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Coming back- why so many??


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agree australia more in common with the usa, i i also dont see how those who go back have 'failed' failed at what?. some dont have the finances to travel interstae towing kids with them, and most dont blame aus, if its missing family etc then aus isnt for them, its not aus fault, and those peeps going back recognised they had a pretty good life back there and appreciate it more and lets face it most who can emigrate have decent lives in uk re work quals etc so why not give oz a try if they can, its an option and no more, good on those who find where they want to be

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Not sure why anyone returning to the UK should be judged as having failed


i think they should be judged the opposite they tried it came here and decided they are better in the uk and won't live the rest of there lives not knowing i think as soon as you set foot on the plane you are successful

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Guest Guest31881
Hey Emma


I heard on a recent news report it's about half, they said that in one year over 14000 emigrated to Perth and 7,000 returned to the UK.






The last official figures i saw said it was around 17% who cannot settle and return to UK. The others are things like


Temporary visa holders returning (Including WHV)

Students at the end of course

Returning to UK to retire after living and working in Australia.

Partner dies survivor returns to family.


To be honest i do not know how they manage to come up with anything that remotely looks accurate as you are not asked why you are boarding a plane from Australia.


But as we all know, there are,




  • Lies

  • Damn lies

  • and statistics



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Guest guest37336

A quick look (maybe not, can take ages) at the migration figures suggests that over the last 15 years the figure has been something like 23% that return, that figure is an 'average' and obviously it fluctuates year upon year, so roughly 1 in 4, which on a world wide basis isn't that big.


But as SRP has suggested, the 'leaving' card is open to interpretation to some degree.:unsure:


Cheers Tony.

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Maybe just compare the numbers of people who post on the 'Moving Back To The UK' forum with the ones who are posting on the various forums to do with either making the move or consolidating it. If I was really a high figure for 'returnee' then there would be a much higher number on MBTTUK?

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Think about it though. People move overseas all the time. And others return from living overseas. Not just particular to Australia is it. Moving isn't forever wherever you go. Some might say it is, but nothing is written in stone and no one can predict the future.


I don't really get what all the fuss is about if people choose to return to the UK from living in Aus or anywhere else overseas. I've done it myself but it wasn't because I hated the country I was living in at the time or was homesick and wanted to only be back in the UK. There are far more shades of grey than black and white :yes:


We live in the modern world where people are far more transient. Even within the UK so many more people these days move away from the area they grew up in. For uni, work and job prospects, the world is much changed from a couple of generations ago where you generally lived within 50 miles (many people within spitting distance) of your place of birth.

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Guest guest57588
Think about it though. People move overseas all the time. And others return from living overseas. Not just particular to Australia is it. Moving isn't forever wherever you go. Some might say it is, but nothing is written in stone and no one can predict the future.


I don't really get what all the fuss is about if people choose to return to the UK from living in Aus or anywhere else overseas. I've done it myself but it wasn't because I hated the country I was living in at the time or was homesick and wanted to only be back in the UK. There are far more shades of grey than black and white :yes:


We live in the modern world where people are far more transient. Even within the UK so many more people these days move away from the area they grew up in. For uni, work and job prospects, the world is much changed from a couple of generations ago where you generally lived within 50 miles (many people within spitting distance) of your place of birth.


Absolutely right. You've only got to look at the composition of a major city like London or Melbourne. How many of their citizens were born and raised there?. In Victoria I read recently that 1 in 3 people were born outside the State. If you look at an area like Brick Lane in London it's attracted ex-pat communities from Russia (Jewish), France (Hugenots) and more recently Bangladeshis throughout it's history. As you say, the modern world is even more transient.

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Absolutely Colin - this was a 'report' on an evening current affairs show - have to say Aussie journalism leaves a lot to be desired! Take everything with a huge pinch of salt...

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Maybe just compare the numbers of people who post on the 'Moving Back To The UK' forum with the ones who are posting on the various forums to do with either making the move or consolidating it. If I was really a high figure for 'returnee' then there would be a much higher number on MBTTUK?


I would say a large number of people find and post on PIO because they are looking for info on the visa system to get into oz, and stay because the forum can answer a lot of questions about general life in oz, which they don't yet know about.


Once people decide to go back to the UK, there's not really that much to ask about, it's quite simple to google a removal company, you don't need a visa to go back to your country of citizenship, and you have your friends and family to tell you about the situation back home, there's not the need to post on here about it. So the MBTTUK forum really isn't a good indicator of how many people are returning.

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maybe a lot of people dont go over there and bet there everything on the place and just fancy a bit of a change.

When I go I will go with the intention or idea that at some point i will come back. However if i like it i will stay.

There's a big wide world out there though ad Oz isnt the only place to live and many of us have the opportunity to live all over if we wish.

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In todays 'West Australian' newspaper it listed 107,000 British born migrants arrived between 2005 and 2010. The number to return was around 30,000. Slightly higher than I would have anticipated.


They can only go on what people put on their departure cards as well so they will miss many who go, not expecting to stay! That will be true for both me and my son, for example - he extended his gap year to at least a gap decade and I only came on holiday but family circumstances are keeping me here (thank goodness!). There are loads of reasons why people dont return even when they have expected to!

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Guest SupportPants
You need ear-flaps, too, in Queensland and possibly elsewhere.


Older Gold Coast builder learned he had cancer of the ear. Numerous operations. Cut his ear off in the end. But no use. It had got inside the ear. I think he died.


It had happened over the years, driving north to work every day as the sun was coming up (to his east). Sun's like a lazer up there, especially when it's virtually horizontal.


And then, driving home in the mid to late afternoon, the sun got him from the other side (west). Same ear and same lazer-like power. Must have hit his ear and travelled inside as well. Horrible.



The instance of non invasive (less fatal) skin cancers is much much higher too. Just walking around

the town so many people have chunks cut out, big cyst type growths on their faces etc - I've been here about 4 years and always use 30+ but when I see my friends of the same age in the UK I look older due to the sun damage. Getting out of the extreme sun is definitely a factor for us to leave - that with the boredom and expense of life here.

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Guest Mystery^Customer1974

I continue to be bemused at the comments surrounding expence here in Oz generally prices other than a couple of exceptions are NOT more expensive that the UK the reality is that if you buy designer stuff you pay more you buy branded stuff you pay more you buy stuff from the British section of the supermarket then REALITY CHECK it will cost more soooooooooo.......

Use markets more and the cost comes down considerably there is also the issue of everything being relative salaries are higher so items will seem more expensive and the fact that a huge amount is imported makes a difference too

How do you think the poor Aussies deal with everything being soooooo expensive??????? with hugely expensive V8 monster muscle cars???? they are not all miners living on HUGE salaries!


When we lived in the UK we barely had any spare cash we couldn't get onto the property ladder

we rented (albeit lovely properties) we now own our own home,

we couldn't afford a new car we now own one

we live a comfortable not lavish life here in WA

Its time to stop blaming cost and get to the real reasons for returning to the UK

Oh should I also point out we had no property to sell to fund our move and we came over with minimal money but my wife had a job to start here

YOU DON"T NEED A BUCKET FULL OF MONEY to live here!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So come on lets have some sensible reasons people or maybe even just an admission that maybe Aus just wasn't the place for you instead of blaming it being boring (laughable) dead, too costly etc, etc


Life is about adaptation to your surroundings

Everywhere is different and that is why people should make an allowance for national/international differences

Stoke is not Cairns

London is not Perth

Glasgow is not Brisbane if ppl want the same stay in the UK otherwise more research before taking the plunge

Is that not just the most amazing piece of logic?

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The instance of non invasive (less fatal) skin cancers is much much higher too. Just walking around

the town so many people have chunks cut out, big cyst type growths on their faces etc


This has to be the most surreal thing I have read on here in ages - reminds me of the film 28 Days Later..

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So come on lets have some sensible reasons people or maybe even just an admission that maybe Aus just wasn't the place for you instead of blaming it being boring (laughable) dead, too costly etc, etc


Some people find it boring and/or expensive and/or dead. So what? That's their feeling, their experience and you cannot deny them that.....can you:err:


Life is about adaptation to your surroundings

Everywhere is different and that is why people should make an allowance for national/international differences

Stoke is not Cairns

London is not Perth

Glasgow is not Brisbane if ppl want the same stay in the UK otherwise more research before taking the plunge

Is that not just the most amazing piece of logic?


I think I get where you're coming from with that logic:wink:

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Guest Mystery^Customer1974

I see where you are coming from harpodom and yes each individual has their own reasons and the right to them but it is getting rather common for returnees to blame the 'stock' same things when some reasons hold little or no water

Honesty is the best policy and earns respect and understanding as i mentioned 'just an admission that maybe Aus just wasn't the place for you' could be a more truthful reason for some I wish them all the best for their return to the UK or wherever they go to and I feel sad that it doesn't work out for all who come to this beautiful vibrant country ;)

Thanks Harpodom for allowing me to maybe get my point over a little better?

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I see where you are coming from harpodom and yes each individual has their own reasons and the right to them but it is getting rather common for returnees to blame the 'stock' same things when some reasons hold little or no water



Playing devil's advocate here, but what does it matter to you what people who've returned to the UK think or say about australia? If anything, it'll put the people who haven't done their research off, thus reducing the amount of wasted time and money for both these people and the immigration dept.

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Guest Mystery^Customer1974
Playing devil's advocate here, but what does it matter to you what people who've returned to the UK think or say about australia? If anything, it'll put the people who haven't done their research off, thus reducing the amount of wasted time and money for both these people and the immigration dept.


And your point is taken and on board and yes i agree with it

I just feel some people are on occassion not altogether honest on their reasons for the return and it saddens me thats all nothing more nothng less as I stated I have more respect for total honesty so maybe I take it a little personally which is probably one of my many failings so i'll leave it there.

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How do you think the poor Aussies deal with everything being soooooo expensive??????? with hugely expensive V8 monster muscle cars???? they are not all miners living on HUGE salaries!






.... on credit cards and loans I'd imagine.



I don't know if it is cheaper or more expensive or the same here than the UK, it really is irrelevant, but anybody who thinks that things, in general, have not become expensive over the years, have their head in the sand imho.

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more expensive here in oz fact!



and i see this thread once again being turned into an oz v uk fight. some came here a few yearsago with i bit o string and and 2 oaves and 5 fish and made a fortune etc etc, things are different now, hard earned uk cash does not go anywhere near as far, the cost of living is higher in oz, the choice of food is less, simple things. get back on post, and if people dont like oz for any reason, they have more than earned the right to say so in cash and heartbreak to earn the right to say so. and up sticks and move back again to where they are happiest

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