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176 lodged June 2011 Gang

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I have not stopped smiling all day today!! People at work must think I'm drunk. I only told a selective few at work. Pretty much texted all my friends & family last night when I found out. So excited. We won't be going before May next year but a lot to get organised. I am going to the States next Friday so looking forward to that.. wooohoooooo I love my golden ticket!

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well everyone.....we got it!!!!!! Our visa's are approved...as of 27th september 2011 we have those golden tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:jiggy::jiggy::jiggy::jiggy::jiggy::jiggy::jiggy::jiggy::jiggy::jiggy::jiggy::jiggy::jiggy::jiggy:


I am so happy....we only just found out as i have been out this evening so not long checked my emails and status. I am so happy. I have wanted this since being a kid at school, i don't think it has sunk in......i am very happy but don't feel like it's real.


Omg omg omg....we got it....visa's are our's......lucysdream....more like lucy's reality!!!!


Thanks all for your support and help.....love you all june gang....lucy xxxxx

fantastic news!!!

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hi all congratulations to all that have gained there visa.

We hve had to put ours on hold as the day before due to take medicals i discovered im pregnant, this make a big differnce to the visa as if we got the visa before had the baby we would then hve to apply for a seperate child visa after our child is born and this can be expensive. So the option we went for was to wait untill baby born then just add the baby on to the forms this doesnt cost anything.

Bit disappoint that we hve had to put things back a few months but at least we get a cute little bundle in a few months time lol.

So congrats to all hope the future goes well for you, i will keep u posted when we do eventuallly get our visa fingers crossed. We will proberbly be the last ones in the june gang now lol :biggrin:

big congrats on the bump!! Xxx

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I have not stopped smiling all day today!! People at work must think I'm drunk. I only told a selective few at work. Pretty much texted all my friends & family last night when I found out. So excited. We won't be going before May next year but a lot to get organised. I am going to the States next Friday so looking forward to that.. wooohoooooo I love my golden ticket!




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well guys its been sooo long since i have posted on here just been really busy with life in general work kids etc etc ...:arghh:

really missed all you guys justin .est ,mandy , donna ,sarah & john and off course all the rest of the june gang ...

First of all would like to say big congratulations to all for getting there visa :biggrin::biggrin: so happy for you all .

Well life with me is fine still waiting for dean to come home its been along 2 months i tell you , so soon as he is home we will get the shippers in for some quotes & make the decision to take or not just want it decided now ...

Have been spking to Linsey on the phone all her furniture is on its way to australia and she leaves for Perth on 19th Oct so its all go for her how exciting :cute:

Well flight were booked about 5 weeks ago has it really been that long since i posted bloody hell , well 20th April with singapore airlines and we leave the uk whoop whoop well its done now so all the other stuff to sort out now then ..

please will you all let me know where you are in your journey as really need to catch up and to read through all the threads would take me an eternity lol.

Sarah did you get the job , and justin how did you manage to sweet talk your co then must tell ..


looking forward to your catch ups take care peeps . so glad to be bk missed our online chatting . the suzys bk lol :chatterbox:


bye for now xxxxxxxxxxx

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I have not stopped smiling all day today!! People at work must think I'm drunk. I only told a selective few at work. Pretty much texted all my friends & family last night when I found out. So excited. We won't be going before May next year but a lot to get organised. I am going to the States next Friday so looking forward to that.. wooohoooooo I love my golden ticket!



really pleased for you lucy its agreat feeling , where in the states you going have alovely time :jiggy:

suzy xx

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really pleased for you lucy its agreat feeling , where in the states you going have alovely time :jiggy:

suzy xx


Hi Welcome back Suzy!! Yes I have been very happy since the visa grant, our bottle of champers is still in the fridge thought as fell ill Wednesday evening with a bug so we haven't had chance to open that up yet. We are looking at flights to Perth from 1st May onwards so we will probably arrive not too long after you.


I am leaving the OH at home and going away with my best mate next Friday:biggrin: We are heading to New York, then Las Vegas and will finish off in LA. Very excited!:jiggy:

I need a holiday after this year of the visa process, working 2 jobs and doing my last year at college..phewwwww one thing ticked off....visa done! :cool:


Lucy x

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Hiya Suzy,

Great to hear you are well! Stil waiting on a visa here.. but hoping it may come in the next week or so.

we have sold our house, and moved into a rented place for six months. Hoping to book flights once the visa is granted for the start of March 2012. ....and heaven forbid, if the visa is declined, I'll put an offer in on this rented house, as rather like it!- do hope that never happens mind you!

How have you been keeping yourself busy with OH away? Time goes slowly sometimes when your on your own.

Have a quote from Doree Boner that I think we will go with.

Will feel much happier when the visa is actually here!

Donna x

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Hey Suzy

I've missed ya :laugh:!!!

We are booked and ready to go - shame we don't leave until 27th Feb ... House is sold and we are now renting it back. We've booked a holiday let in Safety Bay for three weeks and are now searching for a long term let. Told my boss this week we are leaving that was a great day - only have 30 more working days before I officially become a kept woman :wubclub:


Have you go anywhere to stay in WA yet?


Soooooo glad you back


Est xxxx

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Read today was a public holiday in SA, so using that excuse for the no movement on my visa! Hoping for something this week, crossing all my fingers and toes!! The e.mails to DIAC, and call seem to have reached my CO, so here is hoping!!


Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk

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Guest smiley
Read today was a public holiday in SA, so using that excuse for the no movement on my visa! Hoping for something this week, crossing all my fingers and toes!! The e.mails to DIAC, and call seem to have reached my CO, so here is hoping!!


Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk



keeping my fingers crossed for you :wubclub:

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It is a guy, I am praying its soon! Spent some time today looking at flights, just want to book them. Reckon I may be the last one in the June gang to get the golden ticket!


Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk

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Read today was a public holiday in SA, so using that excuse for the no movement on my visa! Hoping for something this week, crossing all my fingers and toes!! The e.mails to DIAC, and call seem to have reached my CO, so here is hoping!!


Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk


Donna fingers crossed for a result this week - it is soooo frustrating when they've got all the info require and just need to rubber stamp it.


Chin up - maybe tomorrow :wubclub:


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Guest diadeline
It is a guy, I am praying its soon! Spent some time today looking at flights, just want to book them. Reckon I may be the last one in the June gang to get the golden ticket!


Sent from my HTC Wildfire using Tapatalk


No worries, im still waiting as u are, and... judging by the silence my CO adopted ( not returning any of my mails :arghh: ) it looks like im gonna be the last one from june gang :cry:

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Guest diadeline
Ironically (apart from Lesley with her bump) I will be the last unless the passport office are super quick for me ! :frown:


Hi Chardy, im sure its a matter of days till ur sons passport will be done :wink:

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Guest diadeline

Hi guys, seems soo quiet arround here so let me break it and bring some updates to my application.....


As of today my application has been decided, not in the way i wanted to but..

My application has been refused, i ve been denied the grant, due to lack of work experience on the field ( or so he/she said)

I vee been empolyee in the position of accountant since 2006, but they havent taken that into account ( they considered as been employee starting july 2009, but even that would have meet the criteria since they are requested to have been working for 12 months in the last 24 so....)

And while analising my details from work they considered that my tasks didnt actually met the accountant tasks from australia.... ( i did looked it up and .. what do u know... on the Dep. list of ocupations under the accountant.. what im doing pretty much match the tasks there...... )


Anyway.... game over for me guys......


Best of luck to all of u out there waiting for their grant :)

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Guest mdeejacks
Hi guys, seems soo quiet arround here so let me break it and bring some updates to my application.....


As of today my application has been decided, not in the way i wanted to but..

My application has been refused, i ve been denied the grant, due to lack of work experience on the field ( or so he/she said)

I vee been empolyee in the position of accountant since 2006, but they havent taken that into account ( they considered as been employee starting july 2009, but even that would have meet the criteria since they are requested to have been working for 12 months in the last 24 so....)

And while analising my details from work they considered that my tasks didnt actually met the accountant tasks from australia.... ( i did looked it up and .. what do u know... on the Dep. list of ocupations under the accountant.. what im doing pretty much match the tasks there...... )


Anyway.... game over for me guys......


Best of luck to all of u out there waiting for their grant :)

Hello i'm sorry to here it didn't go to plan but i don.t want to fill you with hope but what have you got to lose. Try an appeal! A work mate's son failed and went on to appeal and they turned over the decision. Desperate times call for desperate measures. It's nothing to lose time. Good luck and let me know how you get on cheers jack

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Guest diadeline

Hello i'm sorry to here it didn't go to plan but i don.t want to fill you with hope but what have you got to lose. Try an appeal! A work mate's son failed and went on to appeal and they turned over the decision. Desperate times call for desperate measures. It's nothing to lose time. Good luck and let me know how you get on cheers jack


Thanks for the support Jack, will take that onto account... not sure what it would change but.. will try ..

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