking haha. thanks for the replies everyone
  21. We don't have kids yet, but would definitely want two kids in the future. We don't want to be full time working parents as we want to be there for our kids. We both had an income of 65k gross annually. And managed to save around 2k net a month when we had a $420 a week rental house. If we have kids, my wife wants to work 2 or 3 days a week. So her income is likely to drop to somewhere around 25k annually. We were wondering if we would manage having kids. What kind of benefits/rebates/etc would you have? I know there is child care rebate that covers up to 50% of the cost of child care (up to $7500 a year per child). Then there is child care benefit and family support allowance. So I made a calculation on centrelink and we could get around 3k family assistance entitlement a year. Child care at $80 a day for 2 kids, 2 days a week = $16640 a year. 7.5k is covered by the government, so you have to pay 9k yourself. So to sum it up; We would earn $40 grant less a year, due to having less salary, we pay $9000 grant for child care, but get 3k family allowance. So we have to pay $6000 compared to our current situation. And then I didn't even talk about all the extra costs (food, clothes, etc etc). Seems like an impossible or am I overlooking something here?
  22. Initially we rented a place we found on gumtree. Eventually people we got to know through the internet offered to stay at their place.
  23. Not only sad that they lost their lifes and got injured, but the way it happened...burning alive... To me that seems to be the most horrendous death possible...
  24. Friends that "moved on" in 6 months wouldn't qualify as friends in my humble opinion Any idea how many people go to Australia on a WHV. They are away for a year. When they go back to their home country, they didn't loose their friends. edit: oops, same as Quoll
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