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What The...Is Happening In The UK???


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Guest guest36762
Always baffles me that conversations that start with radical luncatics doing something outrageous eventually morph into multi-cultural discussions. How? This behaviour should not be acceptable whatever your culture is. And if it is, your culture is worthless.


I’ve got nothing against the theory of multi-culturism in principle but, by and large, I don’t think it exists in practice in the UK.


Have you been to Leeds & Bradford, North Manchester, Birmingham & areas of London? These are the places that I know. That’s not multi-culturism, that’s just factions of people living separately, not interested in each other’s cultures.


And how can multi-culturism exist per se when the vast populous of the country face restraint in the extent that they can practice their own culture or heritage?



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And happened as a result of Iraq and Afganistan campaigns..........oh no it happened before them I remember now!

no it didnt, the war with afghan was the war on terror as a direct result of 9/11, this also led to the secod gulf war with Iraq, both post this terrible act in new york. The first gulf war in 91 was as a result of Iraq invading kuwait. Its not a case of remembering, it is fact. Or do you still think it was a direct result that mr blair thought it as a good idea at the time. I stand by their decission and agree with it 100%, i would stand by them again if the same were to happen.
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We are using our superior technology, weaponry and army to invade their country, kill their people and steal their natural resources. And we do this under a manufactured banner of "freedom" and fighting a fictional "war on terror".


If my family was originally from Afghanistan or any other middle eastern country that the British army has attacked and murdered people in then I'd be on the front line throwing bricks too.

what a pile of crap. For a start the btrish army have not invaded afghanistan, also, in the british military there is more than they army, there is also a navy and air force, who serve in this hole as a result of an act of terrorism. They did not chose to attack or invade, nor do they murder individuals. I find this statement very offensive. Far too many have died as a result of the terrorist acts by the so called poor, innocent country folk. Wake up and smell the coffee. Afghanistan was a country rapidly going down due to the oppresive taliban, it was only a matter of time this was going to happen. Also to educate some, the war in iraq in 2005 was also as a result of the war on terror. The decission to go to war was as a result of their constant behaviour towards the weapon inspectors, appointed by the un. If we went i right at the start, there would have been weapons of mass killing found, they used them on their own people and Iran. We sent far too long waiting, allowing them to dispose and destroy all evidence.
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Just before we left to come to Australia. A group of teenagers were hanging around the local Cenotaph. One of them started vandalising it. A local woman was passing and went over and gave them a piece of her mind. She was in her fiftys and about 5 foot tall the teenager was 17 and about 6ft tall. He called her a filthy name so she slapped him across the face.


Guess what happened then? yes, she was arrested and was taken to court for assault. Thats what the UK is about, no respect for the war hero's who defended our country and Europe from a Nazi dictator. I have a nephew serving in Afghanistan now and I am immensly proud of him. Whatever your politics on war, the soldiers have no say in that they follow their orders and continue trying to protect us all from evil tyrants and its vile that anyone would want to use their death as a protest to their own ends.

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Am I the only person who sympathises with the Muslims Against Crusades?


We are using our superior technology, weaponry and army to invade their country, kill their people and steal their natural resources. And we do this under a manufactured banner of "freedom" and fighting a fictional "war on terror".


If my family was originally from Afghanistan or any other middle eastern country that the British army has attacked and murdered people in then I'd be on the front line throwing bricks too.


How dare you come on here and spout such crap.Our members of the Armed Forces have not ATTACKED AND MURDERED innocent people.

Comments like yours are why we are proud to be here in Oz with the ADF at least they respect their forces and do not accuse them of murder.

That comment has made me so bloody angry if I could climb through this screen and grab you I would.I would drag you to Sell Oaks make you confront the soldiers in that hospital who have served in YOUR NAME make you tell them face to face they are murderers.I would then drag you to meet the wives and children of our dead soldiers who have LAID DOWN THEIR LIVES FOR YOU .

There is a word for people like you........COWARD until you have served then keep your evil thoughts to yourself.

From one very proud ex-soldier who is very proud of her serving soldier.

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Guest chris955

Sorry, what country are you talking about here, it doesn't sound like anywhere I am familiar with ?



And how can multi-culturism exist per se when the vast populous of the country face restraint in the extent that they can practice their own culture or heritage?

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Well my son tells me that they did do a two minute silence at his school in England, but I wouldnt know as we, as parents werent invited. Also there was no national anthem singing ever and no flag hoisting, as you say all low key and nothing to stand tall and feel proud about, which is a shame because if there were more of it starting from such a young age then the kids from other ethnic backgrounds might just feel the same sense of national pride about the country they are living in that my son is experiencing here.:wubclub:


I think you raised an important point here Que. Both my sons have gone through school here and from the first days had flag raising ceremonies and learnt respect for the flag, the Australian way of life and the National Anthem. It isn't something to be cringeworthy but to be proud of. They don't replace the words with "god save our gracious team" for example.

Getting this from a very young age should help all new arrivals to Aus feel proud to be here and part of the country. No matter where they come from.

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Probably just general stuff like some schools not allowing the children there to celebrate Xmas or the Nativity, some schools not allowing the children there to celebrate Easter, the general renaming of Christian festivals to become secular seasonal-related holidays, a Nationwide failure to recognise, or allow people to celebrate St George’s Day, the general symbolism now attached to the cross of St George, the fact that, as an Englishman, you are compelled to register your Nationality as ‘British’ not ‘English’ unlike the Scots or the Welsh, the castigation and punishment meted out to employees in some sectors for openly displaying Christian symbolism e.g. jewellery/crosses. Give me some time on Google and I’ll find more if you like.


Young British kids aren’t even aware of their heritage. Compare the opportunities that an Aussie kid gets to learn about Australia and its history compared to what a British kid gets in a British school. They don’t even do British history properly anymore. Too busy apologising for it or wondering who they’re going to upset.

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Am I the only person who sympathises with the Muslims Against Crusades?


We are using our superior technology, weaponry and army to invade their country, kill their people and steal their natural resources. And we do this under a manufactured banner of "freedom" and fighting a fictional "war on terror".


If my family was originally from Afghanistan or any other middle eastern country that the British army has attacked and murdered people in then I'd be on the front line throwing bricks too.


Ah yes.. but as you said, you'd be on the "front line" throwing bricks. Not in some other country like England burning poppies, trying to turn the place into the one you were so desperate to leave and generally wanting to change England.

Fair play to the Afghanis/Iraqis/Libyans/Turks who want to stay and fight for what they see is right for their own country. It's another thing altogether when they decide to seek asylum, emigrate or use some other means to get to another country and take their hate, prejudice, religious views with them.

Do you condone the likes of these blowing up several innocent people in central London a few years back. I hope not or you have seriously lost the plot.

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It's another thing altogether when they decide to seek asylum, emigrate or use some other means to get to another country and take their hate, prejudice, religious views with them.

Do you condone the likes of these blowing up several innocent people in central London a few years back. I hope not or you have seriously lost the plot.


Do you condone the UN invading countries (far more innocent people killed by them) for resources and corporate gain? (libya, afghan, iraq).

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Do you condone the UN invading countries (far more innocent people killed by them) for resources and corporate gain? (libya, afghan, iraq).


It's been pointed out in other posts that the UN didn't "invade" other countries as you say. To answer your question though I wouldn't condone invasion of anywhere by UN troops. I haven't got a clue as to why we are still in Afghanistan and Libya and why England and the UN got involved in Libya.

It would have been all over now if they had kept their noses out. It's obvious though that they want Ghadaffi out and won't rest until he's gone. This might mean going against the UN resolution and putting troops on the ground. In fact they are already doing it but using some spin to try and justify it. "Sending out advisors" or some other bulldust.


They are digging a very deep hole.

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Guest guest36762
Probably just general stuff like some schools not allowing the children there to celebrate Xmas or the Nativity, some schools not allowing the children there to celebrate Easter, the general renaming of Christian festivals to become secular seasonal-related holidays, a Nationwide failure to recognise, or allow people to celebrate St George’s Day, the general symbolism now attached to the cross of St George, the fact that, as an Englishman, you are compelled to register your Nationality as ‘British’ not ‘English’ unlike the Scots or the Welsh, the castigation and punishment meted out to employees in some sectors for openly displaying Christian symbolism e.g. jewellery/crosses. Give me some time on Google and I’ll find more if you like.


Young British kids aren’t even aware of their heritage. Compare the opportunities that an Aussie kid gets to learn about Australia and its history compared to what a British kid gets in a British school. They don’t even do British history properly anymore. Too busy apologising for it or wondering who they’re going to upset.


You come across as very bitter and angry, and it's clear that you and I will not be able to agree on much.

First up, having a fictional character as our national saint is a bit naff IMO; no wonder people cannot take St George's Day seriously. I'd apologise, but he's fictional.

In relation to schooling my nieces and nephew are/have all been educated in Catholic Schools in England where they celebrate Easter and Christmas whole heartedly.

And they are very aware of their heritage thanks.

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You come across as very bitter and angry, and it's clear that you and I will not be able to agree on much.

First up, having a fictional character as our national saint is a bit naff IMO; no wonder people cannot take St George's Day seriously. I'd apologise, but he's fictional.

In relation to schooling my nieces and nephew are/have all been educated in Catholic Schools in England where they celebrate Easter and Christmas whole heartedly.

And they are very aware of their heritage thanks.

I was brought up to believe he was the Patron saint of England, but was born in Turkey in the 3rd century, and his parents were Christians, and he protested about their persecution. He was beheaded for his beliefs.

That is the real St George of England, the other with the dragon yes fictional!

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I was brought up to believe he was the Patron saint of England, but was born in Turkey in the 3rd century, and his parents were Christians, and he protested about their persecution. He was beheaded for his beliefs.

That is the real St George of England, the other with the dragon yes fictional!



:shocked::shocked::shocked: There are no dragons:shocked::shocked::shocked: next you will be telling me the Easter Bunny doesnt exhist:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh: Puff the magic dragon lived by the sea and frollocked.........like me :biggrin:

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Probably just general stuff like some schools not allowing the children there to celebrate Xmas or the Nativity, some schools not allowing the children there to celebrate Easter, the general renaming of Christian festivals to become secular seasonal-related holidays, a Nationwide failure to recognise, or allow people to celebrate St George’s Day, the general symbolism now attached to the cross of St George,



I still find it amusing, but in my middle childs school we had a spring festival. The local vicar came and spoke, as he had a child in the class. He wasn't wearing his dog collar, and he wasn't on duty. He was speaking as a parent. He spoke about spring, about renewal, re birth and so forth. Nothing overtly religious.


Well I tell you - there was uproar over the next few days. Parents were up in arms about forcing christian beliefs onto their unsuspecting children. But it wasn't the muslim parents, or the jewish parents, or the india parents who complained. It was the militant contingent of the atheist parents who made all the fuss. And it did make me laugh, because they were all white and very English.


I know many people of varying origins, and they all respect my beliefs as I respect theirs. They show interest more than anything in my religion, and I am embarrised that I don't know more about it. You get extemes in all religions, and in the US, they killed an awful lot of people, and I'm not talking 9/11 here.


I'll always stand by the fact that immigration needs to be managed and extremism needs to be stopped. We need to learn from the mistakes that have been made, and work out a better way forward.


Now can we please stop this thread, and can someone start something less contenscious, like, oh, I don't know, maybe Australias treatment of aboriginals over the last 200 years???

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Guest NeilEB
In relation to schooling my nieces and nephew are/have all been educated in Catholic Schools in England where they celebrate Easter and Christmas whole heartedly.

And they are very aware of their heritage thanks.


And that's the point.


You have 'had' to send your kids to Catholic schools to make them aware of their heritage.


Britain is still meant to be a Catholic country, so why can't we have Christmas holidays (now 'Winter Festival'), or Easter (now 'Spring Festival).


Why in some areas are we unable to put up Xmas lights in case people are offended?


WTf?? Excuse me, but if you are offended by Xmas lights, maybe you shouldn't live in a Christian country. COunt yourself lucky that you are living in a country that allows you to practice whatever religion you chose to.


And before anyone asks, I write this as a non-Christian. It just makes me mad when I see the heritage of this country being eroded.

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Guest valleylass
Probably just general stuff like some schools not allowing the children there to celebrate Xmas or the Nativity, some schools not allowing the children there to celebrate Easter, the general renaming of Christian festivals to become secular seasonal-related holidays,


I have never, ever had this experience in all of the schools I've worked in. I wonder whether these are urban myths stoked up by the likes of the Mail to irritate the masses.


a Nationwide failure to recognise, or allow people to celebrate St George’s Day,


My son, a scout, has just attended a St George's Day march in our city


the general symbolism now attached to the cross of St George


The fault of the BNPs predecessor the National Front I believe


the fact that, as an Englishman, Young British kids aren’t even aware of their heritage. Compare the opportunities that an Aussie kid gets to learn about Australia and its history compared to what a British kid gets in a British school. They don’t even do British history properly anymore. Too busy apologising for it or wondering who they’re going to upset


Again not right I'm afraid. Both my children are educated about British history along with the context of European history so they are not learning exclusively about their country but about context. My Australian family learn about Australian history as you correctly identify, this is however without the context of other histories e.g. Oceanic, Asian. This could well be the fault of the school and state in which they are educated but I'm never entirely sure how helpful it is for the youngsters of any nation to learn solely about the history of their nation of origin.

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Guest NeilEB
I have never, ever had this experience in all of the schools I've worked in. I wonder whether these are urban myths stoked up by the likes of the Mail to irritate the masses.




Definitely not an urban myth, certainly not around my part of the UK anyway (North London)

Everything is now "Winter Festival" or "Spring Festival", for fear of upsetting non-Christians.


Where are you from in the UK?


As for St George's day, we are just not that Patriotic. I remember working in America, and every morning the kids had a flag raising, where they would pledge allegiance to the USA - and surprisingly they were all eager and didn't find it embarassing at all.


How many flags do you ever see in the UK? Now, how many do you see when there isn't a football tournamnet or royal wedding?

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And that's the point.


You have 'had' to send your kids to Catholic schools to make them aware of their heritage.


Britain is still meant to be a Catholic country, so why can't we have Christmas holidays (now 'Winter Festival'), or Easter (now 'Spring Festival).


Why in some areas are we unable to put up Xmas lights in case people are offended?


WTf?? Excuse me, but if you are offended by Xmas lights, maybe you shouldn't live in a Christian country. COunt yourself lucky that you are living in a country that allows you to practice whatever religion you chose to.


And before anyone asks, I write this as a non-Christian. It just makes me mad when I see the heritage of this country being eroded.

Do you mean Catholic as Universal or Catholic as Roman?

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Great thread Bobj .............. i knew you would start a good one................. eventually. lol :biggrin:

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Guest NeilEB

Maybe I should have used the word Christian?


Prince Charles used to be the Defender of the Faith - somewhere along the line, an 's' was added....

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