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Oz Tradie Makes Good


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I would like to know the full story. You would think that if he is clever enough to make that wealth if it was from doing something dodgy, would he then be stupid enough to just put it in the bank?

It won't be his. Will be laundering it through his account for his druggie mates.

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With a cash balance of $596 million and a property portfolio of $1.56 billion it just shows that Oz is still the land of opportunity for hard-working tradies.



Shows a land where rip off merchants, con artists and darn right criminals can apparently prosper.

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I would like to know the full story. You would think that if he is clever enough to make that wealth if it was from doing something dodgy, would he then be stupid enough to just put it in the bank?


He had an apparent property portfolio of some significance . He may well have more concealed away from preying eyes. The amount of cash would draw attention though. Probably not as clever as some like to ascertain. Having sheds loads does not in any way gauge intelligence.

Just prioties perhaps.

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We shouldn't rush to judgement too soon. Look at mega-rich David Walsh who built and finances MONA - everyone thought he must be dodgy. Turns out he is a legit eccentric aspergers maths wiz turned genius gambler. When he gets a bit short on lolly he just goes out and wins a lazy $16 million like he did on the Melbourne Cup. Just saying, there could be a perfectly innocent explanation for this tradies good fortune.

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We shouldn't rush to judgement too soon. Look at mega-rich David Walsh who built and finances MONA - everyone thought he must be dodgy. Turns out he is a legit eccentric aspergers maths wiz turned genius gambler. When he gets a bit short on lolly he just goes out and wins a lazy $16 million like he did on the Melbourne Cup. Just saying, there could be a perfectly innocent explanation for this tradies good fortune.


If you believe that I have a bridge I can sell you.

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We shouldn't rush to judgement too soon. Look at mega-rich David Walsh who built and finances MONA - everyone thought he must be dodgy.


The difference is that David Walsh has been accumulating his money for 30+ - probably closer to 40 - years....and it was well known (to those who were interested) how he was doing it. That's very different from magically "appearing" in the possession of a tradie over a 1 year period.

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If you believe that I have a bridge I can sell you.

I'm starting to believe he is legit. At his bail hearing he said: "How would I make billions in drugs without being caught? My investments, my ideas in cars, apps, trade, I sold them overseas, have been for years." We should all be ashamed of ourselves for having such suspicious minds.

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I'm starting to believe he is legit. At his bail hearing he said: "How would I make billions in drugs without being caught? My investments, my ideas in cars, apps, trade, I sold them overseas, have been for years." We should all be ashamed of ourselves for having such suspicious minds.


Sorry but I'm still very suspicious. The ATO will be investigating him after all this news coverage.

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I'm starting to believe he is legit. At his bail hearing he said: "How would I make billions in drugs without being caught? My investments, my ideas in cars, apps, trade, I sold them overseas, have been for years."


But this contradicts the original story ".....his significant net wealth, which he'd apparently only come into in the past 12 months."

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I'm starting to believe he is legit. At his bail hearing he said: "How would I make billions in drugs without being caught? My investments, my ideas in cars, apps, trade, I sold them overseas, have been for years." We should all be ashamed of ourselves for having such suspicious minds.


He will then be able to account then for his earnings through normal channels. Hardly something to be ashamed of questioning such accumulation of wealth being well beyond the regular Joe, even with investment know how.

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If he has earned it legit via the above mentioned ways (cars, apps, etc) his banking history should show a progression and his balance growing over time. Which if the case, isnt an issue IMO and kudos to him,, but at the end of the day we only know what the media are saying and we all know that's not always factually correct,lol.


Cal x

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I know one thing for certain he has not made the money being a carpenter or bricklayer as its making him out to be.

Good luck to him if it's a legitimate income but if not he deserves the full wait of the law to be applied.


I remember a very well known builder from north wales being caught out when he submitted his tax return a declared income of around 50k , but with a house valued at over 2 million, Bentley cars ,boats and a very lavish life style but could not account for where money had come from ,currently on holiday at her majasty pleasure with all assets and cash sezied for drug dealing ,turns out police had him under surveillance for sometime.

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