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What The...Is Happening In The UK???


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Every time I post something about MY experience in the UK, its BS.


Every time I post something about MY experience in Aus, its BS.


Not really much point is there?


Having flit between Liverpool, Manchester and London work & living wise since 2000, this is my experience of the UK and was the major driver for me moving here.

I did say in the initial post that some areas would probably not be affected as much so I'd be interested to hear where these 2 guys live in the UK, just for the sake of balance.

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Guest guest36762
So that guy says something you dont agree with and its bulldust or whatever you called it.

Why do you think that you have any idea whats going on here when you live on the other side of the world, you are not surly telling me that a holiday over here then gives you all the insight you need to give a full and frank view of how England is.


Andy, there were the same screaming headlines in the right wing print tabloid media (IYKWIM) regarding muslims taking over our lives back when I left in 2008.

In Luton (parts of, not all) there have been huge numbers of muslims from Pakistan and Bangladesh as far back as I can remember, and now in parts of East London. But the Irish were a large part of eg NW London and Liverpool's immigrant history, Jews in North London etc etc.

Here in Geelong there are huge numbers of Eastern Europeans, in Melbourne Greeks, Eastern Europeans and Vietnamese. I personally think multiculturalism is good for society, SO LONG AS communities don't become ghettoised

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Andy, there were the same screaming headlines in the right wing print tabloid media (IYKWIM) regarding muslims taking over our lives back when I left in 2008.

In Luton (parts of, not all) there have been huge numbers of muslims from Pakistan and Bangladesh as far back as I can remember, and now in parts of East London. But the Irish were a large part of eg NW London and Liverpool's immigrant history, Jews in North London etc etc.

Here in Geelong there are huge numbers of Eastern Europeans, in Melbourne Greeks, Eastern Europeans and Vietnamese. I personally think multiculturalism is good for society, SO LONG AS communities don't become ghettoised

Areas of the UK will for sure become ghettoised because of the disharmony we have here, for instance a lot of people are not interested in living there lives the same as we do in a western country they want to live by there rules and follow there code of authority which they probably will be allowed to do eventually, again this will cause a massive divide and then lead onto huge problems, I dont know that for sure its just my opinion. But overall again in my opinion England has changed a lot over the last few years and not for the better as we have let far to many people in and now we are sinking under a huge debt that is partly down to that and are far to overcrowded. I was accused of being racist the other day for such remarks and that is indicitive of the problems we now have, free speech only counts if you are anything other than white and English, again that is just my opinion.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

What has really surprised me is that the police have dared to stop these lunatics from protesting, for ages now we just have to put up with this constant hatred and bile from these fanatics towards the uk and the police do nothing usually, its that freedom of speach cobblers, until................ you dare say something that upsets them, then your on their death hit list.

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What has really surprised me is that the police have dared to stop these lunatics from protesting, for ages now we just have to put up with this constant hatred and bile from these fanatics towards the uk and the police do nothing usually, its that freedom of speach cobblers, until................ you dare say something that upsets them, then your on their death hit list.


Did you see that programme hoff about the white guy from Weymouth who has converted to islam and now spends his time in London preaching to anyone that will listen how the islamic way is the only way, which is fine as quite rightly that is his choice, but he then when on to say how he would like to have a few wives and they should be accomodated in various different bungalows with i should imagine hoards of kids, however he did not say how he was going to pay for all of this as he is currently scrounging off the state and did not seem to have any intention of actually paying his way:eek:, so i assume he is quite happy to continue to take money from the taxpayer which in itself is nothing short of an incredible contradiction as he says himself that he despises the western way of life. What a numpty:cute:

He was also there on the poppy burning day and seemed to think that he was doing nothing wrong supporting all the traitors that were actually doing the deed.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Did you see that programme hoff about the white guy from Weymouth who has converted to islam and now spends his time in London preaching to anyone that will listen how the islamic way is the only way, which is fine as quite rightly that is his choice, but he then when on to say how he would like to have a few wives and they should be accomodated in various different bungalows with i should imagine hoards of kids, however he did not say how he was going to pay for all of this as he is currently scrounging off the state and did not seem to have any intention of actually paying his way:eek:, so i assume he is quite happy to continue to take money from the taxpayer which in itself is nothing short of an incredible contradiction as he says himself that he despises the western way of life. What a numpty:cute:

He was also there on the poppy burning day and seemed to think that he was doing nothing wrong supporting all the traitors that were actually doing the deed.



Where do i sign up? lol


4 wives to cook clean and lourrrrrrrrrrrrrrrv. Not al of them will have a headache at the same time.:laugh:

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Am I the only person who sympathises with the Muslims Against Crusades?


We are using our superior technology, weaponry and army to invade their country, kill their people and steal their natural resources. And we do this under a manufactured banner of "freedom" and fighting a fictional "war on terror".


If my family was originally from Afghanistan or any other middle eastern country that the British army has attacked and murdered people in then I'd be on the front line throwing bricks too.

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Guest Guest 47403
Am I the only person who sympathises with the Muslims Against Crusades?


We are using our superior technology, weaponry and army to invade their country, kill their people and steal their natural resources. And we do this under a manufactured banner of "freedom" and fighting a fictional "war on terror".


If my family was originally from Afghanistan or any other middle eastern country that the British army has attacked and murdered people in then I'd be on the front line throwing bricks too.


You really haven't got a clue!


If you need to know what it's really like for normal Afgan people living in areas controlled by the taliban PM me and we'll discuss it!


Absolute disgrace!

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Guest Guest 47403

And the lives of 364 British servicemen and women killed in Afganistan are worthless through your liberal lovey tinted glasses seeing as we do this under the manufactured banner of "freedom" and fighting a fictional "war on terror".


Getting wound up now so won't post about this anymore.

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Yeah I agree, otherwise this will just turn into a flame war.


If you do ever fancy putting on some liberal tinted glasses then do some googling about the true civillian death toll and also how the Taliban gets it's funding.


To be honest i would think that the majority of people in Britain would if they could turn back time have left Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya well alone. Not only does it seem that all the politicians at the time lied about the reasons for going in the first place but the death toll of our soldiers first and foremost and then the cost which over the last ten or so years must have cost us tens of billions. I still cannot believe we have gone into Libya after all that has happened before throwing our weight around like some big bully with just one thing in mind and that as we all know is the slick stuff. Hindsight of course is a great thing but in the future it would be great if we could just look after our own buisness and let everyone else look after there's and keep our nose out of other countries.

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Am I the only person who sympathises with the Muslims Against Crusades?


We are using our superior technology, weaponry and army to invade their country, kill their people and steal their natural resources. And we do this under a manufactured banner of "freedom" and fighting a fictional "war on terror".


If my family was originally from Afghanistan or any other middle eastern country that the British army has attacked and murdered people in then I'd be on the front line throwing bricks too.



Fair enough mate - I believe in the right for free speech. But I also believe in common decency. The place to demonstrate is the houses of partiment, not Wotton Bassett, and the time is not on rememberance day. This is just disrespectful.


Also - for the record - Australia did go through a stage of vandalism of war memorials on the eve of Anzac day. They got to the point where they had to guard the memorials the week before. I don't know if this still goes on.


All this comes down to economics. There are many industries that rely on cheap immigrants. The govt has encouraged them because they make money. But what they don't appreciate - is that there is a cost involved. There are schools where most of the class don't speak English. This requires enormous funding to overcome. There is also a cost in that the jobs immigrants take are often the jobs that the youth would take. Part of the reason why we have such high youth unemployment is down to immigration.


Immigration is good - both socially and economically - but it needs to be managed.

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Fair enough mate - I believe in the right for free speech. But I also believe in common decency. The place to demonstrate is the houses of partiment, not Wotton Bassett, and the time is not on rememberance day. This is just disrespectful.


Can you imagine what would happen if a group of English people demonstrated on the streets of Pakistan for instance about certain terrorist attacks and started burning the equivalent of the poppy :shocked:they would be dead within minutes, not like in England where the filthy scum are protected by the police force WE pay for.

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Guest peacock
Am I the only person who sympathises with the Muslims Against Crusades?


We are using our superior technology, weaponry and army to invade their country, kill their people and steal their natural resources. And we do this under a manufactured banner of "freedom" and fighting a fictional "war on terror".


If my family was originally from Afghanistan or any other middle eastern country that the British army has attacked and murdered people in then I'd be on the front line throwing bricks too.


So 9/11 was fictional, ????

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Guest NeilEB

It seriously makes my blood boil that Abu Hamza and others are allowed to spout their hatred on the streets of Britain.


And there I was thinking we had laws against inciting violence.....


Fact is, politicians are so scared of being branded racist that they bend over backwards to protect these people.


By all means protest about the war, that's a luxury we have in this country, but pick yor target. Soldiers don't choose where they deploy or which wars they fight in. Protest at Westminster, or Downing Street, if you must.


As for threatening the Royal Wedding, surely that's treason - we still have the death penalty for that don't we?

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Guest Guest 47403
So 9/11 was fictional, ????


And happened as a result of Iraq and Afganistan campaigns..........oh no it happened before them I remember now!

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I'm afraid Britian isn't our country anymore. The "white mice", the Government, give these wacko's a platform. We do not have custodians with backbone anymore because they are frightened of being deemed racist and anyone that speaks out and challenges them is deemed such.


I'm afraid these muslim extremists can do what they like because we are a democracy yet we do anything to offend them then we are made an example of.


Think it is going to come to bloodshed myself before something gets done and the "white mice" sit up and take notice and if it's the Royals that get hit, and not Joe Bloggs little people, then you can bet your bottom dollar it will.


Personally I would have all these hate clerics deported but they have rights apparently.


once again i will mention Enoch Powell.......they wouldnt listen to him ,how they wish they did ...............

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Guest peacock

Abu Hamza is a racist, inciting violence, and what do they do ? because these people threaten violence they get away with it, is it because the UK government is afraid because of the amount of muslims now living in the UK, and what these people are prepared to do in the name of there god.

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Guest NeilEB

I really think the day is coming where things will come to a head, especially if AV gets in.


I can see fringe parties like the BNP getting more and more support, and eventually coming to clashes with the extremists in this country.


Maybe i'm wrong, we'll see - but our politicians really need to grow a set and get to grips with the issues.

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I think we should bring back national service for EVERYBODY, can you imagine the hysteria among some members of our communities, that would really throw the cat amongst the pigeons and we would soon see where peoples allegiancies were.

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I really think the day is coming where things will come to a head, especially if AV gets in.


I can see fringe parties like the BNP getting more and more support, and eventually coming to clashes with the extremists in this country.


Maybe i'm wrong, we'll see - but our politicians really need to grow a set and get to grips with the issues.



im sorry but i dont think Aston Villa will win the prem for a long time pal ......

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Guest Guest 47403
im sorry but i dont think Aston Villa will win the prem for a long time pal ......




I can only dream :daydreaming::daydreaming:

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Always baffles me that conversations that start with radical luncatics doing something outrageous eventually morph into multi-cultural discussions. How? This behaviour should not be acceptable whatever your culture is. And if it is, your culture is worthless.


I’ve got nothing against the theory of multi-culturism in principle but, by and large, I don’t think it exists in practice in the UK.


Have you been to Leeds & Bradford, North Manchester, Birmingham & areas of London? These are the places that I know. That’s not multi-culturism, that’s just factions of people living separately, not interested in each other’s cultures.


And how can multi-culturism exist per se when the vast populous of the country face restraint in the extent that they can practice their own culture or heritage?

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