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Who else finds Australia noisy?


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Yeah, we chose to live in a supposedly quiet area (which is our suburb) and we already live 50 ks away from the city.


The solution would be to move out to the country I guess, which I would love to anyway, coming from a country town in the UK.


Bullsbrook is a quiet country town or village ,hamlet....................... scrub that the Great northern Highway lol

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Guest guest17301

I find Perth very quiet. As Cal said its often just the noise of the birds. On occasion get woken up by a burn out but few and far between. Its 'whisper quiet' to me in most areas and I am quite sensitive to noise, coming from many years living in a terraced house having a detached here is paradise! I must be immune to white noise.


On the 'nice' estate we lived in just before leaving the UK being woke up at 2am by revellers shouting as they passed by was commonplace! (not to mention blasted fireworks all year round)Never happens here (OK, just once)

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after 7pm u could litterarly hear a pin drop where we are !!! ......they are either all tucked up in bed ...or cant find their way about ...due to lack of street lights :wink:

mrs keily


The street lights are terrible aren't they- but nobody goes out do they?- we went out for a romantic birthday dinner to a lovely restaurant one Saturday night and they had nothing left-everyone was leaving and it was 8pm:arghh:

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The street lights are terrible aren't they- but nobody goes out do they?- we went out for a romantic birthday dinner to a lovely restaurant one Saturday night and they had nothing left-everyone was leaving and it was 8pm:arghh:


they have restaurants out there? :biglaugh: Street lights are terrible....so spread out it is hard to light the whole place....

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Guest SDJ&A

We rented a house last year on a very quiet estate, no thro traffic, no loud music. The only noise was from the houses behind us that had got pools. Spashing,bit of music,chatter but nothing bad. We had to move and now we are on the corner of the highway (dual carridgeway). At the same time that we moved in the local by-pass was fully opened so traffic levels have fallen right down. Occasionaly get woken by a V8 or a loud exhaust on a motorbike but can't complain really. The road noise from the tyres I think is louder here, different tarmac road surfaces I think. On the whole it's quieter here than where we were in the uk, No barking dogs,drunks singing or shouting at 1-2am and I like it that way. Got to agree about there being no one out at night. I walk in the evenings and can be out for over a hour and not meet a soul. Found it strange at first but ok with it now.

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Guest J-inOz

There have been a few houses being built in our street, so there was some noise from that, thankfully there is only one house left to be built. Other than that it is just the Kookaburras having a laughing fit every now and again or the cockatoos and crows. We live less than 10 minutes from the M1 on the Gold Coast. It helps to live at the top of a long cul de sac though.

We camped at the GC holiday park, which runs parallel to the M1, now that was noisy but we got used to it. I wouldn't however choose to live on a busy road.

This is where double glazing and good insulation comes in, which isn't the norm here, unfortunately.

We looked at a house for sale, where the garden backed on to a main road, it wasn't too busy but the odd car that went past did appear noisy and this was on a Sunday. The real estate person stated that " you would get used to it" after commenting on it. Yeah right, who in their right mind would want to?

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On the 'nice' estate we lived in just before leaving the UK being woke up at 2am by revellers shouting as they passed by was commonplace! (not to mention blasted fireworks all year round)Never happens here (OK, just once)

Fiona, I don't miss the fireworks either! We'd hear them from September through to March where I lived. Over here we hear them on New Year's Eve and I think that's about it.

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We are in Willagee,Perth.. i would say its quiet.Sure the highways are noisy, and yep we get the odd hoon burning out in their Holden v8's a couple of blocks away..but i cant fault we are otherwise.Its somewhere to start as we are aiming to move into the hills(applications in progress).


Good tip for ya, if you go to view a property, check for tyre burnouts and evidence of drag racing in the area.Theres a massive culture for racing and burnouts here in OZ.


I like the lack of streetlights...it makes navigating at night 'challenging'..lol

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Guest SDJ&A

The lack of street lights also keeps the speed of vehicles down on the side roads at night. Taking one of my daughters friends home the other night it was hard to see the edge of the road or the turn in to her road. You really have to have your wits about you. Unlike the uk where you can see all the way down the street. Just had a quick look outside now (7.30pm) and the sky is dark, no light pollution here.

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