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SUMMARY: Spouse Visa Processing times OFFSHORE-UK. Please add your Stats.

Guest sr1992

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Yeah he is :) we met on here and then i went to aus on a whv and we got together then and travelled together, then we moved back to the UK and now we're going to go to NZ with my on a whv and travel/work there and apply for the visa there in Sept....hope we're not waiting ages!!

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One of true love, separation, hours of skype and huge phone bills... I could write a novel on it!


When we started dating I knew OH was for moving back to Oz but it was kinda ok as I was starting my PhD. We agreed that I would do PhD and he would go back to Oz and we would come back and forward. After my first trip out after and being separated for only 4 months it was too much, every day was like 2. OH came home that snowy Christmas eve and it was bliss :)


Now I have to keep my end of the bargain, finish the PhD as fast as possible (I know Jason I am on here and not writing :P ) and get back to Oz for a decent thai, some heat and some quality chill time with Jason :)


Things are so much better out there ( never mind the heat and loads of creatures for me to poke at!) I cant wait to go back!

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Guest chri5

Application sent by agent Jan 5th, acknowledged Jan 12th

Visa issued today!, 20th June.

Waited until a few weeks after submitting for medical to be done.

Our CO was VF.


Hope this is useful to those waiting.

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My husbands was £290(in Birmingham ). From reading other posts they seem to go from about £200- £290ish


Ahhh these Visa bills keep racking up haha oh well will be all worth it when we are back in the land of oz!


One more quicky...who did you guys get to certify your docs and witness your statements? xx:animal-pig:

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Application sent by agent Jan 5th, acknowledged Jan 12th

Visa issued today!, 20th June.

Waited until a few weeks after submitting for medical to be done.

Our CO was VF.


Hope this is useful to those waiting.



Chris add your stats to the spreadsheet :)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aopvk3Y5mD7HdGp5V2hESFluN3V0QWNBTDg2TWJoLVE#gid=0

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Aw well I hope you get your visa grant soon! And good luck with your PhD, what are you studying?


I'm looking at biomarkers for diabetes and how they may act on the body- pure nerd fest!! I cant wait to be finished.


What are you for doing once you get to Oz have you work lined up?

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Guest nimhug
Application sent by agent Jan 5th, acknowledged Jan 12th

Visa issued today!, 20th June.

Waited until a few weeks after submitting for medical to be done.

Our CO was VF.


Hope this is useful to those waiting.


Chri5..congrats on your visa! How exciting! Good luck with your move!

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Guest wardie77
Application sent by agent Jan 5th, acknowledged Jan 12th

Visa issued today!, 20th June.

Waited until a few weeks after submitting for medical to be done.

Our CO was VF.


Hope this is useful to those waiting.


Congrats Chri5!!! That is fantastic!! good luck with the move.

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Application sent by agent Jan 5th, acknowledged Jan 12th

Visa issued today!, 20th June.

Waited until a few weeks after submitting for medical to be done.

Our CO was VF.


Hope this is useful to those waiting.


Amazing news Chris, gives hopes to the rest of us waiting !!! Congratulations and let us know how you get on :biggrin:

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Hi everyone, to the person that said there will be delays over Christmas, I applied on 21st december and definitely thought it sat in the desk for a fortnight while the co went out in the sauce. Lol


Had my leaving do on Saturday, flying to Perth in 12 days! Can you take double baggage with Singapore on a 309 visa ?

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Hi everyone, to the person that said there will be delays over Christmas, I applied on 21st december and definitely thought it sat in the desk for a fortnight while the co went out in the sauce. Lol


Had my leaving do on Saturday, flying to Perth in 12 days! Can you take double baggage with Singapore on a 309 visa ?



- your visa came through then recently? At least its through :) Well done. Your so lucky the wait is finally over!!!

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Hi all, i have been reading this forum for a while now and just wanted to join and say my partner has been assigned a case officer and wanted to see if anyone else around the same has been too? You have all been brilliant with advice, so it's lookin at about December for his grant then yes? He is going for the 100 xXXx

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Guest wardie77
Hi all, i have been reading this forum for a while now and just wanted to join and say my partner has been assigned a case officer and wanted to see if anyone else around the same has been too? You have all been brilliant with advice, so it's lookin at about December for his grant then yes? He is going for the 100 xXXx


Welcome to PIO Sarah & Rob! Have a look at this link and add your details. Very useful to see when others are getting granted.


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welcome to poms sarah and rob! Have you just applied for your visa? Not applying until early September so i'm gonna be waiting until march the latest, will be in NZ at time of applying tho!


BTW do you think it's quicker/slower depending on what country you're in? As in it's always 5-6 months for people applying frmo the UK as there's a high number?

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Hi guys, thanks for your welcome, just wanted to point out that my second name is Robinson hence the Rob lol (sorry for any crossed wires lol) my parnter's name is Mike :) Wardie thanks i'll add myself :) And BritChick i've heard that it can take up to 12 months whilst in Aus but not sure about any other country, i'm pressuming it will be the same as here maybe? Sorry that's something i can't answer can only guess!! So excited though as we have been waiting a while for this day now, first of all we had to apply for my Return Resident Visa then once that was granted start applying for Mike's but that's all done and dusted now so hooray lol, they asked us for our medicals so we will be booking them asap and then the waiting begins ;).

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