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eu referendum update


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Well reading the papers this morning, the big players in the EU are going to nail our b*ll* to the floor, they have got too many in the wings wanting their own exit so they are going to make it as hard as they can in these negotiations, they are only going to agree what is written in the treaties.

I don't believe it, all because of a nincompoop who called himself a prime minister, didn't have the backbone to stand up to his own backbenchers and did what they always do tried to appease the bunch of lunatics.

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And they're still being overtaken by the migrants? You'd think if they were educated they would be able to hold their own.


A bit harsh, I know we are all a bit shocked by how easily this whole thing has been hijacked by a bunch of cynical populists more concerned with their careers than the country so a lot of people have been misled but they voted on the issue as it was presented to them.

The Sun is this morning congratulating voters for giving the moneyed classes and EU bureaucrats a bloody nose, you couldn't make it up if you tried, one man's vanity , power and ambition has reduced a country to a bunch of slavering Europhobes.

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A bit harsh, I know we are all a bit shocked by how easily this whole thing has been hijacked by a bunch of cynical populists more concerned with their careers than the country so a lot of people have been misled but they voted on the issue as it was presented to them.

The Sun is this morning congratulating voters for giving the moneyed classes and EU bureaucrats a bloody nose, you couldn't make it up if you tried, one man's vanity , power and ambition has reduced a country to a bunch of slavering Europhobes.


I knew someone would try to blame Rupert Murdoch for Britain's exit from the EU.


You haven't let me down.

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Well reading the papers this morning, the big players in the EU are going to nail our b*ll* to the floor, they have got too many in the wings wanting their own exit so they are going to make it as hard as they can in these negotiations, they are only going to agree what is written in the treaties.

I don't believe it, all because of a nincompoop who called himself a prime minister, didn't have the backbone to stand up to his own backbenchers and did what they always do tried to appease the bunch of lunatics.


Look, everyone was told that a vote for Leave was a vote for job losses, recession, spending cuts and higher taxes. The EU are simply going to try to get Britain what it voted for. We have to hope that it doesn't drag on for too long and that the optimists are right.

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Well reading the papers this morning, the big players in the EU are going to nail our b*ll* to the floor, they have got too many in the wings wanting their own exit so they are going to make it as hard as they can in these negotiations, they are only going to agree what is written in the treaties.

I wouldn't be surprised if they try to kick Britain out pretty much immediately. IMO we are beyond what treaties might or might not say.

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It really saddens me that those who were "standing up for democracy" in the Remain camp now cannot handle the fact that a democratic decision didn't go their way and want another referendum. WTF, that's totalitarianism and that was what the EU was/is about. So, for all those "I am ashamed to be British" hashtags flying around, I too am ashamed to be British when those who spruik democracy are those who now cannot stand the democratic outcome.


Neither side had the monopoly on truth in this process but if ever an elite so misread the will of the people who are walking in the bloody shoes, not just talking up a storm, this was it. Of course the EU commissars will make us pay, we have disrupted their smooth transition to a NWO (the sooner George Soros kicks the bucket, the better for everyone) but they will make it as hard as possible so we must hope that our leadership has the capacity to deal with their dirty tricks. Fighting each other isn't the way forward, better things can come when we are united!

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All British citizens can sign this petition if they want to it has now had the highest number of signatures ever in just one day.






Nah, they should just stamp their feet and scream until red in the face and can't get their breath.

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Too late now.

We should have a petition to ban referendums, they are too easily hijacked by cynical populist issues at the expense of proper informed debate.


I agree with you re referendums particularly the way the Nazi's used them. However I do not believe it is too late constitutionally referendums are only advisory and there is a parliamentary majority of MPs who are inclined to stay in Europe. That is not to say parliament should ignore the people but on constitutional issues of such importance some countries have rules that say there has to be a 60% + vote in favour of the change. The UK vote was won by leave with 17 million votes there is an electorate of 46 million that means that 29 million did not directly vote for Brexit. This is not a general election that can be re run in four or five years. All this petition is asking is for around 20 million votes so the will of the people is absolutely clear as on the current figures it is not. If 800,000 people moved from the leave to the remain vote and many have now said that they only voted leave as a protest and didn't realise the consequences the vote would have gone the other way.

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I had no idea that well over 17 million people read The Sun.

The Sun, The Times, The Express, The Daily Mail, The Telegraph, The Daily star, between them they have pretty well printed every bit of anti EU propaganda touted or spun by the leave campaign.

The Times has tried to have a bit of balance but once you're in Murdoch's stable sh*t just sticks I guess.

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It really saddens me that those who were "standing up for democracy" in the Remain camp now cannot handle the fact that a democratic decision didn't go their way and want another referendum. WTF, that's totalitarianism and that was what the EU was/is about. So, for all those "I am ashamed to be British" hashtags flying around, I too am ashamed to be British when those who spruik democracy are those who now cannot stand the democratic outcome.


Neither side had the monopoly on truth in this process but if ever an elite so misread the will of the people who are walking in the bloody shoes, not just talking up a storm, this was it. Of course the EU commissars will make us pay, we have disrupted their smooth transition to a NWO (the sooner George Soros kicks the bucket, the better for everyone) but they will make it as hard as possible so we must hope that our leadership has the capacity to deal with their dirty tricks. Fighting each other isn't the way forward, better things can come when we are united!

I'm glad you see it as a dirty trick if we get locked out of the common market, but that was what everyone was forecasting would be the inevitable consequence of voting out.

So the leave camp are not going to take responsibility for us suffering the due consequences of their actions, it's still the all the fault of those nasty EU people.

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I agree with you re referendums particularly the way the Nazi's used them. However I do not believe it is too late constitutionally referendums are only advisory and there is a parliamentary majority of MPs who are inclined to stay in Europe. That is not to say parliament should ignore the people but on constitutional issues of such importance some countries have rules that say there has to be a 60% + vote in favour of the change. The UK vote was won by leave with 17 million votes there is an electorate of 46 million that means that 29 million did not directly vote for Brexit. This is not a general election that can be re run in four or five years. All this petition is asking is for around 20 million signatures so the will of the people is absolutely clear as on the current figures it is not. If 800,000 people moved from the leave to the remain vote and many have now said that they only voted leave as a protest and didn't realise the consequences the vote would have gone the other way.

How can anyone be saying within a day that they did not understand the consequences, if that is the case then a petition to institute a IQ bar for voting is what we need.

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I'm glad you see it as a dirty trick if we get locked out of the common market, but that was what everyone was forecasting would be the inevitable consequence of voting out.

So the leave camp are not going to take responsibility for us suffering the due consequences of their actions, it's still the all the fault of those nasty EU people.


I thought it was all Murdoch's fault.


Make your mind up.

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I thought it was all Murdoch's fault.


Make your mind up.

How does my comment on this post connect with concerns about Murdoch.

But as we are looking at Murdoch's involvement , this is a man who reportedly said "when I visit London every door is opened for me and when I visit the EU I am ignored". I think that tells a lot about Murdoch's view of the world.

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The funny thing is there seem to be thousands of people who complain that everyone is influenced by Murdoch.


I have yet to hear anyone say they have ever been influenced by Murdoch to do anything.


Of all the people on here who voted for Leave I bet not one would say they did so because of Rupert Murdoch.


What it really is is tall poppy syndrome. You are just jealous of his success.

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And they're still being overtaken by the migrants? You'd think if they were educated they would be able to hold their own.



Why do you have to argue about every post, it's so sad, when all I did was make a comment about what the general local feeling was, and you make it personal.


No wonder that so few of us bother to post much.

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The funny thing is there seem to be thousands of people who complain that everyone is influenced by Murdoch.


I have yet to hear anyone say they have ever been influenced by Murdoch to do anything.


Of all the people on here who voted for Leave I bet not one would say they did so because of Rupert Murdoch.


What it really is is tall poppy syndrome. You are just jealous of his success.


That old trope, always accuse the left of envy and jealousy of those with more, I would imagine Murdoch's life to be hideous with the hunger for power and the paranoia that results, the need to be in control of the world around you and how destabilising it is when bits of the world refuse to be controlled, the need to show that your opinion is the only one that matters and the need to always be checking that it is and how the psychopathology cuts you off from having real feelings, the need to bolster your self image by owning everything around you,

I would guess that being Rupert Murdoch is no easy ride unless you have some or all of these attributes, would I want to be him , the money would be nice in order to be able to do something philanthropic with but the power seeking and influence seeking would drain every bit of humanity from you.

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Out of interest where is the money coming from? my lasting memory of our last visit last year was of how many men were just hanging about in groups. Don't think they were local, didn't have a lincolnshire accent.

I'm not istarting an arguement I was just telling it how locals feel, when they see there local community changing so much.

You are right though there are plenty of new shops.


Obviously it's not coming from the EU, and assuming it's not a swinging seat, it won't come from the major political parties. See the problem?

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There really should have had to be a resounding victory eg 70% wanted change. I don't think a 52/48% split is good enough to make such an enormous change in everyone's future.

I really hope the work shy amongst us are happy to pick fruit & veg and do cleaning jobs once all these immigrants 'go home '!

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There really should have had to be a resounding victory eg 70% wanted change. I don't think a 52/48% split is good enough to make such an enormous change in everyone's future.

I really hope the work shy amongst us are happy to pick fruit & veg and do cleaning jobs once all these immigrants 'go home '!

why would they go home?

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