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any light at the end of the tunnel for you?

I love this one... a specialist once said to me "everything is going to be alright"..... it wasn't - so he said "is there a light at the end of your tunnel?" and I said " Always, it's another bl...y train comin'!!!

I wish I had a crystal ball, I promise faithfully, I will pass it around xx

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Turned out alright, and forecast is lovely tomorrow.
December to may was pretty much the same for me .....people stood outside the pub ,drinking at Xmas ,and then no temperature change through that period ....13 -18c all the way through.A few nice days ,not much of a spring ,then bang straight into summer ....bloody hell ....hot and storms I think,this summer
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And I love it ....... we were on the Sunshine Coast too, originally west of Brisbane before that because of land, horses etc. moved up there to semi-retire. Had an issue with our son and his mate who shared a property and mate and wife got hacked to death by brother, (police shot the brother). We came to Darwin to daughter as we had no other family on Sunshine Coast. People on this forum just "assume" we are numbshucks who don't try and better ourselves. I was wanting exactly the kind of view you have shared and didn't read it as negative at all. We had lots of fantastic friends, was in your situation they loved Oz etc. etc. then coming into our 80's they ran out of money and were all sent back to UK they had bought property, spent their money here but when it ran out.... we had two friends left, who eventually had to return, they holidayed with us last year and hoped to return alternate years but the cold weather this year caught up and probably not make it again. I feel you must move with the present - just want to hear people's stories, you all have one. We all have experienced fun, what if's, when's, that's life but never stop taking chances, however well calculated, we can always make mistakes, isn't that how we all learned in the first place?? Not assumed ones, take time to read properly and just think about whether you will offend, I know I do a lot of the time!!!!! Even got the T shirt xx

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Whaaaaaat.... couldn't be further from the truth, won't ask !!! Is it you that took London instead of New York then ?


Tip: if you hit "reply with quote" instead of just "reply", that will include the post you're replying to. I can't work out who you're talking to in this or your previous post.


I don't see anyone assuming you are a numshuck. It's obvious you've worked very hard and done the right thing by your family.


The only thing we've assumed - which turned out to be wrong - is that you had only lived in "redneck" parts of Australia, but that was because your description of Australia seemed to indicate you were unaware there are more civilised places in Oz. We can only go by what you write.

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Just Been Reading Depti72 .I thought it was Me Your So Right. Yeah I did go back,But As you know i let Little thing get me down.Looking Back I know Now What Happened. I was So Used with Australia,and how easy going it was.The NANNY State.Where as in England It's not easy.The Class Structure Hits you in the Face,And you get a Shock.At least I Did,I used to say all the Time.I'm not putting up with this ****. My life long friends used to always say,It'll take time,yo get use to it.They were right,but i was by then looking for any excuse to come back.What a Mug I was. We have decided to go back again.We live in a great place,and the people here are really nice people.But It's not home.I just can't settle here, i Don't belong,no matter how hard i try.There was never a truer saying.Home is where your heart is.And thats Geordie Land

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what on earth are you two waffling on about. johns on a moving back to the UK forum, of course there'll be an element of pro-UK in his posts. what do you expect? unless he's exposing some subconscious thoughts in your own heads about Australia..


I must be a hater too, yada yada


Actually, the forum is one for migrating to Aus, the MBTUK is just one subsection which was introduced to give support to those returning. Sadly, some people (on both sides) can't resist the "mine is bigger/better than yours mentality", but some of our membership, who are happy in Aus can be and have been very supportive of those returning to the UK.


ETA - there is a private MBTUK section which members can join (request access from admin).

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Just dropping by to post my take on this matter. Dept72 go back to England. I have had aged relatives/family in both countries and my feelings wee definately was that those in England were far happier in later life. The connection was better and more genuine. Australia from many takes can be a lonely country at any time but more pronouced in the age.


Add that to the costs of doing so much in Australia along with the distance to travel and so many other things, I personaly have for the most part considered England a better alternative.

Although unlikely to settle there myself in age as consider Europe more advantagous.


A lot will depend on family connections though. Without such in Australia it can be rather a trial ' managing' so called friendships and the back stabbing that comes with so many realtionships here.


All food for thought. If none of concern you then stay which ever side the coin lands after hedging a outcome.

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it can be rather a trial ' managing' so called friendships and the back stabbing that comes with so many realtionships here.




Those relationships of course could only be those which you have encountered or been told of? Perhaps it's your intent, to purvey in that sentence, the inference that it is a "universal" thing here in Oz? Or perhaps, that it can be avoided by returning back to "jollyo blighty" where back stabbing does not occur?


"Back stabbing" is not a national trait IMHO, it's a human trait and occurs wherever you "lay your hat". More so, (I would think) if you exude a negative vibe with regards to a country and people that have allowed you to share in their culture, even if that culture does include a bit of backstabbing aimed at whingers.

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It is not a case of which country is good, bad, best or worse. Everyone's experiences of emigrating to Oz are different and result from the interaction of so many factors both external (i.e. where you go, the jobs you get, the people you meet, the systems you deal with) and internal (i.e. personality, resilience, initiative, tolerance, your outlook, social interaction skills etc). But add to this the distance from homeland, the roots you have pulled up, the break away from family and friends and the yearning for familiarity and it is a very complex mix. Whatever the eventual outcome, the fact that people have tried must be a great learning experience and may lead to a better life in Oz or a re-evaluation and greater appreciation of the life left behind - positive whichever way. One of my philosophies in life is 'better to regret doing something than to regret not doing it', the other being 'happiness is wanting what you have'. I think Australia is the best place on earth to live - after the UK :)Kirra Beach 1.jpg

Kirra Beach 1.jpg

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It is not a case of which country is good, bad, best or worse. Everyone's experiences of emigrating to Oz are different and result from the interaction of so many factors both external (i.e. where you go, the jobs you get, the people you meet, the systems you deal with) and internal (i.e. personality, resilience, initiative, tolerance, your outlook, social interaction skills etc). But add to this the distance from homeland, the roots you have pulled up, the break away from family and friends and the yearning for familiarity and it is a very complex mix. Whatever the eventual outcome, the fact that people have tried must be a great learning experience and may lead to a better life in Oz or a re-evaluation and greater appreciation of the life left behind - positive whichever way. One of my philosophies in life is 'better to regret doing something than to regret not doing it', the other being 'happiness is wanting what you have'. I think Australia is the best place on earth to live - after the UK :)[ATTACH=CONFIG]33673[/ATTACH]


I wonder just how many countries you are comparing with, outside the two rather similar ones being Oz and UK.

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It was meant to be a bit tongue in cheek really. That said, we have travelled extensively around Europe and India. Love Spain as we have relatives there and have spent more time there than anywhere else apart from Oz but could not live there permanently. I still regard Australia and UK as my homes from home and have remained a thoroughly committed ping pong pom. I have to say that emigrating to Oz was one of the best things we ever did and by doing so it really made us appreciate how great it is in the UK. Love both countries :)

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What about when you Go to a bank like the HBSC and have too have to be interviewed by some little snoty kid.to find out what you want.Then Sit For An hour,with cap in hand Untill some Other Snoty Kid Asked you Silly Qestions Wether Of Not You have proof who you are,to add your name to your wifes bank account.And Then Get Refused As your Passport and Drivers Liecence is Not Proof Enough.You Need A Utility Bill. I can Tell You We Had 250,000 Pounds In the Account as My Wife Went to the UK 2 weeks before i did.I went to Lloyds and opened a account,With No Problem.Went Back to he HSBC and Told them We wanted to Close the Account And Wanted it All in Cash.What a Fuss they made of us,The Prick of A bank manager said there's no Problem, We can put your name on your wifes account.No Problem.You can immages what i said. Then Going To the Doctors. I was 5 minutes late to get a flue jab. They Refused To Give Me One,As i Had Missed My Appointment Time,And Had To Make Another Appointment A week Later. The Urgery Was Empty But the Bitch of A nurse Still refused to Give me The Flue Jab.That Was Just Two Of Many Instances.The Water Charges they wanted to charge me were ridiculous.If you don't get wise to them.They try to charge u by the post code.The Biggest Rip off ever,Then British Gas,They don't even bother to read metres.The Biggest Upset to me at the Time Was Applying for A free TV licence.It's a criminal offence not to have one,And they were going to arrest me. Until I proved i Had Sent Them My Insurance Number And a photoCopy Of My Passport. It's not Funny mate It's some little stuck up pilics that think they are better,And need to be Brought Down to Earth.

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What about when you Go to a bank like the HBSC and have too have to be interviewed by some little snoty kid.to find out what you want.Then Sit For An hour,with cap in hand Untill some Other Snoty Kid Asked you Silly Qestions Wether Of Not You have proof who you are,to add your name to your wifes bank account.And Then Get Refused As your Passport and Drivers Liecence is Not Proof Enough.You Need A Utility Bill. I can Tell You We Had 250,000 Pounds In the Account as My Wife Went to the UK 2 weeks before i did.I went to Lloyds and opened a account,With No Problem.Went Back to he HSBC and Told them We wanted to Close the Account And Wanted it All in Cash.What a Fuss they made of us,The Prick of A bank manager said there's no Problem, We can put your name on your wifes account.No Problem.You can immages what i said. Then Going To the Doctors. I was 5 minutes late to get a flue jab. They Refused To Give Me One,As i Had Missed My Appointment Time,And Had To Make Another Appointment A week Later. The Urgery Was Empty But the Bitch of A nurse Still refused to Give me The Flue Jab.That Was Just Two Of Many Instances.The Water Charges they wanted to charge me were ridiculous.If you don't get wise to them.They try to charge u by the post code.The Biggest Rip off ever,Then British Gas,They don't even bother to read metres.The Biggest Upset to me at the Time Was Applying for A free TV licence.It's a criminal offence not to have one,And they were going to arrest me. Until I proved i Had Sent Them My Insurance Number And a photoCopy Of My Passport. It's not Funny mate It's some little stuck up pilics that think they are better,And need to be Brought Down to Earth.


I'm confused, I thought you were on your downer about Australia phase at the moment, I can't keep up with you.

My wife opened an HSBC account years ago when over here, when we arrived permanently 4 years ago we went into our local branch to add me to the account, it took maybe 15 minutes and was very easy.

We get both gas and electricity meters read.

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I'm confused, I thought you were on your downer about Australia phase at the moment, I can't keep up with you.

My wife opened an HSBC account years ago when over here, when we arrived permanently 4 years ago we went into our local branch to add me to the account, it took maybe 15 minutes and was very easy.

We get both gas and electricity meters read.


To be fair it has been made a lot more difficult recently and not just for people opening accounts, my dad has neither a driving licence nor a passport and therefore was unable to make a CHAPS payment even though he was in the branch, had his identified verified by PIN, had an expired photo driving licence, a bus pass with his photo and various proof of address documents - cue a lot of screeching from me as a delay was going to cost him several £100.


It was only because my work means that I have detailed knowledge of money laundering legislation that I was able to beat them into admitting this was bank policy not a legal requirement - it is a lazy implementation of the money laundering legislation. I threatened legal action under the Equality Act (age and/or disability discrimination) and I think they just decided I was too much trouble to argue with that they agreed to put it through on his expired driving licence :)


I posted recently that migrants from the UK should keep a bank account/credit card in the UK and not a single person commented or replied - what can I say? I tried to help! I guess no-one on the cusp of their big adventure wants to think there is a possibility they will return but it's about half these days I believe.

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I posted recently that migrants from the UK should keep a bank account/credit card in the UK and not a single person commented or replied - what can I say? I tried to help! I guess no-one on the cusp of their big adventure wants to think there is a possibility they will return but it's about half these days I believe.


Yes I think that is the crux of the matter, so many leave with the idea that life will be so good there really is no possibility of returning. We know someone in particular that burnt every bridge possible and the return wasn't pretty.

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To be fair it has been made a lot more difficult recently and not just for people opening accounts, my dad has neither a driving licence nor a passport and therefore was unable to make a CHAPS payment even though he was in the branch, had his identified verified by PIN, had an expired photo driving licence, a bus pass with his photo and various proof of address documents - cue a lot of screeching from me as a delay was going to cost him several £100.


It was only because my work means that I have detailed knowledge of money laundering legislation that I was able to beat them into admitting this was bank policy not a legal requirement - it is a lazy implementation of the money laundering legislation. I threatened legal action under the Equality Act (age and/or disability discrimination) and I think they just decided I was too much trouble to argue with that they agreed to put it through on his expired driving licence :)


I posted recently that migrants from the UK should keep a bank account/credit card in the UK and not a single person commented or replied - what can I say? I tried to help! I guess no-one on the cusp of their big adventure wants to think there is a possibility they will return but it's about half these days I believe.


That could just mean that it was fully understood and didn't warrant a comment. It is certainly sound advice even if you never return to the UK as things can crop up months or years later. The only issue would be to make sure you hold sufficient balance in the account if you can as many banks threaten to close accounts with small amounts and no regular deposits. Check T&Cs.

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That could just mean that it was fully understood and didn't warrant a comment. It is certainly sound advice even if you never return to the UK as things can crop up months or years later. The only issue would be to make sure you hold sufficient balance in the account if you can as many banks threaten to close accounts with small amounts and no regular deposits. Check T&Cs.


A like would have been nice :) I shouldn't have been bothered but when you make an effort to post with the genuine intention to help it would be nice for someone to say thanks :)


I used my accounts so money was going in and out but you're right banks will make accounts 'dormant' - I've had zero balance in my Westpac account for a couple of years now so it will be interesting to see what happens.

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