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Why am i reading so many "moving back to the UK posts??


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9 minutes ago, Ozzie said:

Ahhh the "point scorers" I referred to earlier. Yes, very off putting for new and regular members. Very easy to spot quickly tho.

But as you say easy to spot and only a couple. Most posters just have a clear preference and it is helpful for people making the move to read the pluses and minuses and decide how they apply to them. 

It would be somewhat naive to assume that everything is going to be rosy on the other side of the planet.

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On 01/12/2017 at 14:01, EmmaGiggles85 said:

Haha thank you! It is a childhood nickname that has stuck with me emoji23.png

Yes, i think what i have got from all of the posts is that only we can make the decision thats right for us, and if we do choose australia and find its not for us then its not the end of the world to move back. Nothing ventured nothing gained so to speak! I only hope we can have similar success to you and your family! Is it melbourne you reside? X

Makes me smile when I read it :-)

Absolutely. Your life to lead, what you choose will be right for you. I personally feel failure if I haven't tried something as opposed to doing something and then finding out it wasn't for me.

I hope and wish you success and enjoyment as the tens of thousands + others who took the chance and it worked out. For us the financial boost, spending more time outdoors, swimming etc etc and watching our child blossom has been so unbelievably amazing. Have met some lovely people already and are looking forward to a catch up with family we haven't seen for years for our first hot Christmas! We feel blessed and so grateful we made the move. I really hope, whatever you choose will bring even more giggles :-) x 

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Makes me smile when I read it :-)
Absolutely. Your life to lead, what you choose will be right for you. I personally feel failure if I haven't tried something as opposed to doing something and then finding out it wasn't for me.
I hope and wish you success and enjoyment as the tens of thousands + others who took the chance and it worked out. For us the financial boost, spending more time outdoors, swimming etc etc and watching our child blossom has been so unbelievably amazing. Have met some lovely people already and are looking forward to a catch up with family we haven't seen for years for our first hot Christmas! We feel blessed and so grateful we made the move. I really hope, whatever you choose will bring even more giggles :-) x 

Good positive post

There aren’t enough of them on here
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Getting back to the original post I think the reasons are twofold, there clearly is more people returning the UK AND because of the internet we are also hearing about it more. The reasons for returning are also many, for some it's family, for others it's work or familiarity or even boredom. When we first moved to Brisbane it was like moving to some sort of paradise, that took a couple of years to wear off and then it became just normal life and then it became almost boring. The humidity became draining, the cold badly insulated house became annoying, the rising cost of living was another drain and I grew to hate the traffic and low standard of driving. Having said this I really like Brisbane and in the unlikely event of ever going back I think it is where we would go. 

Having grown up in Australia I guess I see it differently to many on here, I have seen the changes and I don't like them, I don't like the direction the country has gone.

I still think that if anyone has the opportunity to go then they should as it is in many ways a lovely country and can offer some a very good life.

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But as you say easy to spot and only a couple. Most posters just have a clear preference and it is helpful for people making the move to read the pluses and minuses and decide how they apply to them. 
It would be somewhat naive to assume that everything is going to be rosy on the other side of the planet.

After all the replies this is what i have been able to do, see how some comments apply to us etc x
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Makes me smile when I read it :-)
Absolutely. Your life to lead, what you choose will be right for you. I personally feel failure if I haven't tried something as opposed to doing something and then finding out it wasn't for me.
I hope and wish you success and enjoyment as the tens of thousands + others who took the chance and it worked out. For us the financial boost, spending more time outdoors, swimming etc etc and watching our child blossom has been so unbelievably amazing. Have met some lovely people already and are looking forward to a catch up with family we haven't seen for years for our first hot Christmas! We feel blessed and so grateful we made the move. I really hope, whatever you choose will bring even more giggles :-) x 

This has made my day! Lovely post! Thank you so very much xx
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Getting back to the original post I think the reasons are twofold, there clearly is more people returning the UK AND because of the internet we are also hearing about it more. The reasons for returning are also many, for some it's family, for others it's work or familiarity or even boredom. When we first moved to Brisbane it was like moving to some sort of paradise, that took a couple of years to wear off and then it became just normal life and then it became almost boring. The humidity became draining, the cold badly insulated house became annoying, the rising cost of living was another drain and I grew to hate the traffic and low standard of driving. Having said this I really like Brisbane and in the unlikely event of ever going back I think it is where we would go. 
Having grown up in Australia I guess I see it differently to many on here, I have seen the changes and I don't like them, I don't like the direction the country has gone.
I still think that if anyone has the opportunity to go then they should as it is in many ways a lovely country and can offer some a very good life.

Thank you for this post x
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15 minutes ago, EmmaGiggles85 said:

This has made my day! Lovely post! Thank you so very much xx

You're more than welcome! :-) so many thousands have moved and are so very happy. As mentioned, we personally have a better lifestyle here than we had in the UK for so many reasons -  fingers crossed it continues for not only us, but for you and your family - plus the huge amount of those who have taken the step. We can only speak from our own experience of course but it is just so great out here! If you have any questions at all - please do get in touch on here or PM. Very happy to help if I can x 

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4 hours ago, bristolman said:

No worries at all, if you make it to Australia then just go with an open mind and don't set your sights too high.

Surely you don't mean, in other words, "Set you sights low" so you won't be disappointed?! If that is the case, then why bother coming in the first place?


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10 hours ago, Ozzie said:

You're more than welcome! :-) so many thousands have moved and are so very happy. As mentioned, we personally have a better lifestyle here than we had in the UK for so many reasons -  fingers crossed it continues for not only us, but for you and your family - plus the huge amount of those who have taken the step. We can only speak from our own experience of course but it is just so great out here! If you have any questions at all - please do get in touch on here or PM. Very happy to help if I can x 

Agree with you on this Ozzie, we have been here just over 11 years and have no regrets. I couldnt have asked for a better place to raise my children.

Cal x

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My experience of people returning to UK having lived here for almost 15 years.

In my age group 60+ sadly 3 or 4 couples have left, but they were all self funded retirees like us and sadly found fairly recently that their income was dwindling against the cost of living. Sadly 2 of those couples had invested locally with a financial advisor and lost almost all their money, so 1 couple has had return (against their will and hate it) to UK where they are entitled to help, the other desperately trying to afford to stay, It's been a dreadful time time for so many locals.

My 2 children's experience age group mid 30's to late 40's both with a wide circle of UK friends

Only 1 friend of my son's has returned to UK, very happy there but still misses the Sunshine Coast. Son is now in Brisbane.

Daughter in Sydney I can only think of 2, and 1 because his partner visa didn't last and he was really unhappy to leave.

Obviously only my experience but between us we know a lot of ex Brits living here, and there is no mass exodus.

No one country suits everyone, give it a fair try, and if it's not right for you for whatever reason go back, you gave it a go.

ps We love our life here and neither of our 2 children who followed us here have any intention of returning to UK, have made a happy and successful life here.

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You're more than welcome! :-) so many thousands have moved and are so very happy. As mentioned, we personally have a better lifestyle here than we had in the UK for so many reasons -  fingers crossed it continues for not only us, but for you and your family - plus the huge amount of those who have taken the step. We can only speak from our own experience of course but it is just so great out here! If you have any questions at all - please do get in touch on here or PM. Very happy to help if I can x 

Awww thank you so much! That is so kind of you! I will take you up on that at some point im sure x
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9 hours ago, ramot said:

My experience of people returning to UK having lived here for almost 15 years.

In my age group 60+ sadly 3 or 4 couples have left, but they were all self funded retirees like us and sadly found fairly recently that their income was dwindling against the cost of living. Sadly 2 of those couples had invested locally with a financial advisor and lost almost all their money, so 1 couple has had return (against their will and hate it) to UK where they are entitled to help, the other desperately trying to afford to stay, It's been a dreadful time time for so many locals.

My 2 children's experience age group mid 30's to late 40's both with a wide circle of UK friends

Only 1 friend of my son's has returned to UK, very happy there but still misses the Sunshine Coast. Son is now in Brisbane.

Daughter in Sydney I can only think of 2, and 1 because his partner visa didn't last and he was really unhappy to leave.

Obviously only my experience but between us we know a lot of ex Brits living here, and there is no mass exodus.

No one country suits everyone, give it a fair try, and if it's not right for you for whatever reason go back, you gave it a go.

ps We love our life here and neither of our 2 children who followed us here have any intention of returning to UK, have made a happy and successful life here.

To be fair I don't think anyone has even hinted at there being a mass exodus only that there are increasing numbers returning and as I said the reasons are many. Our kids have no interest in returning to Australia and regard this country as home. I loved my time in Australia and have a huge amount of great memories, it's just I don't like the changes that have taken place, how expensive it has become for example. That does not mean that someone cannot go and have a great life of course. 

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I still only know of one family that have gone back. This was due to being on the dreaded 457 visa and it all going wrong, therefore not their choice. I thought one other family were heading back to the UK but they went back for a holiday and changed their minds completely! We all have our views...

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I knew a family who moved back after being here 3 days. It was too hot. Seriously. Sold UK house, gave up jobs, took kids out of school, came here in January and went back complaining. Talk about research.

The only others I know are a family who moved to Tassie, a family who moved to Singapore and family who moved back to Scotland but are back here now.

It's not easy moving to another country. You never stop missing people, you never stop comparing, it's hard to feel settled. There's a lot about Australia I like but there's a big part of me that wishes I'd never bothered as I feel in constant limbo. That said, I've just spent 3 weeks in the UK where I am from and I'm not convinced I could move back, I didn't really enjoy it. That just makes it worse rather than better though.

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45 minutes ago, s713 said:

I knew a family who moved back after being here 3 days. It was too hot. Seriously. Sold UK house, gave up jobs, took kids out of school, came here in January and went back complaining. Talk about research.

The only others I know are a family who moved to Tassie, a family who moved to Singapore and family who moved back to Scotland but are back here now.

It's not easy moving to another country. You never stop missing people, you never stop comparing, it's hard to feel settled. There's a lot about Australia I like but there's a big part of me that wishes I'd never bothered as I feel in constant limbo. That said, I've just spent 3 weeks in the UK where I am from and I'm not convinced I could move back, I didn't really enjoy it. That just makes it worse rather than better though.

Three days! Did not even stay long enough to get over their jet lag! I guess it's a shock to the system when you travel from winter in UK to high summer in OZ, or the reverse for that matter. I got used to the winters in England when I went back to live there but going back at the end of November one year for a holiday was a shock, shivering at Heathrow in the grey gloom of a damp morning waiting for my parents to pick me up, but once I'd invested in some warm clothes - overcoat, gloves, hat, scarf - I was OK. By the time I came to the end of that holiday, in late January, the days were getting longer and the snowdrops were out.

I'm over that feeling of limbo because my parents have passed away and I no longer have a reason to go back. It's a week of anniversaries for me, 8th December 1978, I arrived in Sydney by bus from Adelaide, and Perth before that, and I think 11th December, 2008 was when I left England for the second time, so I've been back here nine years (and not been back to England since).

It's often hard when you have your family in another country. I was just thinking about the young guys i was in the pub with last night - all of them with parents elsewhere, one in Brisbane, Northern Ireland, England, Pakistan. Most of them are settled here although two of them are making plans to move to other countries.

There's another thing - young guys texting me to come out for a beer, not something I did when I was their age and guys my age now were basically parents. And in the local cafe at weekends, the two young sons of the owners come in, four and six, and they come running up to me "Hello David." I've been practising drawing faces with them. Their parents are from overseas but they will grow up as Aussies!

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On 9/30/2017 at 12:12, EmmaGiggles85 said:

but doubt has set in over such a huge decision and when i come on here, all i see at the moment are poms desperately trying to get back home. So obviously my niggling doubt of uprooting our three sons is setting in and taking note of these posts.

Emma. Just because other people cannot hack it or settle, does not mean you will have the same issues. Seems to me that most people go back because they are missing family. I don't miss my family at all, and have been extremely happy in Australia for 25 years now. You need to try things for yourself. Don't worry about what other people say.

On 9/30/2017 at 12:12, EmmaGiggles85 said:




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1 hour ago, FeralBeryl said:

Emma. Just because other people cannot hack it or settle, does not mean you will have the same issues. Seems to me that most people go back because they are missing family. I don't miss my family at all, and have been extremely happy in Australia for 25 years now. You need to try things for yourself. Don't worry about what other people say.


From reading posts for several years there seems to be many reasons why people return, my family for example is almost totally in Australia and i miss them. It usually has nothing to do with not be able to 'hack it'. 

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1 minute ago, bristolman said:

From reading posts for several years there seems to be many reasons why people return, my family for example is almost totally in Australia and i miss them. It usually has nothing to do with not be able to 'hack it'. 

Errr. Whatever. Of course there is many many reasons why people return. But from my own personal experience (after all, that is all I can talk from), people return because they miss their family and/or cannot hack it here. I apologise if you dislike the term 'hack it', but I use that term a lot.


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After many years on the forum, moved to Oz, moved back to the UK, I would agree missing family and friends is a common reason. Though I have never heard of anyone who couldn't "hack it". 

The other common reasons are that people find it is no better a life, just different. That the things gained such as hotter climate, don't outweigh the lost. Isolation is mentioned regularly. Career / jobs a fair bit - our reason for returning. Quality of life / life work balance also mentioned. 

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On ‎05‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 09:18, bristolman said:

To be fair I don't think anyone has even hinted at there being a mass exodus only that there are increasing numbers returning and as I said the reasons are many. Our kids have no interest in returning to Australia and regard this country as home. I loved my time in Australia and have a huge amount of great memories, it's just I don't like the changes that have taken place, how expensive it has become for example. That does not mean that someone cannot go and have a great life of course. 

my daughter was born in oz , and iam trying to take time out and visit .

she has had videos arrive from family in oz ....she isn't keen ?

honestly don't know why ...i could spend time in both places ...

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Just now, bunbury61 said:

my daughter was born in oz , and iam trying to take time out and visit .

she has had videos arrive from family in oz ....she isn't keen ?

honestly don't know why ...i could spend time in both places ...

sorry , iam trying to ger her , to take time out and visit

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