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Employment issues - Currently

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I am just wondering if I am not alone on this topic of conversation, I have now been unemployed for nearly 5 months and it does start to nag at my heels now, potentially I have applied for well over 200 roles, of which the majority of them I have not even had reply's ? how does that work, I have been here 9 years (too many) and yes I am heading off, I have essentially been very lucky for the time I have spent here, with one year's unemployment (tragedy) and because of this it naturally had a major impact on my life...I won't go into too much detail, and now I find myself getting prepared to head back to London and do what I used to for employment, with my new set of skills x 4 years and a business which I take back with me, so not all has been lost, but it would be interesting to hear of anyone else with similar experiences on the job market, I have worked for a named Oil company and Government, and with a degree (I know that's not the be all and end all) but it has opened some doors in the process, is it me or are things in Perth becoming a nightmare ? is it me or is Perth Super Expensive? The street I live in currently I used to find it really difficult to find a parking spot, well yesterday, the whole street was completely empty of any Vehicles (american sounding) as i like that, and then I drove at 5.00 pm down my local street and it seemed as though it was a Ghost Town, I was really surprised, perhaps i have been applying for too many jobs, stuck at my computer all day long and managing to just get out of the house as I just have to, thank God I train each and every day without fail, as this helps me to gain my confidences and helps me to cope with this style of living if you can call it that, I have never been in this position in my life as bad as this, I have experienced 3 recessions back in the UK and was able to manage then and am able to manage by the skin of my chinny chin chin currently, and with all the people I am speaking with they all seem to be heading back to the UK or other countries as they too are finding things totally difficult here (Perth, WA)

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Good luck with the next step in your life adventure! It certainly seems like UK is on the up and I don't know anyone who wants work that can't find it at the moment. As long as you've got your citizenship you're not burning any bridges just going with the best option of the moment. We do hear that Perth in particular is struggling though!

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Your not alone.


I leave on saturday day due to not being able to get work for 19 months. Have a job to start as soon as I arrive.




Wow I think you are more patient than myself, I am going a little stir crazy with this unemployment thing, rejection after rejection, and i am a hair's whisker from packing it all in so to speak (flying back soon I think) am just in the process of selling my car and parting with my pups (not looking forward to the latter) thanks for your feedback though, can i ask what line of work you are in as i work in IT.

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am just in the process of selling my car and parting with my pups (not looking forward to the latter) .


Funny after being in Oz for 47 years the only thing I'm going to miss is my Dog. Not that I haven't enjoyed my time, but my only family is over there now.

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Funny after being in Oz for 47 years the only thing I'm going to miss is my Dog. Not that I haven't enjoyed my time, but my only family is over there now.

Please Oz Hog don't think you won't miss Australia because you will even if you settle and are quite happy when you get back to the UK

Your family have lives of their own hopefully you will slot in with them ,we have been back row years and have only seen my brother in law once in those two years He does live a couple of hours drive away mind

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Wow I think you are more patient than myself, I am going a little stir crazy with this unemployment thing, rejection after rejection, and i am a hair's whisker from packing it all in so to speak (flying back soon I think) am just in the process of selling my car and parting with my pups (not looking forward to the latter) thanks for your feedback though, can i ask what line of work you are in as i work in IT.

are you not in a position to take your pups with you or have you found good homes for them

we left our girl in Adelaide with our granddaughter as we thought it best for her being a very timid dog But now we are going back to Adelaide and taking our 2 year old dog with us It's like leaving a family member behind but as long as you know they will be lived and cared for

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Financially it has been a total nightmare for me personally, as I lost my home ect and a few other things in the process, and all I've done here in Perth is struggle struggle and struggle, and wished I had just stayed in London as my career would have just progressed (in the right direction) but I have made my choices now and have to live with it. I have been very fortunate to have found a great family who are complete dog lovers, as there's recently passed away and they have also had the same breed as my two, it's not going to be easy giving them away, but as my situation is so dire it's the only 'best option' for my two, and have explained to the new owners if there is an issue at any point to let me know right away, as I do have some contacts here that will help should that be the case, and when I get myself back on track in London, and work on my business, hope fully I will start to make a life again...

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Sorry to hear of everyone's problems with employment, we have been back a little over 2 years, had not realised that the situation had spiralled downwards so dramatically, is it general or is it particular to W Aus and mining, we had toyed with the idea of returning if the UK leaves the EU, but it sounds like that may be a no no now.

Hope that things work out for people returning, only thing I would flag up is cost of housing and how much work is now concentrated in SE and how far people are commuting long distances for work, was returning from Cambridge last night, Sunday,and was surprised at how much traffic was going in other direction towards midlands and can only assume lot of weekly commuters were returning after weekend.

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Sorry to hear of everyone's problems with employment, we have been back a little over 2 years, had not realised that the situation had spiralled downwards so dramatically, is it general or is it particular to W Aus and mining, we had toyed with the idea of returning if the UK leaves the EU, but it sounds like that may be a no no now.

Hope that things work out for people returning, only thing I would flag up is cost of housing and how much work is now concentrated in SE and how far people are commuting long distances for work, was returning from Cambridge last night, Sunday,and was surprised at how much traffic was going in other direction towards midlands and can only assume lot of weekly commuters were returning after weekend.

I wouldnt be basing my decision on a few people on a forum!
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Wow I think you are more patient than myself, I am going a little stir crazy with this unemployment thing, rejection after rejection, and i am a hair's whisker from packing it all in so to speak (flying back soon I think) am just in the process of selling my car and parting with my pups (not looking forward to the latter) thanks for your feedback though, can i ask what line of work you are in as i work in IT.


I'm sorry to hear about your struggle to find work in Perth. I noticed that you said you work within the IT industry, what area do you specialize in? The reason that I ask is that my wife, 2 small children and I plan to make the move to Perth later on in the year and I am worried we will not find work. I work in IT as a Network Engineer (Cisco technologies mainly) and taking advice of others on these forums I look at Seek Australia weekly. My job searches only return around 70 jobs in Perth and surrounding areas. We really want to make the move but we do worry about possibly making a terrible decision. My wife and I do not struggle in the UK, we have a combined annual income of £160K. I am hoping that more job opportunities materialize in WA during the year.


Good luck with your move back home:wink:

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I'm sorry to hear about your struggle to find work in Perth. I noticed that you said you work within the IT industry, what area do you specialize in? The reason that I ask is that my wife, 2 small children and I plan to make the move to Perth later on in the year and I am worried we will not find work. I work in IT as a Network Engineer (Cisco technologies mainly) and taking advice of others on these forums I look at Seek Australia weekly. My job searches only return around 70 jobs in Perth and surrounding areas. We really want to make the move but we do worry about possibly making a terrible decision. My wife and I do not struggle in the UK, we have a combined annual income of £160K. I am hoping that more job opportunities materialize in WA during the year.


Good luck with your move back home:wink:


The question I would ask is are you looking for a similar income in Australia to what you earn in the UK? If so, I would encourage more specific research.

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Wow I think you are more patient than myself, I am going a little stir crazy with this unemployment thing, rejection after rejection, and i am a hair's whisker from packing it all in so to speak (flying back soon I think) am just in the process of selling my car and parting with my pups (not looking forward to the latter) thanks for your feedback though, can i ask what line of work you are in as i work in IT.


I am a geologist. So mining industry. But, I am seeing the mining downturn hitting across WA now. A number of my neighbours who have nothing to do with mining are unemployed.

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Hi there,


Well you sound like things are going really well in the UK currently for you both, umm seriously I would just be very very careful about the move, as this is a massive decision for you both, and if you don't have a job lined up so to speak, that is playing Russian roulette by taking a chance, nothing wrong with taking chances , that's why I'm here, However, if you already have jobs between you and your about to come half way across the world to 'Chance it' umm not sure I'd be wanting to risk it 'Personally'


I would try and look online via seek before even thinking about coming over here to Perth, I have just been very lucky for the past 8 years to find employment (IT Field Support) / service desk, so we are at a different level, ie you are a lot higher, but I would hate for you to travel such a distance and then realise this just ain't gonna work out, too risky buddy. I 'm about to let my two pups go, and that is no easy decision for me (man's best friend n' all)


For me to do that, things must be pretty serious really, I have hung on in there (here) for the past five months and plenty of Interviews but nothing else, also the job applications 90 percent which is very high in my estimation 'Dont reply' to you, so I am just putting my thoughts out there, If I were in your shoes, there is No Way I would even consider this option, I would stay put 'Big Time' if your are very wealthy then that's a different story.


The Risk here is too large a risk, for me to return to the UK is also a massive decision - one I do not take lightly, as it means I will have to go live with my parents, (not a great idea) but things are desperate here in Perth, WA. not only for me but for Engineers and the like ect.


I follow the markets, ie the Housing Market, the Rental Markets, and the GDP on a regular basis, here and in London, and with the rental market having more properties for Rent currently in 15 years, this is usually indicative of things not looking good, I am painting a Realistic Approach, not a negative one, and if a member of my family or a very close friend said they were coming over, I would Strongly advise not to. Unemployment is at 6% currently, when it reaches 8% this is when things are at their worst, and it is heading in this direction in my view.


My background is the City of London, as I used to work for the big boys, 1,2 and 3, and I am better suited in this area, but this is not IT at all, it is Documentation Work for Investment banks, I was much more secure working there, and will be going back to gain employment again, I have now two careers to bring back with me and a 'Business' (website) which I intend to proceed with once I am back in the UK, I do not plan on living in London, I will move to the country as this suits me better...


Please feel free to ask any other questions, excuse my directness and I'm diplomatic . I would like to add one more thing, I have never in my entire life struggled as much in any country that I have lived in historically speaking, and I will Not be returning to Australia under any circumstances (I sound bitter don't I) sorry about that. There is not much to do in Perth if I am being direct, but it is a good place for a family for sure. (with a secure job of course)


Food for thought: there are currently the highest volumes of Australians moving to New Zealand than ever before


Hindsight (If I could go back in Time) I would never of taken this chance to come over here, If I knew what I know now if that makes sense. But life is also for living and taking some Strategic risks (excuse the mini thesis)


Also, I would check your qualifications as in Australia they may request you to study further to match their criteria, this happens a lot, with Electricians, Lawyers, and others. Essentially, your qualifications my not have the same power as in the UK...(not sure how that works) ?


Here are some positives which I have been thinking about


1. Country Side

2. Quality of Food

3. Europe (on your doorstep)

4. History / Culture

5. Transport

6. So much to do in the UK / museums / places of Interest / Castles ect ect ect

7. Costs of Quality Cars

ect ect ect


I am currently researching Cars, and oh what a joy it is to see those lovely Vehicle's at such amazing prices, are you kidding me they are phenomenally cheaper in the UK

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I'm sorry to hear about your struggle to find work in Perth. I noticed that you said you work within the IT industry, what area do you specialize in? The reason that I ask is that my wife, 2 small children and I plan to make the move to Perth later on in the year and I am worried we will not find work. I work in IT as a Network Engineer (Cisco technologies mainly) and taking advice of others on these forums I look at Seek Australia weekly. My job searches only return around 70 jobs in Perth and surrounding areas. We really want to make the move but we do worry about possibly making a terrible decision. My wife and I do not struggle in the UK, we have a combined annual income of £160K. I am hoping that more job opportunities materialize in WA during the year.


Good luck with your move back home:wink:


If you're on that money in the UK I would be very wary about risking all on a move to WA at this time


I don't know Perth, but I do know the commodities industry and commodity prices all round are on the floor. This has to affect quite seriously the economy of states that have a high dependence on resource industries

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I work in IT as a Network Engineer (Cisco technologies mainly) and taking advice of others on these forums I look at Seek Australia weekly. My job searches only return around 70 jobs in Perth and surrounding areas. We really want to make the move but we do worry about possibly making a terrible decision. My wife and I do not struggle in the UK, we have a combined annual income of £160K. I am hoping that more job opportunities materialize in WA during the year.


Good luck with your move back home:wink:


If I were you, I'd be staying put!

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If I were you, I'd be staying put!


So would I.


I have to say that Australia has been very good to us as a family but I wouldn't be rushing to migrate the way things are now - not if you already have a comfortable life in the UK. Australia has changed hugely over the years since we migrated.

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It isn't you. The rental market in Perth is a very good indicator that a lot of people have left town. I'm working at the moment but I'm off when this job comes to an end or I've had enough ( $7 for a midi of beer being a small part of it). As the locals say "I'm totally over it"




Have you been here very long, in my case I have been here 9 years and it's only been the last 4/5 months of totally no work at all, with 250 applications...in the process..

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Put the Block of land we purchased to build the Aussie dream on, it is for sale as of yesterday

Out of work for 8 months, applied for every suitable job that has come up in that time, one interview which feedback was that it went very well not job offer.

Continuing to look for work but also planning move back to UK at the same time after 7 years, with citizenship.

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