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eu referendum update


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Because everyone should have a say and be forced to have a say.


Otherwise what always happens is the people who want change are the ones who go to the trouble of voting whereas the one's content tend not to bother.


This is one of the key advantages for the Leave campaign in Brexit too


They only force you to go to the polling station, no forced voting!

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If you don't like their ideas, that's one thing, but don't say there's no alternative. The alternative is clear and there's a potential road map laid out for it.


I wonder if you felt the countries in the Warsaw Pact should have remained because they didn't have a plan?



"We will need a carefully managed negotiation process and some major legislative changes before 2020, including taking real steps to limit immigration, to abolish VAT on fuel and tampons, and to end the situation where an international court can tell us who we can and cannot deport."



I wouldn't exactly call that a plan.


The Warsaw pact is a little different. If we were leaving the EU to become loosely entwined in the USA, economically I wouldn't have such an issue.

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There's a **** of a lot more at issue here than immigrants. I live in Toronto, possibly the most diverse city in the world. My wife is brown. I never mentioned "filth foreigners" How dare you!



Sadly, for the vast majority of people, I don't think there is.







It will make sod all difference, as Australian immigration shows


That means “pressing the case for continued access to skilled talent from both the EU and the rest of the world in order to boost the UK’s competitiveness”, and suggests the City will be lobbying for accommodating immigration rules in the event of Brexit.

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Remember that Leave say take back your Democratic rights and take back control. I have an issue with this as most governments in the UK win power with fewer than 50% of the electorate voting for them. The last election in 2015 was won by the Conservatives with only 66.4% of the electorate in total voting. The conservatives got 36.9% of the vote yet they formed government. At least Australia has compulsory voting and preference voting which is not perfect but it is better than the UK system. The house of lords is totally unelected.


Whilst I accept that this system may not be perfect (though no system would be really) I have a problem in accepting your argument on allotted percentages, If 66.4% of the eligible population voted for their party of choice then to me it can be said that the 33.6% that chose not to vote did not care as to which party got power therefor they must be considered that they were content with any party and as such their non-vote did actually count towards the winner, so in the last election the conservatives, it can be said, received 70.5% public support. Just remember that if any the non voters did not want the conservatives to win then they could have made that known............on voting day.

The system is not that bad, its the non voters which make it seem so.

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Besides, Scotland shouldn't leave the U.K, because nobody knows what would happen if they did, much better to play safe and stay in the U.K, wait a minute....that sounds familiar.


The Scots would be as mad as the English if they chose to remain in the UK following a Leave vote by the English. Leave would trigger a break up of the union for sure. The Welsh would be well advised to follow Scotland and leave England to sort out the Northern Ireland border problem and all the other issues.

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The Scots would be as mad as the English if they chose to remain in the UK following a Leave vote by the English. Leave would trigger a break up of the union for sure. The Welsh would be well advised to follow Scotland and leave England to sort out the Northern Ireland border problem and all the other issues.
And that would help them how?
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The Scots would be as mad as the English if they chose to remain in the UK following a Leave vote by the English. Leave would trigger a break up of the union for sure. The Welsh would be well advised to follow Scotland and leave England to sort out the Northern Ireland border problem and all the other issues.


On what grounds can you say this, we had a vote in wales and it was unanimously rejected to go it alone.

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Voting Leave will be like jumping from a plane with a parachute stitched together by Boris, Nigel & co which has been examined by experts and declared unfit for purpose with no reserve parachute. Boris will reassure you that despite an expected hard landing you will get faster treatment for the injuries sustained in the fall and you should be back on your feet in a few years better than new.


Vote Remain at least gives you a parachute from the accredited manufacturer and a reserve -just in case.

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