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Do Aussies hate Asian people?


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You'll get bigots and racists in every single country. Thankfully you'll also get many many others who celebrate diversity. I've spent quite a lot of time in Australia in different States over the years. Met people from all walks of life in my job, we have a very large extended family and my OH has a huge bunch of friends. I've never once heard anyone say they 'hate' Asians or come across the general public openly displaying this in my day to day life. But how can anyone know if 'Aussie's' hate Asians? We've not interviewed every 'Aussie' to ask their opinion! Heard a lot of people saying they hate bogans though.  Oh and Aussie drivers - especially Queenslanders (first hand experience) aggressive and impatience off the scale!

I've noticed many Asian people living in Brisbane, it is presumptuous to believe they live here happily however perhaps rising numbers show they do? Again, not interviewed everyone.. .or anyone! I personally love the diversity of all nationalities. 

My OH and I have the most wonderful Asian doctor. He's thorough, friendly, explains clearly, doesn't ever rush and (in about ten seconds) made a balloon animal for our child when she was hurt. She's changed her mind on going to the doctor now!

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I'll let the prominent neurosurgon (awarded the Order Of Australia) Dr Charles Teo answer this one:


Have things changed since then? It's very much alive (as evidenced by certain pollies fanning the fires of racial intolerance) although I'd like to think it's improving.... 

Good luck! 

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4 minutes ago, grizzly111 said:

I'll let the prominent neurosurgon (awarded the Order Of Australia) Dr Charles Teo answer this one:


Have things changed since then? It's very much alive (as evidenced by certain pollies fanning the fires of racial intolerance) although I'd like to think it's improving.... 

Good luck! 

He is right when he says Asians are just as racist as anyone.  I've witnessed Chinese people moving from seats on trains and buses when a black person sat beside them.  

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Hello Chase,

I’m an Aussie who loves Asians! I grew up having a fascination for Japanese culture, I used to love watching a comedy sitcom based in Singapore. One of my dad’s best friends was Vietnamese , his son married a Chinese girl, we went to their wedding. My favourite doctor is Chinese. I know a bit about Chinese culture as well :) 

My English husband is teaching himself Mandarin. 

I have always found Asian people to be very much about family, kind, giving and respectful. They have a lot of values I highly admire. Infact I hope when we move back to Sydney, I get to make some Asian friends. 

The fact you are willing to mix with non- Asians puts you on the right foot. You and your family we be fine!

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One of my colleagues is Indian.  He was talking about the India v Australia cricket series and saying how he hoped they would beat those arrogant cheats.  I agreed with him and said that everybody loved to beat the Aussies.  He replied "I am talking about India, I'm Australian now!"


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14 hours ago, Toots said:

He is right when he says Asians are just as racist as anyone.  I've witnessed Chinese people moving from seats on trains and buses when a black person sat beside them.  

A lot of Chinese people are still very naive, which is understandable given their isolated recent history til about 15 years ago and the sense of national superiority they've been indoctrinated with by their Governments.  I guess it would be akin to Britain in the 1950's when the Caribbean bus drivers suddenly appeared in our cities.

I work with a Chinese girl and some of the things she says are absolutely shocking, but it's meant without malice.

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15 hours ago, Toots said:

He is right when he says Asians are just as racist as anyone.  I've witnessed Chinese people moving from seats on trains and buses when a black person sat beside them.  

Unfortunately it occurs everywhere.  A friend of ours makes regular business trips to China.  He's a very presentable middle aged white Australian, well dressed, well groomed, not at  all overweight ....but he's had Chinese move from the seat next to him on internal airline flights in China.

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1 minute ago, Skani said:

Unfortunately it occurs everywhere.  A friend of ours makes regular business trips to China.  He's a very presentable middle aged white Australian, well dressed, well groomed, not at  all overweight ....but he's had Chinese move from the seat next to him on internal airline flights in China.

When we took our two sons on holiday to China years ago when they were both very blond haired, loads of Chinese people just reached out to touch them and in some smaller towns drew a crowd just staring at them.  Imagine if anybody did that here to foreigners.  Just a different culture.  

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1 hour ago, Toots said:

When we took our two sons on holiday to China years ago when they were both very blond haired, loads of Chinese people just reached out to touch them and in some smaller towns drew a crowd just staring at them.  Imagine if anybody did that here to foreigners.  Just a different culture.  

We had a similar experience when the kids were very young and just toddling. Both of them were very fair, blonde hair and blue eyed. We were visiting Mt Coot-tha botanical gardens and we must have been asked 20 times by Chinese and Japanese if they could have their photos taken with the boys. They were ever so gentle with them and all of them hugged the boys before thanking them. Some of them even looked over their shoulders with a wave and smile as they were moving on, almost as if they were departing family

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9 hours ago, Johndoe said:

We had a similar experience when the kids were very young and just toddling. Both of them were very fair, blonde hair and blue eyed. We were visiting Mt Coot-tha botanical gardens and we must have been asked 20 times by Chinese and Japanese if they could have their photos taken with the boys. They were ever so gentle with them and all of them hugged the boys before thanking them. Some of them even looked over their shoulders with a wave and smile as they were moving on, almost as if they were departing family

My brother is married to a Chinese lady and they had a son....he only came out with blonde hair.  When they were pushing him round in his stroller people were just stopping them on the street and pointing, and old ladies would walk straight up and grab the babies cheek and start prodding him.  My brother had to step in eventually to stop them doing it, it was meant well but they were getting worried about the baby catching something from all the touching*.

* The baby is now 7 and earning a packet doing photoshoots for Chinese kids clothes....


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On 08/03/2017 at 18:08, chaseyoung said:

But I know 90% people in Oz are white people. I'm a little terrified if we would get discrimination since we are Asian people.

Hello. Well yes there is a chance you will be discriminated against. Especially if you decided to move to an redneck outback isolated (Queensland) town. However, you should be fine in the cities. And if you moved to somewhere like Chatswood in NSW, you would fit right in. I go shopping in Chatswood and feel like I am the odd one out, as virtually everyone there is Asian and many of the shop signs are in Chinese. I am white and British and I have been discriminated against in Oz. It is just one of those things in life, that you need to learn to deal with.


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I doubt whether 90% of people in Australia are white.

In fact lots of Australians are Asian, Indian, Greek, Italian, British and everything else in between.

If you walk around the cities most people actually are not white.

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On 24/03/2018 at 23:53, Johndoe said:

We had a similar experience when the kids were very young and just toddling. Both of them were very fair, blonde hair and blue eyed. We were visiting Mt Coot-tha botanical gardens and we must have been asked 20 times by Chinese and Japanese if they could have their photos taken with the boys. They were ever so gentle with them and all of them hugged the boys before thanking them. Some of them even looked over their shoulders with a wave and smile as they were moving on, almost as if they were departing family

Our kids feature in quite a few southeast Asian holiday snaps.

The hostesses on a plane once took one of ours on a tour. He was gone for an hour. Even visited the pilots.

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On 24/03/2018 at 06:24, Toots said:

He is right when he says Asians are just as racist as anyone.  I've witnessed Chinese people moving from seats on trains and buses when a black person sat beside them.  

I'm always amazed when people assume racism is owned by whites.

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I did my final year project with two Malaysians, one Vietnamese and a Korean. No one could understand what the Korean was saying because of his heavy accent and I (Australian) had to translate. It felt odd. I did find that south east Asian people work very differently to us westerners. It was almost like they were a collective, and I had to fight to be included. They weren't deliberately shutting me out, but it was almost like they were telepathic the way they worked together. It wasn't even the language, as they always spoke English.

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50 minutes ago, starlight7 said:

I have to translate my husband's northern English accent for the Asian people who work in cafes etc.  They don't understand him at all and I can't get him to order anything because of it.

That reminds me of the time an Asian taxi driver asked me to repeat where I was going umpteen times because he couldn't understand my Scottish accent.  ?

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