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Everything posted by scattley

  1. Amaar. You are digging yourself a hole. First stating that immigration department is not linked to any other database and you can get away with changing employees not letting them know, and then posting the actual statements from immigration and ATO proving that the databases are linked! question...how does immigration know you have left a company ? answer....when you stop getting salary deductions from tax in a number of consequetive pay periods......they know
  2. You cannot tell through ATO how many hours you work only the salary.....and as uni students are lowly paid, even 2x the salary does not raise any flags.....the ATO CAN TELL if you start working for another employer and that is what will flag when you apply for another visa or definitely comes up when they do the more thorough search for citizenship. I have seen ex students be caught out once they had a 457 and they applied for PR for abusing their student visa conditions. It happens more often than you might think and unless you are a citizen..it can still happen to you. All it takes is someone who knows your story to report you and you could find your current visa cancelled. i echo theprevious poster....I hope you are not using your real name here.
  3. It all sounds very confusing. International custody is possible. Expensive but possible. You need to look into that pathway. Get a custody agreement, child support agreement, everything settled and organised before your tourist visa expires. It's unlikley that you will be able to find another way to stay in Australia so you need to start looking at the alternatives.
  4. If you have workd in your own country...then you are no longer able to be considered a dependant on any family visa unless you biome disabled.
  5. If you were going on a permanent visa they would be a better chance, but as this is also a temporary visa they are more strict I with visa overstayers....you overstayed on your previous temporary via and they may believe you will overstay on this one. Completing the three year ban means you can now apply, but since you had a ban they will go over the application with a fine tooth comb and may still reject it. Given you are calling your "defacto" your girlfriend suggests you yourself do not considered her to be your defacto...so confining the government that she is your defacto may be difficult
  6. You are dependant on your parents first.....if they were both dead and she was supporting you financially (paying every bill for your support...housing, food, schooling etc. and has done for at least 12 months...that is what needed. Given your parents are a ove...if either of them are working, you are not your sisters dependant.
  7. Provided your degree included at least 45 days of supervised teaching....your qualifications should carry over. However, with the exception of Child Care Centre Managers....early childhood jobs are very rare (they have the highest rate of teaching graduate unemployment)
  8. Not sure where you got that idea but it 100% not true. If you are working outside of Australia in an Australian company, unless it is in an australian embassy, you have no claim at all to Australian citizenship. It's like assuming that if you worked in McDonald's for X years in any country in the world, you could get Us citizenship ....totally erroneous assumption
  9. Its not that dire. What is changing is that extremely short consultations...under 10 minutes...will be charged the lower fee. Given that the vast majority of practices schedule on 15 minute consultations the only change will be for those pushing practices which aim for 8-10 consultations and hour or where they might charge only for script writing a bulk bill amount. There are some practices that charge the $32 for a 2 minute script repeat ...that will now change (the practices I mean are the ones that schedule e.g. 4-5pm on Tuesday's for script repeats...come in and be bulked billed (this happens in private billing practices). the changes are not going to affect many people at all.
  10. It's called rates....each council region has their own formula and that is based on what your land value is. My council has five rate amounts for residential properties and the lowest is 1.3k a year. You can find the amounts searing on the council website.
  11. For business managers you need to advertise on seek. That is where they are looking for positions, not Linked in.
  12. The reason is that not many if any at all construction companies are willing to take on a WHV holder for a max 6 month post (especially since you only need 80 odd days to get the second visa). Most construction jobs are longer than that and they dont want to take the risk.
  13. Picton is a completely different lace from Penrith. It's almost twice the cost for house purchasing and has the associated different demographic in residents. It has the cheap house cost and a quick commute (1 hour on a slow train) to the city with major shopping centres nearby and very little chance of bushfire. The last two are criteria that you cannot say with regards to hazelbrook, glenbrook or blaxland....along with an extra 20-40 minutes each way train commute and half the number of trains.
  14. At 19 you do not qualify for any of the skilled visa. You are not a doctor, qualified accountant, engineer etc unless you are a genius and started uni 5-7 years ago. You need to be formally skilled and qualified/experienced in an area of need and at only 19 you cannot meet these requirements (usual min age is 29-35). To Bring a parent you need to prove that they are solely dependant on you for their income and emotionL support which includes you proving you are the financial support for them, they having no other means of support from the government or money in the bank, plus you need to have been living under the same roof for over 12 months. Something to think about for the future but as it stands you do not qualify.
  15. You do need however, to get the sponsorship nomination from th state in question first. NT has been rejecting all applications for PR sponsorship completely without a level of ties to that state (uni there or family) instead giving out Temporary two year visa which only convert to perm ones if you spend two years in the NT first. Seems like those states that have spaces for sponsorship are fed up with people pretending they will go there when they only are interested in the east coast States.
  16. When the visa expires is not relevant....if you have left your job or if the job no longer exists then your 457 expires 90 days from that date even if there is time left on your visa. The 457 visa is dependant on your job...no job then no visa
  17. Whilst it is good to have plans there are many problems with predicting your ability to immigrate that far into the future. Chances are that no profession currently on the migration list will be there by 2020, some visas might disappear completely. There might be a complete overhaul, as there are a couple of federal elections between now and then, major changes can be expected. Anything related to computers and IT is not likely to be on the immigration list for much longer due to the glut in the market and most computer roles being moved off shore.
  18. There is no other visa available for your friends. Their country is not one we have a relationship with so they can only come here on the more formal visas.
  19. A lot of the chatter on various boards suggest that NT is requiring either a strong prior relationship with the territory e.g. Uni spent there or family there otherwise they only allow a temporary visa to be applied for
  20. You could try sending them what they are asking! they are asking for your Bachelors Degee certificate yet you are arguing with them that they don't need it. Lesson 1 ...don't argue with government officials. All that happens is that they reject your application outright due to you not providing the documents asked for (which is precisely what you are doing). They are being nice in giving you an extra chance to give them the correct documents and all you have done is effectively say "you don't need that, I have sent you what you need" . They know what they are doing....you don't. So follow their instructions or don't expect to get a visa
  21. The flight costs they have to pay but the relocation costs (if you are talking about your furniture etc) and accommodations costs they can get back from you if you have not spent three years with them. This has nothing to do with your 457 visa.....it is a standard legal agreement you have entered into with them that happens when you move interstate for a job or from the country to the city. My own contract moving from Perth to Sydney with the same company had it in there. They can take you to court if you do not pay it back - and they will. The same agreement come into play for when they pay for courses like masters...you have to pay it back if you leave the company within a couple of years. The costs you would have to pay back should have been a consideration you made before you quit...that you didn't does not excuse you from paying them back, it was your mistake
  22. It's more serious than the money....if the job you were sponsored for no longer exists in the company then your 457 should be cancelled by the company unless you are now working as another position that can be Sponsored. If that Positionhas a lower market salary then they are within their rights to pay you that. It comes under restructuring of roles.
  23. Although I would expect with the redundancy of soo many journalists from the regional and WA/SA ABC offices...journalism sponsorship is going to be extremely hard to find
  24. Then you pay for the contribution visa....it's not rocket science. If you truely with your mother or MIL to live with you, you will be prepared to forge the new car and instead pay for the visa for her to come over.
  25. They are very hard to get and impossible unless you have a couple ofpostdoctoral positions, and a good grant history. Lecture ring positions in Australia are the end of your career path,not the beginning like in some counties. Our universities require you to have a good research background, large list of referenced papers and most importantly, a history of getting grants in your own right. Before you become competitive to get an interview for a teaching position. No university lecturing position is just teaching....teaching is always only 40-50% of your job, supervising PhD students and running a research team is the other 50-60% and you can't do this when you have just graduated yourself. Realistically, only when your supervisor retires will a position come open in your field in a university. They are like hens teeth.
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