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What The...Is Happening In The UK???


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for what it's worth (not much really) I think social workers are some of the most unsung heroes in society. They cannot win. They get bad press due to the odd case here or there of a child (or elderly person, or disabled person) who is let down by the system, but it's not the social workers who did the damage, its the bloody parents, or the carers. They have to walk a very thin line between over interfering and not interfering enough. They are all tarred with the same brush of being lefty namby pambies, but that's because they're in a caring profession, one that doesn't attract the average right wing sadistic sociopathic daily mail reader.

Good on you Paul


Spot on. I'm sure some of those berating social work would be delighted to find there was no one to help care for an elderly relative because they had all buggered off to find a real job.

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Guest Revs30
They also need a degree in the subject, and membership of the professional body.

They don't allow any Tom, Chalky, or Harry to do this job, dontcherknow:daydreaming:


for what it's worth (not much really) I think social workers are some of the most unsung heroes in society. They cannot win. They get bad press due to the odd case here or there of a child (or elderly person, or disabled person) who is let down by the system, but it's not the social workers who did the damage, its the bloody parents, or the carers. They have to walk a very thin line between over interfering and not interfering enough. They are all tarred with the same brush of being lefty namby pambies, but that's because they're in a caring profession, one that doesn't attract the average right wing sadistic sociopathic daily mail reader.

Good on you Paul



Totally agree with both above posts!

With my wife being a social worker i know that they all get a hard time and bad press.

As you have said they have to walk a very thin line regarding interference and if it wasn't fot them then there would be even more abuse, neglect, etc etc going on in todays society. She has studied hard, got a diploma, a degree, and post qualified!

These people need more recognition and appreciation i say

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Guest chris955

You only need to look at those posting the nonsense.


Spot on. I'm sure some of those berating social work would be delighted to find there was no one to help care for an elderly relative because they had all buggered off to find a real job.
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British girls 'biggest teenage binge drinkers in western world'


Half of 15-year-old girls have been drunk at least twice, nearly double the average proportion in other developed countries



In a society where grog is cheaper than water, the temptation must be great and of course financially viable!

Sadly this is not isolated to GB, we have our own set of idiots here lets not kid ourselves.

The Courts do not do us proud with alcohol fueled crime!

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Guest peacock
Just cancer research? That's the only real job?



I dont think you should underestimate cancer research, youi may get it one day and be glad of the experts scientists :yes:

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Guest peacock
Wow, so only about .001% of the entire population of the world has a proper job.


didnt you know that :arghh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

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Guest peacock
If you could point out where I did underestimate the value of any job. You however did.


so you accept cancer research is important then ?

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Guest chris955

Please please don't feed the troll.


If you could point out where I did underestimate the value of any job. You however did.
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Guest peacock
Please please don't feed the troll.



if you have nothing to add to the thread Chris, no need to be offensive, it shows weakness and bad character, thankyou

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Guest The Pom Queen

Yesterday a couple of the mods wanted to close this thread. I told them that I would post a warning and I was sure that you would continue to play nicely, unfortunately you always get a couple who spoil it for everyone else.

Unfortunately as this thread keeps getting personal I have no option to close it, I will see if it is possible to tidy up if so then it MAY be reopened.


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