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Putting your life on hold


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Good lord, life is too short to be living in limbo - you could get run over by a train tomorrow and then where would you be. It certainly sounds as if some folk on here have a life obsessed by moving across the world in search of what???? and never bother to live their lives to the full where they are because they are always wondering how much better it will be if only ..... (sounds like my rationale for dieting LOL)


I certainly do not like where I live but that doesnt stop me doing anything and everything to have as fulfilled a life as I possibly can then when I get home for holidays I can still have a brilliant time. If I were to live in limbo about getting home then for sure and certain I would die in limbo and that would be a horrible waste of time and energy!


Some things are in limbo such buying expensive furniture and other household items but it has not stopped us from going on holidays and doing all the things that we wanted/needed to get done before we leave for Aus!

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Good lord, life is too short to be living in limbo - you could get run over by a train tomorrow and then where would you be. It certainly sounds as if some folk on here have a life obsessed by moving across the world in search of what???? and never bother to live their lives to the full where they are because they are always wondering how much better it will be if only ..... (sounds like my rationale for dieting LOL)


I certainly dont like where I live but that doesnt stop me doing anything and everything to have as fulfilled a life as I possibly can then when I get home for holidays I can still have a brilliant time. If I were to live in limbo about getting home then for sure and certain I would die in limbo and that would be a horrible waste of time and energy!


It's not about being stuck in, it's about being stuck, is it worth moving into another house, is it worth replacing the sofa etc, Gee if we didn't go out it would drive us mad :arghh:

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Good lord, life is too short to be living in limbo - you could get run over by a train tomorrow and then where would you be. It certainly sounds as if some folk on here have a life obsessed by moving across the world in search of what???? and never bother to live their lives to the full where they are because they are always wondering how much better it will be if only ..... (sounds like my rationale for dieting LOL)


I certainly dont like where I live but that doesnt stop me doing anything and everything to have as fulfilled a life as I possibly can then when I get home for holidays I can still have a brilliant time. If I were to live in limbo about getting home then for sure and certain I would die in limbo and that would be a horrible waste of time and energy!


That's a little judgmental isn't it?


You may feel as though it's a search for something,... which says more about you actually, not everyone wishing to emigrate does.


And if your life is so fulfilled why do you complain about not being yourself every day, and waking up with so much sadness? I get confused by your posts, sometimes you say wherever you are is just a place to live, and other times living where you are is a kind of living hell for you.

Plus you still call the UK home, so in effect, you spend most of your life not 'at home' with your husband - that would be limbo for me actually.

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Guest auchie00

My wife and I started this process at the beginning of 2007, got the visa July 2008 and like others with the state of housing market we had to rethink our position (renting). Then to lose my job of 12 years because I was planning to move, again had to rethink, Employment Tribunal took 8 months to complete and win but received £00000000.


This process was started with my brother and his partner and although we got our visa 1 year before them they arrived in Adelaide on Nov 25 2009, house is rented out now (worth alot less than it was at start), lost money from not being able to save if I had been employed, exchange rate (do not need to say much about that one).


I personally have always had to try and have all my pieces in their correct place so as to move and it has not worked, just wish now I had took more of a chance and just went for it, anyway we fly out April 6 at 4.00pm from Glasgow and cannot wait.

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I have been saying to hubby this week that I am fed up of trying to save and getting nowhere. We can't start the process until we ahve quite a bit of cash under our belt and it feels like we are in limbo a bit. No fast way to get the money tho

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In the sense that it costs such alot of money to get to Oz, then yes - your life does go on hold (unless you're awash with money, which I don't think many of us here are lucky enough to be).


We plodded along with things in the UK that we really needed to replace, simply because we had to commit the funds to getting here. We would normally have had a nice holiday or two as well but again, that money had to be put aside to tide us over when we got here.


But as for day to day living, I certainly didn't waste my waiting time pining to be in Australia, I put it to the back of my mind and enjoyed the company of my friends and family as much as I could, while I still had the luxury of having them on my door step.


Sue x

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I think we saw more of friends and family in the time we had in the country, we made the most of seeing people and experiencing what there was in the UK. Ironically since arriving in Australia I was reading with one of the children at the kids school all about a castle in the UK I hadn't visited and I thought how sad that was I hadn't gone to it! I now understand my American friend's obsession with checking out old buildings when she lived in the UK. I think you have to carry on with life as normal as you can, especially if you have kids - although for us it meant racing around all week and collapsing on Sunday afternoon when the football run was over!! Our son has just signed up for Soccer here and they will be playing on Sunday mornings - oh well back to normal then!!! We didn't have time to put our lives on hold, and yes we also put off buying a new flat screen telly, and the small one we did bring needs a set top box.

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Well before my visa grant it felt like I had been putting myself and my families life on hold, no new things etc etc , but now I have my visa and flights booked for June, I realise that I wasnt putting my life on hold, I was merely preparing for the day when it would be my turn to migrate!!:jiggy:


Hope it happens soon for all you who are "on hold":wubclub:

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We are in the same position as most people.


Cant join anything, cant make any plans, working every hour god sends to scrape the money together, trying to make it a happy experience for the kids, house is a state but cant buy anything as we are only going to have to sell it again in a few months time, cant get a decent job anywhere and trying to keep a calm and friendly face on it all.


It's got to the point I am sick to death of Australia, sick of planning it, researching it, budgeting for it, talking about it, thinking about it and to top it all off, MY BLOKE has decided that the only thing he is watching is ANYTHING ON AUSTRALIA!!




Hope it's all sodding worth it, not that I'm expecting much anyway. Not even sure if I want to go now.


Apprently this is normal.


I have been in such a state, my e-mail to hopefully future landing places (somewhere to stay after we get off the big iron bird) read....."Please help me I dont know what I am doing or where to start"


One of the responces was quite amusing as his wife can remember that feeling very well and they moved I think it was 15 years ago.


Nice to know I'm not alone in this madness.

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Some things are in limbo such buying expensive furniture and other household items but it has not stopped us from going on holidays and doing all the things that we wanted/needed to get done before we leave for Aus!


same for us too. We are off on a holiday to tenerife for some much needed sun next week and will probably have more holidays before we go. But buying a new washing machine, car, new sofas, etc. can all wait.



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That's a little judgmental isn't it?


You may feel as though it's a search for something,... which says more about you actually, not everyone wishing to emigrate does.


And if your life is so fulfilled why do you complain about not being yourself every day, and waking up with so much sadness? I get confused by your posts, sometimes you say wherever you are is just a place to live, and other times living where you are is a kind of living hell for you.

Plus you still call the UK home, so in effect, you spend most of your life not 'at home' with your husband - that would be limbo for me actually.


Not meant to be judgmental.


I was talking about a material limbo where you stop doing what you would normally do just because you become preoccupied about doing something else which may be a huge gamble but which then in turn makes you feel as if the life you are living isnt enough.


I've never been one for living the dream or searching for utopia - more about taking the chances that pop up for you when they arise and have upped and gone to places for an opportunity not to be missed, usually without a second thought. Too literally pragmatic most of the time.


Doesnt stop the fact that I do hate where I live and that waking up in the morning with the OMG I am still here feeling and some days are unadulterated hell which would make limbo seem appealing:biglaugh:. However I dont put my head under the doona and live with the hope that it will all change and so dont get out and about and take the opportunities and experiences that arise for me. It is a sort of half life because I know it could be better fulfilled elsewhere but that isnt limbo as I see it because I am not sitting there waiting for the unobtainable to happen - I would never not go on a holiday or buy something because I was waiting for the day I could move home. Saving up for something I wanted, sure, that is a different thing but not if it meant that it restricted the rest of my life - looks like the Porsche will just have to wait for another lifetime :biglaugh:.

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Not meant to be judgmental.


I was talking about a material limbo where you stop doing what you would normally do just because you become preoccupied about doing something else which may be a huge gamble but which then in turn makes you feel as if the life you are living isnt enough.


I've never been one for living the dream or searching for utopia - more about taking the chances that pop up for you when they arise and have upped and gone to places for an opportunity not to be missed, usually without a second thought. Too literally pragmatic most of the time.


Doesnt stop the fact that I do hate where I live and that waking up in the morning with the OMG I am still here feeling and some days are unadulterated hell which would make limbo seem appealing. However I dont put my head under the doona and live with the hope that it will all change and so dont get out and about and take the opportunities and experiences that arise for me. It is a sort of half life because I know it could be better fulfilled elsewhere but that isnt limbo as I see it because I am not sitting there waiting for the unobtainable to happen - I would never not go on a holiday or buy something because I was waiting for the day I could move home. Saving up for something I wanted, sure, that is a different thing but not if it meant that it restricted the rest of my life - looks like the Porsche will just have to wait for another lifetime.


We still go on holidays and it's something I make sure we do.

But if you had to save up to be able to afford your 5 weeks in UK every year, I bet you'd give up a couple of things to save the money so you could do it?:idea::yes:

It's the same for us, we've change emphasis towards a few things, but we're not sitting twiddling our thumbs! If you can't make the best of where you are, then you'll be stuck there till you do!


Sounds like if you're waiting for you OH to want to emigrate to UK, then you will be waiting for the unobtainable:biglaugh:

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we just clamped down , did uk breaks but nothing flash by the time we'd paid for the visa , sorted money for flights and the dogs flight etc got the house sorted for renting ( electics new heating system arghhh) we had to save and sit on it , but like sue says we made the most of family and friends .. still a limbo though ... some things were a no no its a weird situation really , all the best if your still waiting ...

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Guest Clarinsred

After all the changes last summer I decided I was no longer going to put my life on hold waiting for Australia, instead I decided Australia will have to wait for me when it decides it’s ready.

So I splashed out last autumn on my dream car, I may well end up taking it with me, but if I decide I’d rather invest the money in a house, I’ll sell it. But it has certainly made the waiting more tolerable, and I can see all previous unvisited places in the UK in style before I eventually go.

I’m a Cat 6, so I’m in for a long, long wait. My day will come, hopefully soon...

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I know it will turn on, but it has to do with the sound dosen't it? it's also the cost a £1000 for the tv then the shipping + fees etc, when I could buy a new one in Australia with warranty etc for around the same price


Save your cash.


The telly is pretty crap here apart from SBS which is the saving grace of ozzie TV and foxtell if you can be bothered to deal with it through Telstra. Almost the same amount of time is dedicated to advert breaks as the rest of the tv show which will include umpteen newsupdates and sports reviews.


Buy a webber.

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