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"Free movement of peoples" between the UK and Oz?


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Perhaps you long for moules and frites in Autumn.


Or do you just think that Britain has cr*p coffee and you like eating your dinner in the garden. I'm right with you there. Long live Australian culture.


Yes of course Britain is geographically part of Europe, the closeness of Europe was one of the only things I appreciated about it. But mentally and culturally it feels like a different world. Yes I do love moules and frites. I love sitting in pavement cafes, going to restaurants instead of pubs (without paying extortionate prices), the relatively low incidence of puff pastry and batter in food, the fact that it's cooked fresh and not a microwaved ready-meal, the cleanliness of the streetscape.

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Yes of course Britain is geographically part of Europe, the closeness of Europe was one of the only things I appreciated about it. But mentally and culturally it feels like a different world. Yes I do love moules and frites. I love sitting in pavement cafes, going to restaurants instead of pubs (without paying extortionate prices), the relatively low incidence of puff pastry and batter in food, the fact that it's cooked fresh and not a microwaved ready-meal, the cleanliness of the streetscape.


Let me explain. You can't appreciate a place being close to Europe when it is actually part of Europe. It's like me saying I love the way that Tasmania is close to Australia.

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...........Europe is framgented culturally, historically and geographically ........

...........Each country different to the next.....

.............and Britain being a part of Europe or not....

...........is merely a geographical point.....

..............as the cultures contained in Europe are as different to each other......as Britain is from them.....IMO...

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I just couldn't stand those pebally beaches which were impossible to walk on in bare feet.

Nothing compares to the beautiful sandy beaches you get here.



Which are so ****ing hot you can't walk on with bare feet and the sand gets up your crack?


I like beaches pebbled down to the water and then sand.

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Yes of course Britain is geographically part of Europe, the closeness of Europe was one of the only things I appreciated about it. But mentally and culturally it feels like a different world. Yes I do love moules and frites. I love sitting in pavement cafes, going to restaurants instead of pubs (without paying extortionate prices), the relatively low incidence of puff pastry and batter in food, the fact that it's cooked fresh and not a microwaved ready-meal, the cleanliness of the streetscape.



In like the way things sound posher when you say them in French?


Actually, I don't think they are that much different. It's an illusion.

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Yes of course Britain is geographically part of Europe, the closeness of Europe was one of the only things I appreciated about it. But mentally and culturally it feels like a different world. Yes I do love moules and frites. I love sitting in pavement cafes, going to restaurants instead of pubs (without paying extortionate prices), the relatively low incidence of puff pastry and batter in food, the fact that it's cooked fresh and not a microwaved ready-meal, the cleanliness of the streetscape.



In like the way things sound posher when you say them in French?


Actually, I don't think they are that much different. It's an illusion.

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I just couldn't stand those pebally beaches which were impossible to walk on in bare feet.

Nothing compares to the beautiful sandy beaches you get here.


But that's the thing it is not comparable. The English seaside is a great institution. One can promenade without walking on pebbles. I still enjoy going onto a pier. There is so much going on in many cases and often close to the town. Hence so much to do and an example of real Englishness. Rather unique in their own right. I have found equally sandy wave swept beaches in South Africa. Even France and Portugal. All very nice for what they are but lack the slight eccentricity often found at the English seaside.

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Yes of course Britain is geographically part of Europe, the closeness of Europe was one of the only things I appreciated about it. But mentally and culturally it feels like a different world. Yes I do love moules and frites. I love sitting in pavement cafes, going to restaurants instead of pubs (without paying extortionate prices), the relatively low incidence of puff pastry and batter in food, the fact that it's cooked fresh and not a microwaved ready-meal, the cleanliness of the streetscape.


But such mundane joys as found in Europe are so darn expensive in Australia. Of course in many European countries, charges vary according to seating/standing position. I was against this at one time, but can see the advantages to having options offered.

Although sitting at a pavement café can come at a price in Europe as well.

Moules and frites always first thing sampled on frequent visits to Belgium. Always with a good Belgian beer of course. Their national dish and the best.

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...........Europe is framgented culturally, historically and geographically ........

...........Each country different to the next.....

.............and Britain being a part of Europe or not....

...........is merely a geographical point.....

..............as the cultures contained in Europe are as different to each other......as Britain is from them.....IMO...



Exactly. Which is why it was a bit of a silly statement for the earlier poster to claim that they had an "almost entirely European lifestyle". Sauna anyone?

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..........but arnt many of us guilty of generalising......

.........a British lifestyle.....?

..........when the difference from the far north of Scotland to the edge of Cornwall is vast....

..........an australian lifestyle.........from the beach to the bush.....


..........it is one of regularly challenged claims on here....

..........when someone says I dislike the Australian/British lifestyle.....

..........a lifestyle that can vary from town to town let alone country to country....

..........we often just take our memories of where we have experienced......

..........the experiences we have had.....

...........lifestyle......as personal.....to us.....as each location.....IMO of course...

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I just couldn't stand those pebally beaches which were impossible to walk on in bare feet.

Nothing compares to the beautiful sandy beaches you get here.

There are a few beaches that are nice Parley. They're not all like Brighton. They get packed on a nice day though with parking a fortune, if you can find any.

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There are a few beaches that are nice Parley. They're not all like Brighton. They get packed on a nice day though with parking a fortune, if you can find any.


West Wittering is nice - but it is best to get there reasonably early. Parking was a fiver for the day if I remember. Lots of French there. Bournemouth of course. But as I say - I don't mind a few pebbles, or even better - a bit of grass.

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Well I'm off to have a nice cold Bavarian beer from Aldis...


Do they sell their extremely smooth bitter over there? Very very nice - tastes very much like Worthingtons. I'm drinking their Galahad premium larger - very Stella like.

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..........but arnt many of us guilty of generalising......

.........a British lifestyle.....?

..........when the difference from the far north of Scotland to the edge of Cornwall is vast....

..........an australian lifestyle.........from the beach to the bush.....


..........it is one of regularly challenged claims on here....

..........when someone says I dislike the Australian/British lifestyle.....

..........a lifestyle that can vary from town to town let alone country to country....

..........we often just take our memories of where we have experienced......

..........the experiences we have had.....

...........lifestyle......as personal.....to us.....as each location.....IMO of course...



Youre quite right we do all generalise, I certainly do. The reason I took issue with the claim that Europe is somehow separate from and better than the UK was that it was a criticism based on a bad experience, which took the the worst points of UK life and held them up as representative. Let's face it, there are b***y awful restaurants everywhere, food in Britain is not all smothered in puff pastry or batter, we don't have only pubs instead of restaurants, prices are not astronomical everywhere, and we do actually sit outside now and again.


Given that the pound has taken such an astronomical fall since the Brexit fiasco, at least we stand to make some money from increased tourism. The last thing the country needs is unnecessary criticism based on limited recent experience. I live in a tourist town in one of the most beautiful parts of the country and I hardly recognised the description offered. You can even get decent coffee here if you know where to look.


Ps. The cleanliness of the streetscape in the real Europe was also mentioned as an over-the-channel attraction. I'd recommend a walk round Brussels before reaching any conclusions on that:-)

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Youre quite right we do all generalise, I certainly do. The reason I took issue with the claim that Europe is somehow separate from and better than the UK was that it was a criticism based on a bad experience, which took the the worst points of UK life and held them up as representative. Let's face it, there are b***y awful restaurants everywhere, food in Britain is not all smothered in puff pastry or batter, we don't have only pubs instead of restaurants, prices are not astronomical everywhere, and we do actually sit outside now and again.


Given that the pound has taken such an astronomical fall since the Brexit fiasco, at least we stand to make some money from increased tourism. The last thing the country needs is unnecessary criticism based on limited recent experience. I live in a tourist town in one of the most beautiful parts of the country and I hardly recognised the description offered. You can even get decent coffee here if you know where to look.


Ps. The cleanliness of the streetscape in the real Europe was also mentioned as an over-the-channel attraction. I'd recommend a walk round Brussels before reaching any conclusions on that:-)




...........I do understand where your coming from.....

...........but TBF we all base our opinions on places based on our experience.....

...........just one bad restaurant,overcharged in one shop.....a miserable day.....

...........little perhaps one off things can colour our view of a whole town....even country in somes eyes....

.............just as the other way.....only good experiences can give an unrealistic view of a whole town/country....

..............it is frustrating when it's your home......and you've seen both sides....

...............know that there is so much more to the place.....

...............but that's human nature.......

...............we can only share the other side of the coin to try and balance a biased view....

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There are a few beaches that are nice Parley. They're not all like Brighton. They get packed on a nice day though with parking a fortune, if you can find any.


Nothing wrong with Brighton, if cast eyes beyond the scum floating on the water, close to beach, spotted last time at that beach some five years ago. Which I must admit put to rest thoughts of entering the water.Still plenty of alternative activities to do. A coach from Victoria Coach Station was then still good value on a Day Return.

Plenty of lovely English beaches I've been on from Cornwall to Norfolk.

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