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Everything posted by rammygirl

  1. Medical requirements for temporary visas are less stringent than PR visas. It is all based on cost of any treatment and access to resources. Mild forms of scoliosis are reasonably common and stable so shouldn’t cause any issues but everyone’s case is different………..
  2. Exactly over 40 here is searing hot and when windy scary (fire danger) but I can still go outdoors for a walk or to the beach. 30 degrees with high humidity is more exhausting I find, don’t mind it on holiday but ……. It often surprises me how many people do not like heat and just stay indoors under aircon, especially migrants who came “for the climate”
  3. Well it does depend on where exactly you live in either place. If you are talking about in or very close to the city it will be very different from say the Adelaide Hills or outskirts of Brissie. I live in the Adelaide Hills and even with very hot days in the summer we rarely need aircon overnight. And the heatwaves aren’t that often or that long really. I wouldn’t like to be in the city at 40 degrees but further out it is cooler. Same with Brisbane. The winters here are cold though we do get frost in the hills and we often fly north for some warmth! I love where I am but if I had to move it would be up Brissie way
  4. Citizenship by descent costs $315 ( make sure you do it on gov site not a third party. you will also need a Uk police check. https://www.acro.police.uk/Police-Certificates-FAQs#Cost £55 Australian passport from the Uk costs £254 see here https://uk.embassy.gov.au/lhlh/PassportsWelcomePage.html not cheap I’m afraid,
  5. Anyone from the list of professions who has known you for at least a year. A neighbour? Friend or even doctor. They don’t need to know you well just to confirm you are who you say you are.
  6. Hi, you complete the 1195 form and need it witnessed by someone who has known you. It does say that person must be an Australian citizen, however if you are outside Australia you don’t need this . In the instructions it says Note: If you are applying from outside Australia and do not know an Australian citizen, Questions 2 and 3 can be completed, and the photograph endorsed and signed by a citizen of your country of residence who has known you for at least one year, is currently working in a profession or occupation listed on pages 1–2, and is not related to you by birth, marriage or de facto relationship. For children under 6 years of age, Questions 2 and 3 can be completed by an Australian citizen (or citizen of the child’s country of residence if applying from outside Australia) who has known the child for less than 12 months, is currently working in a profession or occupation listed on pages 1–2, and is not related by birth, marriage or de facto relationship. What the photograph requirements are You will need to submit a passport-size photograph with this form. The person who completes Questions 2 and 3 must also write on the back of your photograph the words: This is a true photograph of [your full name] and sign the back of the photograph using the same signature as at Question 3. The photograph must be: • no more than 6 months old, and • a full-face view of your head and shoulders (untinted prescription glasses can be worn – a photograph that shows facial features only is acceptable if you wear a head covering for religious reasons), and • of good quality, in colour, against a plain, light coloured background (laser copies are not acceptable). Example of photograph © COMMON i have copied the above from the form which is simply to prove your identity.
  7. Also if you join the library here you can get free access to press reader, ancestry and a film app. The film app has lots of lovely independent type films often foreign language and you can view so many a month free.
  8. The only thing I sometimes crave is a crumbly Lancashire cheese! Then again there are plenty of other cheeses. Recently we were back in the Uk and friends we were staying with bought good English style fish, chips and mushy peas, I realised I didn’t really like it anymore. It was just too stodgy! Give me fish, crispy chips and a salad any day, especially Gummy Shark……… I also prefer the bacon now……….
  9. Unless you have any criminal convictions that is, then they can take months………..
  10. Mine just says unable to find server. Happened a couple of times. I use an iPad.
  11. You can just renew it, as long as you have a visa of some sort. All Medicare has to be renewed.
  12. We travelled to UK recently on our Australian passports even though we have British ones. You don’t need a visa, our passports were not even stamped at immigration as we went through smart gates.
  13. Once you have a full Medicare card you don’t need health cover as a visa requirement. Whether you decide to keep it is up to you. People who are entitled to reciprocal Medicare from UK don’t need it once they have registered for example.
  14. As your personal possessions you do not need to declare them. In fact items bought here might be eligible for a tax refund, my son applied for this at the airport I think on a laptop he bought here and took back to the Uk.
  15. You sure you don’t mean au$20k not ££
  16. You should get an e mail acknowledgment and payment should be deducted. the bridging visa is granted but won’t come into effect until the tourist visa expires.
  17. Also your work experience only counts after qualification so if you get a level three you will have no points for experience. Points mean prizes as higher points get selected to apply. Can you get APL assessed instead? Talk to your agent about visa options and points.
  18. If you can prove citizenship it is possible. The airline will need to verify your status before boarding though, you will need to turn up in plenty of time to allow for this. The airline can refuse though so best to call them in advance. Best to get the passport if you can.
  19. Or the original packaging. They are easily damaged otherwise. Saying that I packed my sons in a box altered to fit and made sure screen was secured with nothin touching it. Then packed in move cube. No issues still works fine. The cube was fully packed with any gaps filled with cushions or towels. Nothing could move inside.
  20. A couple of months ago. We didn’t intend to stay though.
  21. They always ask for vaccination proof especially for kids. This was pre COVID policy. They can’t refuse for for not having them though. Schools and pre school (public) do ask for vaccinations for children and may refuse if they don’t have the MMR, chicken pox, polio type vaccines (ususal childhood ones) no refusals for COVID that I am aware of though.
  22. Interestingly we entered UK on our Australian passports and went through smart gates. No stamp, no visa, no COVID checks no paperwork……….. Althoughbif you are returning permanently then Uk passports would be useful. From what I hear it is actually quicker applying from here as they are processed in Durham. Getting Australian passports is much easier in Australia though so definitely get those sorted.
  23. Don’t forget if you buy not rent to add extra insurance and rates. Those energy and grocery bills look pretty high but …….. Also with kids don’t forget school costs, unlike in the UK uniforms are more expensive and you are expected to buy books and equipment along with other fees. Oh and water bills will be higher if you own, renter pay usage and sometimes supply but sewerage and drainage is paid by landlord and can double the bill.
  24. I did this recently in April. Sent a colour copy of every page of Aus passport plus my old UK passport as requested. Got my passport 5 weeks later, I think they have had problems so may have recruited new staff. Give them a call if you are not happy.
  25. Don’t just look at the fees for money transfers look at the amount that you will end up with. Companies all charge, some with fees some by giving you a point or two less on the rate. On large amounts it really makes a difference. I am registered with a fee free and a fee paying exchange company. Usually paying a fee gets me a better result, especially with larger transfers. I use OFX and Wise (mostly wise now) but there are others.
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