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Who else finds Australia noisy?


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I don't want to sound like a whinging pom, but........ :wideeyed:




I find it here very noisy, I wonder if others found the same.

There are trucks and road trains thundering down the roads, at petrol stations and shops the music blasting on full volume, building works going on everywhere which adding to the noise levels, I can hear our neighbour fart and cough (joke) and not to mention the hoons in their big engine cars, driving up and down the roads at all hours of day and night.


I have been staying at home during the day because I've just started my maternity leave, and I cannot believe the noise from the lorries, hoons and other cars, and it is continuous. Our house facing a road, which is a residental road and not a major dual carriage way, with loads of little roundabouts, yet massive road trains, trucks and lorries using it to cut short to get onto the freeway. And the hoons to put their foot down.


All the pharmacies I have been to, have sold out on earplugs.... I wonder why?

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Guest sunnyday

Ahhh you poor thing! Our last house (which we sold) backed onto a dual carriageway, it was the only negative but I just couldn't get used to it, it drove me nuts hearing all the traffic whoosh by!! I hope you find some earplugs soon lol and all the best with the birth of your baby x

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I don't want to sound like a whinging pom, but........ :wideeyed:




I find it here very noisy, I wonder if others found the same.

There are trucks and road trains thundering down the roads, at petrol stations and shops the music blasting on full volume, building works going on everywhere which adding to the noise levels, I can hear our neighbour fart and cough (joke) and not to mention the hoons in their big engine cars, driving up and down the roads at all hours of day and night.


I have been staying at home during the day because I've just started my maternity leave, and I cannot believe the noise from the lorries, hoons and other cars, and it is continuous. Our house facing a road, which is a residental road and not a major dual carriage way, with loads of little roundabouts, yet massive road trains, trucks and lorries using it to cut short to get onto the freeway. And the hoons to put their foot down.


All the pharmacies I have been to, have sold out on earplugs.... I wonder why?


Sorry your feeling like that, but this is nothing that I dont hear here in the UK!


I think when you stay somewhere that is used as a "rat run" there will be times when its nosier.


Try not stress too much!


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this is why i always choose to live in quiet areas, once bitten twice shy, personally i'd rather have an extra 40ks on the daily commute



Yeah, we chose to live in a supposedly quiet area (which is our suburb) and we already live 50 ks away from the city.


The solution would be to move out to the country I guess, which I would love to anyway, coming from a country town in the UK.

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the flimsy wall construction of most house doesn't help either. You know when your neighbours are "at it" :Randy-git: even with the house across the road!

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I was in surfers paradise and Brisbane city for over a month and i was surprised that the road we were on in surfers was busy all day with people and traffic, but..................come 8.30 pm it was as though they had blocked the road off, it was strange how such a busy road just fell silent. It didn't effect us either way because we were out everyday visiting the fabtastic sights and the beach was very quiet, but apparently most people get up at 6am and go down the beach then, thousands of them, when we got there there were a few dozen left swimming in the 23 degrees warm sea - heaven.


In Brisbane it was obviously the noise was louder, thats what cities are like, no different to Leeds, but.................again at about 8.30pm it seemed to drop quiet and we would walk around the fantastic city, eating out at an outside cafe' or restaurant, or swim in the open air warm pools over looking the river at southbank, just brilliant with barbecue areas and then on to the river cat to sea the views of Brisbane from the river, which will live with me for ever.


So what i am saying from my experience is that - YES surfers and Brisbane city was noisy, but................not really different to the uk and come 8.30 pm it became quieter, obviously not in the centre of surfers where the bars were booming music out until the early hours, but on the outskirts it was surprisingly quiet.



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Sorry your feeling like that, but this is nothing that I dont hear here in the UK!


I think when you stay somewhere that is used as a "rat run" there will be times when its nosier.


Try not stress too much!




Sorry, but I never used to hear this in the UK. No road trains either.

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I was in surfers paradise and Brisbane city for over a month and i was surprised that the road we were on in surfers was busy all day with people and traffic, but..................come 8.30 pm it was as though they had blocked the road off, it was strange how such a busy road just fell silent. It didn't effect us either way because we were out everyday visiting the fabtastic sights and the beach was very quiet, but apparently most people get up at 6am and go down the beach then, thousands of them, when we got there there were a few dozen left swimming in the 23 degrees warm sea - heaven.


In Brisbane it was obviously the noise was louder, thats what cities are like, no different to Leeds, but.................again at about 8.30pm it seemed to drop quiet and we would walk around the fantastic city, eating out at an outside cafe' or restaurant, or swim in the open air warm pools over looking the river at southbank, just brilliant with barbecue areas and then on to the river cat to sea the views of Brisbane from the river, which will live with me for ever.


So what i am saying from my experience is that - YES surfers and Brisbane city was noisy, but................not really different to the uk and come 8.30 pm it became quieter, obviously not in the centre of surfers where the bars were booming music out until the early hours, but on the outskirts it was surprisingly quiet.




they're all tucked up in bed by 8;30pm:SLEEP:

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Sorry, but I never used to hear this in the UK. No road trains either.[/quote


Yeah, but take in to consideration where you lived in the Uk and where you live in Perth!

Where I live in Edinburgh is noisey but where I will be staying in Perth will be a ot quieter!


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Sorry, but I never used to hear this in the UK. No road trains either.[/quote


Yeah, but take in to consideration where you lived in the Uk and where you live in Perth!

Where I live in Edinburgh is noisey but where I will be staying in Perth will be a ot quieter!





I used to live in Tottenham Court Road in London when I was younger and a student and I never found it this loud. That was right in the middle of the city, whereas here I live 50 ks away from the city.

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I used to live in Tottenham Court Road in London when I was younger and a student and I never found it this loud. That was right in the middle of the city, whereas here I live 50 ks away from the city.


Hey,me too! I tend to agree with you - TC Rd (and later West Cromwell Rd) werent a patch on Canberra and yes, we live in a quiet suburb (quite central) but can still hear the traffic of Northborne Ave through the weatherboard walls and that is over 1km away. The sirens really slice through the weatherboard as well - and I notice them much more than I did when staying with the DS on Vauxhall Rd - solid brick and double glazing work wonders.


And what is it with the hoons? - I dont recall the doof doof broadcasting from cars doing laps in UK but I guess there will be suburbs where perhaps they did. I cant get over how loud some folk have their car stereos here.


Not only the traffic though - the bloody wildlife is cacophonous - the cockies and magpies in the morning rival a jumbo jet any day of the week and the possums that land on your roof (tin of course) and scamper across it scare the pants off you.


I have always thought it was a very loud place.

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after 7pm u could litterarly hear a pin drop where we are !!! ......they are either all tucked up in bed ...or cant find their way about ...due to lack of street lights :wink:

mrs keily


That's what it is like where I stay in Oz, but there will be noiser areas I am sure. It will be the same for everywhere there will be areas that will be quieter than others.

It's just your luck on wheather you find yourseld living in one of these areas.

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TBH i don't mind a bit of noise. my old place here was very quiet and i felt a bit out of touch, where i live now has a hotel just accross the road and you get the holiday makers walking home from the bars and resturants drunk and singing and falling over... i love it, i just hope i dont come out with as much mutta as other people when i'm drunk.:eek:

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The only 'noise' we sometimes have a little moan about is the parrots flying over sqawking,lol, Visitors often comment how peaceful it is here.

I think half the battle here with noise issues is the houses arent double glazed, so if your on an estate close to other homes i can see why it could start to drive you mad!!!


Cal x

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also what is it about boats? I have beutiful sea views and love to watch the boats on the sea, but they must be 1.5 kms away and i can still hear the engines?? why?? i need to know..

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also what is it about boats? I have beutiful sea views and love to watch the boats on the sea, but they must be 1.5 kms away and i can still hear the engines?? why?? i need to know..

Sound under water travels about 5 times faster than in the air,partly because its denser,at least thats what i seen in an old seafaring book i read?:GEEK:

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The only 'noise' we sometimes have a little moan about is the parrots flying over sqawking,lol, Visitors often comment how peaceful it is here.

I think half the battle here with noise issues is the houses arent double glazed, so if your on an estate close to other homes i can see why it could start to drive you mad!!!


Cal x

Same here or the unknown bird that makes an unholy racket at 4 o'clock in the morning :goofy:. We are just across the road from the water in a quiet suburb and whilst we do hear the odd row on a Sunday morning if you happen to go outside it is otherwise very quiet here.

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Same here or the unknown bird that makes an unholy racket at 4 o'clock in the morning :goofy:. We are just across the road from the water in a quiet suburb and whilst we do hear the odd row on a Sunday morning if you happen to go outside it is otherwise very quiet here.


we used to call the pluvas cakkalakkas because of their cakkalakking at all hours. If they ain't cakkalakking they're trying to peck ya eyeballs out:eek:

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Hey,me too! I tend to agree with you - TC Rd (and later West Cromwell Rd) werent a patch on Canberra and yes, we live in a quiet suburb (quite central) but can still hear the traffic of Northborne Ave through the weatherboard walls and that is over 1km away. The sirens really slice through the weatherboard as well - and I notice them much more than I did when staying with the DS on Vauxhall Rd - solid brick and double glazing work wonders.


And what is it with the hoons? - I dont recall the doof doof broadcasting from cars doing laps in UK but I guess there will be suburbs where perhaps they did. I cant get over how loud some folk have their car stereos here.


Not only the traffic though - the bloody wildlife is cacophonous - the cockies and magpies in the morning rival a jumbo jet any day of the week and the possums that land on your roof (tin of course) and scamper across it scare the pants off you.


I have always thought it was a very loud place.



Where about did you live in Tottenham? How long ago?


I lived there a good 10 years ago or so, I still like that part of London very much, always go there when I'm in London. Not sure if I could live there now though, too busy for my liking and my hubby would never agree to it, him being a country boy.


I agree with what you said, although I never noticed the noise so much, it must be my pregnancy hormones.:laugh:

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