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Coming back- why so many??


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It's better here in OZ for us,but only because things are going well work wise and health wise!If any problems there arose we would be in deep shiit,unable to survive,as it is one seriously expensive place to live.Of course the same would apply to the UK in many respects,BUT the problems there are thoroughly depressing,it's like the Country is on it's knees,sold down the river by so called politicians(AKA Whankerz)who have besmirched the reputation of my great Country,giving in spinelessly to the politically correct doctrine.Lax immigration control and Law and order issues are two of the main reasons we came here.I honestly believe it will get a whole lot worse in the UK sadly.The biggest reason we came here was for our Kids future,and i still reckon we did the right thing.At least they are actually working now, and earning a bit more than a pittance,which was improbable in the UK.:yes:

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never make the godzoners see it,


amusing that a lot of those who wont have anything said aginst oz never lived here yet, bless em.


why not keep this site useful for those coming here or going home, aus is not better than uk and vice versa, its just different, get over it ffs


Seems like you're carrying on an age old issue, I haven't seen much of it lately.......until now.

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Guest Guest31881

What actually amazes me is the fact that someone opened up a two and a half year old thread and members are quoting and arguing with some posters who are no longer a member of the site and have not been for some considerable time.

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Guest Matthew88

I really dont understand if im honest. Just turn on the news in this country and you can see why people would want to get away from it all. That is my main reason anyway.. Ive basically lost my career due to goverment cuts and ive just had enoughof the doom and gloom. I just hope that i can get a better quality of life out there than i do. Dont get me wrong i have a great life in the UK. But there has to be more than this constant depressing outlook for this once amazing country!


Wish me luck eh!

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Seems like you're carrying on an age old issue, I haven't seen much of it lately.......until now.



entitled to your perspective, take a look at my posts, evens to each country, i dont like it when op has the words twisted or used against them as osme sort of failure, this site is immensely useful for those who want info or want to vent, i like to bring the original post back on track as i find constructive comments useful and educating and i can relate to those peeps too on both sides. people who get all high on digging out actual numbers etc to disprove another are rather irksome. i like both countries, never been to scotland tho, told its great, told its cold in winter, but cannot comment til i get to visit.

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Guest guest37336

Seeing as how this thread is yonks old and the debate seems to be going round in circles I will close it.


In the meantime, thanks for the comments peeps.:wink:

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